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U.S. Department of Energy Wind and Hydropower Technologies - http://www.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/
Information on the DOE wind and hydro energy program, wind power projects, wind turbine technology and research, and wind energy basics.
National Wind Technology Center - http://www.nrel.gov/wind/
Studies methods of improving wind turbine technology to make energy from the wind competitive with conventional energy sources. Part of NREL.
Sandia National Laboratory-Wind Energy Technology - http://www.sandia.gov/wind/
Sandia National Laboratory employs a multifaceted approach to the development of economical wind systems for power generation.
Wind Powering America - http://www.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/windpoweringamerica/
Information on the initiative to increase the use of wind energy in the United States.
Wind power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org
Wind power history, mechanics, energy management and economics
WindPower Monthly Magazine - http://www.windpower-monthly.com
The world's leading independent Wind Energy magazine. Hot topics from every issue, 5 years of issues in searchable archives.
Wind Resource Atlas of the United States - http://rredc.nrel.gov/wind/pubs/atlas/
Inventory of U.S. wind energy potential.
EIA: Wind - http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/solar.renewables/page/wind/wind.html
Technical information and data on the wind energy industry from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
NRG Systems, Inc. - http://www.nrgsystems.com
Manufacturer of wind energy assessment equipment (sensors, loggers, towers). Used worldwide, NRG products are among the standards for the international wind energy industry.
The Windfarms Debate - http://www.cat.org.uk/information/windeb1a.tmpl
The case for and against, from Centre for Alternative Technology (Wales, UK)
Horns Rev Windfarm - http://www.hornsrev.dk
Details about the world's largest windfarm to be built in Denmark in 2002. Project information, news and links. In Danish and English.
Concerted Action on Offshore Wind Energy in Europe - http://www.offshorewindenergy.org
Introduction of CA-OWEE, reports, site search facility and link for contact. There is a separate password protected area for members, not available to general public.
Colorado Wind Power - http://www.cogreenpower.org
Sign up online for wind-generated electricity from participating Colorado electric suppliers. Includes an interactive environmental benefits calculator, wind power photos, and info on wind technology.
Nysted Offshore Wind Farm - http://www.nystedwindfarm.com
Offshore wind turbine farm. Includes construction insights, reports, power generation and project data. [English, Danish, German]
Nai Kun Windfarm - http://www.naikun.ca
Wind power project proposed for the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Includes project data and technical information.
Off Shore Wind Farms, UK - http://www.offshorewindfarms.co.uk/
Information on the wind energy industry in the UK, with news, views, and photos. Includes details of projects around the UK.
Wind Energy: Technology and Planning - http://www.world-wind-energy.info
Wind energy education material with photos, videos and comprehensive texts. Addresses technology, planning, operation, maintenance and grid integration.
The Wind Power - http://www.thewindpower.net
Resource dedicated to wind turbines and windfarms in the world. Includes pictures galleries, technical data and videos. [English, French]
NASA: Wind Energy Research Reaps Rewards - http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/technologies/wind_turbines.html
Article about the NASA research programs to develop wind power during the energy crisis of the 1970s.
OffshoreWind - http://www.offshorewind.net
Educational resource devoted to offshore wind energy developments. Includes forum, reports, articles and data on different projects.
Middelgrunden Wind Turbine Co-operative - http://www.middelgrunden.dk/MG_UK/ukindex.htm
The world's largest offshore windfarm with 20 x 2 MW turbines just 2 km outside of Copenhagen.
Risingwind - http://risingwind.blogspot.com/
Weblog by Thomas O. Gray, Deputy Executive Director of the American Wind Energy Association.
Curry & Kerlinger, Wind Power and Birds. - http://www.currykerlinger.com/
Experts on the impact of wind power and wind turbines on birds.
Windlab Systems - http://www.windlabsystems.com
Wind resource modelling.
Risoe National Laboratory in Denmark - http://www.risoe.dk/vea/
A very distinguished wind energy research center. Author of European wind energy atlas and WASP program. One of the two wind turbine certification and type-approval organisations
Windpower Photos - http://www.windpowerphotos.com
Photographs from wind power projects: land and offshore based. Photos from HVDC-light project on Gotland, Sweden. The site is in Swedish, English and German
Wind Farms of the World - http://www.ilr.tu-berlin.de/WKA/windfarm.html
Overviews and photographs of plants in Asia, California, the UK and continental Europe.
An Ill Wind - http://www.geocities.com/nigbarnes/
Objections against wind power, list of wind turbine manufacturers, and contact information. Based in Ireland.
Scottish Wind Assessment Project (SWAP) - http://www.swap.org.uk
Research program to promote a thorough investigation of the claims made for and against the use of wind-generated energy. Includes projects overview, data and publications.
Kilronan Wind Farm - http://www.kilronanwindfarm.com/
Ireland wind energy site has ten wind machines that are rated 500 kw. The developer proudly describes this new wind farm.
Wind Turbines Installed in Japan - http://homepage1.nifty.com/cubo/wind/indexe.htm
Personal Japanese wind turbine's site, with Japanese wind turbine's maps and photo.
BBC News: Ireland Takes Wind Power Plunge - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/1755413.stm
The Irish Government has approved plans for the world's largest offshore electricity-generating wind farm, to be built on a sandbank in the Irish Sea south of Dublin.
Windfarm in Italy - http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/windpl.htm
One of the first experimental windfarms in Italy (1997)
Gigawind - http://www.hydromech.uni-hannover.de/Mitarbeiter/MDORF/Gigawind/ENGLISH_VERSION/
Research project on offshore wind to energy converters at the University of Hannover, Germany. Includes event calendar, publications and software. [German, English]
NREL: International Programs - http://www.nrel.gov/international/
Provides information about technology applications, country and supporting activities, staff contacts, and links to NREL village power and renewable energy projects sites.
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thanks for sharing this information
it has been very useful
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thank you for sharing such an useful information
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