American Energy Conservation and Solar Generation Pioneer Provides almost daily directory of Green Energy News and Commentary. Discussions, regarding conservation, weatherization, solar DHW, Solar PV and Wind and Green Careers._Green Earl, Founder
American Energy Conservation Group
Redding/Las Vegas/Sacramento, Ca
Still Producing NegaWatts...Since 1981
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
GreenEarl (GreenEarl)
1 minute ago
in P060809PS-0156 - Barack Obama | Government News from the White House and Congress - Senate/House of Representatives on GovNews
Mr. President: Please look again at expansions of the power grid,
there is little "Smart" about these grand plans. In our area, as
many as 6,000 rural homeowners and small farmers, many who
conserve and use solar themselves as an alternative energy source,
will be displaced by 600 miles x 1,000, clear cut, swatch of High
Power Transmission Lines, in Northern CA...For What. To bring
electric power, from Coal-Fired Turbines, Where? in Colorado,
Montana, Idaho, Utah. (Ten New Ones Are Being Planned). Sir we
can do better than following the same, tired, worn-out, polluting
and poisoning, GM mentality, form of power and distribution.
Please help us to think Globally...but act locally. Thank You
_Green Earl, Founder of
YESWECANSOLVEIT Obama Group, American Energy Conservation
Group, YESWECANSOLVEIT. Picken's Plan, YESWECANSOLVEIT. Producing Negawatts...Since 1981.
Please come out here and spend a day...see what these power
brokers are about to destroy...Nothing but Greed, Mr. President
,Nothing "Smart" about this grid, at all.
We Are Making A Difference...Please Join Us, Link Above
Kiva Lending Team: Maria Shriver's Lending Team Summary | Loans | Members | View Messages
Displaying 1 through 16 total messages
Leave a short message below:
Ms. Shriver,
As with so many others, I participated here because of your example. Thank you! And I know the recipients of our loans thank you as well!
Know that you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the great work.
Posted by Ray Jun 26, 2009 - 10:34 pm PDT
I am becoming involved in a new company that will be supplying unlimited everything, cell, web, text, VIP, starting on July 1st. I will donate 10% of my personal income from these efforts to KIVA.
Please Maria this program if you would and if you have a business or personal use for the program, please join me. If your looking for a way to earn and loan more consider promoting it, with us. Thank You.
More info:
Green Earl aka, Al Boek
Posted by Green Earl Jun 26, 2009 - 11:13 am PDT
Hi Team!
Things have gone extremely well with our new endeavor the past few weeks. Over 360 of us came together to fund entrepreneurs from both in the U.S. and around the world making a huge difference in their lives. I am so proud of our lending team – we have made 293 loans helping to fund 157 entrepreneurs to date. In fact, we are the top lending group for many of the U.S. entrepreneurs!
As of yesterday, all available loans to the U.S. have been funded but we expect new profiles to come online shortly. We will send an alert just as soon as they do.
A big thanks to Kiva’s fastest growing lending team. Again, stay tuned for more U.S. profiles to be posted and remember to PASS IT ON and get all your friends and family join us!
Posted by Maria Jun 26, 2009 - 11:12 am PDT
Hi, Maria. I became a lender because of your example. I made my first loan yesterday, and received notification that the loan was disbursed last night. How thrilling to learn that my few dollars are helping someone thousands of miles away.
Helping to make a difference one dollar at a time, Fannie
Posted by Fannie Jun 25, 2009 - 8:58 am PDT
To wake up this am and get an email from KIVA that the group of women entrepreneurs I contributed a small amount to received their funding is the most awesome feeling! I'm on the financial brink myself due to unemployment, health challenges, and etc., but I value what I do have, a land of opportunity! These women inspire me! I am simply thrilled. It's a Beautiful Day! : ) Barbara C.B. in Escondido CA
Posted by Barbara C.B. Jun 12, 2009 - 7:56 am PDT
Hi Thank you for creating a Team. I just created 2 Teams: a common interest OPEN team, "We Love You!" and a faith tradition by request Team "Cup of Cold Water". It seemed right to join Team Maria since we share CA entrepreneur, Erik, the Marine with a great game (his loan is funded and is now repaying). Watching a Kiva entrepreneur's loan fund is just wonderful practical, and inspiring fun. Cheers to Denise and her $5K challenge. Great Idea! Carolyn
Posted by fetterless Jun 12, 2009 - 1:50 am PDT
Dear Maria, Say Hi to the Gov for me. I just made 3 loans, oldest first selected. As a Vietnam Vet, happy that two were in Vietnam. Also I am a pioneer in conservation and solar generation who could use a little financing myself, please mention it to your cousin, in the biz. My site at ( often features a Google Donated ad for Kiva. I did not really understand fully how it worked until I started following you on Twitter. Cool program. I like it. _Green Earl, Founder American Energy Conservation Group Producing Negawatts........Since 1981
Posted by Barack Oblogger Jun 11, 2009 - 11:10 am PDT
I joined on my birthday. I made four loans as my birthday present to myself. It was the best gift I've received in my 54 years! Giving to receive is a great concept. I hope the four people receive as much happiness from the loans as I have. Thank you, Maria Shriver, for the invitation to join you! Keep up the great work!
Posted by Ray Jun 10, 2009 - 1:45 pm PDT
Hi Team! Congratulations to Kiva for a wonderful interview with Good Morning America this AM. Now GMA is wanting to hear from lenders like us!
Visit and tell them why you are a part of this amazing effort.
Posted by Maria Jun 10, 2009 - 10:14 am PDT
1 2 Next Page >>
Have Lending Teams Feedback? Click here.
I've joined the Team and have my own lending team as well. I'm currently in the midst of a challenge to raise $5,000 in loans during June so that's where my attention is focused now. I am very happy to see the U.S. opened up now for loans.
Denise Wakeman
Posted by Denise Wakeman Jun 10, 2009 - 10:11 am PDT
Welcome. This, from one of your team members for the day. I joined to say how glad we are to have you join our evergrowing and ever hopeful wonderfully international band of lenders. But especially, I joined to ask you to consider making at least an occasional loan to some of Kiva’s entrepreneurs who live outside our own backyards, as well. Those of us who have been lending with Kiva for some time now deeply believe that we are all related, and that lending around the world is one way of showing our solidarity and our connection. Happy Lending. Best, Jill
Posted by FriendofFella Jun 10, 2009 - 10:01 am PDT
We wanted to help create microcredit like Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammed Yunus from Bangladesh and now we can!! Thank you sooooooooo much for providing this opportunity to lift up the world. We are so grateful for your love and dedication to this miracle of sharing and carrying one another's burdens. God is blessing us with one another!! Mucho love y Muchos Gracias
Posted by Renee Jun 10, 2009 - 6:57 am PDT
Looking forward to supporting entrepreneurship in the US. I wish there was a way that I could help these women with their business or concept. Money is a great start but "teach a woman to fish and feed her for a lifetime" ;) . Best wishes to all lenders and recipients.
Posted by Lilly Jun 10, 2009 - 4:50 am PDT
Hi Team! Starting TODAY, and for the first time ever, we can lend to entrepreneurs in our own backyard. To find an entrepreneur here in the U.S., just type "United States" in the search box on the lend page. It's that simple. And don't forget to apply your loan to our lending group so we can see what kind of an impact all of us can make together!
Posted by Maria Jun 10, 2009 - 4:38 am PDT
I have been a Kiva member for years, and it is great to see that we can lend to women entreprenuers in the US. Thanks to all for caring.
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Law clears way for offshore wind farms in Rhode Island
Providence Journal - Providence,RI,USA
The union says that Deepwater's wind farms and similar renewable-energy projects would generate many new jobs in Rhode Island. He likened the potential for ...
Clean Tech Frets as Power of Government's Purse Grows
New York Times - United States
The dominant federal role in supporting wind, solar, advanced-battery and other technologies was Topic A at the annual Renewable Energy Finance Forum, ...
State energy projects get funding recharge
Minneapolis Star Tribune - Minneapolis,MN,USA
Local governments and school districts are scheduled to receive about $6.5 million to
NREL Energy Analysts Dig into Feed-In Tariffs - Peterborough,NH,USA
Any added costs are typically passed along to ratepayers and, for technologies like wind and landfill gas, may provide a hedge against electricity price ...
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
UK Government: 25 GW of extra offshore wind power up for grabs ...
By Staff
... in UK's waters for offshore wind farms. Offshore wind has the potential to provide the UK with up to 70 000 new jobs and £8bn in annual revenues. The new licensing regime for the cables to connect offshore wind farms to the mainland also began on Wednesday. ... Following a four year consultation, companies will now be able to bid to design, finance, construct and maintain the transmission assets. For existing projects they will bid to own and maintain the assets. ... -
Wind Watch: Nevada lawmakers approve renewable energy authority
The commissioner's job is to suggest ways to cut energy use and to attract wind, solar and geothermal projects to Nevada by offering tax breaks, technological data and financing options to renewable energy companies. ...
National Wind Watch: News -
RI governor signs renewable energy legislation - Projo 7 to 7 News ...
By News staff
Carcieri was asked whether the Deepwater project could have been realized without the legislation. "No, in order to get financing they need to have a buyer for their power," he said. Fox was even more blunt, saying that without a ... The union believes that Deepwater's wind farms and similar renewable energy projects will generate many new jobs in Rhode Island. He likened the potential for growth to the auto industry when Henry Ford started production of the Model T. ...
Projo 7 to 7 News Blog -
Manzullo to Vote Against Job-Killing Cap and Tax Bill | Ameriborn ...
By Press Releases
Provide tax-exempt financing for qualified renewable energy facilities. Repeal the ban on unconventional fuels. Repeals section 526 of the 2007 energy bill, which bars federal agencies from buying alternative or synthetic fuels if they have higher lifecycle ... Solar pilot project for leasing on federal lands. 3-year accelerated depreciation period for solar energy and fuel cell property. 5-year extension of credit for electricity produced from wind and biomass. ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs. Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ... By American Energy Conservation Group Which brings me to wind power. ...
Google Web Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Project Manager - Wind/Project /Developer job in Chicago, IL ...
Jun 25, 2009 ... View the Project Manager - Wind/Project /Developer job description at Think Resources, Inc. and apply today on Yahoo! HotJobs.
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Weekly Investor Round Up - Huntington Station,NY,USA
The plant will produce up to 60 MW of thin-film photovoltaic panels, using Oerlikon Solar's Micromorph technology. The plant is said to be the largest of ...
The case for including photovoltaics and biomass into Refit system
Creamer Media's Engineering News - Garden View,South Africa
According to the International Energy Association, solar PV will contribute significantly to the overall electricity supply leading up to 2050. ...
The Renewable-Energy Scam
National Review Online - New York,NY,USA
And solar power makes wind power look like a bargain — new solar photovoltaic power is close to 300 percent more expensive than new advanced-coal ...
Grant to bring renewable energy to Navajo homes
KDBC - el paso,TX,USA
... houses on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico and Arizona to secure USDA grants for modular hybrid solar photovoltaic stations to provide electricity. ...
Wired Blogs
Solar Airplane Debuts Before 'Round-the-World Flight
Wired Blogs - USA
“If an aircraft is able to fly day and night without fuel, propelled solely by solar energy, let no one come and claim that is impossible to do the same ...
China Daily
Sun set to shine on solar industry in China
China Daily - China
An employee of Suntech Power works on the photovoltaic cell fabrication line in Wuxi. China is set to become a major player in the solar market soon. ...
Mercury Solar Systems Expands Footprint in the Northeast with ...
PR Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
Mercury Solar Systems designs and installs solar electric and solar thermal energy systems for commercial and residential customers. ...
Scant support could make our solar power a sunset industry
Brisbane Times - Brisbane,Queensland,Australia
Recent breakthroughs in concentrating solar power technology allow heat energy to be stored almost indefinitely - in molten salts - and dispatched as needed ...
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Solar Power For The Home
By Sparky
Related Reading: Careers in Renewable Energy: Get a Green Energy Job Modern Marvels: Renewable Energy Energy Crossroads: A burning need to change courseRelated postsWhat is Solar Energy? (0)What is Solar Energy? ... We solar power free, device wl convert run appliances isn't. provide solar power for the home, solar cells called photovoltaic me semiconductive materials, modules. solar panels mounted rooftops, yards spaces capture maximum sunlight. ...
Portable Generator Center -
Google Web Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar
Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Mainstream By 2020 Renewable Energy ...
Renewable Energy News - Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Mainstream By 2020 : Solar power. ... Home Energy Matters Wind and Solar Power Australia. Systems ...
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
State energy commissioner's position given the green light
Las Vegas Review - Journal - Las Vegas,NV,USA
The Legislature's Interim Finance Committee on Thursday approved a plan to pay this commissioner $117030 a year. The position and the Renewable Energy and ...
New Senate clean energy finance bill for Green Revolution - USA
The Apollo Alliance estimates that this bill would create 680000 direct manufacturing green jobs and nearly 2 million indirect jobs over five years, ...
Global-Warming's Rough Ride Through Congress
The move helps get these controversial sources of energy counted as renewable, and therefore eligible for the Renewable Energy Standard, which obliges large ...
Community Forum: 'Green' jobs and savings (June 26, 2009)
Scarborough Leader - Scarborough,ME,USA
Over the next 10 years, we can create thousands of good-paying jobs; develop a market for energy efficiency, green construction and renewable energy sources ...
Financial Business Solutions Worldwide affirm support for US ... - Birchington,England,UK
Financial Business Solutions Worldwide remains committed to assisting environmentally friendly fields of business, and the development of renewable energy ...
Business Facilities
Governor's Report A Bevy of New Business in the Bluegrass State
Business Facilities - USA
Beshear's blueprint will create nearly 600 jobs by increasing efficiency and renewable
8th World Wind Energy Conference 2009 for Wind Power for Islands ...
Your Industry News (press release) - Aberdeen,UK
The Conference welcomes the creation of the International Renewable Energy Agency and strongly supports the early establishment of an operational ...
Offshore Wind: The Best Energy Investment America Could Make?
SolveClimate - Brooklyn,NY,USA
... goals and new green jobs. " would hinder our efforts to meet regional
GE To Open Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Software Center in ...
WELT ONLINE - Berlin,Germany
It will house scientists and engineers who will develop next generation manufacturing technologies for GE's leading renewable energy, aircraft engine, ...
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Heath Haussamen on New Mexico Politics: Bill would create a new ...
By Heath Haussamen
From renewable energy tax credits to recently-passed green jobs legislation to attracting new solar manufacturing companies and the nation's largest solar plant, the Land of Enchantment is poised for a clean-energy boom. At the same time, the Albuquerque Journal reported ... It's imperative that Congress strengthen and pass the American Clean Energy and Security Act so we can work together to provide new career opportunities and clean energy solutions for New Mexico. ...
Heath Haussamen on New Mexico Politics -
Young and Restless: Three Windows with a View of Youth in a Crisis ...
By webmaster
In the process of transferring to Temple, Robinson applied for financial aid, hoping for a way to attend school and continue working without incurring severe debt through student loans. ... When speaking about green jobs, Matthew Kresha has little trouble conjuring up a specific example to illustrate their benefits. Kresha, a student in Applied Science with a specialization in Renewable Energy at Austin Community College, describes how the Texas cities of Abilene and ...
Progressives for Obama -
Above Average Jane: White House Updates
By AboveAvgJane
During a visit to Memphis today, Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis announced five grant competitions, totaling $500 million, to fund projects that prepare workers for green jobs in the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. ... Information Improvement Grants, will fund state workforce agencies that will collect, analyze and disseminate labor market information and develop labor exchange infrastructure to direct individuals to careers in green industries. ...
Above Average Jane -
Will Washington's Clean Tech Spending Spree Pay Off ...
By joseph
... renewable energy, resource efficiency, green building and sustainable transportation. Industry experts write about current trends, discuss clean technologies as well as policies and provide career advice. About CleanTechies... » ...
CleanTechies Blog - -
And Last But Always First Conservation_GE
Google News Alert for: Conservation, creating Negawatts, saving energy
Microsoft Enters Home Energy Management: Reddy Kilowatt, run for ...
ARC Advisory Group (press release) - Dedham,MA,USA
Rich accurate energy data is critical in order for such applications to attract consumers and create a “Prius effect” as consumers experience far greater ...
House Passes Landmark Climate Bill. Stage is Set for Senate Action.
Dear David,
We did it!
Moments ago, on a 219 to 212 vote, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the landmark American Clean Energy and Security Act, the most important environmental and energy legislation in our nation's history.
Environmental Defense Action Fund and our broad network of members, activists and strategic partners played a huge role in pushing this bill over the top.
You helped generate tens of thousands of emails, thousands of phone calls, dozens of paid ads, and countless legislative contacts with key House members and their staff.
EDF President Fred Krupp released the following statement:
------------------------------------------------- Today's vote is a huge achievement for the country and the climate, and we applaud Speaker Pelosi, Chairmen Waxman and Markey, and all members of the House who helped craft this landmark legislation and get it passed.
The bill that emerged from the House has the fundamental structure we need to significantly reduce carbon pollution while growing the economy. It puts strong cap on emissions and reorients our energy market to make low-carbon power the goal. It ensures that utility rates will stay affordable and a competitive playing field for U.S. companies.
Today's vote opens the door for President Obama to sign comprehensive climate legislation into law this year. -------------------------------------------------
For everything you and the rest of our Action Network community did to help us achieve this historic victory, we can't thank you enough.
This is a day to remember, the day we began turning the corner toward a green energy future -- a future free from the catastrophic threats of run-away global warming.
We have our work cut out for us in the Senate, but today's victory gives us real hope of finally signing climate legislation into law.
Thanks for your activism and support and for everything you help make possible,
-- All of us here on the National Climate Campaign
Environmental Defense Fund 1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20009 1-800-684-3322
------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email was sent to 180 members of Energy and Transportation Policies Can Change the World This email was sent from David Fillingham Listserv email address: Your reply will be sent to: Unsubscribe or change your email settings: ------------------------------------------------------
Some People Watch Things Happen (See Video Below), Some People Make Things Happen (Click Link Above). And Some People Wonder...What The Heck Just Happened.
You are going to start hearing a lot about this company and it's new wireless, Global Technology. Would you rather hear about it now...when less than 10,000 are involved, or later after 1 million are?
You Pick...But I would watch the video below first. Then click on the link above for more information.
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Google News Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
UN: Delegates Call for Swift Measures to Restructure International ... ISRIA - France
Jobs disappeared and the level of private international capital declined. The crisis exacerbated the effects of the food and energy crisis, ...
Mayor Littlefield's 2009 State of the City Speech WTVC - Chattanooga,TN,USA
Both "Blue Services" - as we call them - are growing. Both have graduated academies of new recruits and will continue to add to their numbers and training ...
Menino column: Turning Beantown into Greentown
Wicked Local Roslindale - Needham,MA,USA
With help from our partners, we launched a green collar job training ... and the funding will also help train green technicians and energy auditors to build ...
Google Web Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services, [SpecialTopics 1180] Regional market assessments, supply chains ...
Can you say more about the job of energy auditor? Is there a ... microenterprise providing organic waste removal and reuse services .... Re: Regional market assessments, supply chains, energy auditors, green jobs training programs? ...
Green Jobs Seattle, WA - Residential Energy Auditor - ecoFAB ...
Residential Energy Auditor - ecoFAB. Posted on May 25, 2009 ... Ecofab provides development and energy conservation services for sustainable ... We support skills training and workforce development in home performance and construction. ...
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Times Online
Businesswomen making work a greener place Times Online - UK
Be it an online retailer selling organic goods, a Fairtrade chocolate company or a renewable energy supplier, there is a high chance that it will have been ...
... underemployed or wishing to pursue careers in the exciting new arena of green Slideshow: Energy fair stresses jobs, training and ROI - USA
... like "green-collar careers" at the 20th annual event in this bucolic central Wisconsin community. Renewable energy experts stressed the job-creating ...
The second Renewable Energy Finance Forum – West (REFF-West) | The ... By Chris de Morsella
Topics covered at REFF-West include project financing, venture capital, renewable power generation, green buildings, energy efficiency, transmission and smart grid, government policy, and carbon finance. The conference will also offer an ... Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs Creation - Updated May 5, 2009 · Best Green Jobs Meta-list: 56 Top Green Careers Recommended By 12 Authoritative Sources · Smart Meters Open Up New Software Sector ...
The Green Economy Post: Green... -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ... By American Energy Conservation Group
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs. Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ... By American Energy Conservation Group Which brings me to wind power. ... In Ohio in 2008, GLWN helped facilitate four deals, working with the Strickland administration, to finance capital investment of over ... These include capital for expansion and for wind farm developers. The capital markets still are not working ...
The legislation would require a 17 percent emissions reduction from 2005 levels by 2020, mandate electric utilities to meet 20% of their electricity demand through renewable energy sources by 2020, provide $90 billion for new .... On emissions trading, Senator Fielding said he wouldn't risk job losses on "unconvincing green science". The document says it is a "fact" that the evidence does not support the notion that greenhouse gas emissions are causing dangerous global ...
Bring tax reforms to spur industrial growth, says CII By Ians
Addressing a conference of state finance ministers as part of a pre-budget here, Mukherjee said the Central Government would focus on infrastructure, agriculture and employment generating sectors to promote growth and protect jobs. .... divorcehelp Shakespeare festival in Ashland bucks economy - Napa Valley Register; intellibitz Report reveals renewable energy technology potential: The Low Carbon Economy The UK Government's Strategic E.. ...
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy Enters The Telecom Industry...
ANNOUNCEMENT: Forty customers per minute joining...
Yes You are at the right spot. For my loyal readers and visitors I will continue to post renewable energy Google search news and activist commentary, however I will be changing my business to a new and exciting company. To Learn Why...Check Out The Following link.
Questions regarding this move email: Global Earl 530-549-4315
Understand July 01, 2009 USA, Canada, and Australia Opens...Then 37 more countries Unlimited Use, Phone, Cell, Web, Text, WiFi and More!! Millions will join..this site commands page 1 or 2 under Google Search For Google Career of 123,000,000 related links..I will sign up hundreds using it between my activist work promoting clean energy.
If you understand forced metric pay plans that means those joining our team will get the benefit of all the referrals this site and it's sister sites make to the program...We will be putting people and countries under you. GO WITHOUT LIMITS-with Green Earl
Over Ten Thousand Worldwide So Far.......And Now....
And Now Thousands Are Joining This Business Coming Soon
40 countries, WE Want You On Our Team......Please Return Within One Week For More Information. Perhaps Sooner-Green Earl
Ask yourself...with thirty years in conservation and renewable energy, with hundreds of personal projects through out the state of California and some in Hawaii, with several thousand additional projects I've assisted in the marketing, sales and finance. With one of the most positive business positioning ever in 30 yrs of renewable, tax credits, rebates, unlimited supply of products and PV panels and conservation devices... Green Earl is leaving the industry...For Good...
What the heck would make me do it? Stay Tuned For More.
Mountain Top Coal Mining Operation In West Virginia
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Over 200,000 Yahoo Emails Received...What have we learned?
Google News Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Recovery expected to bring green jobs
McDowell News - Marion,NC,USA
Q. Do I have to move to find a green job? A. Maybe. There are states with a stronger green-energy base and, historically, more green jobs per capita. ...
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Meltdown 101: Where are the renewable energy jobs? | Science News
By admin
A: Many types of jobs require little or no additional training and transition smoothly to the green industry accountants, stock clerks, security guards or electricians are all represented in the field. ... Community colleges are offering training classes for more specialized jobs, such as solar panel installation, wind turbine repair and biofuels processing. Insulation worker, $30800; recycling worker, $26400; energy audit specialist, $40300; environmental engineer, ...
Science News - Web Alert for: Renewable energy equipment leasing, equity partners, startup fundings, venture capital
Us Capital Equipment Manufacturers - Venture Capital Shopping ...
Venture capital investment equity private illinois. Venture capital 101 3. Utah harbor capital ..... Venture capital funding process. Utendahl capital partners .... Venture leasing equipment capital have. Venture capital start up ... Venture capital renewable energy. Venture capital capital access financing ...
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
US gives go-ahead for offshore towers to study wind
Philadelphia Inquirer - Philadelphia,PA,USA
Previously, the Interior Department's Minerals Management Service had the authority to regulate wind projects in federal waters on the outer continental ...
Green Energy Company Seeks to Bring Thousands of Jobs to Indiana
Inside INdiana Business (press release) - Indianapolis,IN,USA
TPI intends to locate wind farms in remote, sparsely populated areas with favorable high-wind conditions. TPI's Power Generation System utilizes the more ...
Sears Tower Unveils Sustainable Plan to Transform Tallest Building ...
PR Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
Renewable energy like wind and solar, and technologies like green roofs that will be tested. Wind turbines will be tested to take advantage of the tower's ...
Letters, 6/23: Letter a scare tactic
Lincoln Journal Star - Lincoln,Nebraska,USA
Rxwoman: I google 'Texas blackout wind' and the first three sites listed talk about Feb 2008 when Texas nearly blacked out. They had to do emergency load ...
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Which brings me to wind power... I recently had a house guest whose husband is from Montana, where he and his father are trying to put together a wind farm deal on their property. It is quagmired in government red tape and competition ..... These projects and systems have saved American Energy Conservation customers hundreds of thousand of dollars in utility cost. Currently consulting and setting up statewide dealer network in CA while financing projects Nationwide. ...
Manufacture This » Blog Archive » Guest Column: John Colm, Wire ...
By SCapozzola
The GLWN project is most developed in Ohio, but is growing fast in other Great Lakes states and beyond. In Ohio in 2008, GLWN helped facilitate four deals, working with the Strickland administration, to finance capital investment of over ... These include capital for expansion and for wind farm developers. The capital markets still are not working like they should and it is slowing investment and job creation in the wind industry. A second key challenge is the lack of ...
Manufacture This -
Finance Blog » offshore subscription ireland
By admin
Offshore projects in Ireland had been overlooked by many firms because of high costs and a lack of commercial finds since drilling first. The project represents Ireland's first offshore wind power project, and is expected to generate enough energy ... Directory of Dublin, Ireland Offshore Accounts attorneys. Ireland has introduced a government-backed support price for offshore wind power in order to stimulate renewable energy development. - edie news centre. Job search. ...
Finance Blog -
New 'gold rush' buzz hits Germany over Sahara solar | The Global ...
By Erik Kirschbaum
For example, Morocco can take advantage of its solar and wind conditions on the Atlantic coast to build solar power plants or wind energy parks to provide energy for its domestic market and to sell energy abroad as well. ... It's a truly fascinating project because it's a win-win for everyone. And the third winner will be the people and institutions that finance this project. Neither the EU nor the countries in the south are capable of financing this on their own. ...
The Global Warming Statistics -
Peter Darwell: 'Instant' success after years of hard work | Who's who?
By Greenbang
Darwell, who was a green entrepreneur long before green was in, is today chairman of the Cardiff-based Eco2, which specialises in developing, financing and operating renewable energy projects across the UK and Europe. Eco2's portfolio includes: ... “We started with some of the easier wins such as landfill gas and onshore wind but have now moved our focus firmly to a £1 billion vision for sustainable biomass in the UK.” As the renewable industry “really started to get ...
Greenbang -
Google Web Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Wind Farm Project Developer Job in Denmark
Job Roles, Project Manager Wind Farm Engineer. Salary, £51360 £55640 per annum + Benefits. Location ... Receive Wind Farm Project Developer jobs via email ...
The latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* Craigslist pot ad leads to pot bust (AP)
* Woman puts man in sleeper hold, stops bank heist (AP)
* Kids' "power station" sparks radiation alert (Reuters)
* Chicago couple with swine flu say 'I do' (AP)
* ND deputy accused of vomiting at concert arrested (AP)
* Ex-smoker Obama still sneaks occasional puff (Reuters)
* Police say 334 bunnies found in NM woman's yard (AP)
* Man takes steamroller on a late-night joyride (AP)
* Cat dropped in mailbox adopted — by postal worker (AP)
* I won't stop screeching, says teenager (Reuters)
* Man allegedly drives drunk in golf cart on highway (AP)
* Suspicious item in Ohio luggage: Pickled mangoes (AP)
* Oregon suspect's cell phone tone gives him away (AP)
* Oregon woman obsessed with rabbits arrested again (AP)
* French village on alert after crocodile sightings (Reuters)
* Monkey urinates on Zambian president (Reuters)
* Mich. great-grandmothers become bowling champions (AP)
* Mom, after 13 beers, can't recover custody of kids (AP)
* Shot dog bites gunman (Reuters)
* Star-faced teen lied about tattoo (Reuters)
* Thief nabbed selling stolen mower to owner (Reuters)
Craigslist pot ad leads to pot bust (AP) Top
AP - A man has been arrested after he allegedly placed an advertisement on Craigslist selling marijuana. Police said undercover detectives responded to the advertisement and bought a small bag of pot from 30-year-old Christopher Gray for $45.
Woman puts man in sleeper hold, stops bank heist (AP) Top
AP - Cyndi Orel worked as a police officer for 25 years and never caught a bank robber. She was apparently saving that hobby for retirement. The retired Long Beach police officer foiled a bank robbery at a grocery store Saturday when she put a 220-pound bank robber in a chokehold until he passed out. Orel is about 5 feet 7 inches and 128 pounds
Kids' "power station" sparks radiation alert (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A toy nuclear power plant built by two six year-olds sparked a public alert in Germany, only for authorities to discover the would-be security threat was the shell of a computer with a radiation warning sign stuck to it.
Chicago couple with swine flu say 'I do' (AP) Top
AP - The bride wore white — and a face mask. A Chicago couple married in surgical masks and latex gloves Sunday after learning less than 48 hours before that they both had swine flu. Ilana Jackson and Jeremy Fierstien went ahead with the ceremony after doctors assured them guests wouldn't be at serious risk.
ND deputy accused of vomiting at concert arrested (AP) Top
AP - A sheriff's deputy and his mother face charges of disorderly conduct after the deputy vomited on people at a Kenny Chesney concert in Fargo and refused to leave, authorities say. Police Sgt. Mark Lykken said Stark County Deputy Justin Krohmer, 26, and his mother, Susan, 47, whose husband is the Ada, Minn., police chief, were arrested after the Saturday night incident.
Ex-smoker Obama still sneaks occasional puff (Reuters) Top
Reuters - U.S. President Barack Obama may have just made life more difficult for cigarette makers, but he is not above sneaking a smoke every now and again.
Police say 334 bunnies found in NM woman's yard (AP) Top
AP - A New Mexico woman with an affinity for rabbits has run afoul of the law after her rascally pets started multiplying like, well, rabbits. Rio Rancho police said Monday that Nancy Haseman was cited under an ordinance that allows five pets per household after an animal control officer found 334 bunnies hopping around in her yard.
Man takes steamroller on a late-night joyride (AP) Top
AP - Boulder police are looking for a man they said stole a city steamroller for a late-night joyride. Some Boulder residents were awakened at about 2 a.m. Tuesday by the rumbling of a steamroller down a neighborhood street. Witnesses told police they saw a man driving the steamroller before crashing it into a can and fleeing.
Cat dropped in mailbox adopted — by postal worker (AP) Top
AP - A New Hampshire postal worker is getting his own special delivery.
I won't stop screeching, says teenager (Reuters)
Reuters - Portuguese teen-ager Michelle Larcher De Brito swept silently into the second round at Wimbledon Monday and then defiantly refused to stop screeching if her matches get tougher.
Man allegedly drives drunk in golf cart on highway (AP)
AP - A South Milwaukee man was accused of driving drunk after trying to use a golf cart to drive home nearly 40 miles away from the golf course where he had been drinking beer. The Washington County Sheriff's Department said in a release Monday that the 47-year-old man told deputies his relatives had left him behind at the Kettle Hills Golf Course in Richfield Saturday.
Suspicious item in Ohio luggage: Pickled mangoes (AP) Top
AP - An Ohio airport summoned a bomb squad to detonate a suspicious item that turned out to be pickled mangoes.
Oregon suspect's cell phone tone gives him away (AP) Top
AP - When a suspect being chased by police rolled his car over police spike strips and his tires went flat, he dashed into a field of grass where he thought he could hide. The police called out a dog and handler to find the driver. And then they heard a cell phone ring.
Oregon woman obsessed with rabbits arrested again (AP) Top
AP - Washington County's "Bunny Lady" is back in the hutch after violating a court order banning her from owning animals for five years. Miriam Sakewitz, 47, was arrested Tuesday at a hotel in the Portland suburb of Tigard after an employee reported finding rabbits hopping around in her room.
French village on alert after crocodile sightings (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A French village is on the alert after several sightings of a crocodile were reported in a local pond and police and local anglers have joined the hunt for the elusive creature dubbed the "Loch Ness monster of the Vosges."
Monkey urinates on Zambian president (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A monkey urinated on Zambian President Rupiah Banda as he spoke to journalists at a news conference on Wednesday.
Mich. great-grandmothers become bowling champions (AP) Top
AP - Two great-grandmothers from Grand Rapids have become state bowling champions. The women are 86-year-old Emma Dausman and 69-year-old Judy Conner. They won a Division 2 doubles title at the U.S. Bowling Congress' Women's Bowling Association state tournament.
Mom, after 13 beers, can't recover custody of kids (AP) Top
AP - A mother who drank 13 beers before a psychological evaluation failed to recover custody of her three young children despite claiming she wasn't drunk because she "can drink like a fish." The woman wanted to get the children back from her husband's stepmother.
Shot dog bites gunman (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A dog in Germany shot by a drunken man with a gun took swift revenge by biting off the end of the man's nose, authorities said on Monday.
Star-faced teen lied about tattoo (Reuters)
Reuters - The Belgian teen-ager who made headlines across the globe after claiming a tattoo artist had drawn 56 stars on her face, rather than the three she asked for, has admitted she lied.
Thief nabbed selling stolen mower to owner (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A thief in Germany was arrested after he tried to sell a garden mower online to the man he had stolen it from, police said Wednesday.
Northstate Residents: Look out your windows...What do you see? THIS???
OR THIS??? Just Do Something...TANC Meeting Schedule For July Below
Thanks For The Visit_Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
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City can't hide from TANC's controversy
* By Record Searchlight Editorials * Posted June 25, 2009 at midnight
Our view: The city balked at talking power lines at a League of Cities meeting, but it can't escape.
They might have been genuinely trying to avoid public confusion.
They might have wanted to keep hecklers from crashing one of the normally mellow meetings of the California League of Cities, affairs generally devoted to arcane state policy questions that affect city governments.
But it's hard to avoid the impression that Redding city officials were simply suffering a cowardly moment when they balked at having the league members discuss the TANC Transmission Project at a regional meeting originally scheduled for Redding late next month.
Instead, city officials from around the Sacramento Valley have hastily rearranged their plans and now plan to meet in the Butte County town of Paradise - keeping the angry and well-organized crowds agitating to short-circuit the project at a safe distance.
Well, maybe. Of the three potential routes that run from Shasta County south through the valley, two cross Butte County. Indeed, one spans Chico's popular Bidwell Park (a charming spot where disc golf courses stir local controversy - never mind high-voltage power lines), then traverses the city of Oroville and runs through the surrounding orchard country. Another passes through several riverside wildlife refuges and the rice-farming belt before skirting the Sutter Buttes. Either way, it's sure to make some people unhappy.
Butte County environmentalists say the proposed power-line project hasn't provoked the same backlash there that it has in our parts, but the public mood can shift quickly.
By the time the League of Cities meets in Paradise, wary Redding officials might well find they can run from the TANC controversy, but they can't hide.
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* June 25, 2009 * 4:52 a.m. * Suggest removal * Reply to this post
citizenactivist writes:
That's right..just like the Hyena's and Jackals these power brokers have become..."they can run..but they can't hide."
Interesting side note while city after city, state after state is passing renewable energy bonding measures, including yesterdays announcement that San Jose, Ca has passed a large Green Bond measure to help finance solar installs, and Oregon behind Vermont has passed new Net Metering Laws that force the utilities to buy back power, PG&E and the rest are fighting this tooth and nail here in California.
I would ask again...What is REU's priorities toward renewable energy bond measures....Funding for TANC...Funding for new Gas-Fired Turbines.
Citizens...City Leaders, REU management...You have to ask yourself, What does every other city, county and state know that REU does not? Did Paul Hauser move to the Redding area with a preconceived plan? Why is our truly renewable community, (near Shasta Dam) embracing the tired, old failed energy policies of the past? The same policies that helped to put GM in the tank. Why are we being put in the TANC Mr. Hauser? What did that job pay? Who...exactly who,are you working for?
It sure in H*ll is not the people of Redding, Shasta County or your PUBLIC owned utility.
And why are we passing bond measures for conventional power transmission to the bay area cities and beyond, while their city leaders are passing solar, green bonds for their citizens. What is the difference? REU_Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Dear Green Earl,
Call Your Representative:
877-9-REPOWER (877-9-737-6937)
Say "Vote 'yes' on American Clean Energy and Security Act." Then report your call here.
This is an extraordinary moment.
There are mere days before the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the most unprecedented clean energy and climate legislation in our nation's history. But, our opponents have stepped up a blatant distortion campaign on TV and behind closed doors to scare Congress from taking action.
They know this vote will be close. But, what the special interests have in money and rhetoric, we have in facts and supporters like you.
Let your Representative know that you want a cleaner and stronger economy today. Urge them to support the American Clean Energy and Security Act now.
Call your Representative: 877-9-REPOWER (877-9-737-6937)
When you call, you will be given talking points and simple instructions to be connected to your Representative. Afterwards, help us coordinate our campaign by reporting your call here.
Just a few days ago, Members of Congress who oppose clean energy paraded around a map that distorts the truth about curbing carbon pollution. Not only was the analysis misleading, the computer file still listed the original author -- the coal lobby.
And another group, funded by the fossil-fuel industry, released targeted TV ads designed to drum up fear ahead of the vote.
We can't let the corporate interests fighting to keep the status quo scare us into sticking to rising fuel costs, more job losses and a continued dependence on foreign oil.
Congress has debated clean energy and the climate crisis for decades. Now is the time to act. Let's make sure the House passes this historic legislation.
Please call your Representative: 877-9-REPOWER (877-9-737-6937)
Jim Apperson's House In Redwood Valley, CAL. Thanks for the info Jim..Your a good American._Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy FUNDING IS ON THE WAY....
From Jim Apperson Redwood Valley
June 24, 2009 Ukiah, Mendocino County, North California
A unique situation Ukiah Daily Journal Letter to the Editor
I would like to use this forum to alert the citizens of Mendocino County to a unique situation that will benefit us greatly, and have a positive impact on our children and their children.
In addition, I would like to also alert our elected officials, the Board of Supervisors, City Mayors and other county officials to this same issue and to ask for their help in securing it.
I am speaking of our current opportunity to create a county-wide Energy & Water Conservation Program. Due to a couple of pieces of recent legislation and the specific contents of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Act of 2009, our county (along with others) has been given all the puzzle pieces necessary to establish an energy efficiency program, which will lower our utility costs as well as conserve water. We can also curtail global warming and reduce our carbon output by burning less coal and fossil fuels which generate our electricity.
Our new President and his advisors have decided to stand behind the concept that it is less expensive to make our existing homes and commercial buildings more energy efficient than to explore and develop new energy sources. By using the guidelines of SB-811 and portions of the stimulus package, a loan program can be established that would allow home and business owners to have energy efficient items installed on their homes and commercial buildings.
An excellent model is the program that was started two months ago by our Sonoma County neighbors. Home and commercial building owners in Sonoma county can borrow up to 10 percent of the value of their properties to install solar panels, add insulation, install new thermal windows, convert to efficient lighting or just about any energy saving or water saving device available. The borrower has up to 20 years to pay back the money, at 7 percent interest, and is billed and paid with the property tax bill bi-annually. If the owner should sell his home, the loan stays with the property and is then assumed by the new owner. The savings in monthly utility costs should help make the bulk of these payments. And, in addition, a 30 percent tax credit is offered (to homeowners) for most items as well as rebates from PG&E and some cities. All of this combined means that up to 60 percent or more of the up front costs, depending on area and program, will be rebated back during the first year as well as the energy and water savings. And of course every month your savings mount.
This is a fantastic opportunity to really do something beneficial for ourselves and our community. The only issue is that we need the help and fast action of our County and City officials. There is a generous supply of money available to start these programs. Funding is offered for planning, hiring extra administrators and supervisory costs. But, the funding is available on a “first come, first served” basis and will go fast. It will probably be too late in 6 months.
We need our elected officials to act with haste, to apply for this funding while it is still available to our County. We have the reputation in this County of not embracing change, especially quickly. But we have a situation here that requires immediate action.
The funding is all there for the asking, but we must ask. Please contact your elected officers and let them know that you think this program is important, and that forming committees and doing studies will simply take too long. We need an energy conservation program now.
Please write or call your Supervisor and/or Mayor and voice your support. ~~
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* How to Create Jobs So We Can Operate Our City and County * Sonoma County Free Solar Fair Tomorrow Saturday June 20 * Mendocino’s Economy: Weed, Wine, Wood, and Water * Montgomery, MD spends $1,300/hr on car sharing service
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
The author of the preface below, calls PG&E "A Champion Of Solar In California.."Never forget PG&E, even now, when they lead the nations utility companies in their own solar a utility company, who is just taking advantage of the big buck, now that it's here in credits and rebates. If anything they held California's conservation and solar industry back thirty years.
Don't make me puke, That's Like Calling BP Oil and Gas A Champion For Solar.BP is an oil and gas company. They make solar electric panels, or did once, but they are an oil and gas company..right now, running ads to remind you there is oil out there along California's coast...Drill Baby Drill..
So now there are a couple of more things you can count on besides just Death and Taxes...These companies...These Hyena's and Jackals Will Never Change Their Spots...
I don't care how many warm and fuzzy tv ads you see of PG&E reps in the classroom. The only Californian PG&E cares for are Californian's that own PG&E Stock, and they've been know to send those folks down the river too...if it suited their needs._Green Earl
Two bills that would improve the affordability and accessibility of solar in California have met with opposition from an unexpected quarter: Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), a utility company that has previously been a champion of solar within the state. The utility, in fact, manages the impressive and complicated state-wide California Solar Initiative solar PV rebate program. Everyone knew the bills under consideration would displease utilities state-wide, but outright opposition took the bills’ supporters by surprise, it seems.
The two bills would change California’s approach to net metering (get some background on net metering in California and one of the bills by reading my first post on the topic, here). AB 560 would effectively force utilities to extend net metering payments for years and years to come. AB 920 would make utilities responsible for compensating consumers for all net excess generation (NEG) by lifting the current one year “expiration date” on net metering credits.
The Mercury News reports:
Put simply, PG&E’s objection is that the two measures would make solar too popular. The utility says that would be unfair to its non-solar customers, who under existing law must subsidize rebates and credits paid to solar-power users.
But some supporters of the bills say PG&E’s real worry is about its own financial burden, since it sells less electricity to solar-power users.”The big picture, unfortunately — and counter to their public image — is that PG&E doesn’t like the idea of an unbridled solar market,” said Bernadette Del Chiaro, director of clean energy programs at Environment California, a nonprofit statewide environmental group and sponsor of Assembly Bill 920. “Unfortunately, the business model doesn’t yet allow for a market in which customers generate their own electricity.”
This latter point is the crux of the problem. Utilities are required to meet government-mandated minimums renewable energy available in their portfolio. In order to do this, they need to make solar an attractive financial proposition for both residential and commercial consumers. The utilities do benefit by the simple expedient of not having to supply the kilowatt-hours now being produced instead by consumers’ renewable energy systems. This saves on both production and distribution costs. But what happens when so many customers are providing their own energy that the utility is no longer selling enough electricity to make a profit? For all the utility industry’s hype about this scenario, it’s surely a long way off–yet it is a valid point.
What do you think, readers? Do utilities have a responsibility to make solar affordable at the cost of their own profit?
Before the banks, health care, before the car companies... these big power brokers and their lobby are the real challenge to alternative and renewable energy success in California and the nation, and must be dealt with.
I'm for taking them over, checking all their books and records, then hunting them all down like war criminals.
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
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Is China On the Cusp of Becoming a Huge Solar-Panel Market? Reuters - USA
“China, which already is important in production, is also going to be a large solar market,” Gerhard Stryi-Hipp, head of energy policy for the ...
CNET News Orange unveils solar concept tent at Glastonbury
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Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
For a Direct Link To This Article, Click On Title Above
North state TANC opposition swells
By Scott Mobley (Contact) Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Rapidly swelling opposition to a proposed 600-mile high-voltage transmission line through Northern California has grabbed the attention of top north state legislators.
Both state Sen. Sam Aanestad, R-Grass Valley, and Assemblyman Jim Nielsen, R-Gerber, say they have serious concerns about the $1.5 billion power line. The planned transmission towers, wires and substations could severely disrupt lives in the north state for the sake of delivering power to distant urban dwellers, they said.
"There are so many aspects of this that are problematic," Nielsen said. "Citizens are very disturbed and upset."
Bill Bird, a spokesman for Aanestad, said the senator has started calling the proposed line "the energy canal."
"He has some real strong objections to his district, which is the most beautiful in California, being used as a construction site for benefit of people in the Bay Area who apparently support renewables but won't construct any of their own plants," Bird said of Aanestad.
The Transmission Agency of Northern California (TANC), a consortium of municipal utilities that includes Redding, has been planning the power line since fall 2005. They have yet to pick a precise route for the line and are studying several options.
The general power line route would run from Ravendale in Lassen County near the Nevada border to Silicon Valley. The lines would cross over or near property owners in Cassel, Burney, Round Mountain, Oak Run, Millville, Happy Valley, Cottonwood and Red Bluff.
TANC officials have said the line will allow member utilities to more efficiently import cheap hydroelectric power from the Pacific Northwest and tap renewables that may one day be developed in northeastern California.
Paul Hauser, Redding Electric Utility director, said power imported on the line could be crucial in helping the utility meet state renewable energy mandates and cutting greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, as required under state law.
Aanestad and Nielsen worry north state property owners could pay a steep price for this compliance with the state's environmental goals.
Both Nielsen and Bird, speaking for Aanestad, said they would try to block the TANC project if the agency tried to remove people from their homes through eminent domain to build the line.
"There have been efforts by environmental groups to block construction of water storage," Bird said. "There is nothing wrong with borrowing a page from that playbook and tying this thing up."
Aanestad hasn't yet come out against the TANC line but is watching it closely, Bird said.
"He wants to make sure landowners are dealt with in a respectful way," spokesman Bird said. "He has stated his concern but will wait until this gets going and they choose an actual route and see how constituents are treated."
Nielsen said he is troubled that TANC did not move quickly enough to inform people about its power line proposal. He will monitor the project.
"If eminent domain is used, the California Alliance to Protect Private Property may get involved," Nielsen said. "We will be raising environmental issues, asking and seeking answers to questions about where is this power (in northeastern California), how forthcoming is it."
Opposition to the power line was almost immediate among property owners who first started learning of the project late this winter and early spring, when TANC and the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) started the state and federal environmental review process.
Hundreds packed meetings in Burney, Chico, Redding and other north state cities. An opposition group sprang up in Round Mountain, already home to a large Pacific Gas and Electric Co. substation.
Shasta County Supervisor Les Baugh last month announced his concerns about the TANC line and helped organize a meeting in Cottonwood that drew about 350 people. That meeting spawned a second protest group, the North State Land Owners Committee (NSLOC).
Julie Henderson, a NSLOC spokeswoman and organizer, said her group has combined with Round Mountain and they are working with TANC power line opponents in Red Bluff, Maxwell, Winters and Davis.
"The more people we get to stand up, the better our chances of working together and staying together to stop this," said Henderson, of Cottonwood. "I am not losing my house."
Henderson said she has been disabled for three years and her husband has been unemployed since December. They could not qualify for a loan if they had to look for a new property, she said.
"Once they take our homes, they will devastate us financially," Henderson said.
The TANC controversy has registered among League of California Cities members, who wanted to discuss it at a business meeting for the organization's Sacramento Valley division slated for Redding on July 20.
Redding officials urged the League to not discuss TANC at that meeting, noting the organization would not be taking public comment. City staffers did not want the League meeting confused with the open meeting planned July 8 at the Cascade Theatre and another meeting tentatively planned for later this summer, said Barry Tippin, assistant city manager.
"We felt bringing TANC up at this (League of Cities) meeting could create an awkwardness with the public meetings we had scheduled," Tippin said.
The League likely will discuss TANC anyway and hold its divisional business meeting in another city, Tippin said.
Of the five TANC members planning the new power line, Redding has by far the smallest financial stake. The major players are the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Silicon Valley Power in Santa Clara, the Modesto Irrigation District and the Turlock Irrigation District.
The Redding City Council in February 2008 committed some $600,000 to planning the power line.
The council has yet to vote on whether the city will help build the line - an investment currently estimated at $45 million.
Reporter Scott Mobley can be reached at 225-8220 or at TANC meetings
TANC power line opponents and TANC officials are planning meetings and events over the next couple of weeks. North State Land Owners Committee meeting
What: Informational meeting for those potentially affected by power line.
When: 6 p.m. Thursday.
Where: North Cottonwood Elementary School, 19920 Gas Point Road.
Stop TANC rally
What: Rally with speakers from throughout Northern California.
When: 2 to 4 p.m. July 8
Where: Holiday Inn, 1900 Hilltop Drive, Redding.
Stop TANC walk/demonstration
What: TANC opponents demonstrate during one-mile walk.
When: 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. July 8.
Where: Meet at Redding City Hall, 777 Cypress Ave., and walk to Cascade Theatre, 1731 Market St.
TANC informational meeting
What: TANC officials will appear with the Shasta County Board of Supervisors and Redding City Council to answer questions from officials and members of the public about the power line.
When: 6:30 p.m. July 8.
Where: Cascade Theatre, 1731 Market St.
On the Web
StopTANC: Comments
Posted by crosemeyer3 on June 24, 2009 at 1:29 a.m.
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This might go through my parents' front meadow. That is not cool. It would stretch down the only agricultural land in their area of Lassen county. Stupid.
/getting in as many as i can! //hopefully they will still display
Posted by opsite on June 24, 2009 at 3:46 a.m.
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If the Bay Area wants power so bad they can elect to build energy power plants close to themselves and leave us out of it. They can utilize more of those idle wind mills around Fairfield and Tracy. Just think about all the timber they are willing to harvest in order to clear the path for power lines but scream, shout and vote us down when we want to harvest timber in order to save our forests from fire caused by lightning strikes to dead buggy timber they won't let us harvest now. To hell with them, maybe if they hurt bad enough for power they'll finally get in line with the rest of us reasonable folk who believe nuclear power like Europe and Japan have been using so long is a viable alternative to coal fired power plants which throw tons of pollution including radiation into the atmosphere. Most folks don't realize that coal fired power plants have emitted tons more radiation than any nuclear plant incident we have ever had. Before someone replies that nuclear waste is unsafe and questions how one may store it safely consider the fact that other countries have sterling safety records concerning transportation and storage of spent nuclear waste. If they can do it so can we. We just have to use our noodles and trounce the radicaLS who screech about possible accidental spills if a railcar is derailed in an urban area. It's time to let the facts speak for themselves. The department of energy long ago hauled our transport containers over 10,000 feet into the air and dropped them on reinforced pads of concrete and steel. They did it in repeated testing and never breached a single container. They were full of inert material of the same weight and density as the nuclear waste we'll need to store. Come on folks lets get with it, times a wastin. As I under-stand it Redding is using power from a coal fired power plant outside of our area. I wonder how that makes the folks who live down wind from those power plants feel about us. Perhaps they're giving us the finger but we're too far away to see it. Well, I'll bet they feel just like we do about having Nancy Pelosi's constituents’ needs encroaching on our lovely area. We all need to consider nuclear power because it would solve our water supply problems, also. When power costs come down the desalination of sea water is a good prospect. We should continue to develop wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, water and more efficient life styles through better insulation and reduced power usage through simple things like LED light bulbs. That’s my story and I’m stickin to it.
Posted by citizenactivist on June 24, 2009 at 5:19 a.m.
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in response to opsite
Vast amounts of money are set aside to deal with Safety issues and challenges regarding Nuclear power...Ask yourself, Why this is...
Safe Nuclear, Clean Coal and BP means Beyond Petroleum...RIGHT.
I am very concerned that the manager of REU, Mr. Paul Hauser sits on the board of TANC and backroom deals with TANC, which must have been easily done, considering this Conflict of Interest, have taken place. Mr. Hauser needs to step down from one of these jobs...
He should pick who he works for, and I believe he already has...It is not in the best interest of the people of the community of Redding, that Mr. Hauser remain at his position as Manager of REU.
* June 24, 2009 * 3:33 p.m. * Suggest removal * Reply to this post
wildwoman7 writes:
This project makes no sense what so ever. I'm glad to see that people are taken an interest into what is happening up here.I was thinking where am I going to live if this goes thru and then I was like ahhhh.....I know we can just camp out on Paul Hauser's front lawn until we get back on our feet and find a safe place to live,I'm sure he wouldn't mind as long as my tent is money green.
* June 24, 2009 * 3:36 p.m. * Suggest removal * Reply to this post
prowler5 writes:
Had to laugh when mention is mad of hydropower, as you know the greenies are getting ready to remove four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River with dams on the American, and Sacramento not far behind. That coupled with the fact that eastern Lassen is a poor site for solar or wind make this thing a joke. Guess that if they can push it thru the can bring in that dirty coal power from out of state.
* June 24, 2009 * 3:57 p.m. * Suggest removal * Reply to this post
web writes:
Glad some sort of regional/state politicians are seeing this.
* June 24, 2009 * 4:09 p.m. * Suggest removal * Reply to this post
randy writes:
The most incredible aspect of this entire project is how completely uninformed the individuals are that are pushing the project. The people fighting for their homes, their communities and the future of our planet, have gone whole heart into understanding what this project is about. The people from TANC, SMUD, REU and the Redding City Council have all demonstrated they cannot answer the many questions they should know about this project. I hope the Cascade Theater will be packed to the walls with "we the people" as our public officials answer, or not answer, our questions about exactly what they have planned for our money and our future.
* June 24, 2009 * 4:21 p.m. * Suggest removal * Reply to this post
1942 writes:
They have not told us where the power is coming from other than hydro from the northwest. What hydro project in the northwest? What other power source in California? They must have a plan; lets hear it! Why does the power line only go to Lassen County near the Nevada boarder and not farther north if we are to get power from the northwest. They are building coal plants in Nevada posted by R. Hunt. Something is still fishy here.
* June 24, 2009 * 6:05 p.m. * Suggest removal * Reply to this post
manyponies writes:
you will go to the meetings and you will listen to the rhetoric and you will ask questions and YOU WILL BE TOLD NOTHING! went thru this in '82 with tanc thru oak run, they will not answer questions and they will threaten landowners with eminent domain and they will not buy out homes and land. they will pay a fixed amount for the 1000'swath thru your land and then clear cut it. ever get near those 500 kw lines and hear them sizzle? try it and then ask, "can that possibly be good for man or beast". the tanc line is a done's a government project and they will be bringing in coal produced electricity from idaho, montana,'s a big land grab in the name of the green energy crap....STILL LIKE BIG GOVERNMENT RUNNING YOU LIFE?
* June 24, 2009 * 6:29 p.m. * Suggest removal * Reply to this post
citizenactivist writes:
in response to manyponies:
I believe a lot of what ManyPonies has written here is right on. I know of 10 coal mining projects in the works in Utah, Idaho, and Montana and Colorado already has em and no doubt is expanding.
The Power Brokers have grabbed these resources and began to develop them and now expect the tax payer and rate payers to pay to move THEIR Poison, Polluted, Power to the Metro areas that are willing to pay for it.
What do we get for our trouble...Power Lines and the ill effects, and there ARE ILL EFFECTS in addition to being ugly, displacing many homeowners and devaluing properties all around them, they are not healthy to live under or near. THANKS FOR THE VISIT_Green Earl