Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
You know, it's real funny...(Sorry this and the post
below are the commentary part of this blog) it allows
me to vent a little, or a whole bunch, when the situation
It amazes me the difference there can be between two
companies, involved in similar industries, and how
different they can operate and treat their people and
their customers.
This has all come about due to the fact, I felt it
was time and I was ready to get back into the sales
and marketing game, in a metro area, really is where
the action is.
My home is in Redding, I have two homes now,
one here in Sacramento, (Rancho Cordova) and the one
in Redding. But, there in Redding, the size of the
population and more rural area does not lend itself
to the amount of business one needs to really
straighten out ones life...financially.
For a couple of years, I was down, surgeries and
rehab and I told my wife we needed a change. I love
doing this blog, and other duties including working
on finance packages for renewable energy, but
investment in two deals, of a couple of months of
work each, just did not pan out. One was a $40
million dollar project to set up a factory to make
a cutting edge, we all thought, solar generator, the
other being a renewable energy, rehab project on 5
shopping centers in St. Louis, Mo. and a possible
purchase of same.
For reasons I will not go into here, both projects
required large investments of time and in one case
money, and the end result was no real product to
fund or a big glitch that made the other project
not viable. So, I was forced to make a move and a
big lifestyle change, which now that it's done, has
not really been that bad.
It all started when I see a Craig's list ad, that
says, earn $250 to $300K a year selling windows and
siding in Sacramento area.
Since I have sold a couple of mil in vinyl windows,
I say to myself, I can do that, and that would just
solve some pressing challenges in my life right now.
So, I call the number in the ad and I get a hold of
what has to be the nicest sale manager I guy will
ever meet. His name is Richard Arnett and his card
list him as the Sales, Marketing and Finance Manager
for a Sacramento Company named Vinyl Designs, Inc.
License Number CA 677226 located in a upscale
industrial park at 5433 Stationers Way in Sac, CA.
95842. (On the border of Roseville) so you can
avoid them.
As it turned out, my wife and I had a doctor
appointment in the area and I thought what the heck,
I'll just stop by and have a visit with Richard and
see what comes of it.
Now, Richard Arnett is a sales manager dream come
true. He is the kinda of guy you'd walk thru fire
for. We start talking and hit it right off and we're
talking about home improvement sales guys we both
know, going back nearly 30 years in some cases...
We talk story for a bit and I just feel I'd love to
work for the man, so he sets it all up. Gives me a
a couple of days of training and before I know it
my old Ford Crown Vic is running up and down I-50
towards Tahoe and I-80 towards Reno and back and
forth running vinyl window and door leads, siding,
patio covers, and Tex-Coat. In the next 10 days, I
bid no less than $150,000 dollars in business, write
nearly $40,000 and close about $25,000 the last 7
days, 4 deals, all cash, with deposits. One $8K
dollar deal in Vallejo, that no other sales person
would run, I'm told they have 8 others, kicks before
I can even get the contract back to Rich. The people
need the windows, and their house is hot, during the
presentation, but they are from another country and
time and they are used to it. The idea of parting
with $8,000 when the money could be used for travel
and other retirement needs I understand, still the
dang house needed the windows and all the neighbors
had upgraded, we actually walked outside and looked
at the windows, grids, bays and other improvements
the neighbors had made. Anyway that deal cancels
the next morning...and I just think, "This is not
going to be quite as easy as I first thought." My
commission on such a deal is around 10% as this is
a phone room lead and called a "house deal". Self
generated leads are paid at a higher rate and they're
is a Gotcha built-in to the program, if there is a
fair or a show involved when you get the lead.
Anyway, cancellations happen, even more so now, if
money being so important to most people, Including
me, I might add.
But that happens, this is the business we are in and
money is tight, people, even people that actually
have it, are slow to part with it. Even when they
owe it to you, as we'll cover soon...Don't forget
to drop down and read the post to the owner of Vinyl
Designs, Inc (below). Since removed out of respect
and at the request of Richard at Vinyl Designs, Inc.
Guess he was having a little trouble justifying to
the other troops, the Stupid move the owner made
regarding me.
I no longer work there and I think it's important
that the entire world, including any new sales people
that might come, know why.
And it's important to potential customers that you
know the type of business man the contractor, Steve
and his wife Leslie are. Because the way the treat
the people that work for them, you better believe
will be a factor and a forecast in how you might
be treated as a customer.
Now, for the record, Richard swears the owner is
a straight shooter and "never cheats anyone as
they leave" this is a comment I now question as
I question Rich's judgment making it, as I feel
real "Cheated" right now as I write this post.
They will be amazed at the respect this blog has in
the Google Search Engines and how often this article
and my comments on their questionable, unethical and
dishonest behavior, come up in searches of people
looking into Vinyl Window and siding products and
researching the companies that market them...
....MORE SOON...
(Note) this blog is really a hobby, and since I have
taken a new position, I have reading and studying to
do, I cannot spend the time I would like addressing the
Vinyl Design, Inc company, but come back and I'll be
able to tell you more soon, anyway.
American Energy Conservation and Solar Generation Pioneer Provides almost daily directory of Green Energy News and Commentary. Discussions, regarding conservation, weatherization, solar DHW, Solar PV and Wind and Green Careers._Green Earl, Founder American Energy Conservation Group Redding/Las Vegas/Sacramento, Ca 530-604-6394 Still Producing NegaWatts...Since 1981
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Major Solar (Sacramento/Rancho Cordova) Solar Contractor...Unleashes Secret Weapon On Competition...GREEN EARL
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Actually I did five times that amount, (see comments below) so this is very possible)
if your interested in a career change, into Green Industries, check me out at Leave me a comment with contact info... Free Info Seminar forming soon..
_Green Earl
The last guy I worked for, up till last week...cannot understand how I can be
so broke and still think soooo much of myself...
In renewable energy, wealth is a state of mind, Remember, I did over $500K my first year in the field...1981.
Today, I'm going into my new company (Sept 4th) that's right, competitors...write it
down on your calendars...the solar industry here in the North State of California, is about to change...Big Time...A secret weapon is about to be unleashed on you....
What is it?, you ask...IT'S A DANG GREEN EARL
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Saft Partners With Apollo Solar on US DOE 'Solar Energy Grid ...
REVE - Regulación Eólica con Vehículos Eléctricos - Madrid,Madrid,Spain
Saft is working in collaboration with Apollo Solar, a company ... in energy conversion and storage for grid connected photovoltaic (PV) systems in Europe. ...
power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
By Herman K. Trabish
"Solar energy systems…use of photovoltaic (PV) technology…[to turn] the sun's light energy into…direct current electricity…by the solar panels [and] is converted [by an inverter] to alternating current - the type of electricity accessed ...
NewEnergyNews -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Entry Level Jobs in Growing Industries (press release) - Levittown,NY,USA is your career gateway for jobs in the renewable energy sector. Search for the perfect green job and prepare yourself with our extensive ...
No one listens to voices of reason, preferring to pretend that renewable energy can fill the gap and ignoring that 'green' alternatives require the industrialization of the open countryside: ..... They either have their careers well- established (with tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as they once were. ...
Commonsense & Wonder: Socialism the least effcient form of government
By jerry
I've got an interview with Nick Gillespie on on the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency.... 50 minutes ago. Knowledge is Power. *Ev-er-y. frig-gin'. dayyyy !* ~vid~ Yes, our Green-Jobs Commissar, Van Jones said (11 FEB 09): “@**holes” “Barack ..... 6 hours ago. Green Hell Blog. Taxpayer provided welfare for the renewable energy industry became a lot richer yesterday as the Departments of Treasury and Energy announced that they wer... 6 hours ago ...
Commonsense & Wonder -
The power 100 - the most powerful people in the countryside | News ...
As head of this newly created department, the rising political star has promised to meet 'more than 30%' of Britain's Green energy targets with wind and other renewable energy sources by 2020, so he'll be responsible for how our landscape looks if his Government survives. ... The new RHS president, Giles Coode-Adams is described by the cognoscenti as 'the real thing, horticulturally speaking', a tremendous power-broker with behind-the-scenes financial acumen. ...
CountryLife News -
Attention: Green Earl:
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Petition to President Obama:
"We worked so hard for real change. President Obama, please demand a strong public health insurance option in your speech to Congress. Letting the insurance companies win would not be change we can believe in."
Will you sign this petition?
We didn't plan to email you again today. But yesterday, news broke that President Obama will make a big speech to Congress next Wednesday on health care -- an issue we know you care about.
And according to news reports, "although House leaders have said their members will demand the inclusion of a public insurance option, Obama has no plans to insist on it himself." *
In response, we got a truly depressing email from Christian S. in Texas:
"Your recent health care ads are great, they hit home. But Obama has decided to drop the public option and for breaking his campaign promise I am dropping out of political activism for the time being."
This fight is absolutely not over, but Christian's feelings are real. If Obama doesn't stand firm on the public option, millions of people will lose hope.
So today, we're launching a petition to President Obama signed by those who volunteered, staffed, voted for, or donated to Obama's campaign in 2008, asking him to please stand firm on the public option.
If that's you, can you sign this petition today? Click here.
Then, please think hard about others you know who worked for change last year -- and forward them this email.
The petition says: "We worked so hard for real change. President Obama, please demand a strong public health insurance option in your speech to Congress. Letting the insurance companies win would not be change we can believe in."
We'll make sure the White House gets our message. In addition to delivering the signatures and personal notes from the petition page, we're planning an ad featuring the voices of those who sign.
Obama's speech "is still being debated in the West Wing." * That means there's still time -- we have one week to persuade Obama to do the right thing.
Can you sign this petition to President Obama today? Click here.
Then, please forward this to others. Again, we have until Wednesday, September 9. Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Michael Snook, Evan Miller, Andrew Perez, and the PCCC team
* Source: "Under fire, President Obama shifts strategy." Politico
, Sept. 1, 2009.
Donate through ActBlue
Follow us on Twitter
Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (
) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Dear Green Earl,
Fighting to protect our environment and reduce our carbon footprint is critically important. All sectors of our economy have to play a role. Including insurance.
That's why today I introduced the California Green Insurance Act of 2010. This landmark legislation establishes environmental standards and protections in the insurance business, calls for insurers to offer "green insurance," and encourages insurers to make green investments.
Reducing global warming, conserving natural resources, and protecting the environment are the responsibility of everyone, including insurance companies. My California Green Insurance Act asks the insurance industry to do its part to protect the environment and to help policy holders and consumers choose green alternatives.
The California Green Insurance Act establishes "Green Insurance" provisions regarding automobile insurance, property insurance, workers compensation insurance, and insurance company investments, as well as industry-wide mitigation provisions. Examples of Green Insurance include: insurance policies that allow homeowners whose homes are damaged to replace them with greener materials and systems (like solar water heaters and solar panels), commercial insurance policies that encourage and take into account the benefits of LEED certified buildings
, and auto insurance that encourages and takes into account reduced vehicle-miles traveled
. These are but a few examples of ways that insurance can encourage consumers and businesses to undertake and to reflect the benefits of greener practices.
The Act creates a framework for the California insurance industry to lead the way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving natural resources, and advancing the availability and use of renewable energy. Additionally, it will result in a healthier workforce, which means less missed workdays and substantial cost savings for employers.
I hope you will join me in supporting the passage of the California Green Insurance Act of 2010. Please take a moment right now to sign this online petition to show your support
We owe it to our children and future generations to leave the world a better place. And there is no question that insurance can and should play a role
Assembly Member, 9th District
Candidate for Statewide Insurance Commissioner
Dear Green Earl,
Our Senators are getting back to work in Washington next week, and they've just announced that they'll be introducing their version of a clean energy and climate bill before the end of the month.
That means there's still a narrow window of time to make sure they get it right.
Tens of thousands of folks like you have already sent letters to their Senators asking them to seize this opportunity.
In fact, we're only 30,000 letters away from reaching 100,000 -- that's a lot of people sending their voices directly into the halls of Washington. That's a powerful message.
Will you send a letter of support now, and help us reach 100,000?
A strong clean energy and climate bill means millions of new American jobs, greater energy independence, and a healthier planet.
It's common sense to us. But clean energy is a threat to the oil and coal industry lobbyists, who are paid to by the special interests who make America less secure and more dependent on foreign oil.
Overcoming their effort, and making sure our Senators keep our country moving forward, is going to take a strong statement that can only come from thousands of Americans, speaking together.
100,000 letters from people like you and me telling our Senators that we think strong clean energy and climate legislation is the right choice for America cannot be ignored.
Please voice your support. Send your message today and help reach our goal of 100,000 letters to Senators:
Dave Boundy
Campaign Manager
SolarFeeds Weekly 09.03.09
Articles of the Week: (via tweetmeme)
What Could Renewable Energy Learn from the Health Care Controversy?
Low-cost printable solar cells can transform windows into solar generators
The China Solar Industry
Virginia Tech designs zero-energy Lumenhaus home for Solar Decathlon
Solar Flowers Springing Up Across America
Suntech Power Changes Its Thin-Film Strategy
Sun Drive USB solar charger by Zyru
Feed-in Tariffs Have Earned a Role in US Energy Policy
China Takes Lead From America in Future Energy Race
* Plextronics Raises $14 Million In B-1 Round
New Contributors:
Financial Hippie
Long and short ideas from a retired investor who is now just managing his own money. Emphasis on a matched book (ie. long something, short something). Shorts are expected to make money even in a bull market, not a hedge against a long position.
groSolar is North America's premier provider of solar energy solutions for residential, commercial, dealer and contractor customers. groSolar's mission is simple: Provide sustainable, world class clean energy products and service with quality and care.
We make it simple for our customers to power their homes and businesses with clean solar energy. That means cutting high energy bills, reducing our dependence on foreign oil and taking action on climate change. We pre-engineer and distribute the finest solar products and work closely with the leading manufactures in the industry providing you with the best technology and highest quality products.
China Briefing is published by Asia Briefing Ltd, and has been produced in China since 1999. It publishes a wealth of information about China and is one of the premium English language publishing businesses
in China today, including the well known monthly China Briefing magazine, a daily online business news service in addition to a large, expanding and successful portfolio of technical legal, tax and China business books as well as a national series of regional business guides.
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Google News Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
PRESS DIGEST - Financial Times - Sept 3
Interactive Investor - London,England,UK
The scheme, which aims to create job and training opportunities for ... Eaga, the green support services group, is to concentrate on new renewable energy ...
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Time for Sevier County to move to clean and green
Salt Lake Tribune - Salt Lake City,UT,USA
New Mexico is also planning commercial-scale solar and wind projects while ... the ability to secure financing for a $700 million plant in today's economy ...
From the time of pioneers when the town was named Slaughter , Auburn has had a tradition of neighbors helping neighbors . The tradition continued with the Neighborhood House Youth Tutoring Center students ' mural for the Auburn Food Bank . Many community members and organizations contributed time and resources to make this mural take form . Auburn Elks Lodge 1808 , Kiwanis Club of the Valley , Fred Meyer of Auburn Way North , Top Foods of Auburn Way North , Daniel Smith Art Supplies , and The Calico Cat and Bernina Too ! contributed funds , food and supplies for the project . The food bank joined KCHA AmeriCorps , Theresa Lee Miller ( project coordinator , pictured ) , employees , volunteers and students at Burndale Homes , and the Neighborhood House Youth Tutoring and Resource Center as mural project partners . - Courtesy
Auburn calendar of events | Sept. 2
Auburn Reporter - Auburn,WA,USA
The food bank joined KCHA AmeriCorps, Theresa Lee Miller (project coordinator, ..... Wind Spirit Flute Circle: 7 pm the third Wednesday of the month. ...
Future 50 companies are recession-proof
Milwaukee Small Business Times - Milwaukee,WI,USA
Combined, this year's Future 50 had a total employment of 4037 jobs and $621 million .... That portfolio includes the state's largest wind development - the ... EWRC, NVSR, BLDV, FLOW, VG, EGHT, September 2 Daily ...
TMC Net - Norwalk,CT,USA
On-site met tower wind data for the joint venture's Huerfano Project will be completed on September 8, 2009. The data for the project is available at: ...
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Pump Hydro Underground to Store Wind Power
By Cleantechnica
PPAs could be used to help finance the $2 billion each 1000 MW project costs. “We think we can procure unwanted wind energy at night in the off-peak, surplus wind energy, and create a 100% green capacity product to sell the next day,” he said. ... If each 1000 MW project produces for 100 years, it should pay for the initial $2 Billion investment many times over, while creating jobs and giving green energy developers a solid market for their power. Douglas points out: ...
Matter Network - Clean Technology,... -
Madison firm awarded wind farm project :: Institutional Partners
Madison firm awarded wind farm project. By. The Madison engineering and construction firm RMT is building two wind farms in North Dakota that will produce 120 megawatts of electricity. See the original post: Madison firm awarded wind ...
Institutional Partners -
Energy and Global Warming News for September 2: The U.S. awards ...
By Jonathan
... renewable energy projects. The funding will help meet the Obama administration's goal of doubling U.S. renewable energy production over the next three years, creating jobs and providing financing on easier terms than many companies can obtain in the private sector. This the first round of some $3 billion in direct payments to companies in lieu of tax credits to eventually support an estimated 5000 biomass, solar, wind and other renewable energy production facilities. ...
Climate Progress -
Ballast Nedam: Heavy Lift Vessel Svanen at Work for Belwind
By Prne
Once the project is completed the 110 wind turbines will supply power to approximately 350000 households, meaning a reduction of 540000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. The offshore wind farm is located on Bligh Bank, .... profit 24 27 Order book 1 667 1 438 Shareholders' equity 168 172 Capital ratio 17% 19% Net financing position (41) (63) Results in line with expectations Ballast Nedam achieved a revenue of EUR 1.4 billion with an operating result of EUR 42 million. ...
PR Hub -
Dru's Vues, too: State Senators ask Sec. Chu to support loan ...
By Dru's Vues
Chu to support loan guarantee for American Centrifuge Project. (NASHVILLE, TN), September 2, 2009 –Senate Finance Committee Chairman Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) and several other key leaders in the Tennessee State Senate have asked ... " Alternative energies like wind and solar will play an important role in America's future, but it remains clear that nuclear energy is critical to creating jobs and reducing our dependence on foreign energy," Senator Southerland concluded. ...
Dru's Vues, too -
Google Web Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Wind Farms Set Wall Street Aflutter -
Aug 31, 2009 ... Morgan Stanley and Citigroup Inc. have invested $100 million each to finance separate wind farms this month, taking advantage of a brand-new ...
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Job Corps: Preliminary Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI ...
Trading Markets (press release) - Los Angeles,CA,USA
Solar-generated electricity created by the solar photovoltaic system will reduce ... the construction of the Edison Job Corps Center Solar PV Project at the ...
Making Electricity From Solar Energy | Sun Juiced dot com
By Sunny Ray
Since the parts don't move while generating solar power the panels rarely brake down. Presently there are 14 types of PV cells, each made of varying kinds of silicon. use solar panels as a supplemental energy source for utility customers, rather than as ... Solar energy was first used in the 1800s. Although it is common for calcators and wristwatches to operate with solar energy, its proliferation as a... The Field Of Solar Energy Offers Numerous Career Opportunities - ...
Sun Juiced dot com -
Indo Article Directory » Powering Up With Solar Energy Panels
By EricStan
The idea that light can be turned into electricity (the process is more scientifically known as the “photovoltaic” effect) is nothing new, but the efficiency of the process has always been a little off. In the beginning, the first solar ...
Indo Article Directory -
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Nancy Stoner: A Surprise Way to Keep Our Beaches Clean: Pass a ...
By Nancy Stoner
The American Clean Energy and Security Act will lop off key players in our transition to a clean, renewable future. One early and unintended casualty: the voluntary renewable energy market. .... Frances Beinecke: The Climate Bill and Your Bills: Getting Clean Energy at Low Cost. America can create millions of green jobs and combat global warming for the cost of 48 cents a day per household. That's less than most people pay for Netflix. ...
The Full Feed from -
Dear Green Earl:
Very Smart Cities
Elizabeth Woyke
South Korea's Songdo and China's Meixi Lake are spending billions on intelligent networks with an eco-vibe
Apple's Sloppy Security Moves
Andy Greenberg
An unpatched version of Flash in Snow Leopard is the latest in a string of Apple embarrassments.
Asia's Smart Metropolis
Elizabeth Woyke
South Korea's Songdo and China's Meixi Lake are spending billions on intelligent networks with an eco-vibe.
Flir Systems Sees Growth in the Dark
Taylor Buley
Flir Systems hopes to put infrared on the same commercial journey as GPS.
Facebook Wants Mobile Friends
Lionel Laurent
The social-networking site is hungry for viral growth in the app world.
Google News Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Everblue Now Provides Free Counseling and Funding for the ...
PR Web - Ferndale,WA,USA
Everblue has established counseling services dedicated to helping unemployed workers pay ... including Solar Professional and Energy Auditor Certifications. ...
Efficiencies That Pay for Themselves
The Daily Score - San Mateo,CA,USA
It's called Energy Service Performance Contracting. ... jobs and training opportunities for a growing construction sector—green building and efficiency.
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
LI Green Events List 9/3/09 « OntheWilderSide
By wilderside
The LI Green Sheets is a weekly “Green Events” email service about green events and activities in our region. If your organization or company has an event, class, meeting, seminar or program that you want LI Green's over 5000 environmental businesspeople, activists, educators email list to ..... Free Home Energy Audits LI Green will send a trained engineering professional to any home on Long Island to provide a free home energy audit. Sign up at ...
OntheWilderSide -
Thanks The Visit_ Green Earl
Actually I did five times that amount, (see comments below) so this is very possible)
if your interested in a career change, into Green Industries, check me out at Leave me a comment with contact info... Free Info Seminar forming soon..
_Green Earl
The last guy I worked for, up till last week...cannot understand how I can be
so broke and still think soooo much of myself...
In renewable energy, wealth is a state of mind, Remember, I did over $500K my first year in the field...1981.
Today, I'm going into my new company (Sept 4th) that's right, competitors...write it
down on your calendars...the solar industry here in the North State of California, is about to change...Big Time...A secret weapon is about to be unleashed on you....
What is it?, you ask...IT'S A DANG GREEN EARL
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Saft Partners With Apollo Solar on US DOE 'Solar Energy Grid ...
REVE - Regulación Eólica con Vehículos Eléctricos - Madrid,Madrid,Spain
Saft is working in collaboration with Apollo Solar, a company ... in energy conversion and storage for grid connected photovoltaic (PV) systems in Europe. ...
power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
By Herman K. Trabish
"Solar energy systems…use of photovoltaic (PV) technology…[to turn] the sun's light energy into…direct current electricity…by the solar panels [and] is converted [by an inverter] to alternating current - the type of electricity accessed ...
NewEnergyNews -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Entry Level Jobs in Growing Industries (press release) - Levittown,NY,USA is your career gateway for jobs in the renewable energy sector. Search for the perfect green job and prepare yourself with our extensive ...
No one listens to voices of reason, preferring to pretend that renewable energy can fill the gap and ignoring that 'green' alternatives require the industrialization of the open countryside: ..... They either have their careers well- established (with tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as they once were. ...
Commonsense & Wonder: Socialism the least effcient form of government
By jerry
I've got an interview with Nick Gillespie on on the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency.... 50 minutes ago. Knowledge is Power. *Ev-er-y. frig-gin'. dayyyy !* ~vid~ Yes, our Green-Jobs Commissar, Van Jones said (11 FEB 09): “@**holes” “Barack ..... 6 hours ago. Green Hell Blog. Taxpayer provided welfare for the renewable energy industry became a lot richer yesterday as the Departments of Treasury and Energy announced that they wer... 6 hours ago ...
Commonsense & Wonder -
The power 100 - the most powerful people in the countryside | News ...
As head of this newly created department, the rising political star has promised to meet 'more than 30%' of Britain's Green energy targets with wind and other renewable energy sources by 2020, so he'll be responsible for how our landscape looks if his Government survives. ... The new RHS president, Giles Coode-Adams is described by the cognoscenti as 'the real thing, horticulturally speaking', a tremendous power-broker with behind-the-scenes financial acumen. ...
CountryLife News -
Attention: Green Earl:
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Petition to President Obama:
"We worked so hard for real change. President Obama, please demand a strong public health insurance option in your speech to Congress. Letting the insurance companies win would not be change we can believe in."
Will you sign this petition?
We didn't plan to email you again today. But yesterday, news broke that President Obama will make a big speech to Congress next Wednesday on health care -- an issue we know you care about.
And according to news reports, "although House leaders have said their members will demand the inclusion of a public insurance option, Obama has no plans to insist on it himself." *
In response, we got a truly depressing email from Christian S. in Texas:
"Your recent health care ads are great, they hit home. But Obama has decided to drop the public option and for breaking his campaign promise I am dropping out of political activism for the time being."
This fight is absolutely not over, but Christian's feelings are real. If Obama doesn't stand firm on the public option, millions of people will lose hope.
So today, we're launching a petition to President Obama signed by those who volunteered, staffed, voted for, or donated to Obama's campaign in 2008, asking him to please stand firm on the public option.
If that's you, can you sign this petition today? Click here.
Then, please think hard about others you know who worked for change last year -- and forward them this email.
The petition says: "We worked so hard for real change. President Obama, please demand a strong public health insurance option in your speech to Congress. Letting the insurance companies win would not be change we can believe in."
We'll make sure the White House gets our message. In addition to delivering the signatures and personal notes from the petition page, we're planning an ad featuring the voices of those who sign.
Obama's speech "is still being debated in the West Wing." * That means there's still time -- we have one week to persuade Obama to do the right thing.
Can you sign this petition to President Obama today? Click here.
Then, please forward this to others. Again, we have until Wednesday, September 9. Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Michael Snook, Evan Miller, Andrew Perez, and the PCCC team
* Source: "Under fire, President Obama shifts strategy." Politico
, Sept. 1, 2009.
Donate through ActBlue
Follow us on Twitter
Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (
) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Dear Green Earl,
Fighting to protect our environment and reduce our carbon footprint is critically important. All sectors of our economy have to play a role. Including insurance.
That's why today I introduced the California Green Insurance Act of 2010. This landmark legislation establishes environmental standards and protections in the insurance business, calls for insurers to offer "green insurance," and encourages insurers to make green investments.
Reducing global warming, conserving natural resources, and protecting the environment are the responsibility of everyone, including insurance companies. My California Green Insurance Act asks the insurance industry to do its part to protect the environment and to help policy holders and consumers choose green alternatives.
The California Green Insurance Act establishes "Green Insurance" provisions regarding automobile insurance, property insurance, workers compensation insurance, and insurance company investments, as well as industry-wide mitigation provisions. Examples of Green Insurance include: insurance policies that allow homeowners whose homes are damaged to replace them with greener materials and systems (like solar water heaters and solar panels), commercial insurance policies that encourage and take into account the benefits of LEED certified buildings
, and auto insurance that encourages and takes into account reduced vehicle-miles traveled
. These are but a few examples of ways that insurance can encourage consumers and businesses to undertake and to reflect the benefits of greener practices.
The Act creates a framework for the California insurance industry to lead the way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving natural resources, and advancing the availability and use of renewable energy. Additionally, it will result in a healthier workforce, which means less missed workdays and substantial cost savings for employers.
I hope you will join me in supporting the passage of the California Green Insurance Act of 2010. Please take a moment right now to sign this online petition to show your support
We owe it to our children and future generations to leave the world a better place. And there is no question that insurance can and should play a role
Assembly Member, 9th District
Candidate for Statewide Insurance Commissioner
Dear Green Earl,
Our Senators are getting back to work in Washington next week, and they've just announced that they'll be introducing their version of a clean energy and climate bill before the end of the month.
That means there's still a narrow window of time to make sure they get it right.
Tens of thousands of folks like you have already sent letters to their Senators asking them to seize this opportunity.
In fact, we're only 30,000 letters away from reaching 100,000 -- that's a lot of people sending their voices directly into the halls of Washington. That's a powerful message.
Will you send a letter of support now, and help us reach 100,000?
A strong clean energy and climate bill means millions of new American jobs, greater energy independence, and a healthier planet.
It's common sense to us. But clean energy is a threat to the oil and coal industry lobbyists, who are paid to by the special interests who make America less secure and more dependent on foreign oil.
Overcoming their effort, and making sure our Senators keep our country moving forward, is going to take a strong statement that can only come from thousands of Americans, speaking together.
100,000 letters from people like you and me telling our Senators that we think strong clean energy and climate legislation is the right choice for America cannot be ignored.
Please voice your support. Send your message today and help reach our goal of 100,000 letters to Senators:
Dave Boundy
Campaign Manager
SolarFeeds Weekly 09.03.09
Articles of the Week: (via tweetmeme)
What Could Renewable Energy Learn from the Health Care Controversy?
Low-cost printable solar cells can transform windows into solar generators
The China Solar Industry
Virginia Tech designs zero-energy Lumenhaus home for Solar Decathlon
Solar Flowers Springing Up Across America
Suntech Power Changes Its Thin-Film Strategy
Sun Drive USB solar charger by Zyru
Feed-in Tariffs Have Earned a Role in US Energy Policy
China Takes Lead From America in Future Energy Race
* Plextronics Raises $14 Million In B-1 Round
New Contributors:
Financial Hippie
Long and short ideas from a retired investor who is now just managing his own money. Emphasis on a matched book (ie. long something, short something). Shorts are expected to make money even in a bull market, not a hedge against a long position.
groSolar is North America's premier provider of solar energy solutions for residential, commercial, dealer and contractor customers. groSolar's mission is simple: Provide sustainable, world class clean energy products and service with quality and care.
We make it simple for our customers to power their homes and businesses with clean solar energy. That means cutting high energy bills, reducing our dependence on foreign oil and taking action on climate change. We pre-engineer and distribute the finest solar products and work closely with the leading manufactures in the industry providing you with the best technology and highest quality products.
China Briefing is published by Asia Briefing Ltd, and has been produced in China since 1999. It publishes a wealth of information about China and is one of the premium English language publishing businesses
in China today, including the well known monthly China Briefing magazine, a daily online business news service in addition to a large, expanding and successful portfolio of technical legal, tax and China business books as well as a national series of regional business guides.
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Google News Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
PRESS DIGEST - Financial Times - Sept 3
Interactive Investor - London,England,UK
The scheme, which aims to create job and training opportunities for ... Eaga, the green support services group, is to concentrate on new renewable energy ...
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Time for Sevier County to move to clean and green
Salt Lake Tribune - Salt Lake City,UT,USA
New Mexico is also planning commercial-scale solar and wind projects while ... the ability to secure financing for a $700 million plant in today's economy ...
From the time of pioneers when the town was named Slaughter , Auburn has had a tradition of neighbors helping neighbors . The tradition continued with the Neighborhood House Youth Tutoring Center students ' mural for the Auburn Food Bank . Many community members and organizations contributed time and resources to make this mural take form . Auburn Elks Lodge 1808 , Kiwanis Club of the Valley , Fred Meyer of Auburn Way North , Top Foods of Auburn Way North , Daniel Smith Art Supplies , and The Calico Cat and Bernina Too ! contributed funds , food and supplies for the project . The food bank joined KCHA AmeriCorps , Theresa Lee Miller ( project coordinator , pictured ) , employees , volunteers and students at Burndale Homes , and the Neighborhood House Youth Tutoring and Resource Center as mural project partners . - Courtesy
Auburn calendar of events | Sept. 2
Auburn Reporter - Auburn,WA,USA
The food bank joined KCHA AmeriCorps, Theresa Lee Miller (project coordinator, ..... Wind Spirit Flute Circle: 7 pm the third Wednesday of the month. ...
Future 50 companies are recession-proof
Milwaukee Small Business Times - Milwaukee,WI,USA
Combined, this year's Future 50 had a total employment of 4037 jobs and $621 million .... That portfolio includes the state's largest wind development - the ... EWRC, NVSR, BLDV, FLOW, VG, EGHT, September 2 Daily ...
TMC Net - Norwalk,CT,USA
On-site met tower wind data for the joint venture's Huerfano Project will be completed on September 8, 2009. The data for the project is available at: ...
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Pump Hydro Underground to Store Wind Power
By Cleantechnica
PPAs could be used to help finance the $2 billion each 1000 MW project costs. “We think we can procure unwanted wind energy at night in the off-peak, surplus wind energy, and create a 100% green capacity product to sell the next day,” he said. ... If each 1000 MW project produces for 100 years, it should pay for the initial $2 Billion investment many times over, while creating jobs and giving green energy developers a solid market for their power. Douglas points out: ...
Matter Network - Clean Technology,... -
Madison firm awarded wind farm project :: Institutional Partners
Madison firm awarded wind farm project. By. The Madison engineering and construction firm RMT is building two wind farms in North Dakota that will produce 120 megawatts of electricity. See the original post: Madison firm awarded wind ...
Institutional Partners -
Energy and Global Warming News for September 2: The U.S. awards ...
By Jonathan
... renewable energy projects. The funding will help meet the Obama administration's goal of doubling U.S. renewable energy production over the next three years, creating jobs and providing financing on easier terms than many companies can obtain in the private sector. This the first round of some $3 billion in direct payments to companies in lieu of tax credits to eventually support an estimated 5000 biomass, solar, wind and other renewable energy production facilities. ...
Climate Progress -
Ballast Nedam: Heavy Lift Vessel Svanen at Work for Belwind
By Prne
Once the project is completed the 110 wind turbines will supply power to approximately 350000 households, meaning a reduction of 540000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. The offshore wind farm is located on Bligh Bank, .... profit 24 27 Order book 1 667 1 438 Shareholders' equity 168 172 Capital ratio 17% 19% Net financing position (41) (63) Results in line with expectations Ballast Nedam achieved a revenue of EUR 1.4 billion with an operating result of EUR 42 million. ...
PR Hub -
Dru's Vues, too: State Senators ask Sec. Chu to support loan ...
By Dru's Vues
Chu to support loan guarantee for American Centrifuge Project. (NASHVILLE, TN), September 2, 2009 –Senate Finance Committee Chairman Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) and several other key leaders in the Tennessee State Senate have asked ... " Alternative energies like wind and solar will play an important role in America's future, but it remains clear that nuclear energy is critical to creating jobs and reducing our dependence on foreign energy," Senator Southerland concluded. ...
Dru's Vues, too -
Google Web Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Wind Farms Set Wall Street Aflutter -
Aug 31, 2009 ... Morgan Stanley and Citigroup Inc. have invested $100 million each to finance separate wind farms this month, taking advantage of a brand-new ...
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Job Corps: Preliminary Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI ...
Trading Markets (press release) - Los Angeles,CA,USA
Solar-generated electricity created by the solar photovoltaic system will reduce ... the construction of the Edison Job Corps Center Solar PV Project at the ...
Making Electricity From Solar Energy | Sun Juiced dot com
By Sunny Ray
Since the parts don't move while generating solar power the panels rarely brake down. Presently there are 14 types of PV cells, each made of varying kinds of silicon. use solar panels as a supplemental energy source for utility customers, rather than as ... Solar energy was first used in the 1800s. Although it is common for calcators and wristwatches to operate with solar energy, its proliferation as a... The Field Of Solar Energy Offers Numerous Career Opportunities - ...
Sun Juiced dot com -
Indo Article Directory » Powering Up With Solar Energy Panels
By EricStan
The idea that light can be turned into electricity (the process is more scientifically known as the “photovoltaic” effect) is nothing new, but the efficiency of the process has always been a little off. In the beginning, the first solar ...
Indo Article Directory -
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Nancy Stoner: A Surprise Way to Keep Our Beaches Clean: Pass a ...
By Nancy Stoner
The American Clean Energy and Security Act will lop off key players in our transition to a clean, renewable future. One early and unintended casualty: the voluntary renewable energy market. .... Frances Beinecke: The Climate Bill and Your Bills: Getting Clean Energy at Low Cost. America can create millions of green jobs and combat global warming for the cost of 48 cents a day per household. That's less than most people pay for Netflix. ...
The Full Feed from -
Dear Green Earl:
Very Smart Cities
Elizabeth Woyke
South Korea's Songdo and China's Meixi Lake are spending billions on intelligent networks with an eco-vibe
Apple's Sloppy Security Moves
Andy Greenberg
An unpatched version of Flash in Snow Leopard is the latest in a string of Apple embarrassments.
Asia's Smart Metropolis
Elizabeth Woyke
South Korea's Songdo and China's Meixi Lake are spending billions on intelligent networks with an eco-vibe.
Flir Systems Sees Growth in the Dark
Taylor Buley
Flir Systems hopes to put infrared on the same commercial journey as GPS.
Facebook Wants Mobile Friends
Lionel Laurent
The social-networking site is hungry for viral growth in the app world.
Google News Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Everblue Now Provides Free Counseling and Funding for the ...
PR Web - Ferndale,WA,USA
Everblue has established counseling services dedicated to helping unemployed workers pay ... including Solar Professional and Energy Auditor Certifications. ...
Efficiencies That Pay for Themselves
The Daily Score - San Mateo,CA,USA
It's called Energy Service Performance Contracting. ... jobs and training opportunities for a growing construction sector—green building and efficiency.
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
LI Green Events List 9/3/09 « OntheWilderSide
By wilderside
The LI Green Sheets is a weekly “Green Events” email service about green events and activities in our region. If your organization or company has an event, class, meeting, seminar or program that you want LI Green's over 5000 environmental businesspeople, activists, educators email list to ..... Free Home Energy Audits LI Green will send a trained engineering professional to any home on Long Island to provide a free home energy audit. Sign up at ...
OntheWilderSide -
Thanks The Visit_ Green Earl
green jobs in the gulf
Green Earl comes to Sacramento....kicks ass,
Sept 4th,
takes no prisoners...Smile
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Green Careers and Google News Searches and Commentary By_Green Earl

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
2009 Smart Grid Rankings Are Out: California's Sempra Energy in ...
By Stacy Feldman
Number 14 in IDC Energy Insights' 2009 list, it could rapidly rise through the ranks with its seminal project to turn Boulder, Colo., into the world's first fully integrated smart-grid city by year's end. .... After nearly a six-month lull, Wall Street is getting back into the business of financing new wind farms. Bankers say this is the beginning of an active pipeline of new wind-farm financing, as well as investment in large solar and geothermal facilities. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
12 Degrees of Freedom: An alliance of red and green politics would ...
By Karamuse
The plant's closure, with the loss of 400 jobs, was blamed on the slow pace of growth in the UK 's wind turbine market and the drawn out local planning process to agree projects. It has brought home the reality that the changes needed to protect us ... Bold Keynesian bailouts by Alistair Darling and Lord Mandelson of other parts of the economy, notably the finance sector and car industries, have saved them from catastrophe. Along with other major bailouts internationally, ...
12 Degrees of Freedom -
peHUB » Wilson Sonsini Hires Cleantech Partner
By admin
Careers ... He has experience with all types of renewable energy technologies, including wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and biogas power generation, first- and next-generation biofuels, and new technologies such as fuel cells, wave power, ... Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati's energy and clean technology practice is built on the firm's leadership in the fields of corporate law, intellectual property counseling and patents, venture capital finance, project finance, ...
PE Hub News: Buyout Deals -
Shriram EPC, US firm to make material handling equipment
By Ians
"We are planning to get into the business of financing pre-owned construction equipment where we feel there is sufficient space for us," Shriram Transport executive director Umesh Revankar said at a press meet. ... April 25th, 2009 CHENNAI - Windmill marketing company Shriram Leitwind Ltd is hoping to export nearly 50 percent of its 1.5-MW wind turbine generators produced this fiscal, a top official said. Shriram Leitwind, based here, is a 51:49 joint venture between ...
Breaking News -
Duke Energy to Build Ninth U.S. Wind Farm | Wyoming RealEstateRama
By Wyoming RealEstateRama
CHARLOTTE, NC - August 31, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Duke Energy continues to add to its renewable power portfolio with the announcement that it will build and operate a 200-megawatt wind energy project near Casper, Wyo.
Wyoming -
Google News Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Op-ed Series - Kent Baake: The Right Foundation - Education and ... - USA
Job site training not only supplements classroom experience, ... The key to educating a customer while providing an energy audit is taking the time and ...
Single-copy circulation at leading US magazines for first half of 2009
Gaea Times - Kolkata,West Bengal,India
April 27th, 2009 Conde Nast closes Portfolio magazine; 80 jobs lostLOS ANGELES ... and industries are doing in the way of green energy initiatives at FSR. ...
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Territory Manager - Green Consulting and Education / Confidential ...
By admin
Green Job Postings for Your Ideal Green Job. ... We are currently seeking Territory Managers to build a local sales team whose mission will be to develop new business for our proprietary LEED Preparatory Classes, BPI Energy Audit Training, Solar and Wind Training and Consulting Services. The ideal candidate will have experience building sales teams, extensive connections within the architectural, engineering and design community and strong motivational and mentoring ...
Green Jobs Available -
Google Web Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Become a Home Energy Auditor - Jobs in Green - Building Science Tech
Coming September 2009: Energy Audit Training and BPI Exam prep ... help you determine how much to charge for the audit, and how to message your services. ...
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Virtual Press Clips: Print Firms in the News
What They Think - Lexington,KY,USA
... to pay for green power by helping generators of renewable energy to compete ... CA) has also chronicled their careers, noting the use they now make of a ...
Barack Obama Inc.: The birth of a Washington machine
Harper's Magazine - New York,NY,USA
“It wasn't just the financial community. There was a broad cross-section,” .... as Illinois-based Aventine Renewable Energy and Archer Daniels Midland (for ...
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Building a Green Economy: Green Jobs, Transmission Lines ...
By Peter Asmus
Yet Imperial County is also home to the “crown jewel” of all geothermal steam resources in the U.S., making it a prime spot to showcase how renewable energy can help spur the new green economy so enthusiastically touted by the Obama .... renewable energy, resource efficiency, green building and sustainable transportation. Industry experts write about current trends, discuss clean technologies as well as policies and provide career advice. About CleanTechies... » ...
CleanTechies Blog - -
Switchboard, from NRDC :: Pete Altman's Blog :: US Gov't Debunks ...
By Pete Altman
"Using information based on a widely discredited Spanish study commissioned by IER, the AEA distributes a factsheet criticizing renewable-energy advocates' claims about green jobs." And as the article continues: "a big blue bus and a group dedicated to promoting deregulation and the sort of free-market ideas that brought about a global financial crisis have targeted county fairs, ballgames, auto races, and tractor-pulls across the states hardest hit by the recession. ...
Switchboard, from NRDC › Pete... -
How to go from shovel ready to people ready in a green job market ...
By Kert
But, behind the scenes, business and government leaders are grappling with the problems of being “people ready” for the millions of green jobs that will be created through the investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency. ... that momentum for green energy has been building for several years. After almost thirty years of debating the issues, government, business, financial and environmental experts agree that the conversion to sustainable energy is a necessity. ...
Solar Energy Jobs -
Google Web Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Research and Markets Global Solar Photovoltaic Market Report 2009 ...
II Global Energy Market. III Solar PV Basic Technology ... Inc Ersol Magnetek Motech Industries Mitsubishi Electric Corporation NingBo Solar Electric Power ...
Thanks For The Visit_Green Earl
Monday, August 31, 2009
Live Certified Energy Auditor Training Course Coming To Phoenix, AZ...Oct 1st. & 2nd.

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Live Certified Energy Auditor Training
Price: Regularly $1050.
Register by 8/31 and
Pay only: $877
Space is limited!
Course: Home Energy Auditor Program
Date: October 1 & 2 (Thursday and Friday)
Location: Phoenix, AZ Denby Energy Offices
Join us for this incredible immersion program. In 2 days you will have everything you need to start your new Home Energy Audit Career.
Specifics of the Live Training Program
The Complete Home Energy Auditor Training Program includes:
* Our Exclusive 7 Energy Audit Training Modules
* Live, Instructor-led Classes
* Specific Marketing Course Training
* Business Start-up Essentials Training
* National Energy and Sustainability Institute Exam and Certification
The Denby Energy, Home Energy Auditor Program Training is 2 full days of Training.
This Program Also Includes
Our on-the-job-training Home Energy Audit. On the final day of the program, trainees participate in an off-site, live home energy audit. The trainee will get live, interactive, real-world experience and apply the energy savings tools they just learned.
The Syllabus
Note - elements of this syllabus may change as the training approaches:
Day 1: Home Energy Audit Training
8:00 am-8:30am- Registration/Continental Breakfast
8:30 am-10:00 am- Part 1 - Introduction and About Energy
10:00 am-10:15 am- Break
10:15 am -12:00 pm- Part 2 - Lighting and HVAC
12:00 pm-1:00 pm- Lunch Break
1:00 pm-2:30 pm- Part 3 - Electronics and Insulation
2:30 pm-2:45pm- Break
2:45 pm-5:00 pm- Part 4 - Water and Additional Tools
Day 2: Marketing/Business Start-Up/off-site audit
8:00 am-10:00 am- Part 5 - Marketing
10:00 am-10:15 am- Break
10:15 am-12:00 pm- Part 6 - Business Start-Up
12:00 pm-1:00 pm- Lunch Break
1:00 pm-3:30 pm- Part 7 - On the Job Training – Live Audit
3:30 pm-5:00 pm- Closing
Details: The course will be held at our offices at:
Denby Energy, LLC
14362 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Suite 1000
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
*Our offices are approximately 25 minutes from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport.
There are 3 hotels within a short distance from our offices.
1) La Quinta - more info » 8888 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ - (48...
2) Country Inn & Suites by Carlson-Scottsdale - more info » 10801 N 89th Place, Scottsdale, AZ - (480) 314-1200
3) Scottsdale Wingate by Wyndham Hotels - more info »14255 North 87th Street, Scottsdale, AZ - (480) 922-6500
Snacks, water and sodas are provided. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are on your own. There is an on-site deli for easy lunch access.
Regularly $1050. Register by 8/31 and Pay Only: $877
Register Here:
Space is limited.
Can't attend? But want to make sure you are notified of the next live training?

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Live Certified Energy Auditor Training
Price: Regularly $1050.
Register by 8/31 and
Pay only: $877
Space is limited!
Course: Home Energy Auditor Program
Date: October 1 & 2 (Thursday and Friday)
Location: Phoenix, AZ Denby Energy Offices
Join us for this incredible immersion program. In 2 days you will have everything you need to start your new Home Energy Audit Career.
Specifics of the Live Training Program
The Complete Home Energy Auditor Training Program includes:
* Our Exclusive 7 Energy Audit Training Modules
* Live, Instructor-led Classes
* Specific Marketing Course Training
* Business Start-up Essentials Training
* National Energy and Sustainability Institute Exam and Certification
The Denby Energy, Home Energy Auditor Program Training is 2 full days of Training.
This Program Also Includes
Our on-the-job-training Home Energy Audit. On the final day of the program, trainees participate in an off-site, live home energy audit. The trainee will get live, interactive, real-world experience and apply the energy savings tools they just learned.
The Syllabus
Note - elements of this syllabus may change as the training approaches:
Day 1: Home Energy Audit Training
8:00 am-8:30am- Registration/Continental Breakfast
8:30 am-10:00 am- Part 1 - Introduction and About Energy
10:00 am-10:15 am- Break
10:15 am -12:00 pm- Part 2 - Lighting and HVAC
12:00 pm-1:00 pm- Lunch Break
1:00 pm-2:30 pm- Part 3 - Electronics and Insulation
2:30 pm-2:45pm- Break
2:45 pm-5:00 pm- Part 4 - Water and Additional Tools
Day 2: Marketing/Business Start-Up/off-site audit
8:00 am-10:00 am- Part 5 - Marketing
10:00 am-10:15 am- Break
10:15 am-12:00 pm- Part 6 - Business Start-Up
12:00 pm-1:00 pm- Lunch Break
1:00 pm-3:30 pm- Part 7 - On the Job Training – Live Audit
3:30 pm-5:00 pm- Closing
Details: The course will be held at our offices at:
Denby Energy, LLC
14362 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Suite 1000
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
*Our offices are approximately 25 minutes from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport.
There are 3 hotels within a short distance from our offices.
1) La Quinta - more info » 8888 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ - (48...
2) Country Inn & Suites by Carlson-Scottsdale - more info » 10801 N 89th Place, Scottsdale, AZ - (480) 314-1200
3) Scottsdale Wingate by Wyndham Hotels - more info »14255 North 87th Street, Scottsdale, AZ - (480) 922-6500
Snacks, water and sodas are provided. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are on your own. There is an on-site deli for easy lunch access.
Regularly $1050. Register by 8/31 and Pay Only: $877
Register Here:
Space is limited.
Can't attend? But want to make sure you are notified of the next live training?
green jobs in the gulf
Denby Live Training Schedule,
Oct. 1st and 2nd.,
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wind, Solar, Green Careers, Conservation, Project Funding and More!_By Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
High Voltage International Investing
By gary
Because breakthrough technologies involving renewable energy – especially solar-electric (photovoltaic) power, including batteries of all types – is core and central to my own life career work as an electrical engineer and research ...
Gary A. Scott -
Whole House Solar Electric System With Whole House Solar Electric ...
By admin
Colorado Solar Rebate Discount Solar Systems ... Without solar power system with purchasing a whole house solar power system. ... Drastically reduce or even eliminate their electric bill ... www. ... Solar Electric System Installation / Maintenance in New York State ... NABCEP certified solar contractor installs and services solar, wind and micro-hydro systems in upstate and ... A whole house Energy Management ... www. / PV.htm ...
Clocks-lcdl - » Blog Archive » Home Solar Power
By Miles Novak
Light emitted from the sun can be used in a variety of different ways to produce usable energy. A few options include: - Simply using the sun to help regulate home temperature (passive solar energy). - With the help of mirrors, thermal solar collectors can amplify ... Photovoltaic cells: sun light can be converted into electricity to be used in the home. Passive Solar Power: this simply refers to taking advantage of and controlling the heat and light displaced by the sun. ... -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Demand for workers trained in clean energy technology is increasing
Oshkosh Northwestern - Oshkosh,WI,USA
Combined with proper training and education in renewable energy industries, ... installation somewhere in Appleton or Oshkosh or Green Bay whether it be a ...
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
U.S. Economic Overview 2009
By Ian Cooper
Energy & Capital Editor Nick Hodge discusses renewable energy growth and how Middle East oil countries are using oil profits from their front-end business to reach around and invest in clean technology on the backside. ... That I don't hear from anyone including you are alternate proposals for fixing the myriad of financial problems our country faces. We need more manufacturing jobs...but how do we rebuild that base in our country given the green light to chase after the ...
Wealth Daily -
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Out-of-state contractors are finalists for Siemens project
Hutchinson News
They faced a Friday deadline to present to Siemens Wind Power officials in Orlando, Fla, their final figures to construct the nacelle assembly and ...
See all stories on this topic
Wind Farm Approval Disputed Groups Want Stricter Review of Energy ... (press release)
By THOMAS CONTENT Some energy consumer groups have been supportive of wind power projects because, once they're built, the cost of the fuel -- the wind ...
See all stories on this topic
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Exporting sunshine - Dubai,Umm al Qaiwain,United Arab Emirates
As is expected, the amount of sunlight that strikes a PV system - expressed in ... As the massive concentrated solar power, or solar thermal, array proposed ...
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
The Future Evolution of Solar Energy | Boots on the Roof
By Meeta
On a small scale, this type of incentive was tried in 2006 by a group of investors that offered free solar panel installation in return for a twenty-five year contract or Power Purchase Agreement, to purchase electricity at a fixed ... With all of the options that seem to be floating around, solar and economical marketing is an excellent career to look into for the future evolution of solar energy. As fossil fuels continue to dissipate, actually any type of education in ...
Boots on the Roof -
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
The New Apollo Project « RBO
By Procrustes
During a week-long series of programs, The New Republic: America's Future, on his early evening Fox News Channel show, Glenn Beck has focused to varying degrees daily on POTUS's “Green Jobs Czar”, Van Jones, an avowed communist .... The Project was described as a “10-year, $300 billion initiative designed to create incentives for developing clean and renewable energy sources such as solar- and wind-generated power and fuel recycled from municipal and agricultural waste. ...
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Get Certified and Join a Secure Field in Energy Efficiency
Secure your job, and join the ranks of the ever expanding-energy efficiency market as an energy audit professional through certification with Texas Green Energy Audits. ... Texas Green Energy Audits provides the latest in green education, training and testing with qualified individuals who want to help you become a certified auditor. The Building Performance Institute of Texas Green Energy Audits is a recognized world leader of the development of an exceptional audit ...
Article Directory Online: Free... -
Michael de Portu: The Economy: Cycling Along With the Training ...
By Michael de Portu
Freight services are down 40%+. Retailers other than those distributing cheap products made in Asia and Latin America are down, as are food distributors. The American consumer seems convinced that the sale will still be on months from now, .... The Media Consortium: Weekly Audit: Fixing the Foreclosure Problem. The U.S. job market may be showing signs of life, but the scenario isn't really so rosy, as our government has yet to relieve the foreclosure pandemic. ...
The Full Feed from -
Google News Alert for: Conservation, creating Negawatts, saving energy
Windmills in la Muela area
Foreign Policy: Seven Myths About Alternative Energy
Atomic energy is emissions free, so a slew of politicians and even some ... your behavior to save energy. Doing less with less is called conservation. ...
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Miami Daily Business Review
Current Accounts
Miami Daily Business Review
While too much wind is a threat to Florida Power & Light, too little wind is hurting production at wind farms in FPL Group's renewable energy business, ...
See all stories on this topic
US funding in place for power line
Lethbridge Herald
Much of the electricity will be generated at three proposed wind farms in the Conrad, Mont. area. Williams said the term sheet expands and supersedes the ...
See all stories on this topic
US Treasury Dept. allocates $67M for Fairfield County
The Hour
Clean Renewable Energy Bonds may be used for wind, biomass energy and irrigation projects. School Construction bonds are to finance new public school ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Wing Solar project, a 14-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic installation. Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs. Joe Sitt locks out his theme park operator — and our readers chime in ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Energy and Climate News
By admin
Very few large-scale wind projects are able to obtain financing under the current economic climate. But falling turbine, steel and labor prices have created the perfect environment for mid-scale wind energy projects to thrive. ...
Solar for My Home -
Tourism-dependent Hawaii targeting active travelers, renewable ...
By Bureau News
A new Web site is being launched Friday with information about initiatives in Hawaii, which is trying to become a leader in wind, wave, solar and thermal power. The nation's most fossil-fuel dependent state seeks to have at least 70 percent of its energy needs ... June 19th, 2009 CHENNAI - New and Renewable Energy Minister Farooq Abdullah Friday said his department would request the finance ministry to continue with existing incentive schemes for renewable power projects. ...
Breaking News -
Pomar de Idéias: Signs of Impact
By Bruno Alves
Third-party investors with a large tax appetite or developers with access to large balance sheets were a key part of wind project financing. Such investors normally partner with developers who have limited tax liability themselves and help ... Splitter Wind Farm in Illinois and 97-MW Wheat Field Wind Farm in Oregon. All together, these projects, which total 798 MW, are driving creation of over 600 direct construction jobs and represents an investment of over $1.5 billion. ...
Pomar de Idéias -
Thanks For The Visit-Green Earl
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
High Voltage International Investing
By gary
Because breakthrough technologies involving renewable energy – especially solar-electric (photovoltaic) power, including batteries of all types – is core and central to my own life career work as an electrical engineer and research ...
Gary A. Scott -
Whole House Solar Electric System With Whole House Solar Electric ...
By admin
Colorado Solar Rebate Discount Solar Systems ... Without solar power system with purchasing a whole house solar power system. ... Drastically reduce or even eliminate their electric bill ... www. ... Solar Electric System Installation / Maintenance in New York State ... NABCEP certified solar contractor installs and services solar, wind and micro-hydro systems in upstate and ... A whole house Energy Management ... www. / PV.htm ...
Clocks-lcdl - » Blog Archive » Home Solar Power
By Miles Novak
Light emitted from the sun can be used in a variety of different ways to produce usable energy. A few options include: - Simply using the sun to help regulate home temperature (passive solar energy). - With the help of mirrors, thermal solar collectors can amplify ... Photovoltaic cells: sun light can be converted into electricity to be used in the home. Passive Solar Power: this simply refers to taking advantage of and controlling the heat and light displaced by the sun. ... -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Demand for workers trained in clean energy technology is increasing
Oshkosh Northwestern - Oshkosh,WI,USA
Combined with proper training and education in renewable energy industries, ... installation somewhere in Appleton or Oshkosh or Green Bay whether it be a ...
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
U.S. Economic Overview 2009
By Ian Cooper
Energy & Capital Editor Nick Hodge discusses renewable energy growth and how Middle East oil countries are using oil profits from their front-end business to reach around and invest in clean technology on the backside. ... That I don't hear from anyone including you are alternate proposals for fixing the myriad of financial problems our country faces. We need more manufacturing jobs...but how do we rebuild that base in our country given the green light to chase after the ...
Wealth Daily -
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Out-of-state contractors are finalists for Siemens project
Hutchinson News
They faced a Friday deadline to present to Siemens Wind Power officials in Orlando, Fla, their final figures to construct the nacelle assembly and ...
See all stories on this topic
Wind Farm Approval Disputed Groups Want Stricter Review of Energy ... (press release)
By THOMAS CONTENT Some energy consumer groups have been supportive of wind power projects because, once they're built, the cost of the fuel -- the wind ...
See all stories on this topic
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Exporting sunshine - Dubai,Umm al Qaiwain,United Arab Emirates
As is expected, the amount of sunlight that strikes a PV system - expressed in ... As the massive concentrated solar power, or solar thermal, array proposed ...
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
The Future Evolution of Solar Energy | Boots on the Roof
By Meeta
On a small scale, this type of incentive was tried in 2006 by a group of investors that offered free solar panel installation in return for a twenty-five year contract or Power Purchase Agreement, to purchase electricity at a fixed ... With all of the options that seem to be floating around, solar and economical marketing is an excellent career to look into for the future evolution of solar energy. As fossil fuels continue to dissipate, actually any type of education in ...
Boots on the Roof -
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
The New Apollo Project « RBO
By Procrustes
During a week-long series of programs, The New Republic: America's Future, on his early evening Fox News Channel show, Glenn Beck has focused to varying degrees daily on POTUS's “Green Jobs Czar”, Van Jones, an avowed communist .... The Project was described as a “10-year, $300 billion initiative designed to create incentives for developing clean and renewable energy sources such as solar- and wind-generated power and fuel recycled from municipal and agricultural waste. ...
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Get Certified and Join a Secure Field in Energy Efficiency
Secure your job, and join the ranks of the ever expanding-energy efficiency market as an energy audit professional through certification with Texas Green Energy Audits. ... Texas Green Energy Audits provides the latest in green education, training and testing with qualified individuals who want to help you become a certified auditor. The Building Performance Institute of Texas Green Energy Audits is a recognized world leader of the development of an exceptional audit ...
Article Directory Online: Free... -
Michael de Portu: The Economy: Cycling Along With the Training ...
By Michael de Portu
Freight services are down 40%+. Retailers other than those distributing cheap products made in Asia and Latin America are down, as are food distributors. The American consumer seems convinced that the sale will still be on months from now, .... The Media Consortium: Weekly Audit: Fixing the Foreclosure Problem. The U.S. job market may be showing signs of life, but the scenario isn't really so rosy, as our government has yet to relieve the foreclosure pandemic. ...
The Full Feed from -
Google News Alert for: Conservation, creating Negawatts, saving energy
Windmills in la Muela area
Foreign Policy: Seven Myths About Alternative Energy
Atomic energy is emissions free, so a slew of politicians and even some ... your behavior to save energy. Doing less with less is called conservation. ...
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Miami Daily Business Review
Current Accounts
Miami Daily Business Review
While too much wind is a threat to Florida Power & Light, too little wind is hurting production at wind farms in FPL Group's renewable energy business, ...
See all stories on this topic
US funding in place for power line
Lethbridge Herald
Much of the electricity will be generated at three proposed wind farms in the Conrad, Mont. area. Williams said the term sheet expands and supersedes the ...
See all stories on this topic
US Treasury Dept. allocates $67M for Fairfield County
The Hour
Clean Renewable Energy Bonds may be used for wind, biomass energy and irrigation projects. School Construction bonds are to finance new public school ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Wing Solar project, a 14-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic installation. Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs. Joe Sitt locks out his theme park operator — and our readers chime in ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Energy and Climate News
By admin
Very few large-scale wind projects are able to obtain financing under the current economic climate. But falling turbine, steel and labor prices have created the perfect environment for mid-scale wind energy projects to thrive. ...
Solar for My Home -
Tourism-dependent Hawaii targeting active travelers, renewable ...
By Bureau News
A new Web site is being launched Friday with information about initiatives in Hawaii, which is trying to become a leader in wind, wave, solar and thermal power. The nation's most fossil-fuel dependent state seeks to have at least 70 percent of its energy needs ... June 19th, 2009 CHENNAI - New and Renewable Energy Minister Farooq Abdullah Friday said his department would request the finance ministry to continue with existing incentive schemes for renewable power projects. ...
Breaking News -
Pomar de Idéias: Signs of Impact
By Bruno Alves
Third-party investors with a large tax appetite or developers with access to large balance sheets were a key part of wind project financing. Such investors normally partner with developers who have limited tax liability themselves and help ... Splitter Wind Farm in Illinois and 97-MW Wheat Field Wind Farm in Oregon. All together, these projects, which total 798 MW, are driving creation of over 600 direct construction jobs and represents an investment of over $1.5 billion. ...
Pomar de Idéias -
Thanks For The Visit-Green Earl
green jobs in the gulf
$10.5 Million In Local Solar Education,
2009 Renewable Energy News,
August 30th.,
Award Winning Renewable Energy Wind
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