Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Global Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy 15 Years Of Internet Marketing
American Energy Conservation and Solar Generation Pioneer Provides almost daily directory of Green Energy News and Commentary. Discussions, regarding conservation, weatherization, solar DHW, Solar PV and Wind and Green Careers._Green Earl, Founder American Energy Conservation Group Redding/Las Vegas/Sacramento, Ca 530-604-6394 Still Producing NegaWatts...Since 1981
Friday, June 25, 2010
click above for actual website:
Posted with love and concern for the honest, hardworkingpeople of the Gulf of Mexico. OUR PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU!
Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Global Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy 15 Years Of Internet Marketing
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The BP oil blowout is an environmental catastrophe, bringing great peril to marine and wildlife in the Gulf and threatening ecosystems of the planet. The spill is still out of control and spreading. It jeopardizes communities and livelihoods. The government and BP have proven unable and unwilling to stop the disaster, protect the Gulf, or even tell the truth.
The people must come together now to stop this nightmare.
Millions are sick at heart and looking for ways to act. Many individuals and groups have spoken out, offered suggestions, volunteered to help, protested. BP and the government – pursuing their own interests - have ignored people's ideas, blocked public participation, suppressed and harassed scientists, and prevented people on the Gulf from taking initiative to keep oil away from shore.
A MONUMENTAL CRIME against the planet and humanity is unfolding before our eyes. Toxic oil and gas continue to spew into the Gulf of Mexico—and the government and BP have proven unable and unwilling to truly deal with this rapidly escalating environmental, wildlife, and human catastrophe.
Read the CALL
Landrieu, BP, U.S. Coast Guard Face Angry Crowd At “Oil Spill Response Open House.”
By Matt Davis on (source)
Mayor Mitch Landrieu and representatives from the U.S. Coast Guard and BP faced questions from angry members of the crowd this evening at an “oil spill response open house” at the Pavillion of Two Sisters in the Botanical Gardens of City Park.
Mayor Mitch Landrieu and representatives from the U.S. Coast Guard and BP faced questions from angry members of the crowd this evening at an “oil spill response open house” at the Pavillion of Two Sisters in the Botanical Gardens of City Park.
- Landrieu was joined by representatives from the U.S. Coast Guard and BP in making opening remarks for the “expo,” which was planned to allow citizens to meet one-on-one with experts gathered at stalls around the room to talk about wildlife, safety, fisheries, claims and other matters related to the disaster. But the mayor’s introduction rapidly devolved into a series of rapid-fire exchanges with citizens from an activist group called The Emergency Committee to Stop the Gulf Oil Catastrophe.
- “You’re saying this is about information but you’re shutting people down,” said Larry Everest, interrupting Landrieu. “I’ve been to these where there’s a lot of B.S.”
- Everest said he didn’t like the open expo format, and that he wanted citizens to have the opportunity to ask questions of Landrieu, BP, and the U.S. Coast Guard in a press conference format where people could ask questions that the crowd could all hear.
- “If everybody will conduct themselves with civility and ask a question, then allow somebody to respond, then I’m sure they’ll be happy to do that,” Landrieu responded.
- Another citizen asked what the mayor thought of a recent pledge by Sen. Mary Landrieu that offshore drilling is safe. “I can’t answer questions for Senator Landrieu, she’s not here, my name is Mitch Landrieu, she’s the United States Senator,” the mayor responded, to some applause from the crowd. “Well, obviously, the BP drill rig was not safe. That’s fair enough? We agree on that?”
- Representatives of the Coast Guard said dispersants like Corexit are the best option available, and faced several follow-up questions on that issue. Then Larry Thomas from BP apologized for the spill on his company’s behalf.
- “Oh, please don’t apologize any more,” said another of the crowd. “That’s just stupid.”
- “I apologize on behalf of BP,” Thomas repeated.
- The citizens’ group is making seven demands: Stop oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico; Immediately end the use of dispersants; Allocate resources to compensate those affected; No gag orders on the people cleaning up the spill; Full mobilization of scientists; Provide medical services for those affected.
- The back-and-forth continued for about 10 minutes as TV cameras rolled, becoming increasingly chaotic, with nobody seeming entirely sure who was required to answer which questions, and the mayor looking on as another citizen, Lauren Goldfinch, asked whether BP is going to be around in 20 years to deal with possible cancers related to the spill.
- BP will be around, said Thomas.
- “Now, there are two possibilities,” said Landrieu, wrapping up. “Answer questions from five people, or give the people of the city the opportunity to go to one of the 18 booths to get their questions answered.”
- Landrieu’s staff then slowly escorted the mayor to the door, stopping several times to answer more questions from citizens and a bevy of journalists.
Gulf Emergency Summit: Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report; America Can't Solve Crises Because It's a Company-Owned Town
America Can't Solve Crises Because It's a Company-Owned Town
Wed, 06/23/2010 - 03:04 — Glen Ford

by BAR executive editor GlenFord
The Great Gusher in the Gulf is a political, not simply an economic and environmental, crisis. “No amount of public disgust at BP has moved Obama to behave as if he is beholden to the majority that elected him – for the simple reason that he is not.”
“The overlapping American mega-crises of Katrina, the Crash of 2008, the Great Gusher in the Gulf are 'both the products and the illuminators of the wholly corrupt relationship' between Capital and government.”
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Monday: 12:00 noon protest @ NOLA BP Command Center
(Click PRESS RELEASES tab/button above for the press release.)
Friends: Saturday, 100 people gathered in New Orleans for the Gulf EMERGENCY Summit. We heard from people affected by the catastrophe, from people with expertise, passion, and ideas. We united on initial steps. Reports will be on Monday. Today, participants went to Gulf Isle to view the oily shores and were able to speak with clean-up workers. Tomorrow, the first political protest action to come from the Summit: Protest the crimes of British Petroleum and the painfully slow and woefully inadequate response by both BP and the US Government..From the People's Gulf Emergency Summit Saturday in New Orleans, we found out that the Deepwater Horizon Unified Response Command Center has moved to New Orleans, near the infamous Superdome...
Friends: Saturday, 100 people gathered in New Orleans for the Gulf EMERGENCY Summit. We heard from people affected by the catastrophe, from people with expertise, passion, and ideas. We united on initial steps. Reports will be on Monday. Today, participants went to Gulf Isle to view the oily shores and were able to speak with clean-up workers. Tomorrow, the first political protest action to come from the Summit: Protest the crimes of British Petroleum and the painfully slow and woefully inadequate response by both BP and the US Government..From the People's Gulf Emergency Summit Saturday in New Orleans, we found out that the Deepwater Horizon Unified Response Command Center has moved to New Orleans, near the infamous Superdome...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Gulf Oil Spill Crisis: Emergency People's Summit; LIVE WEBCAST
Sat. June 19 WebCast & Program to start about
11:30am EST / 8:30am PST / 10:30am Central
Join Cindy Sheehan, Larry Everest, and Gulf region activists, independent of the government and BP in making an ACTION plan
11:30am EST / 8:30am PST / 10:30am Central
Join Cindy Sheehan, Larry Everest, and Gulf region activists, independent of the government and BP in making an ACTION plan
Friday, June 11, 2010
Gulf Oil Emergency Summit: Extraordinary Crisis Demands Extraordinary Response
ACT NOW! SIGN THIS CALL TODAY... (and urge everyone you know of to do the same) by clicking here or "comment" at the bottom of this call. Fill out the form that comes up.
Call for an Emergency Summit
The BP oil blowout is an environmental catastrophe, bringing great peril to marine and wildlife in the Gulf and threatening ecosystems of the planet. The spill is still out of control and spreading. It jeopardizes communities and livelihoods. The government and BP have proven unable and unwilling to stop the disaster, protect the Gulf, or even tell the truth.
The people must come together now to stop this nightmare.
Millions are sick at heart and looking for ways to act. Many individuals and groups have spoken out, offered suggestions, volunteered to help, protested. BP and the government – pursuing their own interests - have ignored people's ideas, blocked public participation, suppressed and harassed scientists, and prevented people on the Gulf from taking initiative to keep oil away from shore.
This must not continue. A broad, determined, and powerful "peoples’ response" is urgently needed - to get the truth out, to protect the shores and oceans and deal with the ecological impacts, while exploring deeper causes and solutions.
The Emergency Summit will bring together scientists, people from fishing communities, environmental activists, progressives, radicals and revolutionaries, artists, intellectuals and all who want to halt this horror. There will be testimony on the true scope and impact of the disaster and on what can be done to protect ecosystems, wildlife, and people. We’ll thrash out ways for people to act now – on different fronts and in different ways – and to galvanize many, many more, across the Gulf and beyond.
The world is watching. We must not allow the Gulf and oceans to be devastated. Our mission is nothing less than stopping this catastrophe.
Draft Demands:
- Stop oil drilling in the Gulf
- The government and entire oil industry must allocate all necessary resources to stop the spill and clean up the devastation. Full support, including by compensation, must be given to efforts by people to save the Gulf.
- No punishment to those taking independent initiative; no gag orders on people hired, contracted, or who volunteer.
- Full mobilization of scientists and engineers. Release scientific and technical data to the public; no more lying and covering up. Full and open scientific evaluation of emergency measures like the use of dispersants. Fund all necessary scientific and medical research.
- Full compensation for all losing livelihood and income from the disaster.
- Provide necessary medical services to those suffering health effects of the spill. Protect the health of and provide necessary equipment for everyone involved in clean up operations. Full disclosure of medical and scientific studies about the effects of the oil disaster.
- Initial Endorsers:
- William Quigley, Loyola University; Legal Dir., Center for Constitutional Rights*
- Michael G. Hadfield, Marine Biologist, University of Hawaii*
- Larry Everest, author Oil, Power & Empire, Revolution newspaper
- John Pearse, Prof. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz*
- Eloise Williams, Lower Algiers Environmental Committee, New Orleans
- Elizabeth Cook, Women United for Social Justice, New Orleans
- Andy Washington, Civil Rights Activist, New Orleans
- Survivors Village, New Orleans
- Ben Gordon, Pax Cristi, New Orleans
- Debra Sweet, Director, World Can't Wait
- Sharon Jasper, public housing activist, New Orleans
- C3-Hands Off Iberville, New Orleans
- George Mahdi, Social Worker, New Orleans
- Endesha Juakeli, housing activist, New Orleans
- Randy Poindexter, New Orleans
- Rebecca Austen, New Orleans
- Gilda & Sain Reed, New Orleans
- * for identification purposes only
- Website:
- Email:
- Saturday, June 19, 2010
- 10AM-End Time TBA
- First Unitarian Universalist Church, Sanctuary
- 5212 South Claiborne Avenue
- New Orleans, LA
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Sunday, June 20, 2010
Gulf Oil Disaster Becomes Atlantic Disaster Within 3 Months And Sooner. _Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Global Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy 15 Years Of Internet Marketing
The National National Center for Atmospheric Research has generated a computer model that shows the projected path of the BP oil Spill.
The prediction shows where the oil slick may be 3 months from now, which coincides with estimates on when 2 relief wells presently under construction should be completed.
"BP executives initially claimed that the Deepwater Horizon was only leaking 1,000 barrels of oil a day when the spill began. Then they admitted to leaking 5,000 barrels a day.
Now, official estimates put the rate of the leak at 12,00 to 19,000 barrels a day. At 42 gallons a barrel, that means there is nearly a million gallons of oil and gas filling the Gulf every day.
It has been suggested that Tony Hayward has been underestimating the scope of the BP oil spill disaster to avoid costly per-gallon EPA fines and lawsuits." AS Of Today Nearly 80,000,000 Gallons Have Leaked Into Gulf
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