Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Conservation and Renewable Energy Inspire kids in Twenty Schools...
Check out the link at the right of this blog to Jeff Barrie's Work.
Hi Green Earl & Friends,
In this KO E-tip digest, I have a fun opportunity for you -- Please click here http://www.earthdayeverydaychallenge.com/ to vote for Fayette Academy, one of the superstar schools using Kilowatt Ours in rural Somerville, Tennessee. This school has used the Kilowatt Ours curriculum for several years, and is one of 20 finalists selected for the "Earth Day Every Day School Challenge" award of $20,000 to further its environmental projects. Watch the short video and read the inspiring essay about all the good these students have done to make a difference, then vote!
Here is a message and additional information from Donna Burrus, the teacher at Fayette who watched Kilowatt Ours several years ago and claims that it energized her students to start down this path:
"HELP! Time is running out. WE need your vote NOW. Go to http://www.earthdayeverydaychallenge.com/ and vote for Fayette Academy. Voting is simple. Simply select the vote now button and provide your email and birthday information. Voters must be 18 years old and one vote allowed per email address. You may select the video to watch, read the essay or just hit the vote button. Please support our school and young leaders of tomorrow who have been busy working towards a sustainable tomorrow." -- Donna Burrus, Ecology Club Sponsor
*** Upcoming KO Events ***
June 19 -- 7pm screening of KO at Nashville Summer Soulstice Concert @ Limelight http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=105649520738
June 23 -- Environmental Film Network presents Kilowatt Ours movie at the Confederation College Lecture Theatre in Ontario, Canada
June 27 -- Ecocentric Energy Solutions, LLC. Presentation in the auditorium of Silver Lake Nature Center in Bristol, PA
June 29 -- Jeff Barrie presents at Live Green series in Franklin, TN (6pm in City Hall Conference Room) http://www.franklintomorrow.org
*** Fundraising Update***
In addition to requesting your donations to support and expand our work, our team is busy writing grants, seeking business sponsors, submitting requests for Recovery Act Funds, and leaving no stone unturned in our quest to change the world.
Please help us to thrive by making your donation today at http://www.KilowattOurs.org/SaveKilowattOurs or by mailing a check to Kilowatt Ours -- PO Box 60322, Nashville, TN 37206
REMEMBER: Please post your energy-saving success story on our community forum pages: http://www.kilowattourscommunity.org/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=4
Thank you for doing your part!
Jeff Barrie
Kilowatt Ours, a project of Trust for the Future
***Winner -- South Dakota International Film Festival***
Now on public TV. Visit the screening locator at www.KilowattOurs.org for times/dates in your state.
(615) 340 5005 office
PO Box 60322 Nashville, TN 37206
please make a donation and support our work at KilowattOurs.org/donate
Kilowatt Ours
P.O. Box 60322
Nashville, TN
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