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Typical of a quick change artist, they want to have their
hands in as many tills, at the same time, as possible.
Dagg's home and office searched by law enforcement
By David Benda (Contact), Ryan Sabalow (Contact)
Friday, June 19, 2009
State investigators served a search warrant Friday at the Shasta Builders' Exchange headquarters in Redding and the home of Kent Dagg, amid possible allegations of misconduct by the Exchange's CEO.
Erica Derryck, a spokeswoman for the San Francisco County District Attorney's Office, said her office, the California Highway Patrol, the California Department of Insurance and the State Franchise Tax Board are investigating allegations of misconduct involving former employees of the State Compensation Insurance Fund.
Derryck refused to say more.
Dagg was appointed to the State Compensation Insurance Fund board of directors by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2004. He resigned in 2006 amid conflict of interest allegations. The State Fund is based in San Francisco.
Dagg arrived at the Innsbruck Drive office around 11:15 a.m. Asked to comment, Dagg said: "I'm not allowed to talk to anybody," before walking into the building.
Dagg's Sacramento attorney Malcolm Segal said the searches came as a complete surprise to his client, who thought his past troubles with the State Fund were long over.
"I can't imagine all these resources that were spent into looking for records so long after the events in issue, when a phone call would have done the trick," Segal said. "We haven't heard a word from them - not an e-mail, a phone call, not even a Hallmark card."
The Los Angeles Times reported on its Web site Friday that as many as seven other search warrants have been served to people in Northern and Southern California.
The paper cited a state official who said she was briefed on the probe, but was not authorized to release the information.
In addition to Dagg, other search-warrant recipients were likely to include former board member Frank DelRe of Long Beach, former fund President James Tudor and Vice President Renee Koren, the Times reported.
Four CHP officers posted outside the Builders' Exchange said they would not say why the building had been closed. They referred questions to the San Francisco District Attorney's Office.
A woman who answered the phone at the Builders' Exchange on Friday afternoon said the office would reopen Monday.
The California Department of Insurance and the State Franchise Tax Board directed questions to the San Francisco District Attorney's Office.
A phone message left at the State Compensation Insurance Fund's headquarters in San Francisco wasn't immediately returned.
Builders' Exchange board members Sue Harbert of Harbert Roofing Inc. and Chad Thompson of Redding Countertops Inc. declined to comment.
Phone messages left for other board members weren't returned.
Dagg was implicated in conflict-of-interest allegations after it was learned the fund paid more than $125 million to building organizations with ties to the Exchange.
A $100 million class-action lawsuit filed in 2007 against Dagg and other former State Fund officers was dismissed in August 2008.
Dagg and others were accused of diverting at least $25 million in surplus premium proceeds to their organizations over four years, money that should have gone back to policyholders as dividends, according to the complaint filed by ACRO Constructors Inc. of Burbank.
"I am not surprised it was thrown out. I am pleased it was thrown out, but really not that surprised. We have never done anything wrong," Dagg told the Record Searchlight after the lawsuit was dismissed. "We run a very good organization. I think this was just another attempt at a frivolous lawsuit."
State Fund serves as California's worker's compensation insurance carrier of last resort.
The quasi-governmental organization has offices across the state, including a branch in Redding near Shasta View Drive and Highway 44 that employs some 200 claims adjusters, fraud investigators and others.
In August 2007, State Fund renewed its contract with the Shasta Builders' Exchange after suspending it in March 2007 pending an external review of all group discount programs.
California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner ordered an audit, and in December 2007, he issued a scathing report, which found that the insurer spent more than half a billion dollars over the previous decade for marketing help that often provided "minimal services," according to the L.A. Times.
Jay Gibson, who owns Gibson Heating & Air Conditioning in Redding and is Dagg's close friend, said Friday's raid caught him by surprise.
"We're all speculating and wondering and thinking," Gibson said.
Gibson saw Dagg several times this week and spoke with him on the phone. Nothing they talked about suggested Dagg knew about the investigation or that a search warrant was about to be served, Gibson said.
"I'm sure it was an absolute blindside to him," Gibson said.
Redding land planner Eihnard Diaz also is a friend of Dagg's. Diaz, too, was shocked when he heard about Friday's events.
"I am as surprised as anybody else. I thought this whole thing was put to bed - unbelievable," Diaz said. "Kent Dagg has been beyond reproach as far as ethics. I can't envision him doing anything illegal or whatever the hell is going on."
Dagg, as the construction industry's top lobbyist, is widely considered one of the most influential people in Redding and Shasta County politics.
He's a frequent speaker at many functions, including local State of the City and County addresses.
The campaign contributions doled out by the Builders' Exchange and other pro-development groups became a source of debate and contention in the 2006 race for three open City Council seats. Dagg backed the candidates he deemed pro-development.
The same year, Dagg lobbied unsuccessfully to have a Builders' Exchange presence on a committee that was to pick a new city manager after then-City Manager Mike Warren retired.
Dagg was a frequent critic of Warren, after the city manager campaigned to use city funds for beautification projects and to create more parks and open space, rather than focusing on development opportunities.
At the height of the construction boom, the building industry accounted for more than 5,000 jobs in the Redding area. The active labor force has since dwindled to well below 3,000 employees.
Ever since the 2006 election, Dagg has been much less vocal.
The pro-development forces have largely taken a more subtle approach, appointing pro-development, low-tax advocate Mary Machado of Shasta Voices to campaign for the construction trade.
Dagg also nearly died in May 2008 during an ATV accident in Nevada's Black Rock Desert. Dagg was in a coma for weeks after colliding with another ATV rider. He reportedly flew 142 feet from the point of impact and bounced several times.
Reporter David Benda can be reached at 225-8219 or at Reporter Ryan Sabalow can be reached at 225-8344 or at
Posted by runman49 on June 20, 2009 at 12:08 a.m.
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* (Suggest removal) off the wedding! Okay, maybe you should at least move it!
Posted by Gnosis on June 20, 2009 at 8:09 a.m.
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Sneaky investigators; they didn't give a courtesy call before doing their job. Maybe the "good ole boys" aren't as privileged with state officials as they are here. Maybe there will be some justice after all.
Posted by EHS85 on June 20, 2009 at 8:31 a.m.
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Dang Dagg.
I am sure the paper shredder would have been working overtime if you would have got a prior call. Those sneaky investigators will get you every time.
Posted by RussellHUNT4thepeople on June 20, 2009 at 9:14 a.m.
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Another of the social elites bites the dust. Who will fund the campaigns of such fake Republicans as Dickerson and Murray ? Just watch as his buddies fly out of the way. Reminds me of the convicted felon Nancy Buffum , formly of the Redding City Council. This will be great fun as many of the political players in Redding take a bath.
Posted by Patrecia_Barrett on June 20, 2009 at 9:32 a.m.
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in response to RussellHUNT4thepeople
"Dagg was implicated in conflict-of-interest allegations after it was learned the fund paid more than $125 million to building organizations with ties to the Shasta Builder's Exchange". Sound pretty unequivocal to me.
It could be that a few other local gods besides Dagg will get pulled down through this investigation.
Funny thing - an item in yesterday's "North state marketplace" said that State Fund was hosting a series of seminars "to help employers prepare for surprise workplace inspections by regulatory agencies". In the interest of justice, let's hope former State Fund CEO Kent Dagg wasn't all that well prepared for this particular "surprise".
Posted by not2bright on June 20, 2009 at 9:59 a.m.
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another "trial by comment section"...charges are one thing, guilt is another...a week from now, we'll file it under "who cares"
Posted by RacerX on June 20, 2009 at 10:18 a.m.
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Without speaking to the guilt or innocence of anyone I find it fascinating that the CHP is involved in this. Proves the point that this bloated bureaucracy is at heart nothing more than a revenue agency.
Posted by steveoutwest on June 20, 2009 at 10:45 a.m.
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in response to RacerX
What is suprising about the State of California using it's law officers in a State investigation? The CHP is a sworn State law agency and has more responsibilities than just giving idiot drivers tickets on State roads and highways. The are tied to the State Attorney General's Office as well as the Govenor's Office.
Posted by anotherjeff on June 20, 2009 at 10:56 a.m.
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in response to RacerX
The CHP are the State Police, and as such, they conduct criminal investigations. Nothing unusual here.
The CHP may, or may not, be a bloated revenue generating agency. (Apparently, not enough revenue, though.)
Posted by justthoughts on June 20, 2009 at 11:03 a.m.
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The RS should really do an article connecting the dots as most don't understand how all this worked and what they those "conflict of interest allegations" really entail. Methinks most would be very, very surprised especially the policyholders from SCIF who subsidized this ludicrous behavior in the name of "safety groups". Why didn't all the health care providers come together and form a safety group and get a discounted premium? Or perhaps the hairdressers, nail techs etc.? Or the restaurants? I'm sure we all would have loved the WC premium discount Dagg afforded the SBE members all the while finding a way to funnel $$ and pay himself......
Posted by runman49 on June 20, 2009 at 11:12 a.m.
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in response to not2bright
Okay, so you don't want anybody to comment until he is found guilty?
Posted by whynotbelieve on June 20, 2009 at 11:24 a.m.
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in response to not2bright
I suspect the same thing. As seen on many other occasions in decisions made by local entities etc... This is probably a trial balloon put out there by someone with interest in this case. My problem is how the RS get's involved. Since the downturn I suspect that many other discrepancies will make themselves known, because we all know that this economy has never been able to support the opulence blatantly thrust upon the masses over the past few years. If the cities and counties would have acted like we were a poor logging economy all along and put this vast amount of monies aside, thrown at it over the last decade, we'd be settin' pretty right now. Many more names will come of this before it is said and done.
Posted by whynotbelieve on June 20, 2009 at 11:27 a.m.
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It truly is crazy, what people will do, due to the mesmerizing trance and greed that accompanies money.
Posted by deceptionabounds on June 20, 2009 at 11:29 a.m.
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in response to not2bright
Human nature, it hard to help one's self. But, your point is valid.
Posted by sjb4jc on June 20, 2009 at 11:32 a.m.
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in response to RacerX
It makes sense the CHP would be involved as they are the law enforcement arm of the state and would therefore investigate criminal activity at State Fund. Frankly, I am glad they are out there investigating people who are stealing our taxpayer dollars! Money well spent...
Posted by not2bright on June 20, 2009 at 11:41 a.m.
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in response to runman49
comments are what we're here for. some have axes to grind and use this section as a vindictive tool. i don't know mr. dagg. some have him guilty by who he is or represents. i paid into state fund in the past, and received a dividend rebate every year. i would not be happy to see it go to other organizations either. but, if it's allowed, is he personally at fault? i don't know...i'm not too bright.
Posted by anotherjeff on June 20, 2009 at 11:51 a.m.
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Ah! Kent Dagg! The man who wants to oversee the distribution of Federal Stimulus Funds in Shasta County.
Posted by anotherjeff on June 20, 2009 at 12:23 p.m.
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in response to not2bright
I'm sure Mr. Dagg would like to file it under, "who cares".
Read the audit:
Posted by iluvredding on June 20, 2009 at 12:35 p.m.
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in response to anotherjeff
Not that I want to get my head bitten off here, it seems as though you have a personal interest in this story.
If so, you’re biased and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, just ease up a bit.
You wouldn't want people to turn a deaf ear on your posts like so many have on others who post on here.
If you want to rant, do it on Craigslist.
Posted by Patrecia_Barrett on June 20, 2009 at 12:48 p.m.
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What's not being addressed in this article is what Dagg is actually guilty of.
According to the Sacramento Bee and other sources, State Fund was ordered to pay nearly $20 million in fines by the State for dragging out or denying legitimate worker's comp claims.
Thousands of workers suffered as a result, and Kent Dagg and Frank Deire were at the very heart of this. Between the two of them, they funneled $500 million into the pockets of their friends and business associates. leaving injured workers with no means of support.
Posted by rusure on June 20, 2009 at 12:58 p.m.
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There are still a lot more people and company that is still being watch.
Posted by redrider on June 20, 2009 at 1:45 p.m.
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This is a black eye for the construction community, and Kent Dagg needs to step down as CEO of this vital organization.
Posted by weneedchange on June 20, 2009 at 2:16 p.m.
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in response to Patrecia_Barrett
Anything that State Fund is involved in, other than doing their job taking care of injured workers, which is a joke, is most likely illegal. State Fund is pulling in more profits than ever, and we can all praise Arnold for this, his Workers Comp reform is what started it all.
Posted by RLF777 on June 20, 2009 at 2:32 p.m.
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in response to RacerX
Without speaking to the guilt or innocence of anyone I find it fascinating that the CHP is involved in this. Proves the point that this bloated bureaucracy is at heart nothing more than a revenue agency.
I too find it fascinating that the CHP is involved in this also.
Speaks volumes about "our local bloated law enforcement bureaucracy good ole boyEEE system.
Posted by RLF777 on June 20, 2009 at 2:58 p.m.
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in response to Patrecia_Barrett
"Dagg was implicated in conflict-of-interest allegations after it was learned the fund paid more than $125 million to building organizations with ties to the Shasta Builder's Exchange". Sound pretty unequivocal to me.
Like the "Business partners" who own the old State Fund building and the K.M.S. building ? Are they bankrupt ? Dale Construction ?
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American Energy Conservation and Solar Generation Pioneer Provides almost daily directory of Green Energy News and Commentary. Discussions, regarding conservation, weatherization, solar DHW, Solar PV and Wind and Green Careers._Green Earl, Founder American Energy Conservation Group Redding/Las Vegas/Sacramento, Ca 530-604-6394 Still Producing NegaWatts...Since 1981
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Kent Dagg, Big Major Obama Supporter Forms Group To "Help" Control How The Stimulus Funds Are Spent In Shasta County.

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar EnergyZauher: Group ready to handle stimulus funds
By Jim Zauher
Sunday, May 31, 2009
One of the newest buzzwords thrown around consistently these days is "transparency," in the context of "the full, accurate and timely disclosure of information."
As it relates to stimulus funding in Shasta County, a group has been formed that is taking this concept seriously. The Shasta Stimulus Team was formed by Kent Dagg at the Shasta Builders' Exchange, largely due to the exchange being involved with a residential audit and retrofit weatherization program funded through a city of Redding Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant.
The money is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) economic stimulus legislation.
This special allocation of stimulus funding will potentially assist 200 to 300 low-income family homes.
There is no question that for many of the local governments and organizations involved this is all about jobs - local jobs.
The question that came up that caused Dagg's interest in forming this group was, "with all of the money beginning to flow into the local economy from the ARRA to various local government, nonprofits and even the Redding Rancheria, who is doing what and how do we know if and when and where the jobs are actually being created?
More importantly, can we work together to maximize potential funding for Shasta County?
At the table right now with the team are the cities of Redding, Anderson and Shasta Lake as well as Shasta County and the Redding Rancheria.
In addition, the SMART Resource Center, NoRTEC, the Regional Workforce Consortium that provides funding to the local organizations, such as SMART and the Shasta College Economic Development and Workforce Development Department, are also key players in the process.
There is basic logical motivation for the group to work together.
1. Leverage. With all the money flowing and required to be spent quickly, there may be ways to leverage resources to make the end product better. As an example, the audit/retrofit program being coordinated by the Redding Electric Utility is required to have a job-training component. Under normal circumstances, the grant proposal would no doubt take part of the funds for that purpose. However, the SMART Business Resource Center also has training funds, so as a result of the collaboration, they can put their funds into the training, which leaves more money for homes to be weatherized.
2. Coordination and communication. Each of the agencies and governments either has funds directly allocated to it or needs to submit grant applications for competitive funding. There may be various ways to collaborate or combine resources to make the grant applications more competitive. There is also good value from learning approaches certain departments take or have had success with in their grant writing that may benefit and strengthen the other members funding possibilities.
3. Scorecard. One of the potential results of the collaboration is to create a scorecard that will provide a tracking of where the funds are coming from, who they are going to and how they are disbursed. The other key element of interest for all concerned is how many jobs are being created locally
4. Regional cooperation. Using the SMART Resource Center and NoRTEC as an example, job training funds are being disbursed to several counties. Along with the Shasta College Economic Development and Workforce Development Department as well as other community colleges receiving funds, there may be numerous ways that grants and programs can work together on a regional basis.
The bottom line to all of this is to maximize the use of stimulus funding for Shasta County and the region and to ensure that the result of job creation is monitored and reported.
These are crazy times for both local businesses and local governments, but we'll get through it and, probably, in some respects fare better than most because of the collaborative effort being made through the Shasta Stimulus Team.
In general, Shasta County has had numerous success over the years because of the solid working relationships between local government and agencies.
This is just another example of how it will benefit the people of the county and the region.
Jim Zauher is the economic development director for the city of Redding.
Posted by anotherjeff on May 31, 2009 at 12:02 p.m.
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Kent Dagg??? It's a joke, right?
Isn't he still being investigated for his involvement in the State Comp fiasco?
Here we go again!
Posted by secondclass on June 1, 2009 at 11:11 a.m.
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Current events show the folly of team Obama's stimulus spending. The U.S. has to borrow from China to pay for the jobs, most of which will come too late in the business cycle, and will be high paying engineering and highly skilled worker jobs, where there already is a shortage of qualified people. The borrowing lowers the value of the dollar and this raises long term interest rates (mortgage rates). Since oil is priced in dollars, gas prices have been rising sharply and four dollar gas is the cruelest tax on the poor who can least afford it.
Posted by gamerjohn on June 2, 2009 at 3:26 p.m.
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in response to secondclass
Having been raised on Reagan's belief that the scariest words are "I am from the government and am here to help", it is hard to compare the flighty Obama plans to rescue to the see no need ignorance of Bush.
While I am sure there is a good example of a government program that actually accomplished whar it was supposed to do and then shut down, it seems like even the best intentioned ideas get hamstrung by rules and red tape so that the pure thoughts are lost.
Posted by pokadot on June 4, 2009 at 5:14 p.m.
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Accepting this federal stimulus money and then spending it has to be a difficult decision for our area. Especially when one stops for a moment and considers that we represent a 'red area' on the political map, which means that we support a more conservative point of view here in the north state in the form of Republican candidates for public office.
Now what would our Republican politicians want us to do, take this taxpayer money and spend it, or send it back to Washington with a note of 'no thanks'? Didn't Governor Palin in Alaska recently suggest not accepting any federal aid?
I think that for many of our local out of work conservative contractor friends, they could sure use an economic boast from this federal stimulus recovery money right now, but what does their conservative radio talk show host say about all this?
Again, a most difficult subject matter to weigh in at, but like Jim notes above, these are crazy times.
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"For one billion dollars, you can get 870 jobs at a coal plant. For one billion dollars spent on solar, you get 1850-2000 jobs. For one billion on wind energy, 3300 jobs. But for a billion spent on retrofitting, 6000 jobs," he said. ... He went from talking about decoupling electric rates from usage, how to change bank financing on energy projects, how loans to the right projects could improve other parts of the world, and last but not least, how "it may already be too ...
Crooks and Liars -
Why Do We Need The Supergrid, What Is Its Scope And What Will It ...
By admin
Wind is the most widely available UK renewable resource and with adequate interconnection, we can sell our surplus and balance our supply within a large pan-Continental system, rather than continuing to pay for fuel imports. - Roughly speaking an area of wind .... We suggest that we need a process of pan-European planning and negotiation to be undertaken to allow the construction of the project to begin at the earliest possible opportunity. Presentation of Gregor Czisch ...
Claverton Group -
The latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* Police: Man attacked in Okla. for bologna sandwich (AP)
* Prosecutor wants to ban fast-food toys (Reuters)
* WVa couple get bridge souvenir in their bedroom (AP)
* Lottery winner plans to grow better carrots (Reuters)
* US man dressed as dead mother to collect benefits (AFP)
* Like Obama, Lincoln had run-in with a fly (AP)
* Unveiling the blinking phone dress (Reuters)
* Fla. city to workers: Wear underwear, deodorant (AP)
* Jobless man steals just for free prison lunch (Reuters)
* NY prison official resigns over behind-bars bar mitzvah (AFP)
* Musicians attacked at wedding (Reuters)
* Tattoo gone wrong: Stars and gripes forever? (Reuters)
* Belgian teen to sue over 56-star facial tattoo (AFP)
* Man sets off fireworks in bathroom in Del. Arby's (AP)
* Dutch muggers caught on Google street view camera (Reuters)
* Chicago couple with swine flu say 'I do' (AP)
* Man drives 3 miles on Wash. interstate in reverse (AP)
* Montana woman uses chickens as therapy animals (AP)
Police: Man attacked in Okla. for bologna sandwich (AP) Top
AP - A man in Oklahoma City said he was attacked for his bologna and cheese sandwich. Police say 24-year-old Roger Hamilton told them he was sitting on a bus station bench Wednesday, about to put mayonnaise on his sandwich, when another man began staring at him.
Prosecutor wants to ban fast-food toys (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Charging that toys sold with meals in fast-food outlets can lead children to develop bad eating habits, a Brazilian prosecutor on Monday asked a judge to ban such sales nationally at chains including McDonald's and Burger King.
WVa couple get bridge souvenir in their bedroom (AP) Top
AP - A West Virginia couple got an unexpected souvenir from the demolition of the Pomeroy Mason Bridge when a piece of it landed in their spare bedroom. When workers imploded the top half of a pier Wednesday, the blast sent a football-sized piece through the siding of Steve and Kelly Stewart's house in Mason. Kelly Stewart said the piece landed in a bean bag chair and missed her by a few feet.
Lottery winner plans to grow better carrots (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A 74-year-old amateur gardener who scooped a 25 million pound lottery prize said Tuesday he would spend part of his winnings hiring an expert to learn how to grow better carrots.
US man dressed as dead mother to collect benefits (AFP) Top
AFP - A New York man has been charged with fraud after dressing up as his dead mother so he could collect more than 100,000 dollars in welfare benefits, prosecutors said.
Like Obama, Lincoln had run-in with a fly (AP) Top
AP - President Obama launched his campaign from Abraham Lincoln's hometown, used his Bible to be sworn in and quotes Lincoln at the drop of a stovepipe hat.
Unveiling the blinking phone dress (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Former Wimbledon champion Maria Sharapova presented a prototype dress to reporters that is designed to light up when the wearer's mobile telephone rings.
Fla. city to workers: Wear underwear, deodorant (AP) Top
AP - A Florida city is cleaning up with a new dress code that requires city workers to wear underwear and use deodorant. The city council in Brooksville north of Tampa recently approved a dress code that instructs employees to observe "strict personal hygiene."
Jobless man steals just for free prison lunch (Reuters)
Reuters - A jobless Taiwan man released from prison stole a box of cotton swabs just to get arrested again because he "could not forget the police department boxed lunches," officers and local media said Tuesday.
NY prison official resigns over behind-bars bar mitzvah (AFP) Top
AFP - A senior New York prisons official has stepped down following revelations that a Jewish fraudster held a lavish jailhouse bar mitzvah for his son, a prison spokesman Tuesday.
Musicians attacked at wedding (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Taliban fighters beat musicians, shaved their heads and left them tied to trees overnight because they performed at an Afghan wedding, a village tribal chief said Monday, a sign of the fighters' growing influence.
Tattoo gone wrong: Stars and gripes forever? (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A Belgian teenager has told police how she emerged from a tattoo parlor with 56 stars over one side of her face, rather than the three she had asked for, prosecutors said on Tuesday.
Belgian teen to sue over 56-star facial tattoo (AFP) Top
AFP - A Belgian teenager is suing a tattoo artist whom she says covered half her face with stars while she was asleep, media reports said.
Man sets off fireworks in bathroom in Del. Arby's (AP) Top
AP - The Delaware State Fire Marshal's Office said a man damaged a toilet at an Arby's by setting off fireworks in the bathroom. Fire marshals said the man walked into the restaurant Thursday about 9:30 a.m. Delaware State Police are also investigating and searching for the man.
Dutch muggers caught on Google street view camera (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Dutch twin brothers who mugged a teen-ager in the northern town of Groningen were arrested after being caught on camera by a car gathering images for Google's online photo map service, police said.
Chicago couple with swine flu say 'I do' (AP) Top
AP - The bride wore white — and a face mask. A Chicago couple married in surgical masks and latex gloves Sunday after learning less than 48 hours before that they both had swine flu. Ilana Jackson and Jeremy Fierstien went ahead with the ceremony after doctors assured them guests wouldn't be at serious risk.
Man drives 3 miles on Wash. interstate in reverse (AP) Top
AP - The Cowlitz County sheriff's office said a driver went at least three miles on I-5 near Castle Rock in reverse. Deputy Ryan Cruser said a 41-year-old Canadian was arrested about 8:30 p.m. Thursday after his car stopped in the middle of the northbound lanes. He laughed as deputies approached and refused to get out his rented car.
Montana woman uses chickens as therapy animals (AP) Top
AP - Therapy dogs are a comfort for people recovering from health disorders or facing other hurdles in their lives. How about therapy chickens? A woman has decided that white leghorn rooster Alex and Cornish game hen Carlita are too good to keep to herself.
Saturday, June 20, 2009 7:54 AM
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Jennifer Parrish, Go Green: In hot water: Choosing your next water ...
San Jose Mercury News - CA, USA
Solar Hot Water Heaters: For most people, the word solar conjures up images of rooftop photovoltaic arrays powering their homes by converting sunlight into ...
Seeds: Sun's again rising for area solar industry
Sacramento Bee - CA, USA
Replacing its electric counterpart, a solar water heater will eliminate 50 tons of carbon dioxide emissions over 20 years. Using photovoltaic or PV cells, ...
Solar-powered education
Daily Gleaner - Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada
Not only did he employ a number of energy-efficient technologies when building his home, but he also covered half his roof with photovoltaic solar panels, ...
Taiwan's first HCPV solar power system inaugurated
eTaiwan News - Taiwan
Any additional power will be sold to the state-run Taiwan Power Company, he noted. According to Tsai, the cost of constructing a HCPV solar power system is ...
Protesters bash FPL's $1.3 billion rate request
Bradenton Herald - FL, United States
Solar contractors appeared in the back of the room during the Public Service Commission hearing, urging the panel to support a system in which big power ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
The most widely-used microgeneration technologies include small wind turbines and solar power photovoltaic systems that have been promoted for decades as alternative sources of renewable energy. ... recharging devices for personal electronics, as well as advanced photovoltaic and wind-turbine products to power homes and factories. Traditional “megapower” production of electricity is inefficient because traditional power stations are located far from the point-of-use. ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
The Green Jobcast #4 | - free Career Advice Internet Radio
By (The Jobcasters)
“We didn't envision there would be some bailout of Toledo, so we had to do it ourselves,” said Norm Johnston, CEO of Solar Fields, a solar startup company. “We want to move from being the 'rust belt' to being the 'renewable energy belt. ... Edison says the 500 total megawatts makes the project “the largest photovoltaic program ever undertaken.” “The program will create hundreds of neighborhood solar power plants, strengthen local grid reliability and produce hundreds of ... - free Career Advice... -
Houses in New Orleans' Lower 9th Ward Holy Cross Project are ...
By GlobalWarmingisReal
Although solar panels and other renewable energy options are becoming increasingly available and accessible, particularly in Louisiana, which offers buyers generous tax credits in addition to the Federal incentives, the systems are ... as lead installers for a total of two installations in order to qualify for the second PV-certification exam. LCTN linked Cardoza up with South Coast Solar, who invited him to participate in Global Green's Holy Cross Project installation. ...
Global Warming is Real -
Google Alert - energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Saturday, June 20, 2009 3:40 AM
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Governor O'Malley Announces Expansion of Home Weatherization Program
By stanmoore
The auditor also develops a work plan for items that need to be addressed. “Our weatherization efforts not only reflect our commitment to a Smart, Green and Growing agenda, but it also highlights our focus on job creation as Maryland families ... State agencies are working with a consortium of Maryland community colleges to put together a statewide training program. Under Governor Martin O'Malley's EmPOWER Maryland initiative, the State of Maryland will reduce energy ...
Inside Charm City: Baltimore,... -
Google Web Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Veterans Green Jobs Academy - Home Energy Auditor Training (HEAT ...
Jun 2, 2009 ... The Home Energy Efficiency Audit Training (HEAT) that these veterans have ... with their military experience and their sense of service, ... June 2, 2009:
For Green Jobs, the First Step is Training, The White House Blog ...
Clear flag
Google Alert - wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
BayTEC sets forth its vision
Mercury-Register - Oroville,CA,USA
Walker said she has been talking to a bank about financing, as well as the alliance looking into grants. One woman didn't want to see wind turbines on ...
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Unnecessary, Overblown, Solar and Wind Projects & Schemes Now bend over, like you've been doing to all of us for years, And Just Stick Em All Where The Wind Don't Blow (in that direction) and The Sun Don't Shine_Green Earl ... These projects and systems have saved American Energy Conservation customers hundreds of thousand of dollars in utility cost. Currently consulting and setting up statewide dealer network in CA while financing projects Nationwide. ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Renewables Grow 12.4% in Q109
UNEP says a minimum of $750 billion - which would equal 37% of the economic stimulus packages and 1% of global GDP - is necessary to finance a sustainable economic recovery by investing in the greening of five key sectors: buildings, energy , ... When liquidity returns in wind project debt and tax equity markets, they forecast 9 GW of wind capacity additions in 2010, and 11 GW in 2011. Annual growth for wind should increase from 8.5 GW in 2008 to nearly 15.5 GW by 2020. ... General News -
Sops for renewable energy projects should continue: Abdullah
By Ians
CHENNAI - New and Renewable Energy Minister Farooq Abdullah Friday said his department would request the finance ministry to continue with existing incentive schemes for renewable power projects. ... June 11th, 2009 RI lawmakers debate new plan for funding wind farmPROVIDENCE, R.I. — The state's dominant electricity distributor would be forced to buy power from renewable energy producers under a deal struck Wednesday that could remove a major financial obstacle to ...
The Gaea News -
Bloggers Meet With Bill Clinton, Yet World Keeps Spinning ...
By Susie Madrak
"For one billion dollars, you can get 870 jobs at a coal plant. For one billion dollars spent on solar, you get 1850-2000 jobs. For one billion on wind energy, 3300 jobs. But for a billion spent on retrofitting, 6000 jobs," he said. ... He went from talking about decoupling electric rates from usage, how to change bank financing on energy projects, how loans to the right projects could improve other parts of the world, and last but not least, how "it may already be too ...
Crooks and Liars -
Why Do We Need The Supergrid, What Is Its Scope And What Will It ...
By admin
Wind is the most widely available UK renewable resource and with adequate interconnection, we can sell our surplus and balance our supply within a large pan-Continental system, rather than continuing to pay for fuel imports. - Roughly speaking an area of wind .... We suggest that we need a process of pan-European planning and negotiation to be undertaken to allow the construction of the project to begin at the earliest possible opportunity. Presentation of Gregor Czisch ...
Claverton Group -
The latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* Police: Man attacked in Okla. for bologna sandwich (AP)
* Prosecutor wants to ban fast-food toys (Reuters)
* WVa couple get bridge souvenir in their bedroom (AP)
* Lottery winner plans to grow better carrots (Reuters)
* US man dressed as dead mother to collect benefits (AFP)
* Like Obama, Lincoln had run-in with a fly (AP)
* Unveiling the blinking phone dress (Reuters)
* Fla. city to workers: Wear underwear, deodorant (AP)
* Jobless man steals just for free prison lunch (Reuters)
* NY prison official resigns over behind-bars bar mitzvah (AFP)
* Musicians attacked at wedding (Reuters)
* Tattoo gone wrong: Stars and gripes forever? (Reuters)
* Belgian teen to sue over 56-star facial tattoo (AFP)
* Man sets off fireworks in bathroom in Del. Arby's (AP)
* Dutch muggers caught on Google street view camera (Reuters)
* Chicago couple with swine flu say 'I do' (AP)
* Man drives 3 miles on Wash. interstate in reverse (AP)
* Montana woman uses chickens as therapy animals (AP)
Police: Man attacked in Okla. for bologna sandwich (AP) Top
AP - A man in Oklahoma City said he was attacked for his bologna and cheese sandwich. Police say 24-year-old Roger Hamilton told them he was sitting on a bus station bench Wednesday, about to put mayonnaise on his sandwich, when another man began staring at him.
Prosecutor wants to ban fast-food toys (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Charging that toys sold with meals in fast-food outlets can lead children to develop bad eating habits, a Brazilian prosecutor on Monday asked a judge to ban such sales nationally at chains including McDonald's and Burger King.
WVa couple get bridge souvenir in their bedroom (AP) Top
AP - A West Virginia couple got an unexpected souvenir from the demolition of the Pomeroy Mason Bridge when a piece of it landed in their spare bedroom. When workers imploded the top half of a pier Wednesday, the blast sent a football-sized piece through the siding of Steve and Kelly Stewart's house in Mason. Kelly Stewart said the piece landed in a bean bag chair and missed her by a few feet.
Lottery winner plans to grow better carrots (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A 74-year-old amateur gardener who scooped a 25 million pound lottery prize said Tuesday he would spend part of his winnings hiring an expert to learn how to grow better carrots.
US man dressed as dead mother to collect benefits (AFP) Top
AFP - A New York man has been charged with fraud after dressing up as his dead mother so he could collect more than 100,000 dollars in welfare benefits, prosecutors said.
Like Obama, Lincoln had run-in with a fly (AP) Top
AP - President Obama launched his campaign from Abraham Lincoln's hometown, used his Bible to be sworn in and quotes Lincoln at the drop of a stovepipe hat.
Unveiling the blinking phone dress (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Former Wimbledon champion Maria Sharapova presented a prototype dress to reporters that is designed to light up when the wearer's mobile telephone rings.
Fla. city to workers: Wear underwear, deodorant (AP) Top
AP - A Florida city is cleaning up with a new dress code that requires city workers to wear underwear and use deodorant. The city council in Brooksville north of Tampa recently approved a dress code that instructs employees to observe "strict personal hygiene."
Jobless man steals just for free prison lunch (Reuters)
Reuters - A jobless Taiwan man released from prison stole a box of cotton swabs just to get arrested again because he "could not forget the police department boxed lunches," officers and local media said Tuesday.
NY prison official resigns over behind-bars bar mitzvah (AFP) Top
AFP - A senior New York prisons official has stepped down following revelations that a Jewish fraudster held a lavish jailhouse bar mitzvah for his son, a prison spokesman Tuesday.
Musicians attacked at wedding (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Taliban fighters beat musicians, shaved their heads and left them tied to trees overnight because they performed at an Afghan wedding, a village tribal chief said Monday, a sign of the fighters' growing influence.
Tattoo gone wrong: Stars and gripes forever? (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A Belgian teenager has told police how she emerged from a tattoo parlor with 56 stars over one side of her face, rather than the three she had asked for, prosecutors said on Tuesday.
Belgian teen to sue over 56-star facial tattoo (AFP) Top
AFP - A Belgian teenager is suing a tattoo artist whom she says covered half her face with stars while she was asleep, media reports said.
Man sets off fireworks in bathroom in Del. Arby's (AP) Top
AP - The Delaware State Fire Marshal's Office said a man damaged a toilet at an Arby's by setting off fireworks in the bathroom. Fire marshals said the man walked into the restaurant Thursday about 9:30 a.m. Delaware State Police are also investigating and searching for the man.
Dutch muggers caught on Google street view camera (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Dutch twin brothers who mugged a teen-ager in the northern town of Groningen were arrested after being caught on camera by a car gathering images for Google's online photo map service, police said.
Chicago couple with swine flu say 'I do' (AP) Top
AP - The bride wore white — and a face mask. A Chicago couple married in surgical masks and latex gloves Sunday after learning less than 48 hours before that they both had swine flu. Ilana Jackson and Jeremy Fierstien went ahead with the ceremony after doctors assured them guests wouldn't be at serious risk.
Man drives 3 miles on Wash. interstate in reverse (AP) Top
AP - The Cowlitz County sheriff's office said a driver went at least three miles on I-5 near Castle Rock in reverse. Deputy Ryan Cruser said a 41-year-old Canadian was arrested about 8:30 p.m. Thursday after his car stopped in the middle of the northbound lanes. He laughed as deputies approached and refused to get out his rented car.
Montana woman uses chickens as therapy animals (AP) Top
AP - Therapy dogs are a comfort for people recovering from health disorders or facing other hurdles in their lives. How about therapy chickens? A woman has decided that white leghorn rooster Alex and Cornish game hen Carlita are too good to keep to herself.
Friday, June 19, 2009
A Very Personal Message To: All The Big Wind and Solar and Grid Power Brokers From: Green Earl
Please get into another line of work. An honest one, because
you people are lying to the citizens of the world.....
And Please
Take your Gradiose, Pompous, Big-Ticketed, Bond-Funded,
Blood Sucking, Tax & Rate Payer, Back Braken, Elaborate,
Unnecessary, Overblown, Solar and Wind Projects & Schemes
Now bend over, like you've been doing to all of us for years,
And Just Stick Em All Where The Wind Don't Blow (in that
direction) and The Sun Don't Shine_Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
you people are lying to the citizens of the world.....
And Please
Take your Gradiose, Pompous, Big-Ticketed, Bond-Funded,
Blood Sucking, Tax & Rate Payer, Back Braken, Elaborate,
Unnecessary, Overblown, Solar and Wind Projects & Schemes
Now bend over, like you've been doing to all of us for years,
And Just Stick Em All Where The Wind Don't Blow (in that
direction) and The Sun Don't Shine_Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Solar, Wind, Renewable Energy.."MegaPower" Verses "MicroPower"_"Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
The Power Pace Has Quickened...The Big Power Brokers
Are Concerned, because just think about it a minute,
it makes more common sense to generate power at the
point of use, therefore it is more cost-effective to
design future wind and solar projects on site..
Make no mistake, "Microgeneration is both a Serious
form of clean energy production as well as a cultural
movement that is gathering momentum Worldwide..."
Go back in our post here at http://yeswecansolveit. We've been saying it for years._Green Earl
What is “Microgeneration”
Microgeneration, also called “micropower”, is the generation of zero or low-carbon electrical power by individuals, small businesses and communities to meet their own needs. The most widely-used microgeneration technologies include small wind turbines and solar power photovoltaic systems that have been promoted for decades as alternative sources of renewable energy. What is new, however, is the potential for micropower to move out of the alternative scene and be taken up on a wider, societal level, thus making a noticeable impact on energy policy. Because of technological advances, microgeneration now includes handheld solar and wind-power recharging devices for personal electronics, as well as advanced photovoltaic and wind-turbine products to power homes and factories.
Traditional “megapower” production of electricity is inefficient because traditional power stations are located far from the point-of-use. And the impact of such energy generation on global warming and other environmental factors has created a global movement towards reducing carbon emissions by getting “off the grid”.
The wider benefits of microgeneration are now being recognized. A recent study by the UK’s Sustainable Consumption Roundtable shows that microgeneration actually acts as a catalyst for cultural changes in consumer attitude, and provides evidence of the important impact that microgeneration has on consumers’ attitudes and behaviors regarding energy production and use. Microgeneration is both a serious form of clean energy production and also a cultural movement that is gathering momentum worldwide.
The Power Pace Has Quickened...The Big Power Brokers
Are Concerned, because just think about it a minute,
it makes more common sense to generate power at the
point of use, therefore it is more cost-effective to
design future wind and solar projects on site..
Make no mistake, "Microgeneration is both a Serious
form of clean energy production as well as a cultural
movement that is gathering momentum Worldwide..."
Go back in our post here at http://yeswecansolveit. We've been saying it for years._Green Earl
What is “Microgeneration”
Microgeneration, also called “micropower”, is the generation of zero or low-carbon electrical power by individuals, small businesses and communities to meet their own needs. The most widely-used microgeneration technologies include small wind turbines and solar power photovoltaic systems that have been promoted for decades as alternative sources of renewable energy. What is new, however, is the potential for micropower to move out of the alternative scene and be taken up on a wider, societal level, thus making a noticeable impact on energy policy. Because of technological advances, microgeneration now includes handheld solar and wind-power recharging devices for personal electronics, as well as advanced photovoltaic and wind-turbine products to power homes and factories.
Traditional “megapower” production of electricity is inefficient because traditional power stations are located far from the point-of-use. And the impact of such energy generation on global warming and other environmental factors has created a global movement towards reducing carbon emissions by getting “off the grid”.
The wider benefits of microgeneration are now being recognized. A recent study by the UK’s Sustainable Consumption Roundtable shows that microgeneration actually acts as a catalyst for cultural changes in consumer attitude, and provides evidence of the important impact that microgeneration has on consumers’ attitudes and behaviors regarding energy production and use. Microgeneration is both a serious form of clean energy production and also a cultural movement that is gathering momentum worldwide.
green jobs in the gulf
MegaPower Verses MicroPower,
Most common sense approach to power generation,
on site power
In Regards To New Transmission Lines...Washington Has It's Head Up It's Ass...As Usual_Green Earl

Americans...Look Out Your Windows, Now Tell Me, What Do
You See, THIS

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Energy bill advancing in Senate would ease power line construction
By H. Josef Hebert Associated Press (Direct Link To This Story Click Above)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
WASHINGTON - Legislation that would require greater use of renewable energy, make it easier to build power lines, and allow oil and gas drilling near the Florida coastline advanced Wednesday in the Senate.
The Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved the bill by a 15-8 bipartisan vote. But both Democrats and Republicans expressed concerns about the bill and hoped to make major changes when it reaches the Senate floor, probably in the fall.
The measure's primary thrust is to expand the use of renewable sources of energy, such as wind, solar and geothermal sources, as well as deal with growing worries about the inadequacies of the nation's high-voltage power grid.
But the bill also would remove the last congressional barrier to offshore oil and gas development, lifting a ban on drilling across a vast area in the eastern Gulf of Mexico that Congress put off limits three years ago. Drilling would be allowed within 45 miles of most of Florida's coast and as close as 10 miles off the state's Panhandle area.
The Senate bill for the first time would establish a national requirement for utilities to produce 15 percent of their electricity from renewable sources, a contentious issue that is likely to attract heated debate.
Twenty-eight states currently have some renewable energy requirement for utilities, but supporters of the measure argue a national mandate is needed to spur such energy development.
The legislation also would give much wider authority to federal regulators over the nation's electricity grid.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission would be given authority to approve the siting of high-voltage power lines if states fail to act and would be given additional powers over cyber security on the grid.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has said he hopes to take up energy legislation after the August recess, although it's uncertain whether it will be merged with separate legislation addressing climate change. The House is working on a climate bill that includes many of the same energy issues addressed by the Senate bill.
While the bill was approved by a safe margin in the committee its prospects in the full Senate are anything but certain. Several senators called it too weak in its support of renewable energy development, while others said it ignored nuclear energy and greater domestic oil and gas production.
"None of us got all we wanted," said Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., the committee's chairman, who was forced to agree to a variety of compromises to give the bill a chance of advancing. Nevertheless, he said the bill would help shift to cleaner, more secure sources of energy.
Bingaman and many of the panel's other Democrats had wanted at least a 20 percent renewable energy requirement. The bill requires 15 percent renewable use by 2021, but also would allow utilities to avoid a fourth of that mandate by showing improvements in efficiency. Renewable energy use could be cut further for utilities that increase their use of nuclear energy either from a new reactor or increased reactor output.
"This is an extraordinary weak bill," said Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.
But Sanders voted to advance the bill, as did Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn. Both senators said they hoped the bill will be strengthened.
"I suspect their definition of strengthening might be somewhat different," quipped Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., whose own support of the bill came despite strong opposition to the federal renewable energy requirements on utilities.
Sanders wants the renewable energy requirement to be much higher, at 25 percent. Corker said the bill needs more to promote nuclear energy and domestic oil and gas production.
"We simply must do more to increase our domestic (oil and gas) production and use of nuclear energy," said Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, the committee's ranking Republican. Still, she voted for the bill which includes a commitment to increase loan guarantees for a natural gas pipeline in her state from $18 billion to $30 billion.
The bill also calls for establishing a new office to steer grants and loan guarantees to clean energy projects, including nuclear and those using technology to capture carbon dioxide; creating an oil products reserve to be used if there are supply problems; and creating federal standards for efficiency standards for new building.
The Chamber of Commerce said the bill shows progress toward crafting a comprehensive energy policy, but some environmentalists said it falls short of shifting the country away from fossil fuels. With its new offshore drilling, support for coal and nuclear energy "this bill fails to live up to the vision of a clean energy future," complained Brent Blackwelder, president of Friends of the Earth.
Posted by edatoakrun on June 18, 2009 at 7:29 a.m.
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Has anybody read the bill and done the research to determine how this bill would effect the two (or more) new power lines proposed to run through Shasta County?
My first impression, is not much effect re TANC, as there's no real federal interest in making money for central California utilities at our expense.
For The PG&E power line proposal, maybe, as RETI seems to be moving toward a lukewarm recommendation for the route North from Round Mountain.
Posted by Another_Acronym on June 18, 2009 at 7:50 a.m.
* Reply to this post
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Are the democrats going to body slam the greenies?
Posted by citizenactivist on June 19, 2009 at 7:26 a.m.
* Reply to this post
* (Suggest removal)
There seems to be a federal as well as a local agenda to push these big transmission grid projects, hard and fast, before the population start asking questions...
Like doesn't it make more sense to spend trillions of dollars locally across the county, retro fitting conservation projects and adding local solar, wind, geo, and bio projects for generation at point of use?
POWER TO THE PEOPLE...Think Globally...But Act Locally...Who get's the benefits then? Not Paul Hauser, REU, PG&E, SMUT, SoCal Edison, L.A. Water and Power, YOU DO REDDING, SHASTA COUNTY RESIDENTS...YOU DO.
Post your comment
green jobs in the gulf
As Usual,
New Grid Lines,
Washington With Its Head Up Its Ass
Latest Wind, Solar Energy, Green Career Google News And Commentary by_Green Earl

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar EnergyGoogle News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Europe Mulls Huge Solar Project
BusinessWeek - USA
An ambitious German-led project to supply Europe with solar energy from the deserts of
Utility focusing more on solar, energy efficiency
Washington Energy Services - Seattle,WA,USA
According to Duke Energy, it will deploy an array of 213 solar photovoltaic panels with an eye on creating a "virtual power plant" that will combine ...
Visible Light Solar Technologies Launches First Hybrid Solar/LED ...
Emediawire (press release) - Ferndale,WA,US
"Our students will be studying Visible Light Solar's LED and photovoltaic solar lights to learn where electricity comes from, where it goes and how it is ...
Suntech Opens World-Class PV Module Testing Facility in ...
Greentech Media - Cambridge,MA,USA
Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (NYSE: STP) is the world's leading solar energy company as measured by production output of crystalline silicon solar ...
McKinney: Minshew Elementary fitted with new solar panel
Star Community Newspapers - Plano,TX,USA
... of energy and matter. The program encourages hands-on experiments with solar ovens, solar balloons, radiometers, and mini solar photovoltaic kits. ...
Trina Solar Signs Sales Agreement with Enfinity
PR Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
As a project specialist, Enfinity ensures the implementation of solar energy power plants, and is today already present in twelve countries including ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Celebrate policy change and activities on behalf of the ...
By panokroko
As DiCaprio's acting career matured, he continued his parallel life as an environmental activist, speaking at colleges and campaigning on behalf of John Kerry in the 2004 presidential campaign. ... China's search for alternative energy has made the solar cell scientist and businessman one of the country's richest men. The value of his company, Suntech Power, one of the world's 10 biggest manufacturers of solar panels, has risen above the $6bn mark since it became the ...
Bleeding edge blog -
Energy Blog: Senator Fielding
By Energy
The technical potential for wind power, small and micro-hydro, tidal power, ocean, and wave energy, solar thermal electric, photovoltaic, biomass, geothermal electric, municipal solid waste have not been fully investigated in the ...
Energy Blog -
Google Web Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
The scientists invented photovoltaic cellsor panels to capture the sun's energy and turn it into electricity They wanted to use this solar electricity to ...
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Sanders sees jobs in green energy - Burlington,VT,USA
Owners and presidents of renewable and clean energy businesses from around the country attended the summit, along with labor union representatives, ...
China's Suntech, Denmark's Vestas bank on Obama's green energy
Business Mirror - Philippine
“Most of the renewable energy industry worldwide believes that the US will within the next three years become the largest market in the world for solar,” ...
House oks plan for 'green jobs' training
Statesman Journal - Salem,OR,USA
State agencies would be directed to identify "green jobs" in fields such as energy efficiency and renewable energy, and how to train workers for them, ...
Benefits of building a green home - USA
The new Clarum Homes Danville, California housing community has been presented with a LEED Gold rating by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) for the ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Wind, Solar, Renewable Energy, Green Careers, Latest Google News and Commentary by_Green Earl. Free Green Career Entry Info Click Title Above Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs .....
Conservation,weatherization and solar renewable energy. Now providing financial solutions for the green industry in commercial and industrial energy Efficiency Equipment Installations, Nationwide. Personally involved in the installation of ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
How Obama's Victory HURTS the Renewable Energy Movement ...
By joseph
We focus on the CleanTech space, covering the fields of clean technology, renewable energy, resource efficiency, green building and sustainable transportation. Industry experts write about current trends, discuss clean technologies as ...
Comments for CleanTechies Blog... -
Solar Wind Conservation Green Careers Renewable Energy Lease ...
green renewable energy jobs Employer Registration Great Green Careers Logo Energy Engineering Env HealthSafety ExecutiveManagement Finance Accounting ...
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
UN: World at Crossroads Between Abyss, More Sustainable ...
ISRIA - France
Unlike coal-fired power stations, wind farms and solar installations need no fuel. Geothermal energy comes from the ground. Biomass energy often comes from ...
Sen. Udall Joins Committee to Pass Bipartisan Energy Bill that ..
All American Patriots (press release) - Taeby,NA,Sweden
A national RES, requiring utilities to produce 15 percent of their electricity from renewable sources (such as solar, wind, biomass, or hydropower) by 2021. ...
Wind Watch: Wind company seeks building permit by July 15; County ...
“The press release was seemingly designed to help the developer obtain or retain the investors needed to finance the 19-turbine, $65-million project proposed for a remote and exceptionally wild area in the northwest corner of Virginia's ... “Despite Mr. Maisano's statement, the wind project developer does not have a building permit, does not have an Erosion and Sediment Control permit, does not have approval from the FAA, has not met conditions imposed by the State ...
National Wind Watch: News -
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Energy and Global Warming News ...
By Austin
A Senate committee on Wednesday approved an energy bill that would open large tracts of the Gulf of Mexico to oil and gas drilling and provide federal loan guarantees for a gas pipeline project in Alaska. ... An analysis of personal finance disclosure filings released last week shows that 45 members of seven committees last year owned stakes in utilities, fuel and natural gas businesses, mining, coal, solar, wind, exploration and production companies. ...
Climate Progress -
Thousands of jobseekers line up for jobs to clean nuke waste at ex ...
By Meg Kinnard
The Savannah River Site, a Department of Energy site, is receiving $1.6 billion, which officials say will fund 3000 jobs cleaning up buildings and their surrounding soil — and also make way for new projects on the property. Located along South Carolina's .... Solar and wind-power companies, energy-efficient light bulb makers, environmental engineering firms and others expanded their work force by 9.1 percent from 1998 to 2007, the latest year available, according to Pew. ...
The Gaea News -
Interview with Bill Graebel, Graebel Companies | Colorado for ...
By admin
I've just recently read about the amazing job that Graebel did in Kosovo… That particular project was one of many we do on the behalf of the United Nations, mobilizing their people. Most of the work they do happens to be in the tough places of .... In terms of wind farms, I don't know how suitable our facilities will be, but exploring wind turbines on our premises is not out of the question. I would be very interested to learn, if thru working with the state and federal ...
Colorado for Sustainability Exchange -
Windpower CEOs analyze their industry | Wind Power Engineering ...
By Paul Dvorak
Wall Street is just beginning to recognize that this completely changes the wind-financing market. Now an entrepreneur can go in and offer something that not only big insurance company's and banks can have, but actually private equity can look at. .... So when we talk about jobs we talk a lot about new wind stocks. The fact is, after getting 1000 MW running means somebody has to keep it running, so investing in the fleet is really a domestic job. ...
Wind Power Engineering - Design,... -
Google News Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
State Announces Expansion of Home Weatherization Program
Southern Maryland Online - MD,USA
The Governor participated in a home energy efficiency audit at the home of Richard ... At least 150 “green” jobs are expected to be created through Local ...
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Obama Administration Delivers More than $453 Million for ...
The implementers will use Montana's recently upgraded Computerized Energy Audit Program to perform the initial audits before implementing the appropriate weatherization measures. As part of the program's commitment to accountability ... Nevada ($14912775 awarded today) will utilize funding from the Recovery Act to perform weatherization services and also implement job training programs for the energy efficiency industry. The Nevada Housing Department will facilitate work ...
RealEstateRama -
Google Web Alert for: Conservation, creating Negawatts, saving energy
American Energy Conservation, Solar, Lastest Negawatt News From ...
Google Blogs Alert for: Conservation, creating Negawatts, saving energy Your Earth by Suzanne Elston: It's Energy Conservation Week in .
Thanks For Your Visit Follow Green Earl On Twitter @greenearldotcom
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Live Conference Call With Former VP, Nobel Prize Laureate, Mr. Al Gore...June 23rd., 8 pm EST, RSVP Now For Reminder_Green Earl

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Live link to RepowerAmerica.Org Above
Help Us Make Climate Crisis A Priority
Dear Green Earl,
Last month's vote on climate legislation in the House Energy and Commerce Committee was a crucial step forward in addressing the climate crisis -- and I want you to know that you played an especially significant role.
As one of the most active supporters of the Climate Protection Action Fund's Repower America campaign, your actions were the foundation of our victory, building support for progress on clean energy both in your community and in Congress.
That's why I wanted to thank you personally for your effort and let you know about our next steps, on a special conference call for our most committed supporters, next Tuesday, June 23rd at 8:00 p.m. EDT.
Sign up to join me on this special conference call.
As this climate legislation moves before the full congress this summer, we have an opportunity unlike anything we've seen yet.
But in order to build urgency around this bill and make sure it passes, we have to go to the grassroots -- we have to continue building support in communities throughout this great nation.
You've shown your commitment to this movement and your work will be central to our success, so I'm looking forward to sharing with you our strategy going forward, and why we can't let this opportunity pass us by.
RSVP now, and our convenient system will call you when the conference is about to begin:
I hope you will join us on Tuesday to be a part of this special conversation about our next steps to Repower America.
Thanks for all you do,
Al Gore
P.S. RSVP before 11:59 p.m. EDT on Monday, June 22nd to ensure you can join the call.
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Paid for by the Climate Protection Action Fund
Please Do Something_Green Earl
green jobs in the gulf
Al Gore,
Live Conf Call June 23 8pm EDT,
Repower America Dot Org
Green Earl Introduces Philadelphias's Own, Hoots & Hellmouth, "With an Aim Toward Radical Localism" New Album Contest Below

Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy Feature For Your listening Pleasure..."No Green
Washing" New Music For Old Souls
* The Holy Open Secret Cove
(Link to groups website (Just click on title of blog above)
Action Alert: CONTEST..You can win their new
release THE HOLY OPEN SECRET Like our earth
day contest, just write us a short note in the comment
section of this post, below, telling us what new green
measures, device, audit,life style changes you've made
to help the environment, save energy, help your community
or planet...the best comment wins!!!
Contest will run for 1 week from this posting_Green Earl
Judges for Contest,
Green Earl at:
Hoots and Hellmouth
The Holy Open Secret (MAD Dragon Records (Ryko/WEA))
Philadelphia-based Hoots &Hellmouth creates new music for old souls. Their second full-length effort, The Holy Open Secret, is due out June 2, 2009 on MAD Dragon Records (Ryko/WEA) and continues to blaze a trail forward in the name of progressive revival. Rob Berliner, Andrew Gray and Sean Hoots return as the core trio of string slingers and harmonious vocalizers, co-producing in collaboration with Bill Moriarty (Dr. Dog, Man Man) at Philadelphia’s American Diamond Studio. The results speak for themselves in tones ranging from the triumphant to the dulcet.
Blending the twisted roots of American music in a fierce and fiery alchemy, this ragtag bunch seeks a revival of spirit. Soulful three-part harmonies comingle with acoustic guitars, a mandolin, an upright bass and foot stomps building a synergy that bursts from both stage and speaker with aural aplomb. “It's about bleeding, sweating, crying, rejoicing," the band’s Sean Hoots says of their work. “It’s alive!”
The indescribable obviousness hinted at in the title is manifest throughout the long player. At once fresh and vibrant, yet somehow strangely familiar, The Holy Open Secret covers a lot of ground both stylistically and lyrically while maintaining a central focus on song-craft. The opening salvo, “Root Of The Industry,” rips from the speakers with a sweaty, country gospel-soaked exhortation to all listeners to “gather up your axes and hack your way to the root of the industry.” Fast on its heels, “You And All Of Us” brings the party as it celebrates true community spirit in an almost N’awlins-style “second line” feel. “What Good Are Plowshares If We Use Them Like Swords?” keeps up the spritely pace while taking things a bit deeper lyrically, calling into question the motives of those who would use such widely espoused virtues as love, faith and freedom to further their own self-serving ends.
Elsewhere, softer yet no less earnest tracks such as “Ne’er Do Well” and “Dishpan Hands” balance the rollicking vibe, draping meditations on domesticity and heartache over gauzy frameworks of plucked banjo and ethereal organ. “Roll, Brandywine, Roll” serves as a gentle end piece to the album as it ponders the prospect of slipping into a river with no intention of exiting. The gurgle heard as the song fades in and trails off is the voice of the Brandywine River of Chester County, PA, expressing itself for those with the ears to hear.
With The Holy Open Secret the band also hopes to further unite their passion for music with an aim toward radical localism. Hoots &Hellmouth see every show as an opportunity to help strengthen a sense of local community among their audiences. Touring relentlessly both on their own and with friends (Dr. Dog, O’Death, Heartless Bastards, Langhorne Slim, Grace Potter etc.) since forming in 2005, the band’s unique style of acoustic mayhem provides a flexibility that allows them to perform in all manner of venues. From rock clubs to folk festivals, they racked up over 150 shows in 2008 alone, including performances at Langerado, Wakarusa and the 47th Annual Philadelphia Folk Fest.
Each stop along the trail garners new converts for Hoots &Hellmouth as word continues to spread of their undeniably compelling performances. In the words of Hoots, "this music is at once a celebration and a mourning – championing the human potential to feel deeply and come together as a unified whole, while bemoaning the fact that much in modern life seems to work against just that. We strive to provide catharsis for damaged 21st Century humans and their environs...this is new music for old souls."
* The Holy Open Secret Cove
* Known For Possession MP3
* Official Website
* Official Myspace
Green Career Entry Information, Coaching and Mentoring by 30 Year Pioneer in Conservation and Solar Generation_Green Earl
Check out fill out contact form for green
career assistance from Green Earl. Link above in title
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
career assistance from Green Earl. Link above in title
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Wind, Solar, Renewable Energy, Green Careers, Latest Google News and Commentary by_Green Earl

Free Green Career Entry Info Click Title Above
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Oakfield, Maine wind farm review starts today
Boston Herald - United States
The proposed Oakfield wind project would create enough electricity for the New England grid to power more than 20000 homes, company officials have said. ...
Irish See Green in Wind Farms: Mainstream Invests in Two Lee ... (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
Dublin-based Mainstream Renewable Power bought the two wind farms in Lee County, and a third farm in Boone County, last Thursday from Bruce and Joyce ...
Clever Financing Gets California Back On Track
Reuters - USA
Besides solar, eligible projects include wind energy, closed-loop biomass, open-loop biomass, geothermal energy, small irrigation power, landfill gas, ...
Germany - DGAP-News : Solar Millennium and Southern California ...
Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - Germany
The Solar Millennium Project will bring approximately 800 temporary workers to our area and 80 - 100 new jobs in our valley. This project will go a long way ...
Environment News Service
Enviros, Scientists Oppose Senate Committee's Clean Energy Act
Environment News Service - USA
... requiring utilities to get a quarter of their electricity from sources like the wind and sun would create jobs and save ratepayers money," he said. ...
Wind Watch: Oakfield wind farm review starts today
Proponents believe wind power to be a pollution-free, efficient and inexpensive way to generate electricity that also creates jobs, generates tax money and broadens the state's industrial base. First Wind has said that its projects ...
National Wind Watch: News -
A formula to increase wind turbines' efficiency level
By Ani
Energy Dept. releases $300 million for vehicle efficiency research, other projects. June 11th, 2009 DOE releases money for vehicle efficiency researchWASHINGTON — The Energy Department says its making $240 million available for research into ... April 22nd, 2009 Obama to talk up wind power on Earth Day in IowaNEWTON, Iowa — President Barack Obama delivered an Earth Day pitch for his alternative energy plan and environmentally friendly jobs Wednesday in a return to Iowa, ...
The Gaea News -
Clever Financing Gets California Back On Track
By Triple Pundit
“This project is a great example of how to use innovative financing to green state government, make it more cost effective for taxpayers and bolster businesses and jobs in a vital sector of our economy,” he adds. ... Besides solar, eligible projects include wind energy, closed-loop biomass, open-loop biomass, geothermal energy, small irrigation power, landfill gas, trash combustion, marine and hydrokinetic energy, and some hydropower facilities. Projects must be owned by ...
Matter Network - Clean Technology,... -
NYTimes: “Senate Committee Approves Broad Energy Package ...
By climateandenergy
The bill's major provisions would, among other things, impose a national renewable electricity standard, overhaul federal financing for “clean energy” projects, establish a suite of efficiency measures, mandate new federal ... The bill requires utilities nationwide to provide 15 percent of their power from renewable sources like wind and solar power by 2021, while allowing up to a quarter of the requirement to be met with energy-saving measures instead. ...
Climate and energy -
Google Web Alert for: Conservation, creating Negawatts, saving energy
Priority: Negawatts — Alaska Conservation Alliance
Priority: Negawatts. Energy Efficiency bannerFINAL ... Saving Center, ACA continues to support two strong bills that set energy efficiency goals for public ...
Yahoo! Alerts
The latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* Jobless man steals just for free prison lunch (Reuters)
* Alaska's Rat Island rat-free after 229 years (Reuters)
* Prosecutor wants to ban fast-food toys (Reuters)
* NY drivers top US road rage league: survey (AFP)
* Boy, 8, saves sister and drunk adults from fire (AP)
* Bomb squad blasts suspicious package, finds Bible (AP)
* Armed Maine woman, 77, teaches intruder a lesson (AP)
* Clerk shoots man after cell phone deflects knife (AP)
* Lottery winner plans to grow better carrots (Reuters)
* Musicians attacked at wedding (Reuters)
* Passengers cheat flu scan with fever reducers (Reuters)
* Man hides in LA drain for 12 hours to avoid arrest (AP)
* Belgian teen to sue over 56-star facial tattoo (AFP)
* Cocaine haul found hidden in frozen sharks (Reuters)
* Oregon woman obsessed with rabbits arrested again (AP)
* Men-only train cars sought in groping fears (Reuters)
* Man accused of stealing 88 panties from neighbor (AP)
* Sub allegedly chokes student during dodgeball game (AP)
* Fox steals more than 100 shoes (Reuters)
* Ariz. town council election decided by card draw (AP)
* Man 'relaxing' on mattress in Pa. bay rescued (AP)
Jobless man steals just for free prison lunch (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A jobless Taiwan man released from prison stole a box of cotton swabs just to get arrested again because he "could not forget the police department boxed lunches," officers and local media said Tuesday.
Alaska's Rat Island rat-free after 229 years (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Alaska's Rat Island is finally rat-free, 229 years after a Japanese shipwreck spilled rampaging rodents onto the remote Aleutian island, decimating the local bird population.
Prosecutor wants to ban fast-food toys (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Charging that toys sold with meals in fast-food outlets can lead children to develop bad eating habits, a Brazilian prosecutor on Monday asked a judge to ban such sales nationally at chains including McDonald's and Burger King.
NY drivers top US road rage league: survey (AFP) Top
AFP - New Yorkers are America's angriest drivers, according to a survey published Tuesday.
Boy, 8, saves sister and drunk adults from fire (AP) Top
AP - Police in Poland say an 8-year-old boy saved his sister and three drunk adults from a fire by calling police and fighting the flames before help arrived. The fire started outside the door of the boy's apartment in the western town of Miedzyrzecz late Monday.
Bomb squad blasts suspicious package, finds Bible (AP) Top
AP - A bomb squad used a disrupter gun to blast a suspicious package left on the counter of the Leavenworth post office, but only a Bible was found inside. Police said the person who left the package on Friday night took off in a hurry and probably didn't put enough stamps on it to get it delivered.
Armed Maine woman, 77, teaches intruder a lesson (AP) Top
AP - After being told by her daughter that a man in their home was an armed intruder, a 77-year-old woman pulled a gun on him and sent him running, according to court documents. The Bangor Daily News reported that family members have been referring to Doris Gatchell of Princeton as "Annie Oakley" after she confronted the man Friday.
Clerk shoots man after cell phone deflects knife (AP) Top
AP - A liquor store clerk's cell phone may have saved his life. Police said when a would-be robber tried to stab the clerk at Beverage Mart on Monday the knife dented the cell phone in the clerk's pocket, but did not injure him. The clerk, 59-year-old Joseph Wescott, then pulled a gun and shot the man in the abdomen. The clerk was given the pistol by his son, a police officer.
Lottery winner plans to grow better carrots (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A 74-year-old amateur gardener who scooped a 25 million pound lottery prize said Tuesday he would spend part of his winnings hiring an expert to learn how to grow better carrots.
Musicians attacked at wedding (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Taliban fighters beat musicians, shaved their heads and left them tied to trees overnight because they performed at an Afghan wedding, a village tribal chief said Monday, a sign of the fighters' growing influence.
Passengers cheat flu scan with fever reducers (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Many sick passengers who flew to Ho Chi Minh City in southern Vietnam took fever reducers to cheat temperature scanners at the airport, leading to the discovery of several infected cases later, state media reported at the weekend.
Man hides in LA drain for 12 hours to avoid arrest (AP)
AP - A burglary suspect who tried to evade police by hiding in a narrow storm drain under a busy freeway for 12 hours finally agreed to give himself up after speaking to a local TV reporter on his cell phone.
Belgian teen to sue over 56-star facial tattoo (AFP) Top
AFP - A Belgian teenager is suing a tattoo artist whom she says covered half her face with stars while she was asleep, media reports said.
Cocaine haul found hidden in frozen sharks (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Mexico's navy has seized more than a tonne of cocaine stuffed inside frozen sharks, as drug gangs under military pressure go to greater lengths to conceal narcotics bound for the United States.
Oregon woman obsessed with rabbits arrested again (AP) Top
AP - Authorities said a woman obsessed with rabbits is in trouble again: In violation of probation terms, she was found holed up in a hotel room with more than a dozen rabbits. Officers said they had to break into the room Tuesday and found eight adults and half a dozen baby rabbits, one dead. The police say some were caged, some roaming.
Men-only train cars sought in groping fears (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Many women taking the crowded train in Tokyo opt for women-only carriages during the rush hour to avoid gropers.
Man accused of stealing 88 panties from neighbor (AP) Top
AP - Puerto Rico police said they have arrested a man accused of snatching 88 pieces of underwear from a neighbor's clothesline. The man was charged with theft and illegal appropriation. Police said Wednesday that he returned all $1,000 worth of underwear to the woman.
Sub allegedly chokes student during dodgeball game (AP) Top
AP - New York police say a substitute gym teacher put a 10-year-old student in a chokehold after the two got in an argument over a dodgeball game. The Daniel Webster Elementary School sub was charged Friday with third-degree assault, endangering the welfare of a child and harassment.
Fox steals more than 100 shoes (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A fox has been unmasked as the mystery thief of more than 100 shoes in the small western German town of Foehren, authorities said Friday.
Ariz. town council election decided by card draw (AP) Top
AP - The election came down to the high card.
Man 'relaxing' on mattress in Pa. bay rescued (AP) Top
AP - A man floating on an air mattress in a Lake Erie bay had to be rescued by the Coast Guard and was taken into custody by Erie, Pa., police. Police said two boaters called 911 after a fisherman told them his friend was in the water. The Coast Guard crew pulled the man from Presque Isle Bay about 60 yards from shore at about 11:20 p.m. Tuesday.
Thanks For Coming!! _Green Earl
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
latest Solar, Wind, Renewable Energy Google News and Commentary By_Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy Wednesday, June 17, 2009 8:03 AM
"Google Alerts"
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
California utility in new big solar deals
Reuters - USA
The thermal plants are typically much larger than plants made up of photovoltaic solar panels, which turn sunlight into electricity. ...
Canadian Solar targets output boost
Reuters - USA
Solar manufacturers have been hit hard by the sharp decline in prices for photovoltaic products because the credit crunch put new projects on ice just as ...
Government Push to Spur Growth in Indian Solar Market
Emailwire - USA
The report covers various segments of the solar photovoltaic and thermal power to facilitate clients in evaluating the opportunities for their success in ...
Is the Cost-Effective DIY Solar Panel Within Reach?
Popular Mechanics - New York,NY,USA
Could this be the beginning of the cost-effective, truly DIY solar panel? By Harry Sawyers If you wanted to train to be a solar photovoltaic panel installer ...
"In Light” of Summer Solstice, Americans Call for More Solar Energy
WELT ONLINE - Berlin,German
To review the full findings of this survey and learn more about Applied Materials' solar photovoltaic business, visit ...
Mesa seeks solar panels for water plant
East Valley Tribune - Mesa,AZ,USA
"We are definitely looking for ways that we can integrate solar power energy into the city," Mesa's Development and Sustainability Deputy Director Scott ...
Registration Opens for Solar Power International '09 in Anaheim ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
Presented by Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) and Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Solar Power International 2009 will take place October ...
New England firm acquires Albany-based solar installer
Schenectady Gazette - Schenectady,NY,USA
By Ameerah Cetawayo (Contact) ALBANY — A New England renewable energy company said Tuesday that its acquisition of Albany-based solar electric installer ...
Get Your Green On » Blog Archive » Solar Energy – Energy for the Home
By admin
To provide solar power for the home, solar cells called photovoltaic made from semiconductive materials, are grouped into modules. These solar panels are mounted on rooftops, yards or open spaces where it can capture the maximum amount of sunlight. ... The solar panels collect the energy from the sunlight. The process basically is that when the panels are exposed to sunlight, the electrons are separated form the atoms. This movement of the electrons creates electricity. ...
Get Your Green On -
Going green is where the jobs are
By Sans
“Low carbon jobs for Europe” shows that at least 3.4 million European jobs are directly related to renewable energy, sustainable transport and energy efficient goods and services. This compares with 2.8 million jobs in ... All are showing significant growth, with particular focus on wind power, solar photovoltaic, bioenergy, public transport and building sectors. Leading European countries are Germany, Spain and Denmark for wind power, Germany and Spain for solar power. ...
Earthwitness » for a better now. -
SEI Eco-Campus: Hands-on training in alternative energy | Uprooted
By Jessica
There, anyone can sign up for training in green-building topics from solar installation to renewable fuels to straw bale construction. Though the workshops are prohibitively expensive for anyone not planning to make a career out of ... 17 students work with 4 instructors to completely uninstall and reinstall each type of system: roof mount, ground mount, and pole mount photovoltaic panels; converters and battery banks; wind turbines; solar hot water; micro-hydro power. ...
Uprooted -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Report: Green Means Grow (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
Green jobs are "the one bright spot in an otherwise difficult economic landscape," Stephens said this week. The report, "The Clean Energy Economy: ...
Granholm Joins Energy, Economic Speakers At National Summit
WWJ - Detroit,MI,USA
The final speaker in the open session was Van Jones, special advisor for green jobs, enterprise and innovation at the White House Council on Environmental ...
WWF report: Green industries create more jobs
EurActiv - Brussels,Belgium
The conservation NGO's estimates show that renewable energy, green transport and
Fed: 28000 Green Jobs on the Radar: Modelling (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
CANBERRA, June 16 AAP - More than 28000 Australians will be working in renewable energy by 2020 if a predicted green bonanza becomes a reality, ...
Beyond Chron
(Ed Note: Dreier's piece on Antonio Villaraigosa first appeared in ...
Beyond Chron - San Francisco,CA,USA
... the nation's largest municipal utility, to become the engine for green jobs and clean energy. He has already tripled Los Angeles' renewables portfolio, ...
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Green Jobs: What They Are and Where to Look for Them, Part II ...
By George Lenard
Careers in Water Quality and Conservation. Like renewable-energy jobs, water-related green jobs cover a breadth of private-sector occupational classifications (e.g. opportunities exist in design, engineering, manufacturing, installation, ... A plethora of green and sustainability jobs are cropping up in such traditional employment sectors as finance, training and development, and hospitality, and in large corporations as varied as Wal-Mart, Sun Microsystems, DuPont, ...
George's Employment Blawg -
375 Twitter Feeds of Job Openings, Job Postings and Job Leads ...
By Jacob Share
@pdxtechjobs - Portland Tech Jobs, part of the Portland Twitter Jobs network, which also covers 10 other industries in the Portland, Oregon area like green jobs and non-profit jobs. @sdjobs - San Diego Tech Jobs; @myitjobs - IT jobs ...
JobMob -
The Rag Blog: Why Wind Power Is a Viable Alternative
By richard jehn
Depending on which concept you favor, your preferred energy policies will be rather different. The usual disclosure: my job is to finance, among other energy projects, wind farms. My earlier articles on wind power can all be found here. .... Other mechanisms include quotas which can be traded (that's what green certificates or renewable portfolio standards are) or direct subsidies, usually via tax mechanisms. Apart from tax benefits, which are borne by taxpayers, ...
The Rag Blog -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
See all stories on this topic. Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs. Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ... By American Energy Conservation Group Solar, Wind, Bio , Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, ... The amendments being considered in the Senate Finance and Revenue Committee will completely protect solar subsidies paid from the Oregon Income Tax, the Business Energy Tax Credit (BETC). ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Cammarano Campaign Promise Checklist - Hoboken 411 » Hoboken's ...
By hoboken411
Install green roof parks to augment our inventory of open space and alleviate flooding issues. INCOMPLETE, 7/1/2009. Invest in solar panels and other renewable energy technologies. INCOMPLETE, 7/1/2009 .... Cammarano says: “The families of Hoboken deserve a school system that meets the needs of all students and prepares our youth for every possible career and challenge. In our city, the voters empower the Board of Education and superintendent with the responsibility of ...
Hoboken 411 -
green renewable energy jobs. ... Employer Registration. Great Green Careers Logo ... Energy, Engineering, Env. Health/Safety, Executive/Management, Finance/ Accounting ... analysis of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, ...
Renewable Energy Industries Ask Obama to Speed Loan Guarantees ...
As someone who works in the renewable energy finance sector I'd like to counter .... setting back hundreds of steady green-collar jobs, local prosperity, ... conducting career planning and succession planning seminars, ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
Negotiated line of credit and restructuring of facility lease to finance $800k in ... Energy Careers, Green Job Training Sites, Renewable Energy Job Links, ...
Green Jobs, Green Careers, Green Employment
Home >>Renewable Energy >> Green Jobs, Green Careers, Green Employment ... went on to say that the financial markets were also supporting “green” businesses ...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 8:34 AM
From:"Earl Allen Boek"
You guys have my permission to keep the money...If I get it, I'll just piss it off like the other several million over the years...I'm not real good with money, actually, if it's my own.
Besides that, I'm sure you can make good use of it.
Al Boek, Redding, CA.
--- On Wed, 6/17/09, F.B.I wrote:
From: F.B.I
Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 7:48 AM
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535-0001
This is an official advice from the FBI foreign remittance / telegraphic dept, it has come to our notice that the C.B.N BANK NIGERIA district has released 10,500,000.00 us dollars into bank of AMERICA in your name as the beneficiary, by inheritance means. the CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA knowing fully well that they do not have enough facilities to effect this payment from the united kingdom to your account, used what we know as a secret diplomatic transit payment (S.T.D.P) to pay this fund through wire transfer, they used this means to complete the payment. they are still, waiting for confirmation from you on the already transferred funds which were made in direct transfer so that they can do final crediting to your account. secret diplomatic payments are not made unless the funds are related to terrorist activities why must your payment be made in secret transfer, if your transaction is legitimate, if you are not a terrorist, then why did you not receive the money directly in
to your account; this is a pure c
we advice you to contact us immediately, as the funds have been stopped and are being held in our custody, until you can be able to provide us with a diplomatic immunity seal of transfer (DIST) within 3 days from the world local bank that authorize the transfer from where the funds was transferred from to certify that the funds that you are about to receive From Nigeria are antiterrorist/drug free or we shall have cause to cross and impound the payment, we shall release the funds immediately we receive this legal documents. we have decided to contact you directly to acquire the proper verifications and proof from you to show that you are the rightful person to receive this fund, because of the amount involve, we want to make sure is a clean and legal money you are about to receive. be informed that the fund are now in united state in your name, but right now we have ask the bank not to release the fund to anybody that comes to them, unless we ask them to do so, because we h
ave to carry out our investigatio
because we need a solid proof and verifications from you before releasing the funds. so to this regards you are to re-assure and proof to us that what you are about to receive is a clean money by sending to US. FBI identification record and also diplomatic immunity seal of transfer (dist) to satisfy to us that the money your about to receive is legitimate and real money. you are to forward the documents to us immediately if you have it in your possession, if you don't have it let us know so that we will direct and inform you where to obtain the document and send to us so that we will ask the bank holding the funds, the BANK OF AMERICA to go ahead crediting your account immediately. these documents are to be issued to you from the world local bank that authorized the transfer, so get back to us immediately if you don't have the document so that we would update you with the contact details of the responsible office where the document will be obtained in NIGERIA because we have
come to realize that the fund wa
final instruction:
1. credit payment instruction: irrevocable credit guarantee.
2. beneficiary has full power when validation is cleared.
3. beneficiaries bank in u.s.a., can only release funds.
4. upon confirmation from the world bank / united nations.
5. bearers must clear bank protocol and validation request.
note: we have asked for the above documents to make available the most complete and up-to date records possible for the enhancement of public safety, welfare and security of society while recognizing the importance of individual privacy rights. if you fail to provide the documents to us, we will charge you with the FBI and take our proper action against you for not proofing to us the legitimate of the fund you are about to receive. the united states department of justice order 556-73 establishes rules and regulations for the subject of an FBI identification record to obtain a copy of his or her own record for review. the FBI criminal justice information services (CJIS) division processes these requests to check illegal activities in U.S.A . an individual may request a copy of his or her own FBI identification record for personal review or to challenge information on the record. other reasons an individual may request a copy of his or her own identification record may include
international adoption or to sati
we await for your prompt response.
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This email was sent from Earl Allen Boek
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California utility in new big solar deals
Reuters - USA
The thermal plants are typically much larger than plants made up of photovoltaic solar panels, which turn sunlight into electricity. ...
Canadian Solar targets output boost
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Solar manufacturers have been hit hard by the sharp decline in prices for photovoltaic products because the credit crunch put new projects on ice just as ...
Government Push to Spur Growth in Indian Solar Market
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The report covers various segments of the solar photovoltaic and thermal power to facilitate clients in evaluating the opportunities for their success in ...
Is the Cost-Effective DIY Solar Panel Within Reach?
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Could this be the beginning of the cost-effective, truly DIY solar panel? By Harry Sawyers If you wanted to train to be a solar photovoltaic panel installer ...
"In Light” of Summer Solstice, Americans Call for More Solar Energy
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To review the full findings of this survey and learn more about Applied Materials' solar photovoltaic business, visit ...
Mesa seeks solar panels for water plant
East Valley Tribune - Mesa,AZ,USA
"We are definitely looking for ways that we can integrate solar power energy into the city," Mesa's Development and Sustainability Deputy Director Scott ...
Registration Opens for Solar Power International '09 in Anaheim ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
Presented by Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) and Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Solar Power International 2009 will take place October ...
New England firm acquires Albany-based solar installer
Schenectady Gazette - Schenectady,NY,USA
By Ameerah Cetawayo (Contact) ALBANY — A New England renewable energy company said Tuesday that its acquisition of Albany-based solar electric installer ...
Get Your Green On » Blog Archive » Solar Energy – Energy for the Home
By admin
To provide solar power for the home, solar cells called photovoltaic made from semiconductive materials, are grouped into modules. These solar panels are mounted on rooftops, yards or open spaces where it can capture the maximum amount of sunlight. ... The solar panels collect the energy from the sunlight. The process basically is that when the panels are exposed to sunlight, the electrons are separated form the atoms. This movement of the electrons creates electricity. ...
Get Your Green On -
Going green is where the jobs are
By Sans
“Low carbon jobs for Europe” shows that at least 3.4 million European jobs are directly related to renewable energy, sustainable transport and energy efficient goods and services. This compares with 2.8 million jobs in ... All are showing significant growth, with particular focus on wind power, solar photovoltaic, bioenergy, public transport and building sectors. Leading European countries are Germany, Spain and Denmark for wind power, Germany and Spain for solar power. ...
Earthwitness » for a better now. -
SEI Eco-Campus: Hands-on training in alternative energy | Uprooted
By Jessica
There, anyone can sign up for training in green-building topics from solar installation to renewable fuels to straw bale construction. Though the workshops are prohibitively expensive for anyone not planning to make a career out of ... 17 students work with 4 instructors to completely uninstall and reinstall each type of system: roof mount, ground mount, and pole mount photovoltaic panels; converters and battery banks; wind turbines; solar hot water; micro-hydro power. ...
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Report: Green Means Grow (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
Green jobs are "the one bright spot in an otherwise difficult economic landscape," Stephens said this week. The report, "The Clean Energy Economy: ...
Granholm Joins Energy, Economic Speakers At National Summit
WWJ - Detroit,MI,USA
The final speaker in the open session was Van Jones, special advisor for green jobs, enterprise and innovation at the White House Council on Environmental ...
WWF report: Green industries create more jobs
EurActiv - Brussels,Belgium
The conservation NGO's estimates show that renewable energy, green transport and
Fed: 28000 Green Jobs on the Radar: Modelling (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
CANBERRA, June 16 AAP - More than 28000 Australians will be working in renewable energy by 2020 if a predicted green bonanza becomes a reality, ...
Beyond Chron
(Ed Note: Dreier's piece on Antonio Villaraigosa first appeared in ...
Beyond Chron - San Francisco,CA,USA
... the nation's largest municipal utility, to become the engine for green jobs and clean energy. He has already tripled Los Angeles' renewables portfolio, ...
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Green Jobs: What They Are and Where to Look for Them, Part II ...
By George Lenard
Careers in Water Quality and Conservation. Like renewable-energy jobs, water-related green jobs cover a breadth of private-sector occupational classifications (e.g. opportunities exist in design, engineering, manufacturing, installation, ... A plethora of green and sustainability jobs are cropping up in such traditional employment sectors as finance, training and development, and hospitality, and in large corporations as varied as Wal-Mart, Sun Microsystems, DuPont, ...
George's Employment Blawg -
375 Twitter Feeds of Job Openings, Job Postings and Job Leads ...
By Jacob Share
@pdxtechjobs - Portland Tech Jobs, part of the Portland Twitter Jobs network, which also covers 10 other industries in the Portland, Oregon area like green jobs and non-profit jobs. @sdjobs - San Diego Tech Jobs; @myitjobs - IT jobs ...
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The Rag Blog: Why Wind Power Is a Viable Alternative
By richard jehn
Depending on which concept you favor, your preferred energy policies will be rather different. The usual disclosure: my job is to finance, among other energy projects, wind farms. My earlier articles on wind power can all be found here. .... Other mechanisms include quotas which can be traded (that's what green certificates or renewable portfolio standards are) or direct subsidies, usually via tax mechanisms. Apart from tax benefits, which are borne by taxpayers, ...
The Rag Blog -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
See all stories on this topic. Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs. Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ... By American Energy Conservation Group Solar, Wind, Bio , Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, ... The amendments being considered in the Senate Finance and Revenue Committee will completely protect solar subsidies paid from the Oregon Income Tax, the Business Energy Tax Credit (BETC). ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Cammarano Campaign Promise Checklist - Hoboken 411 » Hoboken's ...
By hoboken411
Install green roof parks to augment our inventory of open space and alleviate flooding issues. INCOMPLETE, 7/1/2009. Invest in solar panels and other renewable energy technologies. INCOMPLETE, 7/1/2009 .... Cammarano says: “The families of Hoboken deserve a school system that meets the needs of all students and prepares our youth for every possible career and challenge. In our city, the voters empower the Board of Education and superintendent with the responsibility of ...
Hoboken 411 -
green renewable energy jobs. ... Employer Registration. Great Green Careers Logo ... Energy, Engineering, Env. Health/Safety, Executive/Management, Finance/ Accounting ... analysis of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, ...
Renewable Energy Industries Ask Obama to Speed Loan Guarantees ...
As someone who works in the renewable energy finance sector I'd like to counter .... setting back hundreds of steady green-collar jobs, local prosperity, ... conducting career planning and succession planning seminars, ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
Negotiated line of credit and restructuring of facility lease to finance $800k in ... Energy Careers, Green Job Training Sites, Renewable Energy Job Links, ...
Green Jobs, Green Careers, Green Employment
Home >>Renewable Energy >> Green Jobs, Green Careers, Green Employment ... went on to say that the financial markets were also supporting “green” businesses ...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 8:34 AM
From:"Earl Allen Boek"
You guys have my permission to keep the money...If I get it, I'll just piss it off like the other several million over the years...I'm not real good with money, actually, if it's my own.
Besides that, I'm sure you can make good use of it.
Al Boek, Redding, CA.
--- On Wed, 6/17/09, F.B.I
From: F.B.I
Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 7:48 AM
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535-0001
This is an official advice from the FBI foreign remittance / telegraphic dept, it has come to our notice that the C.B.N BANK NIGERIA district has released 10,500,000.00 us dollars into bank of AMERICA in your name as the beneficiary, by inheritance means. the CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA knowing fully well that they do not have enough facilities to effect this payment from the united kingdom to your account, used what we know as a secret diplomatic transit payment (S.T.D.P) to pay this fund through wire transfer, they used this means to complete the payment. they are still, waiting for confirmation from you on the already transferred funds which were made in direct transfer so that they can do final crediting to your account. secret diplomatic payments are not made unless the funds are related to terrorist activities why must your payment be made in secret transfer, if your transaction is legitimate, if you are not a terrorist, then why did you not receive the money directly in
to your account; this is a pure c
we advice you to contact us immediately, as the funds have been stopped and are being held in our custody, until you can be able to provide us with a diplomatic immunity seal of transfer (DIST) within 3 days from the world local bank that authorize the transfer from where the funds was transferred from to certify that the funds that you are about to receive From Nigeria are antiterrorist/drug free or we shall have cause to cross and impound the payment, we shall release the funds immediately we receive this legal documents. we have decided to contact you directly to acquire the proper verifications and proof from you to show that you are the rightful person to receive this fund, because of the amount involve, we want to make sure is a clean and legal money you are about to receive. be informed that the fund are now in united state in your name, but right now we have ask the bank not to release the fund to anybody that comes to them, unless we ask them to do so, because we h
ave to carry out our investigatio
because we need a solid proof and verifications from you before releasing the funds. so to this regards you are to re-assure and proof to us that what you are about to receive is a clean money by sending to US. FBI identification record and also diplomatic immunity seal of transfer (dist) to satisfy to us that the money your about to receive is legitimate and real money. you are to forward the documents to us immediately if you have it in your possession, if you don't have it let us know so that we will direct and inform you where to obtain the document and send to us so that we will ask the bank holding the funds, the BANK OF AMERICA to go ahead crediting your account immediately. these documents are to be issued to you from the world local bank that authorized the transfer, so get back to us immediately if you don't have the document so that we would update you with the contact details of the responsible office where the document will be obtained in NIGERIA because we have
come to realize that the fund wa
final instruction:
1. credit payment instruction: irrevocable credit guarantee.
2. beneficiary has full power when validation is cleared.
3. beneficiaries bank in u.s.a., can only release funds.
4. upon confirmation from the world bank / united nations.
5. bearers must clear bank protocol and validation request.
note: we have asked for the above documents to make available the most complete and up-to date records possible for the enhancement of public safety, welfare and security of society while recognizing the importance of individual privacy rights. if you fail to provide the documents to us, we will charge you with the FBI and take our proper action against you for not proofing to us the legitimate of the fund you are about to receive. the united states department of justice order 556-73 establishes rules and regulations for the subject of an FBI identification record to obtain a copy of his or her own record for review. the FBI criminal justice information services (CJIS) division processes these requests to check illegal activities in U.S.A . an individual may request a copy of his or her own FBI identification record for personal review or to challenge information on the record. other reasons an individual may request a copy of his or her own identification record may include
international adoption or to sati
we await for your prompt response.
This email was sent to 117 members of YESWECANSOLVEIT
This email was sent from Earl Allen Boek
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