Evidence of BP oil spill health risks confirm Gulf coast public fears of Corexit toxic cloud

As it turns out, the fears of Gulf coast residents, particularly
those in the Tampa Bay area who are worried about a media
blackout over health threats, may not be concerned without reason.
“In a
shocking interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on
June 29th, Allegiance Capitol Corporation V.P. Fred McCallister
said that BP is deliberately sinking oil with the toxic chemical
disbursant Corexit, to hide the size of the oil spill. By sinking
the oil before it can be collected, BP won’t have to pay fines on it.”
The San Francisco Chronical reports, “Corexit 9500 is a solvent
originally developed by Exxon and now manufactured by the
Nalco of Naperville, Illinois. Corexit is four times more toxic
than oil (oil is toxic at 11 ppm (parts per million), Corexit 9500
at only 2.61ppm).
Russian Scientists have conducted studies on BP’s chemical
disbursant. Their conclusion; “Corexit 9500 which is being
pumped directly into the leak of this wellhead over a mile
under the Gulf of Mexico waters is designed to keep hidden
from the American public the full, and tragic, extent of this leak.”
They further report, “When combined with the heating Gulf
of Mexico waters, its molecules will be able to “phase transition”
from their present liquid to a gaseous state allowing them to be
absorbed into clouds and allowing their release as “toxic rain”
upon all of Eastern North America.”
Testimony before a Senate investigative panel on Thursday
by Allegiance Capitol Corporation V.P. Fred McCallister expected
care about the environment, the animals that are dying, and the lives
that are being destroyed by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
McCallister told CNN, “Everybody in Europe, where the standard
practice is to raise the oil and collect it, is scratching their heads,
and quite honestly laughing at what’s happening in the Gulf.” He added,
“Everyone is looking at us and wondering why we’re allowing this to happen.”
Sung to the tune of...SKIP TO MY LOU, My Darling
BP's spraying Round Up on the Gulf
BP's spraying Round UP on my Gulf...
BP's spraying Round UP on my Gulf...
And your lookin kinda pale...
The trees on land will soon turn brown
Birds and fish will no longer be found.
Obama and BP are fucken us around...
burning turtles, dolphins and whales.
We need to put em all in jail..
Need to put em all in jail
We Need to put em all in jail...
and throw away the fucken key.
You need to evacuate to Cleveland now
You need to evacuate to Cleveland now
You need to evacuate to Cleveland now..
So you can watch their basketball team.
I'm thinking Belize or Costa Rica soon
I'm thinking Belize or Costa Rica soon
Pretty soon this nation will be like the moon,
The rest of you can kiss my ass.
Written by 30 year conservation and
solar generation activist and pioneer
_Green Earl
founder of: http://yeswecansolveit.blo
2 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personYou like this. ·
Earl Allen Boek
well i like it... but it's a little bit hard to dance to so...I give it about a 6.
about a minute ago · LikeUnlike ·
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