Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar EnergyTransition Arizona
Click On Title Above To Go Direct To Event
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TERRI LARSEN has invited you to the event 'The Film "In Transition": Watch Online!' on Transition Arizona!
This is the film on Transition and will be available until tonight on line. Check it out!
The Film "In Transition": Watch Online! Time: June 13, 2009 all day
Location: On Line:
Organized By: TERRI LARSEN
Event Description:
The Transition Network is presenting "In Transition: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience," its first major educational film project online between now and late Saturday night.
This is a very good introduction to the Transition movement and to some of the Transition Initiatives which formed earlier and have already accomplished projects in food, education, energy, economic development, recycling, building, transportation, and government.
To watch the 57-minute film, go to this web page and click on the image:
Quicktime Player is required for viewing and can be downloaded from that page.
Last week, Sustainable Tucson became the 29th officially recognized U.S. Transition Initiative. There are currently more than 150 local transition projects around the world.
To learn more about the Transition movement, find resources and links here:
See more details and RSVP on Transition Arizona:
About Transition Arizona
Transition Arizona 32 members
6 videos
14 discussions
American Energy Conservation and Solar Generation Pioneer Provides almost daily directory of Green Energy News and Commentary. Discussions, regarding conservation, weatherization, solar DHW, Solar PV and Wind and Green Careers._Green Earl, Founder American Energy Conservation Group Redding/Las Vegas/Sacramento, Ca 530-604-6394 Still Producing NegaWatts...Since 1981
Saturday, June 13, 2009
If A "Inventor" Comes To You, Needing $40 Million For A Solar System That Makes Energy 24/7...Run Like The Wind_Green Earl

Jim Mc_____'s New Home !!
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Just wanted to stress to my readers, the following information.
If I put up a link to goods or services here on the blog, it
is because I believe in that company, usually have met the
owners and believe they are the real article. I will not be
involved, or be involved long, as one scam inventor found out,
with a company, service or product, that you would consider
a scam or one who multiple complaints against them. This is not
the case with the two companies I mention below, in fact in
both cases I've had very solid, positive comments from actual
users of these services.
In the case of Denby Energy a online energy audit program and
Green Irene a online, home based, eco consulting training and
conservation devices company, I have met the owners of both
companies and I stand, with 3 decades of experience, backing my
choice to place their links and promote their products on this
While on the subject of scams...if a guy with the following initals
J.McK_____, who lives in Florida, and says he is a graduate from
M.I.T. and he has a solar system that operates and generates solar
energy 24/7 using artificial lights, who says he needs $40 million
to build a plant, and swears he has a working system, but it's still
being tested in Area 51 in Nevada. RUN LIKE THE WIND_Green Earl
I have about 10 folks and 5 companies that will back me up on this
one....I think that is enough to label it a scam, don't you?
I'm thinking about writing a story on this guy and his BS deal...
Just looking for a good excuse.
Loans That Change Lives..........Join Me In Helping Them_Green Earl
Obama Admin. Strikes Back Against Mountaintop Mining, Stop Blowing Up My Mountains_GOD
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In
Conservation & Mountain Removal, Water Poison, Energy
The Obama Administration Takes Unprecedented Steps to Reduce Environmental Impacts of Mountaintop Coal Mining.
Obama Administration officials announced today that they are taking unprecedented steps to reduce the environmental impacts of mountaintop coal mining in the six Appalachian states of Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia through a coordinated approach between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of the Interior (DOI) and Army Corps of Engineers.
Through a Memorandum of Understanding signed by Lisa P. Jackson, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior; and Terrence “Rock” Salt, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, the Administration will implement an Interagency Action Plan on mountaintop coal mining that will:
* Minimize the adverse environmental consequences of mountaintop coal mining through short-term actions to be completed in 2009;
* Undertake longer-term actions to tighten the regulation of mountaintop coal mining;
* Ensure coordinated and stringent environmental reviews of permit applications under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1997 (SMCRA);
* Engage the public through outreach events in the Appalachian region to help inform the development of Federal policy; and
* Federal Agencies will work in coordination with appropriate regional, state, and local entities to help diversify and strengthen the Appalachian regional economy and promote the health and welfare of Appalachian communities.
“Mountaintop coal mining cannot be predicated on the assumption of minimal oversight of its environmental impacts, and its permanent degradation of water quality. Stronger reviews and protections will safeguard the health of local waters, and thousands of acres of watersheds in Appalachia,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “Our announcement today reaffirms EPA’s fundamental responsibility for protecting the water quality and environmental integrity of streams, rivers, and wetlands under the Clean Water Act. Getting this right is important to coalfield communities that count on a livable environment, both during mining and after coal companies move to other sites.” “The Army is pleased to support interagency efforts to increase environmental protection requirements and factual considerations for mountaintop coal mining activities in Appalachia,” said Terrence “Rock” Salt, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works. “The initiative being announced today will allow us to move forward on a number of important permit applications while providing improved certainty and transparency to permit applicants and the public.” “The steps we are taking today are a firm departure from the previous Administration’s approach to mountaintop coal mining, which failed to protect our communities, water, and wildlife in Appalachia,” said Secretary Salazar. “By toughening enforcement standards, by looking for common-sense improvements to our rules and regulations, and by coordinating our efforts with other agencies, we will immediately make progress toward reducing the environmental impacts of mountaintop coal mining.” “This agreement represents federal agencies working together to take the President’s message on mountaintop coal mining into action,” said Nancy Sutley, Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality. “We are committed to powering our country while protecting health and welfare in the Appalachian region, securing access to clean streams and safe drinking water, and honoring our clean water laws.” In close coordination, EPA, DOI, and the Corps will take several short-term actions to reform the regulation of mountaintop coal mining under the two primary environmental laws governing this mining practice. The Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency will take immediate steps under the CWA to minimize environmental harm by taking the following actions in 2009:
* Requiring more stringent environmental reviews for future permit applications for mountaintop coal mining;
* Within 30 days of the date of the MOU, the Corps will issue a public notice (pursuant to 33 C.F.R. § 330.5) proposing to modify Nationwide Permit (NWP) 21 to preclude its use to authorize the discharge of fill material into streams for surface coal mining activities in the Appalachian region, and will seek public comment on the proposed action;
* Strengthening permit reviews under CWA regulations (Section 404(b)(1)) to reduce the harmful direct and cumulative environmental impacts of mountaintop coal mining on streams and watersheds;
* Strengthening EPA coordination with states on water pollution permits for discharges from valley fills and state water quality certifications for mountaintop coal mining operations; and
* Improving stream mitigation projects to increase ecological performance and compensate for losses of these important waters of the United States.
The Department of Interior will also take the following steps:
* Reevaluate and determine how the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) will more effectively conduct oversight of state permitting, state enforcement, and regulatory activities under SMCRA;
* Ensure the protection of wildlife resources and endangered species by coordinating the development of CWA guidance with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS); and
* If the U.S. District Court vacates the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule, as requested by the Secretary of the Interior on April 27, 2009, Interior will issue guidance clarifying the application of stream buffer zone provisions in a preexisting 1983 SMCRA regulation to ensure mining activities will occur in a more environmentally protective way in or near Appalachian streams
Concurrent with these short-term actions, the three agencies will embark on a comprehensive, coordinated review of their existing respective regulations and procedures governing mountaintop coal mining under existing law. The agencies will also create an interagency working group to promote ongoing Federal collaboration and ensure the Action Plan achieves results. As these reforms are implemented, the agencies will seek to involve the public and guide Federal actions through robust public comment and outreach
EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers are today taking steps to enhance coordination in the environmental review of pending Clean Water Act permits for surface coal mining activities in Appalachian States. Administrator Jackson and Acting Assistant Secretary Salt have directed EPA and Corps field offices to coordinate under new procedures to ensure Clean Water Act permit decisions are fully consistent with sound science and the law, reduce adverse environmental impacts, provide greater public participation and transparency, and address pending permits in a more timely manner.
The Federal agencies will also work in coordination with appropriate regional, state, and local entities to help diversify and strengthen the Appalachian regional economy and promote the health and welfare of Appalachian communities. This interagency effort will have a special focus on stimulating clean enterprise and green jobs development, encouraging better coordination among existing federal efforts, and supporting innovative new ideas and initiatives.
* EPA-Corps Enhanced MTM Coordination Procedure
* Letter from EPA to Department of the Army
* MOU Among U.S. Department of the Army, U.S. Department of the Interior, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Source: WhiteHouse.Gov
Creative Commons License
Conservation & Mountain Removal, Water Poison, Energy
The Obama Administration Takes Unprecedented Steps to Reduce Environmental Impacts of Mountaintop Coal Mining.
Obama Administration officials announced today that they are taking unprecedented steps to reduce the environmental impacts of mountaintop coal mining in the six Appalachian states of Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia through a coordinated approach between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of the Interior (DOI) and Army Corps of Engineers.
Through a Memorandum of Understanding signed by Lisa P. Jackson, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior; and Terrence “Rock” Salt, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, the Administration will implement an Interagency Action Plan on mountaintop coal mining that will:
* Minimize the adverse environmental consequences of mountaintop coal mining through short-term actions to be completed in 2009;
* Undertake longer-term actions to tighten the regulation of mountaintop coal mining;
* Ensure coordinated and stringent environmental reviews of permit applications under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1997 (SMCRA);
* Engage the public through outreach events in the Appalachian region to help inform the development of Federal policy; and
* Federal Agencies will work in coordination with appropriate regional, state, and local entities to help diversify and strengthen the Appalachian regional economy and promote the health and welfare of Appalachian communities.
“Mountaintop coal mining cannot be predicated on the assumption of minimal oversight of its environmental impacts, and its permanent degradation of water quality. Stronger reviews and protections will safeguard the health of local waters, and thousands of acres of watersheds in Appalachia,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “Our announcement today reaffirms EPA’s fundamental responsibility for protecting the water quality and environmental integrity of streams, rivers, and wetlands under the Clean Water Act. Getting this right is important to coalfield communities that count on a livable environment, both during mining and after coal companies move to other sites.” “The Army is pleased to support interagency efforts to increase environmental protection requirements and factual considerations for mountaintop coal mining activities in Appalachia,” said Terrence “Rock” Salt, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works. “The initiative being announced today will allow us to move forward on a number of important permit applications while providing improved certainty and transparency to permit applicants and the public.” “The steps we are taking today are a firm departure from the previous Administration’s approach to mountaintop coal mining, which failed to protect our communities, water, and wildlife in Appalachia,” said Secretary Salazar. “By toughening enforcement standards, by looking for common-sense improvements to our rules and regulations, and by coordinating our efforts with other agencies, we will immediately make progress toward reducing the environmental impacts of mountaintop coal mining.” “This agreement represents federal agencies working together to take the President’s message on mountaintop coal mining into action,” said Nancy Sutley, Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality. “We are committed to powering our country while protecting health and welfare in the Appalachian region, securing access to clean streams and safe drinking water, and honoring our clean water laws.” In close coordination, EPA, DOI, and the Corps will take several short-term actions to reform the regulation of mountaintop coal mining under the two primary environmental laws governing this mining practice. The Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency will take immediate steps under the CWA to minimize environmental harm by taking the following actions in 2009:
* Requiring more stringent environmental reviews for future permit applications for mountaintop coal mining;
* Within 30 days of the date of the MOU, the Corps will issue a public notice (pursuant to 33 C.F.R. § 330.5) proposing to modify Nationwide Permit (NWP) 21 to preclude its use to authorize the discharge of fill material into streams for surface coal mining activities in the Appalachian region, and will seek public comment on the proposed action;
* Strengthening permit reviews under CWA regulations (Section 404(b)(1)) to reduce the harmful direct and cumulative environmental impacts of mountaintop coal mining on streams and watersheds;
* Strengthening EPA coordination with states on water pollution permits for discharges from valley fills and state water quality certifications for mountaintop coal mining operations; and
* Improving stream mitigation projects to increase ecological performance and compensate for losses of these important waters of the United States.
The Department of Interior will also take the following steps:
* Reevaluate and determine how the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) will more effectively conduct oversight of state permitting, state enforcement, and regulatory activities under SMCRA;
* Ensure the protection of wildlife resources and endangered species by coordinating the development of CWA guidance with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS); and
* If the U.S. District Court vacates the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule, as requested by the Secretary of the Interior on April 27, 2009, Interior will issue guidance clarifying the application of stream buffer zone provisions in a preexisting 1983 SMCRA regulation to ensure mining activities will occur in a more environmentally protective way in or near Appalachian streams
Concurrent with these short-term actions, the three agencies will embark on a comprehensive, coordinated review of their existing respective regulations and procedures governing mountaintop coal mining under existing law. The agencies will also create an interagency working group to promote ongoing Federal collaboration and ensure the Action Plan achieves results. As these reforms are implemented, the agencies will seek to involve the public and guide Federal actions through robust public comment and outreach
EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers are today taking steps to enhance coordination in the environmental review of pending Clean Water Act permits for surface coal mining activities in Appalachian States. Administrator Jackson and Acting Assistant Secretary Salt have directed EPA and Corps field offices to coordinate under new procedures to ensure Clean Water Act permit decisions are fully consistent with sound science and the law, reduce adverse environmental impacts, provide greater public participation and transparency, and address pending permits in a more timely manner.
The Federal agencies will also work in coordination with appropriate regional, state, and local entities to help diversify and strengthen the Appalachian regional economy and promote the health and welfare of Appalachian communities. This interagency effort will have a special focus on stimulating clean enterprise and green jobs development, encouraging better coordination among existing federal efforts, and supporting innovative new ideas and initiatives.
* EPA-Corps Enhanced MTM Coordination Procedure
* Letter from EPA to Department of the Army
* MOU Among U.S. Department of the Army, U.S. Department of the Interior, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Source: WhiteHouse.Gov
Creative Commons License
Green Careers, Energy, Solar, Wind, Latest Google Search, News and Commentary by Green Earl

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar EnergyGoogle News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
NRG Energy's solar plant plans could stretch into Texas
Dallas Morning News - Dallas,TX,USA
He's thinking about building photovoltaic solar plants on some of the company's land in the Houston area. NRG's plant in the New Mexico desert will use a ...
accustrata wins $150000 in federal stimulus funds - Charlotte,NC,USA
The idea is to fashion new technology that could be rolled out on the solar photovoltaic market in the next two to six years. Company researchers have been ...
NATIONAL VIEW: Is solar power dead in the water? - New Bedford,MA,USA
On the plus side, photovoltaic solar uses almost no water. In contrast, most large solar power projects use a system called concentrating solar power, ...
Weekly Investor Round Up - Huntington Station,NY,USA
This is the third major solar contract signed this year by PG&E, which recently topped utility rankings published by the Solar Electric Power Association ...
City of Portland unveils online solar resource
Daily Journal of Commerce - Portland,Oregon,USA
The city of Portland's goal is to create five megawatts of electricity through solar energy panels by 2012 – enough solar-generated electricity to power 100 ...
East Valley Tribune
Teachers get dirty learning about environment
East Valley Tribune - Mesa,AZ,USA
The teachers toured the $28 million, 400-kilowatt facility of photovoltaic power systems that use the sun to run 800 homes, Dickinson said. The solar ...
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
By American Energy Conservation Group
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic. Solar Energy Initiatives Announces Supply Contract with Suntech ... Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Judging Mr. Mayor
The Jewish Journal of greater L.A - Los Angeles,CA,USA
He has already tripled Los Angeles' renewables portfolio, ... produce 10 percent of the city's energy needs with solar sources by 2020. 2. Good green jobs. ...
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Green Jobs Grow At Twice The National Average
By The Huffington Post News Editors
NEW YORK — The fledgling renewable energy industry has grown steadily over much of the past decade, adding jobs at more than twice the national rate, according to a Pew Charitable Trusts study released Wednesday. Solar and wind-power companies, ... Barney Frank, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and a... Mike Tyson Marries Lakiha Spicer In Vegas. LAS VEGAS — Boxer Mike Tyson has married for a third time, two weeks after his 4-year-old. ...
The Full Feed from -
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Energy and Global Warming News ...
By Austin
Green-collar workers — who include everyone from energy-efficiency consultants to wastewater plant operators — constitute a tiny but fast-growing segment of the U.S. economy, according to a study published today by the Pew Charitable Trusts . .... “Renewables are poised to tackle our energy crisis and create millions of new jobs worldwide,” according to Worldwatch Senior Researcher Michael Renner. “Meanwhile, fossil fuel jobs are increasingly becoming fossils themselves, ...
Climate Progress -
Arizona's solar future: “Dabble or dominate?” | Solar Feeds News ...
By (Scottadmin)
Backers say the SB 1403, titled the” Quality Jobs Through Renewable Energy bill,” is the missing leg on a three-legged stool of economic development for the state. With 300+ clear days annually, the state is already well positioned to produce solar-based electricity. .... In addition to reporting on innovations in solar technology, green job growth and advice for homeowners who want to go solar, the Sun investigates stories you won't find elsewhere. We cover the legal, ...
Solar Feeds -
Business in focus: TRANSCRIPT: KENYA BUDGET 2009/2010 DELIVERED ON ...
By branded
Mr. Speaker, to enhance supply of environmentally friendly and affordable energy to our economy, the focus of our investments will be on development of renewable energy such as geothermal, wind, bio-fuel, biomas and use of solid waste. .... Mr. Speaker, countries are going green in their quest to generate clean energy and Kenya must not be left behind. In order to move forward in transforming Kenya into a green economy, we will establish a Green Energy Facility to offer ...
Business in focus -
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Clean energy project to be announced this afternoon
Muncie Star Press - Muncie,IN,USA
The wind turbine and some of the street lights will be installed at the Park One/332 industrial park at Interstate 69 and Ind. 332, future home of the ...
Group raps Raitt about wind cash - Halifax,Nova Scotia,Canada
That means the money will be tapped out this fall, says Robert Hornung, president of CanWEA, which will kill shovel-ready wind projects. ...
ALTERNATIVE ENERGY Unnecessary Obstacles Wisconsin Needs More Wind ... (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
The Journal Sentinel's Thomas Content pointed out in an article on Monday that more than a dozen wind projects around the state have been slowed by local ...
Renewable Energies in the USA: Prospects for the Renewable ...
By Sebastian Goeres
U.S. wind gets short-term boost from new federal incentives: The Obama Administration's economic stimulus package provides several new tax equity financing options for U.S. wind projects installed in 2009-2010. ... turbine manufacturing facilities remain on track: Confidence in the long-term stability of U.S. policy support has led to dozens of announcements of new U.S. manufacturing facilities for wind turbines and their components. However, people lose their jobs too. ...
Renewable Energies in the USA -
Finance and Commerce
'Green job' growth outpaces overall increase in Minnesota Powered by expanding wind and solar energy sectors – and the companies that support those sectors – Minnesota's clean-energy economy grew much faster than the overall state economy from 1998 to 2007. ... According to Pew, “clean energy” includes work on renewable energy projects, energy efficiency, environmentally friendly production, conservation and pollution mitigation and training and support. ...
Finance and Commerce Business News -
Radio Address: Lt. Gov. Cherry: Recovery Act is Creating Jobs ...
By Cathleen Carrigan
In addition to Recovery Act dollars, the state is spending another $980 million on transportation this year, creating 27000 additional jobs. As we continue to make Michigan a magnet for manufacturers of advanced batteries, wind turbines ... at a lower cost than through traditional tax-exempt financing. The bonds are intended to stimulate economic recovery and targeted at areas hit hard by job losses. They can be used for economic-development projects such as job training, ...
Governor Jennifer Granholm: The... -
VOL Settles Contract with Police | Larchmont Gazette
By Elaine Chapnick
Alisa Kesten: Paying jobs are tight this year but if you have... Ned Benton: Trustee Ward presents interesting questions about the eventual structures of. ... Larchmont is required to spend this money, on a matching basis, for projects that will help the environment. Rick Vetere, head of the Department of Public Works, has recommended the purchase of a new street sweeper; the current one is over ten .... wind speed: 0 mph CLM Windgusts: 0 mph sunrise: 5:23 sunset: 20:27 ...
Larchmont Gazette -
South Korea braces for possible 3rd nuclear test by North Korea ...
By Kwang-tae Kim
Washington Post; CKA South Korea Braces for 3rd Nuclear Test by North; GreenEnergyNews Acciona Completes South Korean Wind Project: Grid connection of the 61.5 MW Yeong Yang wind park in South Korea ... shouldn't you have done a better job with that whole coupon program?? infozine China Government Rebuffs UN Human Rights Council | Kansas City infoZine #news #censorship #chinese #gov #human-rights ...
The Gaea News -
Yahoo! Alerts
The latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* Mo. family Christmas photo turns up in Czech ad (AP)
* Splashdown: SC man jumps off bridge to meet friend (AP)
* Coveted parking space in Boston sells for $300,000 (AP)
* Woman jailed for allegedly faking doctor's notes (AP)
* Husband, wife both win big on scratch-off tickets (AP)
* What ales Molson retirees? (Reuters)
* Police to probe missing gold at mint (Reuters)
* Tokyo fights burglars with flower power (Reuters)
* Chimp bites off Berlin Zoo director's finger (Reuters)
* Venezuela bans Coke Zero (Reuters)
* Beer run on a lawn mower leads to OUI charge (AP)
* Fox steals more than 100 shoes (Reuters)
* Residents fight burglars with flower power (Reuters)
* Ancient mass grave found on Olympics site (Reuters)
* Be a man, would-be holiday organizers urge (AP)
* Nevada students find naked man tied to a rock (AP)
* All-white flashmob dine in Paris square (AFP)
* Ahn hits wrong kind of birdie at LPGA Championship (Reuters)
* Man allegedly tries to use fake $100 at McDonald's (AP)
* Ex-POW seeks apology, compensation (Reuters)
* Pair planning to start honeymoon find car in pool (AP)
Mo. family Christmas photo turns up in Czech ad (AP) Top
AP - It's an international mystery: How did a Missouri family's Christmas card photo end up in the Czech Republic, splashed across a huge storefront advertisement? Danielle Smith said Wednesday that the photo taken of her family last year got sent to family and friends, and was posted on her blog and a few social networking sites. The photo showed her and her husband Jeff holding their two young children.
Splashdown: SC man jumps off bridge to meet friend (AP) Top
AP - When drivers on a stretch of South Carolina interstate saw someone jump off a bridge, they called 911, fearing they were watching a suicide. Instead, multiple media outlets reported Thursday that the callers were just watching Lyle Silkwood jump from the Interstate 26 bridge into the Saluda River near Columbia to meet a passing friend in a boat after his truck ran out of gas.
Coveted parking space in Boston sells for $300,000 (AP) Top
AP - A real estate agent said a resident of Boston's upscale Back Bay section plunked down $300,000 to own what is believed to be the priciest parking space in the city's history.
Woman jailed for allegedly faking doctor's notes (AP) Top
AP - Students have been known to try to fake a doctor's note to get out of school. A South Carolina woman has now been arrested and accused of writing fake doctor's notes for four students. The Sun News of Myrtle Beach reported Wednesday that 45-year-old Naomi Antoinette Aranda was charged with forgery. Horry County police said she wrote notes for four students at Socastee High School, including her own child.
Husband, wife both win big on scratch-off tickets (AP) Top
AP - One week after Chuck Hill won $5,000 in the Georgia Lottery's Weekly WinFall drawing, his wife did even better. Karen Hill bought a World Class Millions scratch-off ticket on her way to work at City Chevron in Villa Rica. Her $20 ticket won $1 million.
What ales Molson retirees? (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Beer maker Molson is turning of the tap and cutting off the supply of free suds to its retirees, the Toronto Star reported on Tuesday.
Police to probe missing gold at mint (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Canadian police will investigate why the Royal Canadian Mint seems to have lost some of its gold and other precious metals, the government said on Tuesday.
Tokyo fights burglars with flower power (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A Tokyo district plagued with burglaries has turned to planting flowers to beautify its streets and help stamp out crime.
Chimp bites off Berlin Zoo director's finger (Reuters) Top
Reuters - The director of the Berlin Zoo made famous by the polar bear cub Knut has had his finger bitten off by a chimpanzee called Pedro.
Venezuela bans Coke Zero (Reuters) Top
Reuters - The Venezuelan government of U.S.-critic President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday ordered Coca-Cola to withdraw its Coke Zero beverage from the South American nation, citing unspecified dangers to health.
Beer run on a lawn mower leads to OUI charge (AP) Top
AP - A Maine man has been charged with operating under the influence after he and a friend made a beer run on a riding lawn mower.
Fox steals more than 100 shoes (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A fox has been unmasked as the mystery thief of more than 100 shoes in the small western German town of Foehren, authorities said Friday.
Residents fight burglars with flower power (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A Tokyo district plagued with burglaries has turned to planting flowers to beautify its streets and help stamp out crime.
Ancient mass grave found on Olympics site (Reuters) Top
Reuters - An ancient burial pit containing 45 severed skulls, that could be a mass war grave dating back to Roman times, has been found under a road being built for the 2012 British Olympics.
Be a man, would-be holiday organizers urge (AP) Top
AP - Two Indiana men have declared Monday "National Man Day" only to find there's already a romantic holiday that falls on that date.
Nevada students find naked man tied to a rock (AP) Top
AP - A 53-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of being naked near a high school on Lake Tahoe's east shore. The naked man was arrested Monday after three Whittell High School students reported spotting him tied to a rock and lying face down behind the school. When the students asked if he needed to be untied, the man answered no.
All-white flashmob dine in Paris square (AFP) Top
AFP - A glam flashmob of 5,000 clad all in white invaded Paris' Concorde square late Thursday for a surprise sit-down dinner on the street in one of the city's most picturesque locations.
Ahn hits wrong kind of birdie at LPGA Championship (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Ahn Shi-hyun's drive on the ninth hole at the LPGA Championship on Friday hit a robin, killing the unfortunate bird in a puff of feathers.
Man allegedly tries to use fake $100 at McDonald's (AP) Top
AP - Police have arrested a man for trying to pass a fake $100 bill at McDonald's, leading to a find of $16,000 more in counterfeit C-notes. Police said the man was arrested Monday after an employee at McDonald's reported someone trying to pass a counterfeit $100 bill. A preliminary investigation led police to find $6,200 in counterfeit $100s in his possession.
Ex-POW seeks apology, compensation (Reuters) Top
Reuters - An Australian World War Two veteran who was forced to work in a coal mine owned by the family of Japan's Prime Minister Taro Aso will visit Tokyo next week to push his case for compensation and an apology for his treatment.
Pair planning to start honeymoon find car in pool (AP) Top
AP - A South Florida couple woke up to a car plunged in their pool. Police said that a teenage driver swerved to avoid a cat drove his car into the backyard swimming pool early Friday. The car went through the bushes and a fence and into the pool, police said. The driver was the only person in the vehicle and got out of the car uninjured.
Thanks For The Visit_Green Earl
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Friday, June 12, 2009
Green Career Searches, Top 20 Plus Links, Auditors, Eco-Consultants, Solar, Wind, Google Searches

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Google Top Twenty Green Careers Advanced Search
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Returns Expected. Principle, Interest and Equity
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In addition to working with individuals and groups in her practice, she has designed, produced and delivered green careers programming for the Bioneers ... - Cached - Similar -
Green Careers Guide - Green Jobs, Green Careers, Green Opportunities
Green career employment is expected to be a 1.5 trillion dollar industry. Find your green niche and a green job. Many green careers highlighted. - Cached - Similar -
Green Jobs | Career Center
Find the green job that's right for you.'s green jobs center has jobs in renewable energy, cleantech, green building, sustainable businesses ...
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Green Career Central is a virtual green career center offering green career coaching, programs, resources, and events to help people identify and achieve ... - Cached - Similar -
Get free Green Career Coaching and Mentoring from thirty year pioneer and
conservation, solar, energy auditor, eco-consultant, Green Earl. "I will show you the best entry doors to the renewable, alternative energy business" - Cached - Similar -
10 Great Green Opportunities (By Brita Belli, Kathryn Gutlebar ...
“People think there is some kind of mystery, 'Where are the 'green' jobs?'” says Marie Kerpan, founder of consulting practice Green Careers, ... - Cached - Similar -
6. - Helping people work for a better environment
The Green Careers Journal was created to provide individuals, current professionals, students, university colleges, departments and career offices with a ... - Cached - Similar -
Great green careers - Apr. 16, 2008
Earth friendly jobs aren't just about organic farming and installing solar panels. Meet the carbon traders, eco-bankers and corporate climate strategists ... - Cached - Similar -
Urban League job fair highlights green careers - PDX Green
The best news release ever: You really can recycle anything · Urban League job fair highlights green careers · The ecoroofs are coming; ... - Cached - Similar -
GreenCareerCentral: Green Career Tip - Why is Defining Green Jobs ...
Apr 14, 2009 ... Here are a few reality checks that may give us some additional insight into why it is difficult, if not impossible to articulate all the ... - Cached - Similar -
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Home: Great Green Careers has alternative energy jobs, environmental jobs, green building jobs, social investing jobs and other green jobs. - Cached - Similar -
News results for green careers
Noteworthy | Green careers workshop for women will be held today - 3 days ago
A green careers workshop for women will be held today at the YWCA in Kansas City, Kan. See Business Calendar, C23. The latest Barron's cover story on the ...
Kansas City Star - 2 related articles »
Content Packed Green Career Conference to be held in LA
May 29, 2009 ... Conference Aims to Assist Job Seekers in Grabbing Green Career Opportunities. - Cached - Similar -
Green Careers :: Wetfeet Shop
Green Careers is the ultimate guide for job seekers hoping to enter the green sector of the economy: the rapidly growing area at the nexus of business and ... - Cached - Similar -
Green Career Central Blog by Carol McClelland of provides green economy trends and strategies you can use to land your own green ... - Cached - Similar -
Green Careers
Apr 24, 2009 ... Just off press, Green Careers: Choosing Work for a Sustainable Future by Jim Cassio and Alice Rush is an exhaustive guide to establishing a ... - Cached - Similar -
Green Career Central Job Board is Launched!
Before you explore the Green Career Central Job Board, take a few moments to familiarize yourself with what's offered to you as a green job seeker. ... - Cached - Similar -
Green Career Conference 2008 Solar Living Institute
8:15-9:00 Opening Keynote: Green Careers in the Expanding Green Economy ... Strategy, tools, perspectives, and tips from green career professionals ... - Cached - Similar -
7. - Helping people work for a better environment
It is operated by the Green Careers Center in Hampton, Virginia. The Green Careers Center has been helping people work for the environment since 1980. - Cached - Similar -
Jim Cassio - career information and workforce development ...
Information about my latest publications, including Green Careers: ... Free e-resource guides, including the regularly updated Green Careers Resource Guide ... - Cached - Similar -
9. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Careers: Barbara ...
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Careers and over 285000 other books are available for Amazon Kindle – Amazon's new wireless reading device. Learn more ... - Cached - Similar -
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it, there's a career for you in the new green economy. ... own green career. Welcome! Kevin Doyle, ECO David Blockstein Kay LyBrand, NWF ... - Similar -
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Google Green Career News,
Green Earl,
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Green Careers, Energy, Solar, Wind, Latest Google Search, News and Commentary by Green Earl

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Economic, Energy, Ag, Trade Issues at Pacific Economic Cooperation ...
NewsBlaze - Folsom,CA,USA
So I think right now we're at a very critical period because we've begun to see some green shoots of progress as they like to say in the financial press, ...
Pew Study: Green Jobs Growing More Than Twice as Fast as All Other ...
By Tracey de Morsella
Twenty-three states have adopted regional initiatives to reduce the global warming pollution from power plants, 46 states offer some form of tax incentive to encourage residents and corporations to use renewable energy or adopt energy ... Update me about green jobs and careers when site is updated. Popular; Topics; Comments. Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs Creation -
Updated May 5, 2009 · Best Green Jobs Meta-list: 56 Top Green Careers ...
The Green Economy Post: Green... -
Launch of a New Employment Strategy… | The MiFi Report
By Gavin
The EU jobs plan also focuses on analysing, sector by sector, the EU labour market needs, both present and future, to include green skills. A recent report issued by the European Commission Directorate responsible for Energy and Transport revealed that a significant boost to the number of jobs in the EU would result from policies which support renewable energy sources (RES). 410000 additional jobs will be created by improving the current policies to target the 20% RES in ...
The MiFi Report -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Free Green Career Consultation. Click Link Above In Title Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance. ISSUES > Energy and Environment Response to the NRDC Critique of The Heritage Foundation's ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Solar Energy Initiatives Announces Supply Contract with Suntech ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
“This agreement validates Solar Energy Initiative's position within the rapidly growing solar energy market and our ability to attract the top panel ...
Plans announced for sixth solar plant near Kingman
(AP) - Plans have been announced for a sixth solar power generating station in the Kingman area. The 1.5-megawatt photovoltaic plant would be located north ...
Obama's Energy Plan
The New American - USA
So how much incoming solar radiation is the panel really expected to intercept for conversion to electricity? First we need to assume that the photovoltaic ...
Seaside Elementary Goes Solar - Monterey,CA,USA
Unveiled last week on the final week of school, was a photovoltaic solar panel system. Basically a fancy term for a panel which uses sunlight to solely ...
Hyatt Regency New Brunswick Flips Switch On sunpower Solar Power ...
PR Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
At a dedication ceremony today, Hyatt Regency New Brunswick celebrated the completion of the new photovoltaic (PV) solar panel system. ...
June 9, 2009... Program provides $16.5 million under the American ...
Compound Semiconductors Online (press release) - Austin,TX,USA
NREL also announced partnerships with 13 US small solar businesses, which have the capability to enter the market by 2012. The Photovoltaic (PV) Technology ...
Suntech CTO Stuart Wenham Receives William R. Cherry Award for ...
By orville
... field of solar PV." "My interest and research in photovoltaic technology has always been based on enabling widespread global adoption of solar energy as a clean, durable and affordable solution," said Dr. Stuart Wenham. ... Suntech designs, develops, manufactures, and markets premium quality, high-output, cost-effective and environmentally friendly solar products for electric power applications in the residential, commercial, industrial, and public utility sectors. ...
Solar Headlines -
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Blackstone's Peterson Flopped at MIT, Rose on Dumb Luck: Books
Bloomberg - USA
... a job in a radiation lab that turns out to have been part of the Manhattan Project, which built the world's first atomic bomb? And how many people wind ...
US cranes get a lift
Cranes Today - Sidcup,Kent,UK
“We still see a good market in wind energy, a decent market in highway projects, refineries, all kinds of energy producing plants, maintenance shops for ...
Solar Project Finance Specialist | Green Jobs Authority
Within the sustainable and renewables space we cover project financing, commodity financing, project development, CDM/JI development roles, exploration and engineering, and all other areas related to the wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, ...
solar jobs, wind jobs, cleantech jobs -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
REU, Redding Electric Utility Is Having A Energy Show, Ahh, Make That A Solar Energy Show, Well Anyway. Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy ... These projects and systems have saved American Energy Conservation customers hundreds of thousand of dollars in utility cost. Currently consulting and setting up statewide dealer network in CA while financing projects Nationwide. Can be reached at 530-549- 4315 ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
IPAMS Wildcatter Weekly » Blog Archive » Wildcatter Weekly, June ...
By ipams
IPAMS is trying to get more Democratic Senators to sign onto a letter to the Senate Finance Committee opposing repeal of Intangible Drilling Costs (IDC) expensing and percentage depletion. Please call the following Senators' ..... The Pew study looked at jobs created between 1998 and 2007. Since then the overall job market, especially in traditional manufacturing, has shrunk while the investment in wind farms, solar projects, and pollution mitigation has fared better. ...
IPAMS Wildcatter Weekly -
Clean Energy Investments Starting to Rise in 2Q 2009 ...
By Environmental Leader
New investment in the global clean energy sector in the second quarter of 2009 has already surpassed investments made in the first quarter by a third, according to new research by New Energy Finance. ... The report identifies eight emerging , large-scale clean energy sectors that are expected to significantly contribute to a clean energy infrastructure: onshore wind, offshore wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal electricity ... Business Moguls Aid Rainforest Project ...
Environmental Leader -
C-Questor Carbon Markets and Climate Change News Letter: Green YESWECANSOLVEIT] Fw: Recovery Act Announcement: New Funding Boosts Carbon Capture, Solar Energy, and High Gas Mileage Cars and Trucks
Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:09 PM
"Charles Vismeg"
Add sender to Contacts
--- On Thu, 6/11/09, DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
From: DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Subject: Recovery Act Announcement: New Funding Boosts Carbon Capture, Solar Energy, and High Gas Mileage Cars and Trucks
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 12:13 PM
Recovery Act Announcement: New Funding Boosts Carbon Capture, Solar Energy, and High Gas Mileage Cars and Trucks
June 11, 2009
U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced more than $300 million worth of investments that will boost a range of clean energy technologies鈥"including carbon capture from coal, solar power, and high efficiency cars and trucks. The move reflects the Obama Administration's commitment to a broad based strategy that will create millions of jobs while transforming the way we use and produce energy.
"There's enormous potential for new jobs and reduced carbon pollution just by implementing existing technologies like energy efficiency and wind energy, but we also need to develop transformative new solutions," said Secretary Chu. "As a scientist, I remain optimistic that these breakthroughs are within our reach, and investments like these are an important part of achieving them."
Full story
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By Graham Crawford
They also said that wind farms, solar projects, and battery factories had fared better than traditional manufacturing as the job market has contracted. "This is a sector poised for explosive growth," said Lori Grange, the interim deputy ...
C-Questor Carbon Markets and... -
The latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* Mo. family Christmas photo turns up in Czech ad (AP)
* Man accused of urinating on people at festival (AP)
* It's raining tadpoles in Japan town, residents say (AFP)
* Man upset with case nabbed after fleeing courtroom (AP)
* Woman pleads guilty to French banker's killing (Reuters)
* Good Samaritan mugged while helping Mich. motorist (AP)
* Free-web Pirate Party captures seat (Reuters)
* Police to probe missing gold at mint (Reuters)
* Rubbish bin body (Reuters)
* Detroit triplet celebrates birth of own set of 3 (AP)
* Swaziland's only stadium torn apart for lucky charms (AFP)
* Look what the dog brought in: US hand grenade (AFP)
* Swearing TV chef rebuked (Reuters)
* The snakes are winning! (Reuters)
* Mass. yellow lobster is a 1 in 30 million rarity (AP)
* Ukuleles to play Beethoven at the "proms" (Reuters)
* Fire fighters battle snakes in police station (Reuters)
* Strange story about cash, trash and a mattress (Reuters)
* Dog just doesn't say no and gets 'stoned' at park (AP)
* Woman spots man in bra rummaging through her car (AP)
* Ohio panty burglar gets 9 years in prison (AP)
Mo. family Christmas photo turns up in Czech ad (AP) Top
AP - It's an international mystery: How did a Missouri family's Christmas card photo end up in the Czech Republic, splashed across a huge storefront advertisement? Danielle Smith said Wednesday that the photo taken of her family last year got sent to family and friends, and was posted on her blog and a few social networking sites. The photo showed her and her husband Jeff holding their two young children.
Man accused of urinating on people at festival (AP) Top
AP - A 31-year-old Detroit man faces a misdemeanor assault and battery charge after allegedly urinating on several people during an annual gay pride event. The Daily Tribune of Royal Oak reported the man had been drinking and was upset that he was splashed with water aimed at street dancers Sunday during the Motor City Pride Festival.
It's raining tadpoles in Japan town, residents say (AFP) Top
AFP - Meteorologists in Japan say the rainy season has just started in Tokyo, but residents in a small coastal town have reported a different phenomenon -- tadpoles dropping out of the sky.
Man upset with case nabbed after fleeing courtroom (AP) Top
AP - Authorities said a man upset with how his case was going bolted from a Cincinnati courtroom and was chased by police officers on hand to testify in other cases. Officials said the 27-year-old man made his run at the Hamilton County Courthouse Tuesday after a judge increased his bond on drug charges and placed him under house arrest.
Woman pleads guilty to French banker's killing (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A French woman pleaded guilty on Wednesday to killing a French banking scion after kinky sex and an argument over $1 million (610,418 pounds), saying it was "a crime of passion."
Good Samaritan mugged while helping Mich. motorist (AP) Top
AP - For one man, no good deed went unpunished after he was mugged while stopping to help a female motorist. The Washtenaw County sheriff's department told The Ann Arbor News and the Detroit Free Press the man stopped his car around 2:30 a.m. Sunday. While attempting to remove a spare tire from the trunk of the distressed vehicle, a man hit him over the head with a bottle.
Free-web Pirate Party captures seat (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Sweden's Pirate Party, striking a chord with voters who want more free content on the Internet, won a seat in the European Parliament, early results showed Sunday.
Police to probe missing gold at mint (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Canadian police will investigate why the Royal Canadian Mint seems to have lost some of its gold and other precious metals, the government said on Tuesday.
Rubbish bin body (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Police are searching for the previous resident of a house in Surrey where a woman's body was found dumped in a rubbish bin.
Detroit triplet celebrates birth of own set of 3 (AP) Top
AP - A Detroit triplet is celebrating the birth of her own set of three. Amber Ali delivered Amir, Armann and Amari Whitaker on May 26 at Sinai-Grace Hospital in Detroit. The 23-year-old told columnist Neal Rubin with The Detroit News she's relieved the boys arrived safely.
Swaziland's only stadium torn apart for lucky charms (AFP) Top
AFP - The artificial turf at Swaziland's only football stadium has been ripped apart by players who planted magic charms known as "muti" under the field, officials said on Monday.
Look what the dog brought in: US hand grenade (AFP) Top
AFP - A dog out on a walk happened upon a live US grenade from World War II and eagerly delivered it to his master, police said Monday, but authorities were able to defuse the explosive before it went off.
Swearing TV chef rebuked (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Foul-mouthed British chef Gordon Ramsay was rebuked on Tuesday by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who said the celebrity reflected "a new form of low life" for insulting a high-profile female television reporter.
The snakes are winning! (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Police in Sierra Leone have called in the army and fire brigade to try to take back control of a police station which has been overrun by hundreds of poisonous snakes.
Mass. yellow lobster is a 1 in 30 million rarity (AP) Top
AP - This lobster will catch your eye, but not because you're imagining its tail dipped in butter. It is bright orange and yellow, even though it's never been near a boiling pot.
Ukuleles to play Beethoven at the "proms" (Reuters) Top
Reuters - The unlikely sound of ukuleles will take over one of Britain's largest classical musical festivals this summer, with an orchestra of the mini guitars performing Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" in a play-along special.
Fire fighters battle snakes in police station (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Police in Sierra Leone have called in the army and fire brigade to try to take back control of a police station which has been overrun by hundreds of poisonous snakes.
Strange story about cash, trash and a mattress (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A treasure hunt in the trash was the talk of Israel Wednesday after a woman said she had accidentally dumped a mattress stuffed with $1 million in notes.
Dog just doesn't say no and gets 'stoned' at park (AP) Top
AP - A dog that ran off from its owner in Seattle's Seward Park found and ate some marijuana and got high. Owner Jen Nestor Waddell told KING-TV the 11-year-old black Lab mix named Jack was "just stoned" May 12 after they returned home from the park. The dog's eyes glossed over and he had trouble walking.
Woman spots man in bra rummaging through her car (AP) Top
AP - A man has been charged after a neighbor said she found him wearing a purple bra and boxer shorts while rummaging through her car. Jacob Andrew Fast, 20, was arraigned Wednesday on charges of first-degree home invasion and resisting and obstructing a police officer. Lisa Collins told WZZM-TV she found Fast rifling through her car on Tuesday afternoon and called the police. The car keys were missing from her house.
Ohio panty burglar gets 9 years in prison (AP)
AP - An Ohio man has been sentenced to nine years in prison for stealing underwear from more than 20 women in a series of home break-ins going back to 2006. Thomas Williams, 25, pleaded guilty Wednesday to 11 felonies, including nine burglary counts. He also pleaded guilty to misdemeanor voyeurism.
Thanks For The Visit_Green Earl
green jobs in the gulf
Award Winning Renewable Energy Wind,
Green Careers,
green jobs,
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Join Maria Shriver and Green Earl's Lending Team, Helping Change The World, One Business Loan At A Time

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Hey Readers: I just made three business loans, two to some nice
people in Vietnam, where I once served and one to some people
running a store in Peru. Very neat, for as little as $25 dollars
each you can help change some peoples lives. Kinda funny as I
search for funding for my own projects, I'm lending to others.
Cool. Please join me in helping to support The Following Groups.
Los Diamantes Group, Van Phuong Thi Vu's Group and Nhuah Thi Nguyes
Group. Link to Maria Shriver's Funding Group is located above in
the Blog Title_Green Earl... Help Us Just Do Something!
We loan because: ***** STARTING TODAY! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH ***** For the first time ever and for as little as $25, Americans can lend to women entrepreneurs right in their own backyard. WE Invest, a program of The Women's Conference, already has been investing in women entrepreneurs in California, linking them to business training, mentoring and a support network to give them the tools to start or expand their own businesses. Now WE Invest is partnering with Kiva, the world's first person-to-person microlending website, created to empower individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs around the globe. This new venture will allow us to empower thousands of women across America to become more financially independent, showing that every loan - even $25 - can make a real difference and change a life. JOIN US in empowering women - one woman at a time!
About us: Maria Shriver and The Women's Conference, continuing their efforts to promote the economic empowerment of women, are partnering with Kiva to bring microlending to the U.S.
Check out:
Team Since: May 29, 2009
Impact of Maria Shriver's Lending Team
Green Irene (Eco-Consultant Company) Featured In The New York Times and YESWECANSOLVEIT.BLOGSPOT.COM

Green Irene Featured in The New York Times
We are happy to share with you today's article in The New York Times that features Green Irene and one of our New York City Eco-Consultants.
Click On Title Above For Online Version Of Article
The New York Times article, "Make Me Greener, Please," discusses how an Eco-Consultant can help homeowners understand environmental savings, benefits and costs, which are often elusive and confusing.
The New York Times reporter pointed out that there are no industry standards for "eco-consultants". Green Irene is proud to have established a national training program and comprehensive checklists and reports backed by a research team to provide ongoing support to our clients and Eco-Consultants with local knowledge supplied by the independent, local Eco-Consultant. The daily feedback we get from our 400 Eco-Consultants in the field and the many Green Home Makeovers we perform helps make our $99 Green Home Makeover a great value.
Rosamaria Caballero
Co-Founder and the original "Green Irene"
Below is an excerpt from The New York Times article:
Sal Scamardo, a 46-year-old independent film producer in New York, had hired a consultant even though he began with many environmental advantages - only 650 square feet of living space to heat or cool, no lawn or daily automobile use. But he wanted to reduce his electric usage and improve indoor air quality, he said, adding, "I liked the idea of someone coming in and analyzing your lifestyle and taking a look under the covers."
In April, he guided Stephanie Gregerman of Green Irene, a company with about 300 consultants in 45 states who get online training and offer $99 "green-home makeovers" (along with the company's products), around his one-bedroom condo.
After a 90-minute inspection of the apartment, Ms. Gregerman discovered several green-home no-no's: nine incandescent light bulbs, a cabinet full of chemical-laden cleaning products and seven pieces of electronic equipment sucking power while not in use.
"Don't take my lava lamp," Mr. Scamardo pleaded, only half-joking.
Ms. Gregerman, who has had a long-term interest in environmental issues and formerly worked in marketing for a record label, gave him a long list of recommendations: use compact fluorescent bulbs, get a power strip with an on-off button, pay extra for wind power from the local utility and set a five-minute egg timer while taking a shower.
The lava lamp was spared, but Ms. Gregerman also suggested using cloth instead of paper towels, giving up plastic bags and plastic water containers, replacing $40 worth of cleaning products with nontoxic alternatives and composting food scraps.
Mr. Scamardo did not buy any products during the visit, and he rejected composting, which would entail saving leftovers until they could be dropped off at the nearest composting collection site.
"I don't see that working with my lifestyle," he said. He has, however, applied most of the energy-saving recommendations, including no longer shaving in the shower to try to keep his showers under five minutes.
"If you're serious about, it is worth it," he said of the consultation. "It was customized to my way of living and I could ask questions."
Learn more about the Green Home Makeover at the Green Irene website.
You can read the whole article at The New York Time's website
NYT Green Irene PhotoGreen Irene Eco-Consultant featured:
Among other things, Stephanie Gregerman suggested that Sal Scamardo pay extra for wind power, take shorter showers and switch to compact fluorescent bulbs.
REU, Redding Electric Utility Is Having A Energy Show, Ahh, Make That A Solar Energy Show, Well Anyway

REU, Redding Electric Utility's 2009 Energy
Fair Will Be Held This Coming Saturday June
13th., from 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at the
Sundial Bridge and Turtle Bay Exploration Park

"REU has one of the greenest
energy portfolios in the state!
(We actually painted our newest
gas-fired turbine green) and we
have been holding, behind close
doors meetings for several years
now, planning on where to run
about 600 miles of grid lines
through our own God's country,
rather than spend the $45 million
that will cost,to help our rate
payers (hum,owners) add renewable
energy to their homes and businesses.
Plus we've rat-holed another $45
Million or so..(light bulb give-w
-ways are cheaper than real solar
(Imagine what these people could
do with $100 million, the green
energy bonds they could finance
for their city and their rate-
payer owners, if they were not
so hell-bent on becoming the next
Pacific Gas and Electric...It's
all about power people, those that
have it, and those that need it
and want it. REU, like PG%E
does not intend to share that power)
_Green Earl
In fact in a city that gets over
300 days of solar a year, our
rates are so low, (we'll actually
at 8% compounded a year, which
we will admit to for now, I guess
their not really all that low any-
more, hey, bitch, bitch, bitch.
You rate-payers are never happy.
But in a market like Redding
where electric rates are low,
return on solar investment is
relatively slow. (They blame
their low rates, and I blame
their poor promotion and
actions.) I remain
enthusiastic and optimistic
however, about the robust
upside potential of solar power.
Actually rates in Redding have
been lower than those of it's
biggest brother utility, PG&E,
and Redding used to have contracts
with the one of the real renewable
energy projects in the north state
Shasta Dam, but those power contracts
have died. So REU recently had to
give Redding rate-payers, who
really are the owners of this utility,
the bad news...Rates are going up
and for the past 30 years we have
done very little to promote, or help
to finance, the idea of either solar
thermal, or solar PV. REU offers
aggressive rebates, ( If were talken
solar rebates, not that hot, I'm told,
if you want a new airconditioner, not
that bad, By the way Redding, did you
know they have solar air now too!)and
the federal government extended a 30%
investment tax credit to help offset
the cost of solar. (This federal credit
can soon be converted into a cash rebate)
We live in the second sunniest city in
(And that folks, is the truth) the nation;
let's put all that sunshine to work!"
Imagine what this city could be, if
they wanted to be..The Greenest City
In America Instead we have 20%
unemployment and an empty industrial park.
Please city, REU be my guest and add your
comment. Did I get any of this right..or
am I jaded from trying to work with you
Northstate Utility companies for the past
3 decades?
Matt Madison
Solar Rebate Coordinator
Alternative Energy, Solar, Wind, Green Careers, Goolge News and Commentary by_Green Earl

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Free Green Career Consultation. Click Link Above In Title
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
ISSUES > Energy and Environment
Response to the NRDC Critique of The Heritage Foundation's ... - Washington,DC,USA
Analyses purporting to show job gains from subsidizing "green" jobs ignore the ... Johnson asserts that the Heritage study allows no increase in renewables. ...
Survey Says Green Professionals are Well Paid, Happy and Have Job ...
By Tracey de Morsella
Carbon Salary Survey of people in renewable energy; clean technology and energy efficiency; carbon finance; climate change law, policy or regulation reveals that these professionals overall are well-paid, feel that they have job security and ...
Update me about green jobs and careers when site is updated. Popular; Topics; Comments. Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs Creation - Updated May 5, 2009 · Best Green Jobs Meta-list: 56 Top Green Careers ...
The Green Economy Post: Green... -
Green Energy Act could create 90000 jobs in Ontario « Jim Harris
By admin
The plan involves phasing out the province's coal plants by 2014 and shifting the province's economy so that it is based on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Building the Green Economy: Employment Effects of Green ... Although the baseline IPSP would generate 35000 jobs, the expanded GEAA program would create 90000 jobs for Ontarians. The occupations created would range from construction workers to financial auditors and engineers to research scientists. ...
Jim Harris -
Metrolight raises $3m, names Zvi Segal as new CEO | CleanTechies ...
By jonathan
... renewable energy, resource efficiency, green building and sustainable transportation. Industry experts write about current trends, discuss clean technologies as well as policies and provide career advice. About CleanTechies... » ...
CleanTechies Blog - -
Google Web Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Solar Wind Conservation Green Careers Renewable Energy Lease ...
Solar Wind Conservation Green Careers Renewable Energy Lease Financing Blog ... up says Michael Liebreich chairman & CEO of New Energy Finance Nature ...
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Google closing in on cheap renewable energy
Reuters - USA
By contrast, photovoltaic solar cells, the most commonly known form of solar power, turn the sun's rays directly into electricity. ...
Pearl at full solar power
San Antonio Express - San Antonio,TX,USA\
The 200-kilowatt solar installation will generate about one-fourth of the building's energy needs overall and as much as one-third of the power on hot, ...
Suntech CTO Stuart Wenham Receives William R. Cherry Award for ...
PR Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
"My interest and research in photovoltaic technology has always been based on enabling
DOE Picks 13 Solar Firms for Stimulus Cash, Seeks New Proposals
Earth2Tech - San Francisco,CA,USA
But the government isn't putting all of its solar eggs in one basket. Silicon-based technologies and concentrating-photovoltaic technologies also got a nod, ...
Hawaiian Electric reaches milestone 50000 solar installations
Honolulu Advertiser - Honolulu,HI,USA
"My daughter, who lives next door, installed solar water heating and photovoltaic panels on her rooftop with successful results and that's what convinced me ...
Virginia High School Installs Solar Array
Alternative Energy Retailer magazine - Oxford,CT,USA
A flat-screen monitor display at the school's entrance will provide information on the
Glenwood Springs couple takes a shine to solar power
Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Glenwood Springs,CO,USA
From left, Sandy Lowell talks about the workings of his new solar photovoltaic system to Glenwood Springs Mayor Bruce Christensen, Garfield County staffer ...
Solar's secret: Coal-fired power used to make panels
SmartBrief - Washington,DC,USA
Solar power may represent one of the cleanest forms of energy, but, at least in Michigan, a lot of coal-fired power is used to make the base materials and ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Brighter days seen for solar, next-gen biofuels. New York Times - United States But solar is arguably feeling that impact the ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Solar India Future Perspectives for Renewable Energy ...
By Solar India Online
Waste-to-energy plants offer two important benefits of environmentally sound waste management and disposal, as well as the generation of clean electric power. Waste-to-energy facilities produce clean, renewable energy through thermochemical , biochemical and ... The most widely-used microgeneration technologies include small wind turbines, solar power photovoltaic or biomass conversion systems that have been promoted for decades as alternative sources of renewable energy. ...
Solar India -
PG&E Purchases More Solar Power | Ethical Investments
By admin
Should Goverment do more to enact Clean Energy Rules? yes; no. View Results. Loading ... Polls Archive. Advertisement. Print This Post. PG&E Purchases More Solar Power. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has entered into a contract with AV Solar Ranch 1, LLC, a subsidiary of NextLight Renewable Power LLC, for 230 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaic power. On average, the project is expected to produce 592 gigawatt-hours of renewable electricity each year for PG&E ...
Ethical Investments -
Build Solar Power and Make Clean Electricity
1 Companies are trying to build solar power using photovoltaics in electric utilities The photovoltaic process allows you to build solar power and energy ...
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Wind, solar energy built on temporary tax breaks
Post-Bulletin - Rochester,MN,USA
Greg Wetstone of the American Wind Energy Association says his group is predicting a loss of 76000 jobs and $11.4 billion in investment if Congress allows ...
Stimulus cash fails to pave way to new hiring in Minn.
Minneapolis Star Tribune - Minneapolis,MN,USA
Because the stimulus includes renewable energy credits, it has created enough
For Pete's sake, voters either love or hate him
Gary Post Tribune - Gary,IN,USA
When all this hot air about wind mills came up, he said it would stimulate the economy AND our own, local steel industry. BS!!! In today's paper, they were ...
Guascor announces construction of world's largest wind farm
Renewable Energy Magazine (press release) - Madrid,Spain
Guascor Group's Chairman, José Grajales, has announced that his group will construct what will be the world's largest wind farm in the province of Santa ...
Federal Green Bank Could Jump-Start Clean Energy Revolution - Last ...
A movement of lawmakers, energy companies and environmental groups is now promoting the creation of a federal green bank that would finance clean energy and energy efficiency projects. read more Tomorrow's Economy, Back to the Future ... Report on US job figures up to 2007 also says wind and solar sectors resisting recession better than traditional manufacturingAmerica's emerging clean energy economy created more than twice as ma ... more ...
Tomorrow's Economy - Back to... -
Owning His Film: “Easier with Practice” Director Kyle Patrick ...
Especially through making my first film, I really learned how to appreciate each individual's job from the DP to the intern. How did the idea for your film come about and what excited you to undertake the project? ... When we were filming the last scene of the movie, which takes place outside of a chain restaurant, the wind was blowing so hard that we couldn't shoot the scene. It was nerve-wracking because we couldn't get sound and the actors had this incredible wind ...
indieWIRE News -
Finance and Commerce
Hewett said that Opus West, based in Phoenix, has not started a new development project in more than 18 months. As projects wind down, the company has been cutting jobs. She added that Opus West, the company's largest division ranked in ...
Finance and Commerce Business News -
The Oil Drum | DrumBeat: June 10, 2009
By Leanan
China is planning a vast increase in its use of wind and solar power over the next decade and believes it can match Europe by 2020, producing a fifth of its energy needs from renewable sources, a senior Chinese official said today. Zhang Xiaoqiang, vice-chairman of the of China's ... Texas elected officials Tuesday railed against federal efforts to curb global warming, claiming it would throttle the state's economy -- one of the few that generated job growth last year. ...
The Oil Drum - Discussions about... -
Congress falls short of addressing goals set out by Obama for ...
By H. Josef Hebert
WASHINGTON — Congress is all but abandoning President Barack Obama's goal of producing fully one-quarter of the nation's electricity from renewable sources — wind, solar and the like — by 2025, though a push for at least some ..... to compete with Gazprom's:; NYFinanceJobs CFO GROUP - Corporate Treasury: BSM Analyst, Citi #Jobs #Finance #New York; alanstevens The corporate ergonomics reviewers from my last gig would have a fit if they ...
The Gaea News -
Google News Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Fabulous 50 + One
World Trade - USA
The Hangar is also the world's first aviation hangar to achieve Platinum certification under the US Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and ...
PR Newswire Summary of Technology Copy, June 10, 2009
TMCnet - USA
... CSC Awarded $50 Million in Contracts From UK Atomic Energy Authority and .... VA-Health-CommProgram (ARLINGTON) Online Alcohol Server Training Program ...
Sustainability Enhancing Profitability
Sustainability Newsletter - June 2009
SEP Logo
This newsletter from Sustainable Energy Partners is intended to keep business professionals informed about sustainability and emerging trends in the clean energy industry. We will discuss governmental policies, financial incentives, and technological innovations. If you would like to learn more about any of the information in this release, you can reach us at 415-648-1299.
About SEP
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Upcoming Events:
Pacific Coast Builder's Conference (PCBC), June 17 - 19, San Francisco, CA
National Apartment Association (NAA) Annual Conference, June 25-26, Las Vegas, Nevada
Patrick Horn, Policy and Client Development, will be at the PCBC and NAA shows to represent SEP. If you would like to meet with Patrick you can email him directly at
Calculate and Offset your personal Carbon Footprint at Carbon Harmony, our partner organization.
Carbon Harmony
If you would like further details for any of the events listed, please feel free to Contact Us
Download the new Carbon Harmony iPhone application by searching for CarbonCalc in the application store.
New JerseyNew Incentives available for
New Jersey
Get paid to make your building better! The NJ Pay for Performance (P4P) program provides incentives to building owners to make their buildings more efficient. The program pays for up to 50% of project costs, which makes the return on investments in energy efficiency better than ever! SEP is a P4P partner and can take you through the whole process. Contact Us to find out more.
Pending Climate Legislation Updates:
California State Legislation Passes Two New Energy Bills
Two bills authored by Senator Patricia Wiggins (D-Santa Rosa) were approved by the state senate on Wednesday, June 3, 2009. The bills are targeted at enhancing current CA energy legislation for both solar energy and energy efficiency
Senate Bill 7 would change existing net metering laws to allow utility customers who produce solar power to roll over excess energy production credits for up to two years.
Senate Bill 542 is designed to encourage further adoption of energy efficiency and solar energy in apartments, commercial buildings, and manufactured homes.
Both bills have passed the CA Senate and are moving on the the House of Representatives.
Waxman Markley Climate Bill Paves Way to Cap & Trade
HR 2454: The American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACESA or the Waxman Markley Climate Energy Bill) has passed out of both the Energy and Commerce committees in the House and are moving on the Senate. ACESA establishes an economy wide cap on greenhouse gas emissions and puts the United States on a path to reduce emissions by 83% below 2005 levels by 2050. Some highlight of the bill include:
* A combined energy efficiency and renewable energy electricity standard requiring 20% of 2020 electric sales to come from efficiency and renewables, with efficiency 5-8% and renewables 12-15%. ACEEE estimates that this will result in about 3% efficiency savings in 2020, beyond business-as-usual.
* Building energy efficiency programs including improved building codes, retrofit programs, energy-efficient manufactured housing, and building labeling.
* New appliance efficiency standards on six products plus reforms to the process for setting new standards.
* Clean transportation-a significant transportation planning section, electric vehicle infrastructure provisions, and a weak "cash for clunkers" program to encourage replacement of gas-guzzlers now on the road.
* A new provision that creates building centers, which build on the Industrial Assessment Center and establishes regional coordinating centers.
Green City Skyline
PVT System Capable of Producing Electric Power and Heat
A "PVT" system is a combined PhotoVoltaic and Solar Thermal energy production system. The benefits are many:
* Offsets both electric and thermal (hot water) energy loads
* Decreased temperature means increased PV efficiency
* Provides a comprehensive energy solution for properties
* Combined installation means lower up front costs
SEP is proud to be able to offer PVT solutions to their clients through a combination of the Sollega racking system and Sundrum Solar Thermal collectors.
If you are interested in learning more about this and other solar development solutions, please visit our Solar Development Website or call us at 415-648-1299.
iPhone Carbon CalcCarbon Harmony iPhone Application Launched
Calculate your personal carbon footprint using your iPhone. This free application is available through iTunes or the App Store on the iPhone.
Go to the Application Store on your iPhone and search for CarbonCalc under free programs. Download the program and you are on your way to being carbon neutral!
If you would like to learn more about how your building or business may be able to benefit from reduced energy costs through sustainable practices, please follow the link below. A simple web form lets you send us information about your project to help us answer your needs.
Project Needs Assessment Form
We hope you have enjoyed the information in this newsletter. As part of our commitment to climate change, we strive to keep the public informed on clean energy and sustainability. If you have any feedback, or would like further information, you can visit us at, or call us at 415-648-1299.
The SEP Team
Sustainable Energy Partners
Sustainable Energy Partners, LLC
San Francisco
2588 Mission St., Suite 210
San Francisco, CA 94110
New York
155 Water St., 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Thanks For The Visit_Green Earl
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Man Get's 99 Years For Oil and Gas Scam In Texas

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Oil Slick
Jesse Bogan, 06.10.09, 06:00 AM EDT
(For Online Version Click On Link Above)
Authorities are still dealing with the scams last summer's spike in prices abetted.
HOUSTON -- "There's a new oil prospect in Texas that you don't want to miss out on. In fact, this well is going to be a gusher. You'll make a 40% return, maybe more. Our exploration and production firm was booked up to the gills, but you know what, somebody backed out at the last minute. There are just a few shares left.
For decades, peddlers of oil and gas investment schemes have fished for marks with such cold telephone calls. They continues to resonate with buyers across the country, mesmerized by the prospect of quick riches. When oil prices peaked last summer at $147 a barrel, fakes were there to offer something they couldn't deliver. Some are paying dearly with stiff sentences.
Today, as oil slowly rebuilds its steam, trading at $70 Tuesday, state securities boards are sifting through the fallout from last year, while they look for others that continue to operate.
"Although energy prices are currently low, we are seeing fraud cases emerge from the period when prices spiked," Texas Securities Commissioner Denise Voigt Crawford said in May, following the announcement of a 99-year sentence issued in a Texas state court against William L. Seelye for stealing $417,000 from dozens of investors in oil and gas exploration projects. "High prices attracted fraudulent energy promoters, and the decline of the stock market helped make investors more susceptible to the types of fraud for which Mr. Seelye has been convicted."
Officials say evidence at the trial showed that Seelye, who has appealed his conviction, lived off investor funds and sold interests in oil and gas projects that he didn't own.
Nationwide, there were 260 oil-and-gas-related alleged ruses logged by the North American Securities Administrators Association between 2005 and 2007. State securities boards, mainly in Texas, Colorado and Pennsylvania, issued cease and desist orders in 122 of those cases to operators who were mainly accused of selling unregistered securities for wells that usually either didn't exist or were dry.
Aspen Exploration Inc., of Plano, Texas, is one of the latest to be prosecuted. Indicted in federal court in May, the chief financial officer of Aspen, William Anthony "Tony" Rand, and his three sons face charges of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering and forfeiture. They and one other defendant allegedly tried to bilk $56.4 million from investors in the U.S. and beyond for two South Texas wells "by means of false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises and omissions of material fact," according to the indictment. They are accused of using the collected funds for their own use and for drilling unrelated wells.
Tony Rand's attorney, Ted Steinke Jr., said all five of the defendants have pleaded not guilty. "The next step is trial, where they will all defend themselves vigorously," he said, declining to elaborate on the case.
In March, attorney Mark Alexander of Dallas also secured a $1.1 million civil judgment against a fourth Rand brother, Wayne, and the companies Black Lake Energy and Rock Wall Oil Co. Neither Wayne Rand nor representatives of the companies could be reached for comment Tuesday. Half of Alexander's practice is devoted to oil and gas securities fraud cases. "There are some great oil and gas companies out there but then there are some that scam," he says. "It really bothers me because [my clients] have worked hard all their lives and they lose their life savings."
John Hays, 67, who holds interests in natural gas leases, somehow made it on the "sucker list" of telephone numbers that salespeople use. However, Hays, who is publisher of the Morning Paper, a small weekly in Ruston, La., hit back by recording the calls. He says he has testified in three cases that made it to trial, and written about the ruses in his paper. "I've even been pitched for wells that have already been plugged and abandoned," he says. "It was supposed to be a real gusher. They will tell you anything to get your money."
Petro America Corporation, with offices in Kansas City, Kan., and Kansas City, Mo., allegedly marketed unregistered investments with grandiose returns, including through various churches, offering an opportunity to "share the blessing," according to a Missouri Secretary of State cease and desist order. The order states that the company's president, Owen Hawkins, said during a conference call that "my personal goal is I would like to create as many billionaires in this as I, as I possibly can."
A hearing is pending.
To the charge that the company was marketing an unregistered investment, Hawkins said Tuesday he had thought it was covered under a filing with the SEC. He said the company did not promote investments through churches, but rather a shareholder did. The company continues to advertise online, saying it's "the people's company" and has "world success unrivaled."
Hawkins said his 2-year-old company was valued at about $100 million.
"We are working on securing an oil block," Hawkins says. "We are in negotiations on that, and we also have storage facilities where we can store barrels of crude oil."
However, at the moment, he says the company doesn't have any oil in storage, and holds just 240 net acres in oil and gas leases in Missouri with no active drilling.
Reader Comments
These scams are going on in the renewable energy sector as well. I recently signed
a contract to raise $40 million for a solar project in Las Vegas. Many claims that
could not be backed up. One of the parties, after a Google search, actually had a
Federal Felony conviction for selling secrets to Iran! A DA in the county in Florida
where the other partner lived told me he had a large file on this partner._Green Earl
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