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Kiva Lending Team: Maria Shriver's Lending Team
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Ms. Shriver,
As with so many others, I participated here because of your example. Thank you! And I know the recipients of our loans thank you as well!
Know that you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the great work.
Posted by Ray
Jun 26, 2009 - 10:34 pm PDT
I am becoming involved in a new company that will be supplying unlimited everything, cell, web, text, VIP, starting on July 1st. I will
donate 10% of my personal income from these efforts to KIVA.
Please Maria members..review this program if you would and
if you have a business or personal use for the program, please join me. If your looking for a way to earn and loan more consider promoting it, with us. Thank You.
More info:
Green Earl aka, Al Boek
Posted by Green Earl
Jun 26, 2009 - 11:13 am PDT
Hi Team!
Things have gone extremely well with our new endeavor the past few weeks. Over 360 of us came together to fund entrepreneurs from both in the U.S. and around the world making a huge difference in their lives. I am so proud of our lending team – we have made 293 loans helping to fund 157 entrepreneurs to date. In fact, we are the top lending group for many of the U.S. entrepreneurs!
As of yesterday, all available loans to the U.S. have been funded but we expect new profiles to come online shortly. We will send an alert just as soon as they do.
A big thanks to Kiva’s fastest growing lending team. Again, stay tuned for more U.S. profiles to be posted and remember to PASS IT ON and get all your friends and family join us!
Posted by Maria
Jun 26, 2009 - 11:12 am PDT
Hi, Maria. I became a lender because of your example. I made my first loan yesterday, and received notification that the loan was disbursed last night. How thrilling to learn that my few dollars are helping someone thousands of miles away.
Helping to make a difference one dollar at a time,
Posted by Fannie
Jun 25, 2009 - 8:58 am PDT
To wake up this am and get an email from KIVA that the group of women entrepreneurs I contributed a small amount to received their funding is the most awesome feeling! I'm on the financial brink myself due to unemployment, health challenges, and etc., but I value what I do have, a land of opportunity! These women inspire me! I am simply thrilled. It's a Beautiful Day! : ) Barbara C.B. in Escondido CA
Posted by Barbara C.B.
Jun 12, 2009 - 7:56 am PDT
Thank you for creating a Team. I just created 2 Teams: a common interest OPEN team, "We Love You!" bit.ly/v2bft and a faith tradition by request Team "Cup of Cold Water". It seemed right to join Team Maria since we share CA entrepreneur, Erik, the Marine with a great game (his loan is funded and is now repaying). Watching a Kiva entrepreneur's loan fund is just wonderful practical, and inspiring fun.
Cheers to Denise and her $5K challenge. Great Idea!
Posted by fetterless
Jun 12, 2009 - 1:50 am PDT
Dear Maria, Say Hi to the Gov for me. I just made 3 loans, oldest first selected. As a Vietnam Vet, happy that two were in Vietnam. Also
I am a pioneer in conservation and solar generation who could use a little financing myself, please mention it to your cousin, in the biz. My site at (yeswecansolveit.blogspot.com) often features a Google
Donated ad for Kiva. I did not really understand fully how it worked until I started following you on Twitter. Cool program. I like it.
_Green Earl, Founder
American Energy Conservation Group
Producing Negawatts........Since 1981
Posted by Green Earl
Jun 11, 2009 - 7:53 pm PDT
Dear Maria,
Thanks for doing this.
aka "Barack Oblogger"
Posted by Barack Oblogger
Jun 11, 2009 - 11:10 am PDT
I joined on my birthday. I made four loans as my birthday present to myself. It was the best gift I've received in my 54 years! Giving to receive is a great concept. I hope the four people receive as much happiness from the loans as I have. Thank you, Maria Shriver, for the invitation to join you! Keep up the great work!
Posted by Ray
Jun 10, 2009 - 1:45 pm PDT
Hi Team! Congratulations to Kiva for a wonderful interview with Good Morning America this AM. Now GMA is wanting to hear from lenders like us!
Visit www.abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=7803162 and tell them why you are a part of this amazing effort.
Posted by Maria
Jun 10, 2009 - 10:14 am PDT
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I've joined the Team and have my own lending team as well. I'm currently in the midst of a challenge to raise $5,000 in loans during June so that's where my attention is focused now. I am very happy to see the U.S. opened up now for loans.
Denise Wakeman
Posted by Denise Wakeman
Jun 10, 2009 - 10:11 am PDT
Welcome. This, from one of your team members for the day.
I joined to say how glad we are to have you join our evergrowing and ever hopeful wonderfully international band of lenders. But especially, I joined to ask you to consider making at least an occasional loan to some of Kiva’s entrepreneurs who live outside our own backyards, as well. Those of us who have been lending with Kiva for some time now deeply believe that we are all related, and that lending around the world is one way of showing our solidarity and our connection. Happy Lending.
Posted by FriendofFella
Jun 10, 2009 - 10:01 am PDT
We wanted to help create microcredit like Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammed Yunus from Bangladesh and now we can!! Thank you sooooooooo much for providing this opportunity to lift up the world. We are so grateful for your love and dedication to this miracle of sharing and carrying one another's burdens. God is blessing us with one another!! Mucho love y Muchos Gracias
Posted by Renee
Jun 10, 2009 - 6:57 am PDT
Looking forward to supporting entrepreneurship in the US. I wish there was a way that I could help these women with their business or concept. Money is a great start but "teach a woman to fish and feed her for a lifetime" ;) . Best wishes to all lenders and recipients.
Posted by Lilly
Jun 10, 2009 - 4:50 am PDT
Hi Team! Starting TODAY, and for the first time ever, we can lend to entrepreneurs in our own backyard. To find an entrepreneur here in the U.S., just type "United States" in the search box on the lend page. It's that simple. And don't forget to apply your loan to our lending group so we can see what kind of an impact all of us can make together!
Posted by Maria
Jun 10, 2009 - 4:38 am PDT
I have been a Kiva member for years, and it is great to see that we can lend to women entreprenuers in the US. Thanks to all for caring.
Posted by Karen
Jun 9, 2009 - 2:30 pm PDT
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