Top 50 U.S. Purchasers of Green Power as Ranked by the EPA May 2nd, 2009
Who is buying clean energy and how much are they buying? Answers to questions like these are important for consumers to know. The EPA’s Green Power Partnership tries to answer these questions by providing a sense of which organizations are conscientious about their energy use. Aside from political votes, one of the most powerful tools the public can use to have a say in the energy debate is their collective wallet. Money talks. Companies listen to what it’s saying and where it’s going. Companies that incorporate sustainable practices into their business model not only reduce expenses but may get a PR boost by touting their green credentials to consumers who are increasing interested in sustainability. The EPA’s ranking of organizations based on the amount of green power they use also raises awareness for renewable energy. As mentioned on the EPA’s website:
The Green Power Partnership is a voluntary program that encourages organizations to buy green power as a way to reduce the environmental impacts associated with purchased electricity use. The Partnership currently has hundreds of Partner organizations voluntarily purchasing billions of kilowatt-hours of green power annually. Partners include a wide variety of leading organizations such as Fortune 500 companies, small and medium sized businesses, local, state, and federal governments, and colleges and universities.
The most recent National Top 50 Green Power Purchasers can be seen in their entirety here. Below is the top 10.
Annual Green Power Usage (kWh) GP % of Total Electricity Use* Organization Type Providers Green Power Resources
1. Intel Corporation
1,301,200,000 46% Information Technology PNM, Sterling Planet Wind
2. PepsiCo
1,144,773,154 100% Food & Beverage 3Degrees, Sterling Planet Various
3. Kohl’s Department Stores
600,990,000 50% Retail 3Degrees, City of Dover, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Sterling Planet, SunEdison, WM Renewable Energy Biogas, Biomass, Small-hydro, Solar, Wind
4. Dell Inc.
553,708,000 158% Information Technology 3Degrees, Austin Energy, Constellation NewEnergy, Greenhouse Gas Services, Idaho Power, MidAmerican Energy, TXU Energy Biogas, Solar, Wind
5. Whole Foods Market
526,995,000 100% Retail Austin Energy, Community Energy, Onsite Generation, PNM, Renewable Choice Energy Solar, Wind
6. The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.
470,216,838 100% Food & Beverage 3Degrees, Sterling Planet Various
7. Johnson & Johnson
434,854,733 38% Health Care 3Degrees, NextEra Energy Resources, Onsite Generation, PNM, Reliant Energy, Sempra Energy Biomass, Small-hydro, Solar, Wind
8. U.S. Air Force
426,233,001 5% Govt. (Federal) 3 Phases Renewables, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Bonneville Power Administration, Colorado Springs Utilities, Constellation NewEnergy, Georgia Power, Minnkota Power Cooperative, NextEra Energy Resources, Oklahoma Gas & Electric, Rocky Mountain Generation Cooperative, Sterling Planet, TransAlta Energy Marketing, WindCurrent Biogas, Biomass, Solar, Wind
9. Cisco Systems, Inc.
400,996,000 46% Information Technology Austin Energy, Sterling Planet Wind
10. City of Houston, TX
350,400,000 27% Govt. (Local, Municipal) Reliant Energy Wind
A few interesting points:
1) The chart shows the enormity of the energy used by the U.S. military. The Air Force, only one of five service branches, is the 8th largest purchaser of green power featured on the list but those 426 million kWh represent only 5% of the Air Force’s total electricity use. Their campus, by the way, has a plan to be energy independent by 2015.
2) The city of Houston, TX is the highest ranking municipality on the list. Texas has the country’s largest amount of installed wind power capacity. This includes the largest wind farm in the world, Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center, which has 421 wind turbines that generate enough electricity to power 220,000 homes per year (from the department of energy’s kid’s page).
3) Sterling Planet comes up often as a provider in the list. A cursory web search showed they are based outside Atlanta and focus their efforts in three areas: 1) offering White TagsTM energy efficiency certificates 2) providing renewable energy certificates or RECs and 3) working with carbon offsets. If any one has more information about Sterling Planet’s activities, please let us know.
The EPA explains that “green power purchases help reduce the environmental impacts of electricity use and support the development of new renewable generation capacity nationwide.” The amount of green power purchases is limited only to an organization’s U.S. operations must come from U.S.-based green power resources. Organizations can meet EPA purchase requirements using any combination of three different product options (1) Renewable Energy Certificates, (2) On-site generation, and (3) Utility green power products.
One of the beauties of the electric grid is that it can get greener over time as renewable technologies expand and plug into the system in increasing numbers. Combined with smart grid updates and smart meters, which help conserve energy, there is enormous potential to green the domestic grid.
- Justin Manger
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American Energy Conservation and Solar Generation Pioneer Provides almost daily directory of Green Energy News and Commentary. Discussions, regarding conservation, weatherization, solar DHW, Solar PV and Wind and Green Careers._Green Earl, Founder American Energy Conservation Group Redding/Las Vegas/Sacramento, Ca 530-604-6394 Still Producing NegaWatts...Since 1981
Saturday, May 2, 2009
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Click on the link above to answer your questions on becoming
an energy auditor. A real entry-door into a Green Career.
Thanks For Visiting The Blog_Green Earl
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Kaydon Q1 results beat Street; sees challenging 2009
Reuters - USA
Tight credit conditions impacted ultimate end users' ability to finance new projects in the wind energy market, resulting in deferrals or near-term ...
See all stories on this topic
Phew! Our Portfolio Is Immune to Swine Flu
Reuters - USA
Kiplinger's offered Vestas Wind Systems (VWS on the Copenhagen stock exchange), the world's leading supplier of wind turbines. Time listed publicly traded ...
See all stories on this topic
Lack of local funding leads Reno firm to pick Michigan site
Carson Times - Reno,NV,USA
The project, a joint venture between Mariah Power and Michigan-based MasTech Manufacturing, will produce 30-foot wind turbines known as Windspires. ...
See all stories on this topic
Why Europe's Renewables Roadshow Is Rolling Stateside
American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA
All of which explains why the European wind industry and green energy schemes are struggling to raise finance. Private investors don´t want to know. ...
See all stories on this topic
Director – US Procurement - Peterborough,NH,USA
It also has a 6700 megawatt hydroelectric and wind project pipeline. Brookfield Renewable Power's operations are primarily located in North America and ...
See all stories on this topic
MarketWatch (press release) - USA
However, the wind-down of our Iraq-related projects for the dod largely offset this growth. During periods of economic volatility, our federal government ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Jiangsu Miracle to Supply Wind Components to A-Power
Jiangsu Miracle is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (ticker: 002009) with a market cap of around $300 million, according to Google Finance. It started manufacturing wind turbine components in 2005. Pursuant to the LOI, ... A-Power , through its China-based operating subsidiaries, is the largest provider of distributed power generation systems in China, focusing on energy-efficient and environmentally friendly projects of 25MW to 400MW. ... investor, network, jobs ... Investor News -
Ripping Wind - May 01, 2009 It may be a lot hot air. But the Obama ...
By (webmaster)
The message is consistent with that of the White House, which is that exponential growth in the renewable sector would cut emissions as well as create good jobs. Such highfalutin' comments by officials, however, ... Moreover, the experience of similar projects in Europe indicates that such plants would generate power between 25 to 35 percent of the time. Back up power, typically fossil-fired, is necessary. Replacing coal with offshore wind is therefore unrealistic. ...
Michigan GREEN Top Stories -... -
European Tribune - Community, Politics & Progress.
By European Tribune
Vestas Wind to cut 1900 jobs. Vestas Wind Systems, the world's biggest wind-turbine manufacturer, said it will lay off almost 9 per cent of its workforce and sell new shares as it kept its outlook for sales growth this year. ... Then, in November, when the PTC was reinstated, new projects were slowed by the financial crash (knowing that the banks most active in financing US wind are European banks that were struggling with their own problems at home, like HSH Nordbank, ...
European Tribune -
Interactive renewable energy map « GROG: green tech blog
By mastadonzq
That's the question now being asked of Denmark's Vestas, the world's largest wind-turbine manufacturer, after the company pocketed $1 billion this week by issuing 18.5 million new shares. ..... Great Green Job of the Week: VP of Finance & Operations, Rainforest Alliance. The Rainforest Alliance is an international nonprofit organization that works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and ...
GROG: green tech blog -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
How a 'Green House of the Future' Can Impede Environmental Progress
Washington Post - United States
The houses, which would be built with recycled, high-tech and naturally green materials, would depend on renewable energy sources -- solar, wind, ...
See all stories on this topic
The Stealth Green Revolution
Atlantic Online - USA
The energy bill is expected to mandate that a certain percentage of US electricity come from renewable energy sources, which will move things further in the ...
See all stories on this topic
Energy Department to invest millions in clean technology
Washington Energy Services - Seattle,WA,USA
Total investments in renewable energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory are expected to exceed $93 million in stimulus funds. ...
See all stories on this topic
PR Web (press release)
Green Jobs Can Boost Employment, But Green Building Consultant ...
PR Web (press release) - Ferndale,WA,USA
"The first area is green buildings, both new and existing, where the growth is already tremendous - about 80% in 2008. The second area is renewable energy ...
See all stories on this topic
The People's Movement at 100 Days
Political Affairs Magazine - New York,NY,USA
The Recovery Act has made billions available for renewable energy resources and green energy projects, from converting public buses to "clean diesel," to ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Renewable Energy Degree – The Key To A Brighter Future ...
By admin
A renewable energy degree is not something most people think about when deciding on higher education, nor does a “green job” sound like it has any potential for a career. However, the renewable energy sector is not only a place for sustainable ... The truth is, the renewable energy sector has job openings in almost every area, from finance and investment to engineering or sales, and a well-built Green AA curriculum should include the training to reach these areas. ... -
Clean Tech Short Courses at 2009 Clean Tech Expo,Texas,May 3-7 ...
By admin
Exhibitors will include equipment manufacturers and suppliers, systems providers, finance and investment firms, R&D companies, project developers, law firms, builders, architects, construction companies, trade associations, and government ... Renewable Energy Overview; Energy Conversion technology; Nuclear Power generation; Photovoltaic Solar Energy; Clean technologies for Green Building. Who's Coming to Clean Technology 2009? Architects ,Builders, CEOs ,CTOs , Chief ...
MyGreen Education and Career -
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor
Aperion - Redefining Community: Money for Weatherization ...
By Dalan Garcia
Boiler repair person and energy auditor are skilled jobs, and there could be a shortage. In Washington, Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri, a former state auditor, has warned that with so much money sloshing around, there will be ...
Aperion - Redefining Community -
Enron Auditor Agrees to Pay $16m: Arthur Andersen is in Accord ...
An accord with Enron Corp creditors to pay $16m, settling claims it was negligent in auditing and advising the energy giant, starts Arthur Andersen LLP's final chapter.
Suite101: Business & Finance Articles -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease Financing Blog]
New comment on The Power Of Poop, Manure & Methane, Biogas Is Suc....
Friday, May 1, 2009 9:04 PM
From: "Orange Patch Dairy"
Add sender to Contacts
Orange Patch Dairy has left a new comment on your post "The Power Of Poop, Manure & Methane, Biogas Is Such A Gas":
As a dairy farmer we are also excited about the power of poop! We look forward to putting in a digester as soon as we can afford it!
Posted by Orange Patch Dairy to Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease Financing Blog at May 1, 2009
From: "Rob"
View contact details
We have to treat water like gold because the alternative energies like nuclear power,biofuels, etc, are very THIRSTY.
Rob [bob-pol]
from my iPhone
On Apr 30, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Charles Vismeg wrote:
> A very good news for our state of Arizona.
> Charles
> --- On Thu, 4/30/09, U.S. EPA wrote:
> From: U.S. EPA
> Subject: Water News Release (Region 9):
> To:
> Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 9:51 AM
> For Immediate Release: April 30, 2009
> Contact: Margot Perez-Sullivan, 415.947.4149
> EPA Announces $82 million in Recovery Act Funds for Water Projects in Arizona to Boost Economy, Create Jobs and Protect Public Health
> In a move that stands to create jobs, boost local economies, improve aging water and wastewater infrastructure and protect human health and the environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded $82 million to the State of Arizona . This new infusion of money provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will help the state and local governments finance many of the overdue improvements to water projects that are essential to protecting public health and the environment across the state.
> “This remarkable opportunity to provide much-needed support for sustainable water and energy-efficient drinking water and wastewater systems throughout the U.S. is unprecedented,” said Laura Yoshii, acting Regional Administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the Pacific Southwest. “This funding will allow Arizona to identify its highest infrastructure priorities, protect human health and surface water quality, address climate change, and create critical green jobs as a foundation for a sustainable future.”
> The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program will receive $26.4 million. It provides low-interest loans for water quality protection projects for wastewater treatment, non-point source pollution control, and watershed and estuary management. The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program will receive $55.3 million. It provides low-interest loans for drinking water systems to finance infrastructure improvements. The program also emphasizes providing funds to small and disadvantaged communities and to programs that encourage pollution prevention as a tool for ensuring safe drinking water.
> EPA is also awarding $267,400 in Recovery Act funds for Water Quality Management Planning (WQMP) in Arizona . Planning is an important step in EPA’s goal to improve water quality in America ’s lakes, rivers and streams. WQMP grants support a broad range of activities, such as setting standards, monitoring the quality of the water, developing plans to restore polluted waters, and identifying ways to protect healthy waters from becoming polluted. States are also encouraged to use these funds for more innovative planning activities, such as developing plans to adapt to climate change, analyzing trends in water availability and use, and creating low-impact development programs. Grants are awarded to state agencies and some of the funds can be awarded to regional and interstate planning organizations.
> An unprecedented $6 billion dollars will be awarded to fund water and wastewater infrastructure projects across the country under the Recovery Act in the form of low-interest loans, principal forgiveness and grants. At least 20% of the funds provided under the Recovery Act are to be used for green infrastructure, water and energy efficiency improvements and other environmentally innovative projects.
> President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on February 17, 2009, and has directed that the Recovery Act be implemented with unprecedented transparency and accountability. To that end, the American people can see how every dollar is being invested at
> Information on EPA’s implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 visit
> Note: If a link above doesn't work, please copy and paste the URL into a browser.
> View all Region 9 News Releases
> EPA Seal
> You can view or update your subscriptions or e-mail address at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. All you will need is your e-mail address. If you have any questions or problems e-mail for assistance.
> This service is provided to you at no charge by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
> Sent by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency · 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Washington DC 20460 · 202-564-4355
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This email was sent to 115 members of YESWECANSOLVEIT
> This email was sent from Charles Vismeg
> Listserv email address:
> Your reply will be sent to:
> Unsubscribe or change your email settings:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for the visit!_Green Earl
an energy auditor. A real entry-door into a Green Career.
Thanks For Visiting The Blog_Green Earl
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Kaydon Q1 results beat Street; sees challenging 2009
Reuters - USA
Tight credit conditions impacted ultimate end users' ability to finance new projects in the wind energy market, resulting in deferrals or near-term ...
See all stories on this topic
Phew! Our Portfolio Is Immune to Swine Flu
Reuters - USA
Kiplinger's offered Vestas Wind Systems (VWS on the Copenhagen stock exchange), the world's leading supplier of wind turbines. Time listed publicly traded ...
See all stories on this topic
Lack of local funding leads Reno firm to pick Michigan site
Carson Times - Reno,NV,USA
The project, a joint venture between Mariah Power and Michigan-based MasTech Manufacturing, will produce 30-foot wind turbines known as Windspires. ...
See all stories on this topic
Why Europe's Renewables Roadshow Is Rolling Stateside
American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA
All of which explains why the European wind industry and green energy schemes are struggling to raise finance. Private investors don´t want to know. ...
See all stories on this topic
Director – US Procurement - Peterborough,NH,USA
It also has a 6700 megawatt hydroelectric and wind project pipeline. Brookfield Renewable Power's operations are primarily located in North America and ...
See all stories on this topic
MarketWatch (press release) - USA
However, the wind-down of our Iraq-related projects for the dod largely offset this growth. During periods of economic volatility, our federal government ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Jiangsu Miracle to Supply Wind Components to A-Power
Jiangsu Miracle is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (ticker: 002009) with a market cap of around $300 million, according to Google Finance. It started manufacturing wind turbine components in 2005. Pursuant to the LOI, ... A-Power , through its China-based operating subsidiaries, is the largest provider of distributed power generation systems in China, focusing on energy-efficient and environmentally friendly projects of 25MW to 400MW. ... investor, network, jobs ... Investor News -
Ripping Wind - May 01, 2009 It may be a lot hot air. But the Obama ...
By (webmaster)
The message is consistent with that of the White House, which is that exponential growth in the renewable sector would cut emissions as well as create good jobs. Such highfalutin' comments by officials, however, ... Moreover, the experience of similar projects in Europe indicates that such plants would generate power between 25 to 35 percent of the time. Back up power, typically fossil-fired, is necessary. Replacing coal with offshore wind is therefore unrealistic. ...
Michigan GREEN Top Stories -... -
European Tribune - Community, Politics & Progress.
By European Tribune
Vestas Wind to cut 1900 jobs. Vestas Wind Systems, the world's biggest wind-turbine manufacturer, said it will lay off almost 9 per cent of its workforce and sell new shares as it kept its outlook for sales growth this year. ... Then, in November, when the PTC was reinstated, new projects were slowed by the financial crash (knowing that the banks most active in financing US wind are European banks that were struggling with their own problems at home, like HSH Nordbank, ...
European Tribune -
Interactive renewable energy map « GROG: green tech blog
By mastadonzq
That's the question now being asked of Denmark's Vestas, the world's largest wind-turbine manufacturer, after the company pocketed $1 billion this week by issuing 18.5 million new shares. ..... Great Green Job of the Week: VP of Finance & Operations, Rainforest Alliance. The Rainforest Alliance is an international nonprofit organization that works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and ...
GROG: green tech blog -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
How a 'Green House of the Future' Can Impede Environmental Progress
Washington Post - United States
The houses, which would be built with recycled, high-tech and naturally green materials, would depend on renewable energy sources -- solar, wind, ...
See all stories on this topic
The Stealth Green Revolution
Atlantic Online - USA
The energy bill is expected to mandate that a certain percentage of US electricity come from renewable energy sources, which will move things further in the ...
See all stories on this topic
Energy Department to invest millions in clean technology
Washington Energy Services - Seattle,WA,USA
Total investments in renewable energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory are expected to exceed $93 million in stimulus funds. ...
See all stories on this topic
PR Web (press release)
Green Jobs Can Boost Employment, But Green Building Consultant ...
PR Web (press release) - Ferndale,WA,USA
"The first area is green buildings, both new and existing, where the growth is already tremendous - about 80% in 2008. The second area is renewable energy ...
See all stories on this topic
The People's Movement at 100 Days
Political Affairs Magazine - New York,NY,USA
The Recovery Act has made billions available for renewable energy resources and green energy projects, from converting public buses to "clean diesel," to ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Renewable Energy Degree – The Key To A Brighter Future ...
By admin
A renewable energy degree is not something most people think about when deciding on higher education, nor does a “green job” sound like it has any potential for a career. However, the renewable energy sector is not only a place for sustainable ... The truth is, the renewable energy sector has job openings in almost every area, from finance and investment to engineering or sales, and a well-built Green AA curriculum should include the training to reach these areas. ... -
Clean Tech Short Courses at 2009 Clean Tech Expo,Texas,May 3-7 ...
By admin
Exhibitors will include equipment manufacturers and suppliers, systems providers, finance and investment firms, R&D companies, project developers, law firms, builders, architects, construction companies, trade associations, and government ... Renewable Energy Overview; Energy Conversion technology; Nuclear Power generation; Photovoltaic Solar Energy; Clean technologies for Green Building. Who's Coming to Clean Technology 2009? Architects ,Builders, CEOs ,CTOs , Chief ...
MyGreen Education and Career -
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor
Aperion - Redefining Community: Money for Weatherization ...
By Dalan Garcia
Boiler repair person and energy auditor are skilled jobs, and there could be a shortage. In Washington, Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri, a former state auditor, has warned that with so much money sloshing around, there will be ...
Aperion - Redefining Community -
Enron Auditor Agrees to Pay $16m: Arthur Andersen is in Accord ...
An accord with Enron Corp creditors to pay $16m, settling claims it was negligent in auditing and advising the energy giant, starts Arthur Andersen LLP's final chapter.
Suite101: Business & Finance Articles -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease Financing Blog]
New comment on The Power Of Poop, Manure & Methane, Biogas Is Suc....
Friday, May 1, 2009 9:04 PM
From: "Orange Patch Dairy"
Add sender to Contacts
Orange Patch Dairy has left a new comment on your post "The Power Of Poop, Manure & Methane, Biogas Is Such A Gas":
As a dairy farmer we are also excited about the power of poop! We look forward to putting in a digester as soon as we can afford it!
Posted by Orange Patch Dairy to Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease Financing Blog at May 1, 2009
From: "Rob"
View contact details
We have to treat water like gold because the alternative energies like nuclear power,biofuels, etc, are very THIRSTY.
Rob [bob-pol]
from my iPhone
On Apr 30, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Charles Vismeg
> A very good news for our state of Arizona.
> Charles
> --- On Thu, 4/30/09, U.S. EPA
> From: U.S. EPA
> Subject: Water News Release (Region 9):
> To:
> Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 9:51 AM
> For Immediate Release: April 30, 2009
> Contact: Margot Perez-Sullivan, 415.947.4149
> EPA Announces $82 million in Recovery Act Funds for Water Projects in Arizona to Boost Economy, Create Jobs and Protect Public Health
> In a move that stands to create jobs, boost local economies, improve aging water and wastewater infrastructure and protect human health and the environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded $82 million to the State of Arizona . This new infusion of money provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will help the state and local governments finance many of the overdue improvements to water projects that are essential to protecting public health and the environment across the state.
> “This remarkable opportunity to provide much-needed support for sustainable water and energy-efficient drinking water and wastewater systems throughout the U.S. is unprecedented,” said Laura Yoshii, acting Regional Administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the Pacific Southwest. “This funding will allow Arizona to identify its highest infrastructure priorities, protect human health and surface water quality, address climate change, and create critical green jobs as a foundation for a sustainable future.”
> The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program will receive $26.4 million. It provides low-interest loans for water quality protection projects for wastewater treatment, non-point source pollution control, and watershed and estuary management. The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program will receive $55.3 million. It provides low-interest loans for drinking water systems to finance infrastructure improvements. The program also emphasizes providing funds to small and disadvantaged communities and to programs that encourage pollution prevention as a tool for ensuring safe drinking water.
> EPA is also awarding $267,400 in Recovery Act funds for Water Quality Management Planning (WQMP) in Arizona . Planning is an important step in EPA’s goal to improve water quality in America ’s lakes, rivers and streams. WQMP grants support a broad range of activities, such as setting standards, monitoring the quality of the water, developing plans to restore polluted waters, and identifying ways to protect healthy waters from becoming polluted. States are also encouraged to use these funds for more innovative planning activities, such as developing plans to adapt to climate change, analyzing trends in water availability and use, and creating low-impact development programs. Grants are awarded to state agencies and some of the funds can be awarded to regional and interstate planning organizations.
> An unprecedented $6 billion dollars will be awarded to fund water and wastewater infrastructure projects across the country under the Recovery Act in the form of low-interest loans, principal forgiveness and grants. At least 20% of the funds provided under the Recovery Act are to be used for green infrastructure, water and energy efficiency improvements and other environmentally innovative projects.
> President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on February 17, 2009, and has directed that the Recovery Act be implemented with unprecedented transparency and accountability. To that end, the American people can see how every dollar is being invested at
> Information on EPA’s implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 visit
> Note: If a link above doesn't work, please copy and paste the URL into a browser.
> View all Region 9 News Releases
> EPA Seal
> You can view or update your subscriptions or e-mail address at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. All you will need is your e-mail address. If you have any questions or problems e-mail for assistance.
> This service is provided to you at no charge by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
> Sent by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency · 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Washington DC 20460 · 202-564-4355
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This email was sent to 115 members of YESWECANSOLVEIT
> This email was sent from Charles Vismeg
> Listserv email address:
> Your reply will be sent to:
> Unsubscribe or change your email settings:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for the visit!_Green Earl
green jobs in the gulf
CA Solar Energy,
Emerging Renewable Energy Leasing and Finance,
Green Earl
Friday, May 1, 2009
Obama Worldwide Communication, Regarding Climate Policy_Sara Rosen Wartell
To Read Online Version CLICK ON TITLE ABOVE_Green Earl
[0bamaWorldwide] The Green New Deal: Climate Policy Opens Economic Opportunities
Friday, May 1, 2009 11:14 AM
From:"M Harlan"
To:"0bama Worldwide" <>
“Addressing climate change is not, as some unfortunately continue to argue, an unaffordable luxury...The transformation to a low-carbon economy is an economic opportunity to spur growth and to create a sustainable and competitive U.S economy,” said Sarah Rosen Wartell, Executive Vice President of CAP, at an event sponsored by CAP Action and Hamburg, Germany-based Bucerius Law School last Wednesday.
This email was sent to 271 members of 0bama Worldwide
This email was sent from M Harlan
Listserv email address:
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[0bamaWorldwide] The Green New Deal: Climate Policy Opens Economic Opportunities
Friday, May 1, 2009 11:14 AM
From:"M Harlan"
To:"0bama Worldwide" <>
“Addressing climate change is not, as some unfortunately continue to argue, an unaffordable luxury...The transformation to a low-carbon economy is an economic opportunity to spur growth and to create a sustainable and competitive U.S economy,” said Sarah Rosen Wartell, Executive Vice President of CAP, at an event sponsored by CAP Action and Hamburg, Germany-based Bucerius Law School last Wednesday.
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Financing Solar, Wind, Bio, Equipment, Renewable Energy Projects, Leasing
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Schools explore alternative energy
Whidbey Examiner - Coupeville,WA,USA
By Justin Burnett A $26700 renewable energy grant from Puget Sound Energy will help pay for a solar-power project at Coupeville High School. ...
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
The course covers the same design & estimation topics from our Solar PV Boot Camp, with additional content on customer relationship management, lead generation and closing, financial analysis of customer ROI, and the consultative sales . ... “We are re-examining the current electricity tariffs and my target is to reduce the prices by half,” energy minister Hillary Onek said while commissioning the sh13b power line in Kibaale district last weekend. ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
SQL Training 4 IT Careers » Blog Archive » You Need a PV System to ...
By Bobbie McKee
Solar energy has been around for quite some time. In fact, now is the best time to get it if you want to cut your electric bill and do your share to protect the environment. ... You will also need batteries so excess energy may be stored so you can still use solar energy during the evening or during a power outage. The size of the PV system is also in direct proportion with the cost. Most cost from $9 to $10 per watt and when you include installation, the bill may reach ...
SQL Training 4 IT Careers -
For Renewable Energy Leasing Information and a Simple
Online Application Please CLICK ON THE TITLE ABOVE
_Green Earl
Energy Efficiency Upgrades = More Colorado Jobs — Colorado Energy News
By admin
“Passing House Bill 1323, which requires rural electric cooperatives to implement energy efficiency programs for their customers, is one step the legislature can take to help Colorado move out of the recession. ..... solar module, solar modules, solar panels, solar photovoltaics, solar power, solar power in Colorado, solar PV, solar rebates, solar tax credits, solar technologies, solar thermal, solar thermal power, solar thermal technology, solar-electric, Solyndra Inc ...
Colorado Energy News -
Appreciate the visit...Come Again_Green Earl
Schools explore alternative energy
Whidbey Examiner - Coupeville,WA,USA
By Justin Burnett A $26700 renewable energy grant from Puget Sound Energy will help pay for a solar-power project at Coupeville High School. ...
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
The course covers the same design & estimation topics from our Solar PV Boot Camp, with additional content on customer relationship management, lead generation and closing, financial analysis of customer ROI, and the consultative sales . ... “We are re-examining the current electricity tariffs and my target is to reduce the prices by half,” energy minister Hillary Onek said while commissioning the sh13b power line in Kibaale district last weekend. ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
SQL Training 4 IT Careers » Blog Archive » You Need a PV System to ...
By Bobbie McKee
Solar energy has been around for quite some time. In fact, now is the best time to get it if you want to cut your electric bill and do your share to protect the environment. ... You will also need batteries so excess energy may be stored so you can still use solar energy during the evening or during a power outage. The size of the PV system is also in direct proportion with the cost. Most cost from $9 to $10 per watt and when you include installation, the bill may reach ...
SQL Training 4 IT Careers -
For Renewable Energy Leasing Information and a Simple
Online Application Please CLICK ON THE TITLE ABOVE
_Green Earl
Energy Efficiency Upgrades = More Colorado Jobs — Colorado Energy News
By admin
“Passing House Bill 1323, which requires rural electric cooperatives to implement energy efficiency programs for their customers, is one step the legislature can take to help Colorado move out of the recession. ..... solar module, solar modules, solar panels, solar photovoltaics, solar power, solar power in Colorado, solar PV, solar rebates, solar tax credits, solar technologies, solar thermal, solar thermal power, solar thermal technology, solar-electric, Solyndra Inc ...
Colorado Energy News -
Appreciate the visit...Come Again_Green Earl
green jobs in the gulf
alternative energy,
Bows and Windows,
Emerging Renewable Energy Leasing and Finance,
Google Solar News,
Renewable Updates
Energy Conservation Auditors Needed In California, Link To Training Here, Latest Google News On The Industry
Energy Auditors Needed In California....Please review
online training program at the following(CLICK ABOVE)
Your host, Green Earl
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
WIVB NYS to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
WIVB - Buffalo,NY,USA
We encourage these municipalities to take full advantage of the financial incentives offered by NYSERDA for energy efficiency and renewable energy ...
See all stories on this topic
Public sector, market boost value of green investments
Finance and Commerce - Minneapolis,MN,USA
Those take scores of approaches – from property-tax exemptions or income-tax credits for renewable-energy investments, to easier approval processes for ...
See all stories on this topic
Obama's First 100 Days Spurs Solar Partnerships in AZ and CA
Gerson Lehrman Group - New York,USA
We will have to see if the next 100 days of President Obama will lead to even greater Green job and renewable energy initiatives.
See all stories on this topic
The Gas Company to Award Metropolitan Transportation Authority ...
SYS-CON Media (press release) - Montvale,NJ,USA
"Today's unveiling of the city's largest solar-powered facility will not only generate clean, renewable energy, but will provide the kinds of green jobs ...
See all stories on this topic
‘Green jobs' lose their luster in Lexington
Richmond County Daily Journal - Rockingham,NC,USA
According to Sutton, Progress expects to purchase up to one million megawatt hours of renewable energy in the Carolinas by the year 2012. ...
See all stories on this topic (press release)
DOE/DOI/USDA/FERC-Transmission Grid Expansion, Renewable Energy (press release) - Washington,DC,USA
USDA anticipates creating 25000 new jobs over the next two years on projects relating to land stewardship and watershed restoration, green infrastructure ...
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Renewable Energy Jobs delivers up to the minute news, reviews, guides and information on green jobs, green collar careers and employment with the renewable energy industry from around the world; as well as topic news on cleantech, . .... Earl Allen Boek: Redding, CA/ National, United States: Al Boek is a 30 year pioneer in conservation,weatherization and solar renewable energy. Now providing financial solutions for the green industry commercial and industrial energy ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Retraining for a Green Career in Renewable Energy | MyGreen ...
By admin
Retraining for a Green Career in Renewable Energy. April 30, 2009. Our readers are often inquiring about courses and schools that are available in wind and solar energy, conservation, sustainable living and renewable energy in general. ... The course covers the same design & estimation topics from our Solar PV Boot Camp, with additional content on customer relationship management, lead generation and closing, financial analysis of customer ROI, and the consultative sales ...
MyGreen Education and Career - » Blog Archive » 21st Century Socialism ...
By Editors
The means of production, for the most part, are fully developed and in fact are stagnating under the political domination of finance capital. The US labor force, again for the most part, is highly skilled at all levels of production, ... especially be required to face the challenges of uneven development and harsh inequalities on a global scale, as well as the challenge of moving from a carbon and uranium based energy system to one based on renewable green energy sources. ... -
Northville Community Briefs | | the Observer ...
“I encourage everyone to get out next weekend and enjoy the green festivities and learn what Michigan is doing to take advantage of renewable energy to save consumers money and create jobs. .... Phishing is a unique form of identity theft where criminals steal consumers' personal identity data and financial account credentials. The schemes use e-mails or pop-up ads to lead consumers to counterfeit websites designed to trick recipients into divulging financial data such as ... - News-Southfield -
How to go from shovel ready to people ready in a green job market ...
But, behind the scenes, business and government leaders are grappling with the problems of being “people ready” for the millions of green jobs that will be created through the investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency. ... that momentum for green energy has been building for several years. After almost thirty years of debating the issues, government, business, financial and environmental experts agree that the conversion to sustainable energy is a necessity. ...
CarbonFeet -
Google Blogs Alert for: Renewable energy equity partners, startup fundings, venture capital
Dow Jones Financial Information Services
By Clean Technology Insight
Private Equity ... The Daily Start-Up: An Unsolved Venture Capital Mystery Fred Wilson attempts to solve a big mystery in venture capital: the amount of money that needs to be generated every year from exits to make limited partners happy. ... The U.S. Department of Energy has allocated $93 million for wind energy research and $100 million to help the National Renewable Energy Laboratory create a green building, buy renewable power and research cellulosic ethanol ...
Dow Jones Clean Technology Insight Alert -
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor
Green Jobs, Cleantech Jobs, Sustainable Business Job Service
Of equal importance, as an emerging firm, our Senior Energy Auditor will inherently also be a senior executive. We will look to this person for opinions on business strategy, business development, and most of all clear management and ... Green Dream Jobs -
Harb-Blog: I've been slacking on entries
By harbtravels
Also, I will be doing some work as an energy auditor, going to California for a week, taking the LEED AP exam, and taking a 3 week course on Permaculture / Edible Forest Gardening. I went hiking with former roommate Brian Schmitt ...
Harb-Blog -
New Vision Online : Government wants to cut electricity charges
“We are re-examining the current electricity tariffs and my target is to reduce the prices by half,” energy minister Hillary Onek said while commissioning the sh13b power line in Kibaale district last weekend. “As Government, we want to reduce the cost of power ... In a separate interview, the minister said the Government is planning to audit power firms to establish the true cost of their investments, which he said had been the source of skyrocketing electricity prices. ...
New Vision Frontpage News -
Can the Bay Area become a Carbon Valley? - Carbon Offsets Daily
By Krithi
Among those in attendance: global carbon credit auditor DNV; global carbon brokers CantorCO2e and Evolution Markets; global carbon project developers EcoSecurities and First Climate; California green building companies; attorneys; U.S and California ... including a diverse range of companies prospering in a Carbon Valley hub of entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers—including Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy, Linda Adams, Secretary of Environmental Protection, Gov. ...
Carbon Offsets Daily -
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
NaiKun Wind Issues Project Update
Market Wire (press release) - USA
NaiKun Wind senior personnel will be meeting over the next two months with potential partners and also holding early discussions on project financing. ...
See all stories on this topic
E.ON quits wave farm project
The Cornishman - Truro,England,UK
Doubts also surround the London Array in the Thames Estuary, potentially the world's largest offshore wind farm, as it has struggled to secure finance. ...
See all stories on this topic
Annapolis plots clean energy park
Baltimore Business Journal - Baltimore,MD,USA
The success of Annapolis' project could depend on what mix of renewable energy generation methods will be used, Porter said. Wind and solar, for example, ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Senate Bill Would Boost Ocean Energy Research
“This bill, if approved, will bring us closer to a level playing field so that ocean energy can compete with wind, solar, geothermal and biomass technologies to generate clean energy,” Murkowski said. Murkowski is one of eight senators ... General News -
Jon Soltz: Why Vets Are Backing Clean Energy
By Jon Soltz
So, besides creating jobs and curbing Global Climate Change, the American Clean Energy and Security Act will put policies in motion that will move us off of foreign oil, delivering a severe blow to terrorist funding. ..... I don't know why so many people seem to so bitterly oppose the concept - is there something about the possibility of solar, wind, geothermal or other sorts of clean power being developed to become more effective that is somehow un-American? ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
Building a Greener Economy | America's Green Pages
By admin
Commercial projects that have been stalled due to a lack of financing, he believes, could be in a good position to take advantage of this funding. “Some of the state and municipal programs already are doing a good job. They've looked at their database of ... CPS, which generates energy through nuclear, coal, natural gas and renewable sources, has a growing wind-energy program that enables businesses and residents to purchase power created at wind farms in West Texas. ...
America's Green Pages -
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Energy and Global Warming News ...
By Max and Carlin
[The government] has set a target of having a 90-per-cent emission-free electricity sector by 2025, a goal that will require increased use of nuclear, wind power, hydro and other renewables. ... Also on tap next week: a markup of a bipartisan proposal to create an independent “clean energy deployment administration” within the Energy Department to handle loan guarantees and other financing of alternative energy projects, as well as nuclear energy provisions. ...
Climate Progress -
GreenMomentum - REEM09: The need for foreign direct investment
The goal of the conference was to promote the implementation of renewable energy in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean by creating a forum in which entrepreneurs, policy makers, financing experts and government could meet and .... The President signed the stimulus bill into law this Tuesday at the Denver Museum of Nature and Scie... Galapagos-bartolome-island.jpg · Wind energy for the Galapagos. 13/2/2009. The Ecuadorian government is proposing two new wind farms. ...
GreenMomentum -
Google Web Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
North American Windpower: Content / Projects & Contracts / First ...
based First Wind has obtained a $376 million financing for the first phase of its 203.5 MW Milford Wind Corridor project in Milford, Utah. ...
Thanks for coming...If your interested in getting involved in the
and solar business in California, please listen to the archived
FED Blogtalk Radio Show below_Green Earl
online training program at the following(CLICK ABOVE)
Your host, Green Earl
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
WIVB NYS to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
WIVB - Buffalo,NY,USA
We encourage these municipalities to take full advantage of the financial incentives offered by NYSERDA for energy efficiency and renewable energy ...
See all stories on this topic
Public sector, market boost value of green investments
Finance and Commerce - Minneapolis,MN,USA
Those take scores of approaches – from property-tax exemptions or income-tax credits for renewable-energy investments, to easier approval processes for ...
See all stories on this topic
Obama's First 100 Days Spurs Solar Partnerships in AZ and CA
Gerson Lehrman Group - New York,USA
We will have to see if the next 100 days of President Obama will lead to even greater Green job and renewable energy initiatives.
See all stories on this topic
The Gas Company to Award Metropolitan Transportation Authority ...
SYS-CON Media (press release) - Montvale,NJ,USA
"Today's unveiling of the city's largest solar-powered facility will not only generate clean, renewable energy, but will provide the kinds of green jobs ...
See all stories on this topic
‘Green jobs' lose their luster in Lexington
Richmond County Daily Journal - Rockingham,NC,USA
According to Sutton, Progress expects to purchase up to one million megawatt hours of renewable energy in the Carolinas by the year 2012. ...
See all stories on this topic (press release)
DOE/DOI/USDA/FERC-Transmission Grid Expansion, Renewable Energy (press release) - Washington,DC,USA
USDA anticipates creating 25000 new jobs over the next two years on projects relating to land stewardship and watershed restoration, green infrastructure ...
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Renewable Energy Jobs delivers up to the minute news, reviews, guides and information on green jobs, green collar careers and employment with the renewable energy industry from around the world; as well as topic news on cleantech, . .... Earl Allen Boek: Redding, CA/ National, United States: Al Boek is a 30 year pioneer in conservation,weatherization and solar renewable energy. Now providing financial solutions for the green industry commercial and industrial energy ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Retraining for a Green Career in Renewable Energy | MyGreen ...
By admin
Retraining for a Green Career in Renewable Energy. April 30, 2009. Our readers are often inquiring about courses and schools that are available in wind and solar energy, conservation, sustainable living and renewable energy in general. ... The course covers the same design & estimation topics from our Solar PV Boot Camp, with additional content on customer relationship management, lead generation and closing, financial analysis of customer ROI, and the consultative sales ...
MyGreen Education and Career - » Blog Archive » 21st Century Socialism ...
By Editors
The means of production, for the most part, are fully developed and in fact are stagnating under the political domination of finance capital. The US labor force, again for the most part, is highly skilled at all levels of production, ... especially be required to face the challenges of uneven development and harsh inequalities on a global scale, as well as the challenge of moving from a carbon and uranium based energy system to one based on renewable green energy sources. ... -
Northville Community Briefs | | the Observer ...
“I encourage everyone to get out next weekend and enjoy the green festivities and learn what Michigan is doing to take advantage of renewable energy to save consumers money and create jobs. .... Phishing is a unique form of identity theft where criminals steal consumers' personal identity data and financial account credentials. The schemes use e-mails or pop-up ads to lead consumers to counterfeit websites designed to trick recipients into divulging financial data such as ... - News-Southfield -
How to go from shovel ready to people ready in a green job market ...
But, behind the scenes, business and government leaders are grappling with the problems of being “people ready” for the millions of green jobs that will be created through the investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency. ... that momentum for green energy has been building for several years. After almost thirty years of debating the issues, government, business, financial and environmental experts agree that the conversion to sustainable energy is a necessity. ...
CarbonFeet -
Google Blogs Alert for: Renewable energy equity partners, startup fundings, venture capital
Dow Jones Financial Information Services
By Clean Technology Insight
Private Equity ... The Daily Start-Up: An Unsolved Venture Capital Mystery Fred Wilson attempts to solve a big mystery in venture capital: the amount of money that needs to be generated every year from exits to make limited partners happy. ... The U.S. Department of Energy has allocated $93 million for wind energy research and $100 million to help the National Renewable Energy Laboratory create a green building, buy renewable power and research cellulosic ethanol ...
Dow Jones Clean Technology Insight Alert -
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor
Green Jobs, Cleantech Jobs, Sustainable Business Job Service
Of equal importance, as an emerging firm, our Senior Energy Auditor will inherently also be a senior executive. We will look to this person for opinions on business strategy, business development, and most of all clear management and ... Green Dream Jobs -
Harb-Blog: I've been slacking on entries
By harbtravels
Also, I will be doing some work as an energy auditor, going to California for a week, taking the LEED AP exam, and taking a 3 week course on Permaculture / Edible Forest Gardening. I went hiking with former roommate Brian Schmitt ...
Harb-Blog -
New Vision Online : Government wants to cut electricity charges
“We are re-examining the current electricity tariffs and my target is to reduce the prices by half,” energy minister Hillary Onek said while commissioning the sh13b power line in Kibaale district last weekend. “As Government, we want to reduce the cost of power ... In a separate interview, the minister said the Government is planning to audit power firms to establish the true cost of their investments, which he said had been the source of skyrocketing electricity prices. ...
New Vision Frontpage News -
Can the Bay Area become a Carbon Valley? - Carbon Offsets Daily
By Krithi
Among those in attendance: global carbon credit auditor DNV; global carbon brokers CantorCO2e and Evolution Markets; global carbon project developers EcoSecurities and First Climate; California green building companies; attorneys; U.S and California ... including a diverse range of companies prospering in a Carbon Valley hub of entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers—including Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy, Linda Adams, Secretary of Environmental Protection, Gov. ...
Carbon Offsets Daily -
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
NaiKun Wind Issues Project Update
Market Wire (press release) - USA
NaiKun Wind senior personnel will be meeting over the next two months with potential partners and also holding early discussions on project financing. ...
See all stories on this topic
E.ON quits wave farm project
The Cornishman - Truro,England,UK
Doubts also surround the London Array in the Thames Estuary, potentially the world's largest offshore wind farm, as it has struggled to secure finance. ...
See all stories on this topic
Annapolis plots clean energy park
Baltimore Business Journal - Baltimore,MD,USA
The success of Annapolis' project could depend on what mix of renewable energy generation methods will be used, Porter said. Wind and solar, for example, ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Senate Bill Would Boost Ocean Energy Research
“This bill, if approved, will bring us closer to a level playing field so that ocean energy can compete with wind, solar, geothermal and biomass technologies to generate clean energy,” Murkowski said. Murkowski is one of eight senators ... General News -
Jon Soltz: Why Vets Are Backing Clean Energy
By Jon Soltz
So, besides creating jobs and curbing Global Climate Change, the American Clean Energy and Security Act will put policies in motion that will move us off of foreign oil, delivering a severe blow to terrorist funding. ..... I don't know why so many people seem to so bitterly oppose the concept - is there something about the possibility of solar, wind, geothermal or other sorts of clean power being developed to become more effective that is somehow un-American? ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
Building a Greener Economy | America's Green Pages
By admin
Commercial projects that have been stalled due to a lack of financing, he believes, could be in a good position to take advantage of this funding. “Some of the state and municipal programs already are doing a good job. They've looked at their database of ... CPS, which generates energy through nuclear, coal, natural gas and renewable sources, has a growing wind-energy program that enables businesses and residents to purchase power created at wind farms in West Texas. ...
America's Green Pages -
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Energy and Global Warming News ...
By Max and Carlin
[The government] has set a target of having a 90-per-cent emission-free electricity sector by 2025, a goal that will require increased use of nuclear, wind power, hydro and other renewables. ... Also on tap next week: a markup of a bipartisan proposal to create an independent “clean energy deployment administration” within the Energy Department to handle loan guarantees and other financing of alternative energy projects, as well as nuclear energy provisions. ...
Climate Progress -
GreenMomentum - REEM09: The need for foreign direct investment
The goal of the conference was to promote the implementation of renewable energy in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean by creating a forum in which entrepreneurs, policy makers, financing experts and government could meet and .... The President signed the stimulus bill into law this Tuesday at the Denver Museum of Nature and Scie... Galapagos-bartolome-island.jpg · Wind energy for the Galapagos. 13/2/2009. The Ecuadorian government is proposing two new wind farms. ...
GreenMomentum -
Google Web Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
North American Windpower: Content / Projects & Contracts / First ...
based First Wind has obtained a $376 million financing for the first phase of its 203.5 MW Milford Wind Corridor project in Milford, Utah. ...
Thanks for coming...If your interested in getting involved in the
and solar business in California, please listen to the archived
FED Blogtalk Radio Show below_Green Earl
green jobs in the gulf
Become a energy auditor,
google news and commentary,
Green Earl
So You Want To Be In The Solar Business? Let Us Stimulate You, Investors Wanted Now...Listen To Our Offer Below
Sorry about the slow start on the FED (Financing
Energy Development) Archived BlogTalk Radio Program
Below...But I assure you it will be worth your time,
if your serious about becoming involved in the
Green Industry. We have lead in marketing in the
state of California before, generally speaking if
your the best in the state of California your the
BEST IN THE WORLD...Come join us...Interested Parties
should contact:Green Earl at:
Email: americanenergy@frontiernetdotnet
Or Call American Energy Conservation Group in
California at:530-549-4315
Producing Negawatts...Since 1981

Energy Development) Archived BlogTalk Radio Program
Below...But I assure you it will be worth your time,
if your serious about becoming involved in the
Green Industry. We have lead in marketing in the
state of California before, generally speaking if
your the best in the state of California your the
BEST IN THE WORLD...Come join us...Interested Parties
should contact:Green Earl at:
Email: americanenergy@frontiernetdotnet
Or Call American Energy Conservation Group in
California at:530-549-4315
Producing Negawatts...Since 1981

green jobs in the gulf
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Thursday, April 30, 2009
To read the online version of the report, just CLICK ABOVE ON THE TITLE
The Reality Of Green Jobs
"We have to lay a new foundation for growth," President Barack Obama told the nation yesterday, "a foundation that will strengthen our economy and help us compete in the 21st century." In his first 100 days, Obama has made "spending to promote renewable energy technologies that will generate jobs and an effort to shift the nation to a low-carbon economy" key priorities. Congress is responding to his call, drafting the American Clean Energy and Security Act to establish a green economy through national standards for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and global warming pollution. John Fetterman, the mayor of Braddock, PA, a failing steel town, told Congress last week that his town needs a change from the pollution-based status quo. Silicon Valley venture capitalist John Doerr warned Congress in January that "of the top 30 companies in solar, wind, and advanced battery technologies in the world today, only six of them are U.S. firms." But conservative politicians and the fossil-fuel industry are questioning the green recovery. "Investing taxpayers' money in developing green jobs as an economic and environmental panacea," a paper from the fossil-fuel think tank Institute for Energy Research has argued, "are likely, like a Ponzi scheme, to result in empty bank accounts." Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) claimed on the Senate floor that "271,000 oil and gas jobs would be destroyed annually by the administration's proposed new taxes and fees on energy." "We must avoid green jobs proposals that result in killing millions of existing jobs to pay for new green jobs, require expensive taxpayer subsidies, or pay low wages," argued Sen. Kit Bond (R-MO) on Monday.
GREEN JOBS ARE REAL: The only "Ponzi scheme" when it comes to energy policy is continuing a debt-and-depletion fossil fuel economy. Over the last decade, Americans have witnessed what the United States looks like without clean energy policies: Electricity and gasoline prices skyrocketed, fossil-fuel industries profited, pollution rose, and the economy veered from bubble to near bust. A global economy dependent on non-renewable resources, by definition, cannot be sustained indefinitely -- even if pollution were not a concern. "Green jobs are not so much created as they are bought with massive taxpayers subsidies," argued Bond. History does not support Bond's argument. According to a University of California report, "California's energy-efficiency policies created nearly 1.5 million jobs from 1977 to 2007," while keeping per-capita electricity demand 40 percent below the national average. Hank Ryan, chair of the California Small Business Association, explained that energy regulations have given "California small businesses a competitive edge over their counterparts in other states because while they're wasting money on inefficiency, we're spending it on employees, building a better product, advertising, and capital improvements." In reality, the Center for American Progress writes, "most green jobs are familiar jobs, repurposed and expanded through new investments in a low-carbon economy." For instance, constructing wind farms "creates demand for steel workers and long-haul freight shipping. Energy-efficiency retrofits for buildings require roofers and insulators." Green jobs, in short, are the "person-hours" involved in realizing the clean-energy transformation. As the St. Louis Post-Dispatch responded to Bond, "Green jobs in Missouri? We'll take 'em."
GREEN JOBS DON'T KILL OTHER JOBS: A popular conservative myth is that energy standards, limits on pollution, and public investment in clean energy will destroy other jobs. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Fox News have cast doubt on a green economic recovery by "touting a Spanish study" from a libertarian think tank, Fundacion Juan de Mariana, showing that "for every green job created [in Spain], 2.2 jobs are lost." The Spanish study, which examines the effect of Spain's support for its renewable industry since 2000, has also been touted by industry front groups, conservative blogs, and right-wing think tanks. The report relies on bad numbers, grossly underestimating that Spain's renewable program created only 50,000 jobs, when other estimates are 188,000. indeed, the study is claiming that "government spending on renewable energy is less than half as efficient at job creation as private-sector spending," the Wall Street Journal's Keith Johnson explains. Critics neglect to say that "Spain's support for renewable energy came out of existing tax revenues," so "it's hard to see how it could have edged out private-sector spending, especially when the Socialist government there has reduced corporate income-tax rates, most recently this past January." The reality is that investment in renewable energy sectors creates millions more jobs than does investment in traditional energy sectors, because investment can flow into employing people instead of extracting fuel to burn. The Apollo Alliance reports that "renewable energy creates more jobs than coal: the same investment creates 50% more jobs in wind and in solar than in coal. Energy efficiency is far more labor intensive than generation, creating 21.5 jobs for every $1 million invested, compared to 11.5 jobs for new natural gas generation." According to a Greenpeace International and European Renewable Energy Council study, building a green economy that would cut United States greenhouse emissions by 45% by 2030 would create a net 7.8 million jobs versus business as usual.
GREEN JOBS ARE GOOD JOBS: Bond argued that "passing climate-change legislation to pay for new green jobs" will mean that "good-paying manufacturing jobs are driven away by the burden of high energy taxes and replaced with fewer, lower-paying green jobs." The reality is that the decline of American manufacturing and the loss of good-paying jobs for many Americans have happened because there hasn't been an effort to clean up the economy. "We can choose to transition to a clean energy economy that secures our energy supply and combats climate change or we can continue down the same old path of uncertainty and insecurity that we’re currently in," said Rep. Hilda Solis (D-CA), now the Secretary of Labor, at the 2008 National Clean Energy Summit. "Current economic conditions, particularly for under-served, under-represented minority communities underscore the need to transition to clean energy technology." The government and unions should play a role in ensuring that economic rebirth comes with not just regulations for pollution but also standards for jobs. "We can build a green economy Dr. King would be proud of," Green For All founder Van Jones testified before Congress in January. "We have an opportunity to connect the people who most need work with the work that most needs to be done, and fight pollution and poverty at the same time, and be one country about it." Van Jones, now the White House green jobs adviser, recently told reporters, "The president doesn't want a bunch of solar sweatshops." In 2007, Solis and Rep. John Tierney (D-MA) wrote the Green Jobs Act to authorize "quality job training programs in the renewable energy and energy efficiency fields." Building a green economy takes a trillion-dollar shift in resources from capital-intensive energy to labor-intensive energy -- instead of McMansions heated by giant power plants financed by Bank of America, it is homes greened by insulators and solar panel installers, linked on a smart grid.
JUSTICE -- HOUSE PASSES HATE CRIMES BILL PROTECTING GAY MEN AND WOMEN: Yesterday, the House passed the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, also known as the Matthew Shepard Act. The bill, which was opposed by most Republicans, would "permit greater federal involvement in investigating hate crimes and expand the federal definition of such crimes to include those motivated by gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability." Speaking out against the bill Tuesday, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) called it the "very definition of tyranny," while Rep. Greshman Barret (R-SC) said "it would inhibit religious freedom in our society." Their distress, however, is misplaced. A federal hate crimes law has been in place since 1968, and the Matthew Shepard Act simply adds sexual orientation and gender identity to the enumerated protected groups. Moreover, this exact measure passed both chambers in 2007, but was stripped from a larger bill after President Bush promised to veto it. As the bill will moves on to the Senate, President Obama is urging lawmakers "to work with my administration to finalize this bill and to take swift action."
RADICAL RIGHT -- OBAMA APPEALS TO TEA PARTY PROTESTERS, SAYING 'LET'S NOT PLAY GAMES': President Obama spent part of the 100th day of his presidency yesterday in Arnold, MO where he hosted a town hall meeting with local residents. During the event, Obama recognized criticism he's been receiving from the far right. "I know you have been hearing all these arguments about, 'Oh, Obama's just spending crazy, look at these huge trillion dollar deficits, blah, blah, blah.'" Obama then noted that the real fiscal problem facing the United States is the skyrocketing costs of Medicare and Medicaid -- not the Recovery Act or bank bailouts, which he said are "one-time charges." "If we aren't careful, health care will consume so much of our budget that ultimately we won't be able to do anything else," he warned. Obama then mocked the right wing's tea party protests for their misplaced anger and, indirectly, Fox News for promoting them. "[T]hose of you who are watching certain news channels, on which I'm not very popular, and you see folks waving tea bags around, let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation. ... [L]et's not play games," Obama said. Referring to the tea baggers' desire for the government to play less of a role in economic recovery, Obama said, "We tried that formula for eight years. It did not work, and I don't intend to go back to it."
The Reality Of Green Jobs
"We have to lay a new foundation for growth," President Barack Obama told the nation yesterday, "a foundation that will strengthen our economy and help us compete in the 21st century." In his first 100 days, Obama has made "spending to promote renewable energy technologies that will generate jobs and an effort to shift the nation to a low-carbon economy" key priorities. Congress is responding to his call, drafting the American Clean Energy and Security Act to establish a green economy through national standards for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and global warming pollution. John Fetterman, the mayor of Braddock, PA, a failing steel town, told Congress last week that his town needs a change from the pollution-based status quo. Silicon Valley venture capitalist John Doerr warned Congress in January that "of the top 30 companies in solar, wind, and advanced battery technologies in the world today, only six of them are U.S. firms." But conservative politicians and the fossil-fuel industry are questioning the green recovery. "Investing taxpayers' money in developing green jobs as an economic and environmental panacea," a paper from the fossil-fuel think tank Institute for Energy Research has argued, "are likely, like a Ponzi scheme, to result in empty bank accounts." Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) claimed on the Senate floor that "271,000 oil and gas jobs would be destroyed annually by the administration's proposed new taxes and fees on energy." "We must avoid green jobs proposals that result in killing millions of existing jobs to pay for new green jobs, require expensive taxpayer subsidies, or pay low wages," argued Sen. Kit Bond (R-MO) on Monday.
GREEN JOBS ARE REAL: The only "Ponzi scheme" when it comes to energy policy is continuing a debt-and-depletion fossil fuel economy. Over the last decade, Americans have witnessed what the United States looks like without clean energy policies: Electricity and gasoline prices skyrocketed, fossil-fuel industries profited, pollution rose, and the economy veered from bubble to near bust. A global economy dependent on non-renewable resources, by definition, cannot be sustained indefinitely -- even if pollution were not a concern. "Green jobs are not so much created as they are bought with massive taxpayers subsidies," argued Bond. History does not support Bond's argument. According to a University of California report, "California's energy-efficiency policies created nearly 1.5 million jobs from 1977 to 2007," while keeping per-capita electricity demand 40 percent below the national average. Hank Ryan, chair of the California Small Business Association, explained that energy regulations have given "California small businesses a competitive edge over their counterparts in other states because while they're wasting money on inefficiency, we're spending it on employees, building a better product, advertising, and capital improvements." In reality, the Center for American Progress writes, "most green jobs are familiar jobs, repurposed and expanded through new investments in a low-carbon economy." For instance, constructing wind farms "creates demand for steel workers and long-haul freight shipping. Energy-efficiency retrofits for buildings require roofers and insulators." Green jobs, in short, are the "person-hours" involved in realizing the clean-energy transformation. As the St. Louis Post-Dispatch responded to Bond, "Green jobs in Missouri? We'll take 'em."
GREEN JOBS DON'T KILL OTHER JOBS: A popular conservative myth is that energy standards, limits on pollution, and public investment in clean energy will destroy other jobs. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Fox News have cast doubt on a green economic recovery by "touting a Spanish study" from a libertarian think tank, Fundacion Juan de Mariana, showing that "for every green job created [in Spain], 2.2 jobs are lost." The Spanish study, which examines the effect of Spain's support for its renewable industry since 2000, has also been touted by industry front groups, conservative blogs, and right-wing think tanks. The report relies on bad numbers, grossly underestimating that Spain's renewable program created only 50,000 jobs, when other estimates are 188,000. indeed, the study is claiming that "government spending on renewable energy is less than half as efficient at job creation as private-sector spending," the Wall Street Journal's Keith Johnson explains. Critics neglect to say that "Spain's support for renewable energy came out of existing tax revenues," so "it's hard to see how it could have edged out private-sector spending, especially when the Socialist government there has reduced corporate income-tax rates, most recently this past January." The reality is that investment in renewable energy sectors creates millions more jobs than does investment in traditional energy sectors, because investment can flow into employing people instead of extracting fuel to burn. The Apollo Alliance reports that "renewable energy creates more jobs than coal: the same investment creates 50% more jobs in wind and in solar than in coal. Energy efficiency is far more labor intensive than generation, creating 21.5 jobs for every $1 million invested, compared to 11.5 jobs for new natural gas generation." According to a Greenpeace International and European Renewable Energy Council study, building a green economy that would cut United States greenhouse emissions by 45% by 2030 would create a net 7.8 million jobs versus business as usual.
GREEN JOBS ARE GOOD JOBS: Bond argued that "passing climate-change legislation to pay for new green jobs" will mean that "good-paying manufacturing jobs are driven away by the burden of high energy taxes and replaced with fewer, lower-paying green jobs." The reality is that the decline of American manufacturing and the loss of good-paying jobs for many Americans have happened because there hasn't been an effort to clean up the economy. "We can choose to transition to a clean energy economy that secures our energy supply and combats climate change or we can continue down the same old path of uncertainty and insecurity that we’re currently in," said Rep. Hilda Solis (D-CA), now the Secretary of Labor, at the 2008 National Clean Energy Summit. "Current economic conditions, particularly for under-served, under-represented minority communities underscore the need to transition to clean energy technology." The government and unions should play a role in ensuring that economic rebirth comes with not just regulations for pollution but also standards for jobs. "We can build a green economy Dr. King would be proud of," Green For All founder Van Jones testified before Congress in January. "We have an opportunity to connect the people who most need work with the work that most needs to be done, and fight pollution and poverty at the same time, and be one country about it." Van Jones, now the White House green jobs adviser, recently told reporters, "The president doesn't want a bunch of solar sweatshops." In 2007, Solis and Rep. John Tierney (D-MA) wrote the Green Jobs Act to authorize "quality job training programs in the renewable energy and energy efficiency fields." Building a green economy takes a trillion-dollar shift in resources from capital-intensive energy to labor-intensive energy -- instead of McMansions heated by giant power plants financed by Bank of America, it is homes greened by insulators and solar panel installers, linked on a smart grid.
JUSTICE -- HOUSE PASSES HATE CRIMES BILL PROTECTING GAY MEN AND WOMEN: Yesterday, the House passed the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, also known as the Matthew Shepard Act. The bill, which was opposed by most Republicans, would "permit greater federal involvement in investigating hate crimes and expand the federal definition of such crimes to include those motivated by gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability." Speaking out against the bill Tuesday, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) called it the "very definition of tyranny," while Rep. Greshman Barret (R-SC) said "it would inhibit religious freedom in our society." Their distress, however, is misplaced. A federal hate crimes law has been in place since 1968, and the Matthew Shepard Act simply adds sexual orientation and gender identity to the enumerated protected groups. Moreover, this exact measure passed both chambers in 2007, but was stripped from a larger bill after President Bush promised to veto it. As the bill will moves on to the Senate, President Obama is urging lawmakers "to work with my administration to finalize this bill and to take swift action."
RADICAL RIGHT -- OBAMA APPEALS TO TEA PARTY PROTESTERS, SAYING 'LET'S NOT PLAY GAMES': President Obama spent part of the 100th day of his presidency yesterday in Arnold, MO where he hosted a town hall meeting with local residents. During the event, Obama recognized criticism he's been receiving from the far right. "I know you have been hearing all these arguments about, 'Oh, Obama's just spending crazy, look at these huge trillion dollar deficits, blah, blah, blah.'" Obama then noted that the real fiscal problem facing the United States is the skyrocketing costs of Medicare and Medicaid -- not the Recovery Act or bank bailouts, which he said are "one-time charges." "If we aren't careful, health care will consume so much of our budget that ultimately we won't be able to do anything else," he warned. Obama then mocked the right wing's tea party protests for their misplaced anger and, indirectly, Fox News for promoting them. "[T]hose of you who are watching certain news channels, on which I'm not very popular, and you see folks waving tea bags around, let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation. ... [L]et's not play games," Obama said. Referring to the tea baggers' desire for the government to play less of a role in economic recovery, Obama said, "We tried that formula for eight years. It did not work, and I don't intend to go back to it."
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Private Equity ... The Daily Start-Up: A Call To Restore Venture Liquidity In this morning's Web roundup, the National Venture Capital Association announces today a four-pillar plan to rejuvinate the IPO markets for venture-backed companies . .... Renewable Energy Corporation ASA said demand for solar modules is weak, and revised down 2009 polysilicon production volumes, as it reported an 87% rise in first-quarter net profit on strong currency and derivatives gains. ...
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Altira Invests in Energy Efficiency - Transformative Energy Technology Funding ... pair of significant investments totaling $17.5MM in the renewable energy sector. ... New York; joined by Meritage Funds, a venture capital firm in Denver , ... NEW YORK----Millennium Technology Value Partners, L.P., a private equity ...
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Suntech CTO Dr. Stuart...
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"Through the course of my career I have witnessed solar progress from the ... and environmentally friendly solar products for electric power applications in ...
Suntech CTO Dr. Stuart Wenham Wins NSi 2009 Inventor of the Year Award
SYS-CON Media - Montvale,NJ,USA
Dr. Wenham who holds a dual position as the Director of the UNSW's ARC Photovoltaic Centre of Excellence, is a world-leading solar cell inventor with more ...
Australia Renewable Energy Target Endorsed; To Spark Activity
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The RET scheme includes 'Solar Credits' to assist with the upfront costs of ... renewable energy systems, including household solar photovoltaic systems, ...
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Job Responsibilities Solar cell and module process improvement Establish baseline manufacturing processes in different stages Module failure mode analysis and problem solving Documentation of all PV cell & module manufacturing processes UL, ... Renewable Energy Jobs delivers up to the minute news, reviews, guides and information on green jobs, green collar careers and employment with the renewable energy industry from around the world; as well as topic news on cleantech, ...
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Six Companies Involved in the Green Economy that have Open ...
By admin
AWS Scientific addressed the need for solar energy, wind energy, and air quality research projects for government agencies and utilities. In the first half of the 1990s the company engineered several innovative distributed energy projects that attracted ... These projects included the country's first commercial photovoltaic (PV) demand-side management, a large transmission grid support PV application integrated with an innovative power conditioning and storage system, ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor
Your House and Your Health. | Energy Circle
By Peggy
When a home energy auditor inspects your house, she might just spot a huge problem you've been looking at for years and never thought twice about. (Here is one that struck home: is your clothes dryer sitting next to your water heater in ...
Energy Circle -
GreenPearl Panel at Allsteel: Green initiatives entering mainstream
By tomdworetzky
“Who do you know who's a lead architect, and energy auditor…” and other leaders in this multi-disciplinary market. He pointed out self-effacingly that he might not be the smartest on the panel, or know the most, but that when it comes ...
New York Real Estate Scene by GreenPearl -
Flunky Boy: That Was Weird
By FlunkyBoy
The second job I had with them was as an Energy Auditor (1995-1996 I think). What the hell is that? Well, it's a person who comes to your house at your request and tries to help you lower your energy costs. ...
Flunky Boy -
Home Energy Audit Needs a Marketer's Touch | The Green Electron
By Kevin Doell
Kevin Doell of Fulcrum Media & Public Relations recaps his home energy audit, shares the reports, and sees a need for better marketing of energy efficiency.
The Green Electron -
The Home Performance Blog » Blog Archive » What is a home energy ...
By admin
The first thing that happens when we visit your home is that our energy auditor, Mark, will conduct a visual inspection of the exterior of your home to get an overall picture of the house's layout, the types of energy used, ...
The Home Performance Blog -
Audit says Pa. liquor agency showed ‘poor judgment' in handing ...
By Mark Scolforo
February 28th, 2009 CHANDIGARH - Haryana Raj Bhawan saved nearly 120000 units of power amounting to Rs.480000 in the electricity bill last year after successfully implementing energy audit recommendations, a top official said Friday. ...
The Gaea News -
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Dow Jones Financial Information Services
By Clean Technology Insight
Private Equity ... The Daily Start-Up: A Call To Restore Venture Liquidity In this morning's Web roundup, the National Venture Capital Association announces today a four-pillar plan to rejuvinate the IPO markets for venture-backed companies . .... Renewable Energy Corporation ASA said demand for solar modules is weak, and revised down 2009 polysilicon production volumes, as it reported an 87% rise in first-quarter net profit on strong currency and derivatives gains. ...
Dow Jones Clean Technology Insight Alert -
Google Web Alert for: Renewable energy equity partners, startup fundings, venture capital
Private Equity | Venture Capitalists
Altira Invests in Energy Efficiency - Transformative Energy Technology Funding ... pair of significant investments totaling $17.5MM in the renewable energy sector. ... New York; joined by Meritage Funds, a venture capital firm in Denver , ... NEW YORK----Millennium Technology Value Partners, L.P., a private equity ...
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Suntech CTO Dr. Stuart...
Aim168 Real Estate (press release) - Dubai,Dubai,United Arab Emirates
"Through the course of my career I have witnessed solar progress from the ... and environmentally friendly solar products for electric power applications in ...
Suntech CTO Dr. Stuart Wenham Wins NSi 2009 Inventor of the Year Award
SYS-CON Media - Montvale,NJ,USA
Dr. Wenham who holds a dual position as the Director of the UNSW's ARC Photovoltaic Centre of Excellence, is a world-leading solar cell inventor with more ...
Australia Renewable Energy Target Endorsed; To Spark Activity
NASDAQ - New York,New York,USA
The RET scheme includes 'Solar Credits' to assist with the upfront costs of ... renewable energy systems, including household solar photovoltaic systems, ...
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Job Responsibilities Solar cell and module process improvement Establish baseline manufacturing processes in different stages Module failure mode analysis and problem solving Documentation of all PV cell & module manufacturing processes UL, ... Renewable Energy Jobs delivers up to the minute news, reviews, guides and information on green jobs, green collar careers and employment with the renewable energy industry from around the world; as well as topic news on cleantech, ...
Renewable Energy Jobs -
Six Companies Involved in the Green Economy that have Open ...
By admin
AWS Scientific addressed the need for solar energy, wind energy, and air quality research projects for government agencies and utilities. In the first half of the 1990s the company engineered several innovative distributed energy projects that attracted ... These projects included the country's first commercial photovoltaic (PV) demand-side management, a large transmission grid support PV application integrated with an innovative power conditioning and storage system, ...
MyGreen Education and Career -
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor
Your House and Your Health. | Energy Circle
By Peggy
When a home energy auditor inspects your house, she might just spot a huge problem you've been looking at for years and never thought twice about. (Here is one that struck home: is your clothes dryer sitting next to your water heater in ...
Energy Circle -
GreenPearl Panel at Allsteel: Green initiatives entering mainstream
By tomdworetzky
“Who do you know who's a lead architect, and energy auditor…” and other leaders in this multi-disciplinary market. He pointed out self-effacingly that he might not be the smartest on the panel, or know the most, but that when it comes ...
New York Real Estate Scene by GreenPearl -
Flunky Boy: That Was Weird
By FlunkyBoy
The second job I had with them was as an Energy Auditor (1995-1996 I think). What the hell is that? Well, it's a person who comes to your house at your request and tries to help you lower your energy costs. ...
Flunky Boy -
Home Energy Audit Needs a Marketer's Touch | The Green Electron
By Kevin Doell
Kevin Doell of Fulcrum Media & Public Relations recaps his home energy audit, shares the reports, and sees a need for better marketing of energy efficiency.
The Green Electron -
The Home Performance Blog » Blog Archive » What is a home energy ...
By admin
The first thing that happens when we visit your home is that our energy auditor, Mark, will conduct a visual inspection of the exterior of your home to get an overall picture of the house's layout, the types of energy used, ...
The Home Performance Blog -
Audit says Pa. liquor agency showed ‘poor judgment' in handing ...
By Mark Scolforo
February 28th, 2009 CHANDIGARH - Haryana Raj Bhawan saved nearly 120000 units of power amounting to Rs.480000 in the electricity bill last year after successfully implementing energy audit recommendations, a top official said Friday. ...
The Gaea News -
Thanks for coming...wind searches not in yet...oh well...stay well_Green Earl
Big Ideas for Obama, Energy, Solar, Economy, Society and The Flu...For YOU
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BigIdeasforObama] The Joker
Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:44 PM
From:"J R Chamberlain \(Yahoo\)"
View contact details
To:"Big Ideas for Obama"
As ever, Kunstler’s interesting weekly ‘viewpoints’ on the economy, society, the flu outbreak and so on. The section about BOA and Merrill Lynch and Obama's Secret Plan have some high interest value. For more of his writings go to
April 27, 2009
The Joker
Things come out of the woodwork. All of a sudden it's a mutant H1N1 swine flu, with bird and human DNA accessories. We don't know where this is taking us. It could be a media blowover, like SARS, or it could be a big deal, shutting down travel and assemblies of humans. It would be a very big deal if it killed, proportionately, as much of the population as the 1918 flu event -- the worldwide toll then was roughly 30 -100-million out of a global population around 1.7 billion. Now the world population is over 6.5 billion. The only thing anyone can predict at the moment is that there will be a lot of very worried health officials and politicians out there in the days ahead.
This flu epidemic comes just as global economy itself lies comatose in the economic intensive care unit, with IV lines of dollars, euros, yen, and renminbis transfusing its hollowed-out carcass. It's an odd time for attention to be diverted from that awful spectacle. The cash transfusions have sent the Cable TV gang into raptures of "optimism" -- meaning they expect debt securitization to resume as before, along with Yuletide-level credit card shopping sprees in the malls, a mass splurging on new cars, and a renewed frenzy of house-building in the Florida buzzard flats. Those "green shoots" and sprouting "mustard seeds" they report seeing may themselves be a flu-like symptom. I don't know what the so-called Mexican swine flu will lead to, but the global economy as we've known it is a goner.
Even if the Mexican swine flu turns out to be something of a false alarm, it will require billions of dollars in unexpected new outlays for prevention operations here in the USA -- reinforcing the false idea that the nation has bottomless resources (the same idea that has been driving the bail-out fiesta). My guess is that the fear emanating from the story will be a potent generator of paranoia in the meantime, leading to widespread closures of things, canceling of events, restrictions on travel (official or otherwise), and a sell off in the financial markets. And that's if the flu turns out not to amount to anything.
If the flu is the real deal, it will surely drive a stake through the faintly-beating heart of that invalid global economy, and possibly even continental-scaled economies like the US , the Euro-zone, and China -- any place where things and people have to move long distances to keep life going. The US , obviously, suffers in this instance from its proximity to Mexico , and the fact that so much of our food comes from places that employ casual Mexican labor. A serious flu outbreak would be a short path to food shortages in the US , with our three-day supermarket inventories and just-in-time shipping methods. It would not be such a bad idea now to lay in supplies of beans, brown rice, cooking oil, onions, and toilet paper.
The big story at the end of last week was New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's pursuit of former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke in the matter of Bank of America's gobbling of Merrill Lynch last fall. It is alleged that the dynamic duo importuned BOA chief Ken Lewis to avoid disclosing some important particulars to the BOA shareholders, as required by law. The outstanding stage-whisper coming from all this was the word "indictable" in reference to messers Paulson and Bernanke. It goes to show how swiftly events can move beyond "unthinkable" in extraordinary times. Now, former Merrill Lynch chief John Thain -- of thousand-dollar trash-basket infamy -- has come back out of the woodwork to backbite BOA's Ken Lewis over who-said-what in regard to a treasure chest of bonuses divvied up during the blur of TARP payouts last fall. Thain complains of being unemployed since then -- though one wonders why he doesn't just shut the fuck up, buy half of Nantucket with his untold millions of booty, and learn to play the oboe or something. This giant CEO cat fight was just getting interesting when the Mexican flu pulled the news-plug on it.
Of high interest to those confused and perplexed over President Obama's actions so far in the banking fiasco, I commend a great piece by fellow blogger-on-the-margins Charles Hugh Smith: Obama's Secret Plan. This analysis is low on the paranoia and high on the Machiavellian maneuvering insight. The basic idea is that Mr. Obama has gone along with all the TARPing and PPIPing because it was tactically the only way that he could give the Wall Street plutocrats enough rope to hang themselves -- and that this was the only reality-based strategy that could get public opinion in the mood for real change. It explains a lot, if it's true. Alternately, it would be very sad to learn that Mr. Obama really believes he can rev back up a securitized-debt-and-consumption fiesta by turning the Federal Reserve into an ATM.
In any case, the banking-and-investments sector has been on auto-pilot for a few weeks. Lesser banks are crashing around the country (Idaho, Florida, California last week), but the remaining Big Boyz are still lurching through the landscape like so many Frankenbanks, jazzed up on electric surges of digital cash. There are ever more hints of a peasant uprising against the castle of privilege, but no sign just yet of the flaming brands and shaking fists from the village below. This flu thing will put the schnitz on their distempers for a while.
For an excellent background briefing on flu matters, I direct you to a recent blog by Elaine Meinel Supkis. Have a healthy week.
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BigIdeasforObama] The Joker
Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:44 PM
From:"J R Chamberlain \(Yahoo\)"
View contact details
To:"Big Ideas for Obama"
As ever, Kunstler’s interesting weekly ‘viewpoints’ on the economy, society, the flu outbreak and so on. The section about BOA and Merrill Lynch and Obama's Secret Plan have some high interest value. For more of his writings go to
April 27, 2009
The Joker
Things come out of the woodwork. All of a sudden it's a mutant H1N1 swine flu, with bird and human DNA accessories. We don't know where this is taking us. It could be a media blowover, like SARS, or it could be a big deal, shutting down travel and assemblies of humans. It would be a very big deal if it killed, proportionately, as much of the population as the 1918 flu event -- the worldwide toll then was roughly 30 -100-million out of a global population around 1.7 billion. Now the world population is over 6.5 billion. The only thing anyone can predict at the moment is that there will be a lot of very worried health officials and politicians out there in the days ahead.
This flu epidemic comes just as global economy itself lies comatose in the economic intensive care unit, with IV lines of dollars, euros, yen, and renminbis transfusing its hollowed-out carcass. It's an odd time for attention to be diverted from that awful spectacle. The cash transfusions have sent the Cable TV gang into raptures of "optimism" -- meaning they expect debt securitization to resume as before, along with Yuletide-level credit card shopping sprees in the malls, a mass splurging on new cars, and a renewed frenzy of house-building in the Florida buzzard flats. Those "green shoots" and sprouting "mustard seeds" they report seeing may themselves be a flu-like symptom. I don't know what the so-called Mexican swine flu will lead to, but the global economy as we've known it is a goner.
Even if the Mexican swine flu turns out to be something of a false alarm, it will require billions of dollars in unexpected new outlays for prevention operations here in the USA -- reinforcing the false idea that the nation has bottomless resources (the same idea that has been driving the bail-out fiesta). My guess is that the fear emanating from the story will be a potent generator of paranoia in the meantime, leading to widespread closures of things, canceling of events, restrictions on travel (official or otherwise), and a sell off in the financial markets. And that's if the flu turns out not to amount to anything.
If the flu is the real deal, it will surely drive a stake through the faintly-beating heart of that invalid global economy, and possibly even continental-scaled economies like the US , the Euro-zone, and China -- any place where things and people have to move long distances to keep life going. The US , obviously, suffers in this instance from its proximity to Mexico , and the fact that so much of our food comes from places that employ casual Mexican labor. A serious flu outbreak would be a short path to food shortages in the US , with our three-day supermarket inventories and just-in-time shipping methods. It would not be such a bad idea now to lay in supplies of beans, brown rice, cooking oil, onions, and toilet paper.
The big story at the end of last week was New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's pursuit of former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke in the matter of Bank of America's gobbling of Merrill Lynch last fall. It is alleged that the dynamic duo importuned BOA chief Ken Lewis to avoid disclosing some important particulars to the BOA shareholders, as required by law. The outstanding stage-whisper coming from all this was the word "indictable" in reference to messers Paulson and Bernanke. It goes to show how swiftly events can move beyond "unthinkable" in extraordinary times. Now, former Merrill Lynch chief John Thain -- of thousand-dollar trash-basket infamy -- has come back out of the woodwork to backbite BOA's Ken Lewis over who-said-what in regard to a treasure chest of bonuses divvied up during the blur of TARP payouts last fall. Thain complains of being unemployed since then -- though one wonders why he doesn't just shut the fuck up, buy half of Nantucket with his untold millions of booty, and learn to play the oboe or something. This giant CEO cat fight was just getting interesting when the Mexican flu pulled the news-plug on it.
Of high interest to those confused and perplexed over President Obama's actions so far in the banking fiasco, I commend a great piece by fellow blogger-on-the-margins Charles Hugh Smith: Obama's Secret Plan. This analysis is low on the paranoia and high on the Machiavellian maneuvering insight. The basic idea is that Mr. Obama has gone along with all the TARPing and PPIPing because it was tactically the only way that he could give the Wall Street plutocrats enough rope to hang themselves -- and that this was the only reality-based strategy that could get public opinion in the mood for real change. It explains a lot, if it's true. Alternately, it would be very sad to learn that Mr. Obama really believes he can rev back up a securitized-debt-and-consumption fiesta by turning the Federal Reserve into an ATM.
In any case, the banking-and-investments sector has been on auto-pilot for a few weeks. Lesser banks are crashing around the country (Idaho, Florida, California last week), but the remaining Big Boyz are still lurching through the landscape like so many Frankenbanks, jazzed up on electric surges of digital cash. There are ever more hints of a peasant uprising against the castle of privilege, but no sign just yet of the flaming brands and shaking fists from the village below. This flu thing will put the schnitz on their distempers for a while.
For an excellent background briefing on flu matters, I direct you to a recent blog by Elaine Meinel Supkis. Have a healthy week.
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Weekly VIEWPOINTS, Economy, Society, The Fju
BigIdeasforObama] The Joker
Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:44 PM
"J R Chamberlain \(Yahoo\)"
View contact details
"Big Ideas for Obama"
As ever, Kunstler’s interesting weekly ‘viewpoints’ on the economy, society, the flu outbreak and so on. The section about BOA and Merrill Lynch and Obama's Secret Plan have some high interest value. For more of his writings go to
April 27, 2009
The Joker
Things come out of the woodwork. All of a sudden it's a mutant H1N1 swine flu, with bird and human DNA accessories. We don't know where this is taking us. It could be a media blowover, like SARS, or it could be a big deal, shutting down travel and assemblies of humans. It would be a very big deal if it killed, proportionately, as much of the population as the 1918 flu event -- the worldwide toll then was roughly 30 -100-million out of a global population around 1.7 billion. Now the world population is over 6.5 billion. The only thing anyone can predict at the moment is that there will be a lot of very worried health officials and politicians out there in the days ahead.
This flu epidemic comes just as global economy itself lies comatose in the economic intensive care unit, with IV lines of dollars, euros, yen, and renminbis transfusing its hollowed-out carcass. It's an odd time for attention to be diverted from that awful spectacle. The cash transfusions have sent the Cable TV gang into raptures of "optimism" -- meaning they expect debt securitization to resume as before, along with Yuletide-level credit card shopping sprees in the malls, a mass splurging on new cars, and a renewed frenzy of house-building in the Florida buzzard flats. Those "green shoots" and sprouting "mustard seeds" they report seeing may themselves be a flu-like symptom. I don't know what the so-called Mexican swine flu will lead to, but the global economy as we've known it is a goner.
Even if the Mexican swine flu turns out to be something of a false alarm, it will require billions of dollars in unexpected new outlays for prevention operations here in the USA -- reinforcing the false idea that the nation has bottomless resources (the same idea that has been driving the bail-out fiesta). My guess is that the fear emanating from the story will be a potent generator of paranoia in the meantime, leading to widespread closures of things, canceling of events, restrictions on travel (official or otherwise), and a sell off in the financial markets. And that's if the flu turns out not to amount to anything.
If the flu is the real deal, it will surely drive a stake through the faintly-beating heart of that invalid global economy, and possibly even continental-scaled economies like the US , the Euro-zone, and China -- any place where things and people have to move long distances to keep life going. The US , obviously, suffers in this instance from its proximity to Mexico , and the fact that so much of our food comes from places that employ casual Mexican labor. A serious flu outbreak would be a short path to food shortages in the US , with our three-day supermarket inventories and just-in-time shipping methods. It would not be such a bad idea now to lay in supplies of beans, brown rice, cooking oil, onions, and toilet paper.
The big story at the end of last week was New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's pursuit of former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke in the matter of Bank of America's gobbling of Merrill Lynch last fall. It is alleged that the dynamic duo importuned BOA chief Ken Lewis to avoid disclosing some important particulars to the BOA shareholders, as required by law. The outstanding stage-whisper coming from all this was the word "indictable" in reference to messers Paulson and Bernanke. It goes to show how swiftly events can move beyond "unthinkable" in extraordinary times. Now, former Merrill Lynch chief John Thain -- of thousand-dollar trash-basket infamy -- has come back out of the woodwork to backbite BOA's Ken Lewis over who-said-what in regard to a treasure chest of bonuses divvied up during the blur of TARP payouts last fall. Thain complains of being unemployed since then -- though one wonders why he doesn't just shut the fuck up, buy half of Nantucket with his untold millions of booty, and learn to play the oboe or something. This giant CEO cat fight was just getting interesting when the Mexican flu pulled the news-plug on it.
Of high interest to those confused and perplexed over President Obama's actions so far in the banking fiasco, I commend a great piece by fellow blogger-on-the-margins Charles Hugh Smith: Obama's Secret Plan. This analysis is low on the paranoia and high on the Machiavellian maneuvering insight. The basic idea is that Mr. Obama has gone along with all the TARPing and PPIPing because it was tactically the only way that he could give the Wall Street plutocrats enough rope to hang themselves -- and that this was the only reality-based strategy that could get public opinion in the mood for real change. It explains a lot, if it's true. Alternately, it would be very sad to learn that Mr. Obama really believes he can rev back up a securitized-debt-and-consumption fiesta by turning the Federal Reserve into an ATM.
In any case, the banking-and-investments sector has been on auto-pilot for a few weeks. Lesser banks are crashing around the country (Idaho, Florida, California last week), but the remaining Big Boyz are still lurching through the landscape like so many Frankenbanks, jazzed up on electric surges of digital cash. There are ever more hints of a peasant uprising against the castle of privilege, but no sign just yet of the flaming brands and shaking fists from the village below. This flu thing will put the schnitz on their distempers for a while.
For an excellent background briefing on flu matters, I direct you to a recent blog by Elaine Meinel Supkis. Have a healthy week.
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Thursday, April 30, 2009 12:44 PM
"J R Chamberlain \(Yahoo\)"
View contact details
"Big Ideas for Obama"
As ever, Kunstler’s interesting weekly ‘viewpoints’ on the economy, society, the flu outbreak and so on. The section about BOA and Merrill Lynch and Obama's Secret Plan have some high interest value. For more of his writings go to
April 27, 2009
The Joker
Things come out of the woodwork. All of a sudden it's a mutant H1N1 swine flu, with bird and human DNA accessories. We don't know where this is taking us. It could be a media blowover, like SARS, or it could be a big deal, shutting down travel and assemblies of humans. It would be a very big deal if it killed, proportionately, as much of the population as the 1918 flu event -- the worldwide toll then was roughly 30 -100-million out of a global population around 1.7 billion. Now the world population is over 6.5 billion. The only thing anyone can predict at the moment is that there will be a lot of very worried health officials and politicians out there in the days ahead.
This flu epidemic comes just as global economy itself lies comatose in the economic intensive care unit, with IV lines of dollars, euros, yen, and renminbis transfusing its hollowed-out carcass. It's an odd time for attention to be diverted from that awful spectacle. The cash transfusions have sent the Cable TV gang into raptures of "optimism" -- meaning they expect debt securitization to resume as before, along with Yuletide-level credit card shopping sprees in the malls, a mass splurging on new cars, and a renewed frenzy of house-building in the Florida buzzard flats. Those "green shoots" and sprouting "mustard seeds" they report seeing may themselves be a flu-like symptom. I don't know what the so-called Mexican swine flu will lead to, but the global economy as we've known it is a goner.
Even if the Mexican swine flu turns out to be something of a false alarm, it will require billions of dollars in unexpected new outlays for prevention operations here in the USA -- reinforcing the false idea that the nation has bottomless resources (the same idea that has been driving the bail-out fiesta). My guess is that the fear emanating from the story will be a potent generator of paranoia in the meantime, leading to widespread closures of things, canceling of events, restrictions on travel (official or otherwise), and a sell off in the financial markets. And that's if the flu turns out not to amount to anything.
If the flu is the real deal, it will surely drive a stake through the faintly-beating heart of that invalid global economy, and possibly even continental-scaled economies like the US , the Euro-zone, and China -- any place where things and people have to move long distances to keep life going. The US , obviously, suffers in this instance from its proximity to Mexico , and the fact that so much of our food comes from places that employ casual Mexican labor. A serious flu outbreak would be a short path to food shortages in the US , with our three-day supermarket inventories and just-in-time shipping methods. It would not be such a bad idea now to lay in supplies of beans, brown rice, cooking oil, onions, and toilet paper.
The big story at the end of last week was New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's pursuit of former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke in the matter of Bank of America's gobbling of Merrill Lynch last fall. It is alleged that the dynamic duo importuned BOA chief Ken Lewis to avoid disclosing some important particulars to the BOA shareholders, as required by law. The outstanding stage-whisper coming from all this was the word "indictable" in reference to messers Paulson and Bernanke. It goes to show how swiftly events can move beyond "unthinkable" in extraordinary times. Now, former Merrill Lynch chief John Thain -- of thousand-dollar trash-basket infamy -- has come back out of the woodwork to backbite BOA's Ken Lewis over who-said-what in regard to a treasure chest of bonuses divvied up during the blur of TARP payouts last fall. Thain complains of being unemployed since then -- though one wonders why he doesn't just shut the fuck up, buy half of Nantucket with his untold millions of booty, and learn to play the oboe or something. This giant CEO cat fight was just getting interesting when the Mexican flu pulled the news-plug on it.
Of high interest to those confused and perplexed over President Obama's actions so far in the banking fiasco, I commend a great piece by fellow blogger-on-the-margins Charles Hugh Smith: Obama's Secret Plan. This analysis is low on the paranoia and high on the Machiavellian maneuvering insight. The basic idea is that Mr. Obama has gone along with all the TARPing and PPIPing because it was tactically the only way that he could give the Wall Street plutocrats enough rope to hang themselves -- and that this was the only reality-based strategy that could get public opinion in the mood for real change. It explains a lot, if it's true. Alternately, it would be very sad to learn that Mr. Obama really believes he can rev back up a securitized-debt-and-consumption fiesta by turning the Federal Reserve into an ATM.
In any case, the banking-and-investments sector has been on auto-pilot for a few weeks. Lesser banks are crashing around the country (Idaho, Florida, California last week), but the remaining Big Boyz are still lurching through the landscape like so many Frankenbanks, jazzed up on electric surges of digital cash. There are ever more hints of a peasant uprising against the castle of privilege, but no sign just yet of the flaming brands and shaking fists from the village below. This flu thing will put the schnitz on their distempers for a while.
For an excellent background briefing on flu matters, I direct you to a recent blog by Elaine Meinel Supkis. Have a healthy week.
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FED Talk Radio, Funding Energy Development Todays Show: Investing in MDU Apartment Complexes

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wind Energy, Renewable Energy, Economic Stimulus Package, Projects, Financing
Need Renewable Energy Consulting Services? Available World Wide....Click
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Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Wind Energy: Mainstream Renewable Power - United Kingdom
However, Mr O'Connor says Mainstream has been able to find financing for its projects, despite the credit crunch. “Offshore wind is demonstrably more risky ...
See all stories on this topic
Vestas Wind Surprises With Strong Q1 Results
Forbes - NY,USA
Financing for new wind projects began to dry up last year when investment bank Lehman Bros. went bankrupt. Lehman had been a major funder to ...
See all stories on this topic
Scientific American
Beyond Fossil Fuels: Bob Gates on Wind Power
Scientific American - USA
In practice, permitting large-scale wind energy projects and the associated transmission facilities through numerous differing local agencies is not ...
See all stories on this topic
Course on wind energy offered
Tasley Eastern Shore News - Tasley,VA,USA
Definitions of terms, opportunities for jobs in the wind industry and the economic impacts of windfarms on local communities will also be discussed. ...
See all stories on this topic
Business Facilities
Governor's Report: Michigan is Still in Motion
Business Facilities - USA
The company expects to produce more than 500 wind towers annually at the site, creating about 290 new jobs. The Michigan Economic Growth Authority (MEGA) ...
See all stories on this topic
FPL: Lovin' the Clean Power Funds From the Stimulus Package
Earth2Tech - San Francisco,CA,USA
By extending a wind production tax credit for three years, the package has already encouraged FPL to add more than a gigawatt of new wind capacity this year ...
See all stories on this topic
EDITORIAL: Sauk to Help Students Reach Lofty Heights (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
If you don't mind making 20-story ascents inside confined spaces, this could be the career for you. The college has scheduled a wind energy open house from ...
See all stories on this topic
Event builds interest in construction trades
Asbury Park Press - Asbury Park,NJ,USA
Think of the work it takes to put up a wind turbine. Wade ticked off a list of needed jobs: laborer, mason, iron worker, operating engineer, ...
See all stories on this topic
Business Facilities
Building a Greener Economy
Business Facilities - USA
CPS, which generates energy through nuclear, coal, natural gas and renewable sources, has a growing wind-energy program that enables businesses and ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
C-Questor Carbon Markets and Climate Change News Letter: Wind ...
By Graham Crawford
Mike O'Brien, minister at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, sought to play down the significance of the job cuts. He said: “It's clear that Vestas recognises the potential of the UK wind market. Measures set out in the Budget will offer renewed support to the wind industry and help move potential projects towards construction, which could mean more business for Vestas.” ..... Carbon Finance Sector. Carbon Finance Sector · Powered By Blogger.
C-Questor Carbon Markets and... -
Scoop: Wgtn Wind Farm Great News for Region and Country
The Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce has welcomed the official powering-on of Meridian Energy's new wind farm at Makara in Wellington. “Project West Wind will enhance security of supply to the North Island and increase the supply ...
Scoop NZ - Culture Most Read -
Interview with Nobel Prize Winner Woodrow Clark |
By Leslie Berliant
A: I'm in a job as a consultant. What I do is work with communities like colleges, film studios and private companies on how to make them green. My favorite part of that is being able to talk about it in a context that this is ... The U.S. added more than 2800MW of new wind generating capacity in the first quarter of 2009, with new projects completed in 15 states, the AWEA reports. The total U.S. wind generating capacity is now enough to serve over 8 million homes. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Most of the cost of a wind farm is in up front capital costs and in financing ... Update me about green jobs and careers when site is updated. Popular; Topics; Comments. Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs ... production, energy/green and other types of jobs, Byer said the center tries to match workers to jobs created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, an economic stimulus package signed into ... all of the wind projects so far have ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Why Now May Be the Right Time for Green Stimulus | Personal ...
By Brad
We can also bias our energy generation toward areas in which we have a natural advantage, like wind. Even if you doubt that reducing our carbon emissions is a worthy goal, certainly those have some weight. ... The question then becomes, is Green spending an efficient way to create jobs. According to the Peterson Institute of International Economics, green projects produce 30100 job-years per billion spent, vs. ... Categories. Economy · Investing · Personal Finance ...
Personal Finance And Investing -
Come Again...Updated Daily, Almost_Green Earl
Click On Link Above IN BLOG TITLE_Green Earl
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Wind Energy: Mainstream Renewable Power - United Kingdom
However, Mr O'Connor says Mainstream has been able to find financing for its projects, despite the credit crunch. “Offshore wind is demonstrably more risky ...
See all stories on this topic
Vestas Wind Surprises With Strong Q1 Results
Forbes - NY,USA
Financing for new wind projects began to dry up last year when investment bank Lehman Bros. went bankrupt. Lehman had been a major funder to ...
See all stories on this topic
Scientific American
Beyond Fossil Fuels: Bob Gates on Wind Power
Scientific American - USA
In practice, permitting large-scale wind energy projects and the associated transmission facilities through numerous differing local agencies is not ...
See all stories on this topic
Course on wind energy offered
Tasley Eastern Shore News - Tasley,VA,USA
Definitions of terms, opportunities for jobs in the wind industry and the economic impacts of windfarms on local communities will also be discussed. ...
See all stories on this topic
Business Facilities
Governor's Report: Michigan is Still in Motion
Business Facilities - USA
The company expects to produce more than 500 wind towers annually at the site, creating about 290 new jobs. The Michigan Economic Growth Authority (MEGA) ...
See all stories on this topic
FPL: Lovin' the Clean Power Funds From the Stimulus Package
Earth2Tech - San Francisco,CA,USA
By extending a wind production tax credit for three years, the package has already encouraged FPL to add more than a gigawatt of new wind capacity this year ...
See all stories on this topic
EDITORIAL: Sauk to Help Students Reach Lofty Heights (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
If you don't mind making 20-story ascents inside confined spaces, this could be the career for you. The college has scheduled a wind energy open house from ...
See all stories on this topic
Event builds interest in construction trades
Asbury Park Press - Asbury Park,NJ,USA
Think of the work it takes to put up a wind turbine. Wade ticked off a list of needed jobs: laborer, mason, iron worker, operating engineer, ...
See all stories on this topic
Business Facilities
Building a Greener Economy
Business Facilities - USA
CPS, which generates energy through nuclear, coal, natural gas and renewable sources, has a growing wind-energy program that enables businesses and ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
C-Questor Carbon Markets and Climate Change News Letter: Wind ...
By Graham Crawford
Mike O'Brien, minister at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, sought to play down the significance of the job cuts. He said: “It's clear that Vestas recognises the potential of the UK wind market. Measures set out in the Budget will offer renewed support to the wind industry and help move potential projects towards construction, which could mean more business for Vestas.” ..... Carbon Finance Sector. Carbon Finance Sector · Powered By Blogger.
C-Questor Carbon Markets and... -
Scoop: Wgtn Wind Farm Great News for Region and Country
The Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce has welcomed the official powering-on of Meridian Energy's new wind farm at Makara in Wellington. “Project West Wind will enhance security of supply to the North Island and increase the supply ...
Scoop NZ - Culture Most Read -
Interview with Nobel Prize Winner Woodrow Clark |
By Leslie Berliant
A: I'm in a job as a consultant. What I do is work with communities like colleges, film studios and private companies on how to make them green. My favorite part of that is being able to talk about it in a context that this is ... The U.S. added more than 2800MW of new wind generating capacity in the first quarter of 2009, with new projects completed in 15 states, the AWEA reports. The total U.S. wind generating capacity is now enough to serve over 8 million homes. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Most of the cost of a wind farm is in up front capital costs and in financing ... Update me about green jobs and careers when site is updated. Popular; Topics; Comments. Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs ... production, energy/green and other types of jobs, Byer said the center tries to match workers to jobs created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, an economic stimulus package signed into ... all of the wind projects so far have ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Why Now May Be the Right Time for Green Stimulus | Personal ...
By Brad
We can also bias our energy generation toward areas in which we have a natural advantage, like wind. Even if you doubt that reducing our carbon emissions is a worthy goal, certainly those have some weight. ... The question then becomes, is Green spending an efficient way to create jobs. According to the Peterson Institute of International Economics, green projects produce 30100 job-years per billion spent, vs. ... Categories. Economy · Investing · Personal Finance ...
Personal Finance And Investing -
Come Again...Updated Daily, Almost_Green Earl
green jobs in the gulf
Google Wind News,
Green Windy Earl,
Wind Farms,
Wind Financing,
Wind Generators,
Wind Projects,
Wind Turbines
Renewable, Solar, Wind, Energy, Careers, Financing, Training, The Very Latest Google News
For fast information on renewable energy leasing and financing
for your commercial or industrial project...CLICK ON LINK IN TITLE.
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor
Your Guide to Living in London: My thoughts on the new mandatory ...
By Tom Dampsy
My drapes would be closed for an energy audit. Would I pass or fail? How would we know if any standard testing could be strictly adhered to? Impossible! I am all for reducing costs through education and choices but I don't believe we ...
Your Guide to Living in London -
PEC hires auditor, revises election rules : Newstreamz San Marcos
By Sean Wardwell
The board approved a one-year contract extension with AEP Energy Partners for a power supply agreement for the Freiss Ranch, Barksdale and Rocksprings delivery points, located in the Junction District. The contract establishes a fixed ...
Newstreamz San Marcos -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Full text of Gov. Markell's address
The News Journal - Wilmington,DE,USA
While the economic future of the sponsoring company is less than certain, the future of off-shore wind as a renewable energy resource for the East Coast is ...
See all stories on this topic
CA in DC: Meet your Golden State Warriors in Obama's Inner Circle ...
California Majority Report - CA,USA
A recognized leader on clean energy jobs, she authored the Green Jobs Act which provided funding for “green” collar job training for veterans, ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Try Renewable Energy Jobs For “Green” Jobs In The Middle East ...
By Karin Kloosterman
Green Prophet: Tell us a little bit about your background and why you founded Renewable Energy Jobs. Sam Newall: I'm a career recruiter, I have been an recruitment for about 12 years. I ran technology recruitment businesses as well as focusing on financial services. I have also held roles such as Head of Recruitment & Resourcing for a global consulting business and Leadership Recruitment Manager for a FTSE listed financial services firm. I started my own executive search ...
Green Prophet - | ‘Green jobs' lose their luster in Lexington
By Industrial Wind Action Group
A layoff in Lexington appears to contradict President Obama's initiative to generate employment through increased green energy production. Officials blame bad timing for the decision to cut jobs at PPG Industries, a Pittsburgh-based specialty products manufacturer ... According to Sutton, Progress expects to purchase up to one million megawatt hours of renewable energy in the Carolinas by the year 2012. The company produced a total of 61 million megawatt hours in 2008. ... | News -
Clean / Green Opportunity: Interview Series: People Who Have Made ...
By Jennifer Massie
I have decided to conduct a series of interviews with people who have made a career transition to the clean/green sector. This could include any type of business related to renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable business, etc. ... This Blog is intended for those interested in the clean / green sector job market to learn more about the opportunities available to them. This includes: green jobs, clean jobs, clean technology, clean energy, solar, wind, biofuels, ...
Clean / Green Opportunity -
We're Ready to Go the Distance to Create a Clean Energy Economy ...
By Guest Writer
By expanding energy efficiency and renewable energy, we can reduce pollution and create jobs at the same time. The energy efficiency provisions alone would generate nearly $400 million in energy savings for Maine businesses and consumers ... But for the promise of the new green economy to become reality, businesses are anxiously awaiting the clear "market signals" that would come from a strong national energy policy to catalyze clean energy sources and dramatically reduce ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Governor Markell's Address to the General Assembly
By Delaware Dem
We will work to update building codes; encourage energy efficient appliances; reward investment in renewables; modernize our net-metering laws, and remove restrictions that hinder the use of renewable energy. .... Green energy jobs make sense, but it's complicated, and must be done right. “Let's get to work.” Self-explanatory. 2 jason330 // Apr 28, 2009 at 7:33 pm. Sounds good. Now the useless lumps of skin in the GA have to get off their asses. 3 cassandra_m // Apr 28, ...
DelawareLiberal.Net -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Green Prophet
Today we interview Sam Newall from Renewable Energy Jobs, on ...
Green Prophet - Jerusalem,Israel
There were quality ‘green' or ‘environmental' sites but little specifically for renewables. Those that were renewables focused often appeared badly designed ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
2800 MW new wind energy capacity added so far this year | The ...
By Chris de Morsella
The wind energy sector has been hard hit, along with other renewable energy sectors by the financial crisis, because it has large up front capital needs. Most of the cost of a wind farm is in up front capital costs and in financing ... Update me about green jobs and careers when site is updated. Popular; Topics; Comments. Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs Creation - Updated · Best Green Jobs Meta-list: 56 Top Green Careers Recommended By 11 ...
The Green Economy Post: Green... -
The Oil Drum | Drumbeat: April 29, 2009
By Leanan
But at the release of the report to officials and experts in Beijing on Wednesday, Wang said the task of turning the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitter into a green economy will be difficult, even in the easier scenarios. ..... Study: Kan. could be exporter of renewable energy. Kansas has the potential to become a major exporter of renewable energy, producing many new jobs and new tax revenue, a national study found. Lt. Gov. Mark Parkinson and members of the American ...
The Oil Drum - Discussions about... - Daily Market Movers Digest Midday Report f ...
Company Profile: Interview: Green Star Alternative Energy is an environmentally conscious, renewable energy producer. The Company is working to develop more than 300 MW (megawatts) of clean electricity through wind energy. The ..... The web site features companies in Profile Campaigns, Executive Interviews and Profile Research Reports authored by our financial writers. We publish a daily Newsletter to subscribers, and we publish our Daily Market Movers Digest which is ...
Stock Newsletters : OTC Picks -
ReliefWeb » Document » European Parliament resolution of 24 Apr ...
having regard to the report by the UN Environment Programme, entitled 'Out of Crisis - Opportunity', of 16 February 2009, which urged the G20 to take forward the 'Global Green New Deal', ..... Stresses the need for the effective implementation of the Climate and Energy Package and more investment in energy from renewable sources, eco-innovation, eco-friendly energy and energy efficiency, which should be a central part of the Energy Action Plan for 2010-2014; ...
ReliefWeb - Latest Updates -
Road through recession: Center sees increase in customers ...
By Christina Hansen
In addition to health care, manufacturing, production, energy/green and other types of jobs, Byer said the center tries to match workers to jobs created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, an economic stimulus package signed into ... all of the wind projects so far have used prairie habitat rather than already disturbed cropland for their sites. Renewable energy MUST also be environmentally responsible, and so far Kansas wind projects don't meet that criteria. ...
Topeka Capital-Journal - Local -
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
'Sweet 16' finalists named in UW Business plan competition
TechFlash - Seattle,WA,USA
3 Phase Energy Systems, UW - Green technology that harnesses wasted exhaust energy ... photovoltaic (OPV) solar cell technology in residential solar panels, ...
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Solar Thermal Power May Make Sun-Powered Grid a Reality « Eco koncepts
By Sunil Reddy M
To that end, Stirling Energy signed the two largest solar energy contracts in history with two Southern California utilities, promising to build up to 70000 SunCatchers and provide power for a million homes. .... The most natural fit for small-scale solar, though, is the good old photovoltaic cell. It takes in sunlight and spits out electricity with no moving parts, requires no water and can be situated wherever electricity is needed, to avoid transmission losses. ...
Eco koncepts -
Government Stimulates Green Jobs on Chicago's South Side | MyGreen ...
By admin
Exelon and SunPower Corp recently announced an agreement to develop the nation's largest urban solar power plant at a former industrial site on Chicago's South Side. The 10-megawatt solar photovoltaic(PV) facility is scheduled for completion by ... Exelon Generation will own and operate the plant and market the electricity and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) it generates. SunPower, a manufacturer of high-efficiency solar cells, solar panels and solar systems, ...
MyGreen Education and Career -
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Energy and Global Warming News ...
By Max and Carlin
And each is outfitted with a photovoltaic array ranging in power between 2.8 kilowatts and 3.4 kilowatts — enough, in the larger case, to supply nearly 80 percent of the home's electricity needs, according to one study. ... That translated into an interest in renewable energy technologies like solar photovoltaic systems, which were advancing rapidly. He returned to Nevada and became a legal assistant to a member of the Public Service Commission and then deputy district ...
Climate Progress -
Hope you liked the changes._Green Earl Come again real soon. Follow me
on Twitter @greenearldotcom
for your commercial or industrial project...CLICK ON LINK IN TITLE.
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor
Your Guide to Living in London: My thoughts on the new mandatory ...
By Tom Dampsy
My drapes would be closed for an energy audit. Would I pass or fail? How would we know if any standard testing could be strictly adhered to? Impossible! I am all for reducing costs through education and choices but I don't believe we ...
Your Guide to Living in London -
PEC hires auditor, revises election rules : Newstreamz San Marcos
By Sean Wardwell
The board approved a one-year contract extension with AEP Energy Partners for a power supply agreement for the Freiss Ranch, Barksdale and Rocksprings delivery points, located in the Junction District. The contract establishes a fixed ...
Newstreamz San Marcos -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Full text of Gov. Markell's address
The News Journal - Wilmington,DE,USA
While the economic future of the sponsoring company is less than certain, the future of off-shore wind as a renewable energy resource for the East Coast is ...
See all stories on this topic
CA in DC: Meet your Golden State Warriors in Obama's Inner Circle ...
California Majority Report - CA,USA
A recognized leader on clean energy jobs, she authored the Green Jobs Act which provided funding for “green” collar job training for veterans, ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Try Renewable Energy Jobs For “Green” Jobs In The Middle East ...
By Karin Kloosterman
Green Prophet: Tell us a little bit about your background and why you founded Renewable Energy Jobs. Sam Newall: I'm a career recruiter, I have been an recruitment for about 12 years. I ran technology recruitment businesses as well as focusing on financial services. I have also held roles such as Head of Recruitment & Resourcing for a global consulting business and Leadership Recruitment Manager for a FTSE listed financial services firm. I started my own executive search ...
Green Prophet - | ‘Green jobs' lose their luster in Lexington
By Industrial Wind Action Group
A layoff in Lexington appears to contradict President Obama's initiative to generate employment through increased green energy production. Officials blame bad timing for the decision to cut jobs at PPG Industries, a Pittsburgh-based specialty products manufacturer ... According to Sutton, Progress expects to purchase up to one million megawatt hours of renewable energy in the Carolinas by the year 2012. The company produced a total of 61 million megawatt hours in 2008. ... | News -
Clean / Green Opportunity: Interview Series: People Who Have Made ...
By Jennifer Massie
I have decided to conduct a series of interviews with people who have made a career transition to the clean/green sector. This could include any type of business related to renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable business, etc. ... This Blog is intended for those interested in the clean / green sector job market to learn more about the opportunities available to them. This includes: green jobs, clean jobs, clean technology, clean energy, solar, wind, biofuels, ...
Clean / Green Opportunity -
We're Ready to Go the Distance to Create a Clean Energy Economy ...
By Guest Writer
By expanding energy efficiency and renewable energy, we can reduce pollution and create jobs at the same time. The energy efficiency provisions alone would generate nearly $400 million in energy savings for Maine businesses and consumers ... But for the promise of the new green economy to become reality, businesses are anxiously awaiting the clear "market signals" that would come from a strong national energy policy to catalyze clean energy sources and dramatically reduce ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Governor Markell's Address to the General Assembly
By Delaware Dem
We will work to update building codes; encourage energy efficient appliances; reward investment in renewables; modernize our net-metering laws, and remove restrictions that hinder the use of renewable energy. .... Green energy jobs make sense, but it's complicated, and must be done right. “Let's get to work.” Self-explanatory. 2 jason330 // Apr 28, 2009 at 7:33 pm. Sounds good. Now the useless lumps of skin in the GA have to get off their asses. 3 cassandra_m // Apr 28, ...
DelawareLiberal.Net -
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Green Prophet
Today we interview Sam Newall from Renewable Energy Jobs, on ...
Green Prophet - Jerusalem,Israel
There were quality ‘green' or ‘environmental' sites but little specifically for renewables. Those that were renewables focused often appeared badly designed ...
See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
2800 MW new wind energy capacity added so far this year | The ...
By Chris de Morsella
The wind energy sector has been hard hit, along with other renewable energy sectors by the financial crisis, because it has large up front capital needs. Most of the cost of a wind farm is in up front capital costs and in financing ... Update me about green jobs and careers when site is updated. Popular; Topics; Comments. Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs Creation - Updated · Best Green Jobs Meta-list: 56 Top Green Careers Recommended By 11 ...
The Green Economy Post: Green... -
The Oil Drum | Drumbeat: April 29, 2009
By Leanan
But at the release of the report to officials and experts in Beijing on Wednesday, Wang said the task of turning the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitter into a green economy will be difficult, even in the easier scenarios. ..... Study: Kan. could be exporter of renewable energy. Kansas has the potential to become a major exporter of renewable energy, producing many new jobs and new tax revenue, a national study found. Lt. Gov. Mark Parkinson and members of the American ...
The Oil Drum - Discussions about... - Daily Market Movers Digest Midday Report f ...
Company Profile: Interview: Green Star Alternative Energy is an environmentally conscious, renewable energy producer. The Company is working to develop more than 300 MW (megawatts) of clean electricity through wind energy. The ..... The web site features companies in Profile Campaigns, Executive Interviews and Profile Research Reports authored by our financial writers. We publish a daily Newsletter to subscribers, and we publish our Daily Market Movers Digest which is ...
Stock Newsletters : OTC Picks -
ReliefWeb » Document » European Parliament resolution of 24 Apr ...
having regard to the report by the UN Environment Programme, entitled 'Out of Crisis - Opportunity', of 16 February 2009, which urged the G20 to take forward the 'Global Green New Deal', ..... Stresses the need for the effective implementation of the Climate and Energy Package and more investment in energy from renewable sources, eco-innovation, eco-friendly energy and energy efficiency, which should be a central part of the Energy Action Plan for 2010-2014; ...
ReliefWeb - Latest Updates -
Road through recession: Center sees increase in customers ...
By Christina Hansen
In addition to health care, manufacturing, production, energy/green and other types of jobs, Byer said the center tries to match workers to jobs created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, an economic stimulus package signed into ... all of the wind projects so far have used prairie habitat rather than already disturbed cropland for their sites. Renewable energy MUST also be environmentally responsible, and so far Kansas wind projects don't meet that criteria. ...
Topeka Capital-Journal - Local -
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
'Sweet 16' finalists named in UW Business plan competition
TechFlash - Seattle,WA,USA
3 Phase Energy Systems, UW - Green technology that harnesses wasted exhaust energy ... photovoltaic (OPV) solar cell technology in residential solar panels, ...
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Solar Thermal Power May Make Sun-Powered Grid a Reality « Eco koncepts
By Sunil Reddy M
To that end, Stirling Energy signed the two largest solar energy contracts in history with two Southern California utilities, promising to build up to 70000 SunCatchers and provide power for a million homes. .... The most natural fit for small-scale solar, though, is the good old photovoltaic cell. It takes in sunlight and spits out electricity with no moving parts, requires no water and can be situated wherever electricity is needed, to avoid transmission losses. ...
Eco koncepts -
Government Stimulates Green Jobs on Chicago's South Side | MyGreen ...
By admin
Exelon and SunPower Corp recently announced an agreement to develop the nation's largest urban solar power plant at a former industrial site on Chicago's South Side. The 10-megawatt solar photovoltaic(PV) facility is scheduled for completion by ... Exelon Generation will own and operate the plant and market the electricity and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) it generates. SunPower, a manufacturer of high-efficiency solar cells, solar panels and solar systems, ...
MyGreen Education and Career -
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Energy and Global Warming News ...
By Max and Carlin
And each is outfitted with a photovoltaic array ranging in power between 2.8 kilowatts and 3.4 kilowatts — enough, in the larger case, to supply nearly 80 percent of the home's electricity needs, according to one study. ... That translated into an interest in renewable energy technologies like solar photovoltaic systems, which were advancing rapidly. He returned to Nevada and became a legal assistant to a member of the Public Service Commission and then deputy district ...
Climate Progress -
Hope you liked the changes._Green Earl Come again real soon. Follow me
on Twitter @greenearldotcom
green jobs in the gulf
renewable energy google news,
the lastest posted daily
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Obama's Energy Plan, Renewable, Solar, Wind, Green Careers, Green Jobs, Renewable Financing and Leasing
Want to know about "WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR" ??? Click on
the blog title above for more info_Green Earl
An answer back to an earlier complaint...posted online in Obama Groups
From: "Hank at IEU Development Corp"
Add sender to Contacts
To:"Renewable Energy Advocates for Obama"
Patriot J;
Actually you are incorrect on that one. If you watch the committee postings on sites like politico you will be able to see the bills as they develop and actually can see what each individual contributes at the committee level. You also can see the infighting between various special interest lobbyists which want us to believe they are political office holders not beholding to special interests. You get to see the liars in both parties.
Patriot J wrote:
> Well, isn't nearly 10 percent pretty good for a politician?
> When campaigning, Obama said he'd not rush to sign any bills. He'd put them online for five days, review, and make them open to the public. So far, he's 1 for 11 on that promise.
> Patriot J
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This email was sent to 349 members of Renewable Energy Advocates for Obama
> Listserv email address:
> Your reply will be sent to:
> Unsubscribe or change your email settings:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
the blog title above for more info_Green Earl
An answer back to an earlier complaint...posted online in Obama Groups
From: "Hank at IEU Development Corp"
Add sender to Contacts
To:"Renewable Energy Advocates for Obama"
Patriot J;
Actually you are incorrect on that one. If you watch the committee postings on sites like politico you will be able to see the bills as they develop and actually can see what each individual contributes at the committee level. You also can see the infighting between various special interest lobbyists which want us to believe they are political office holders not beholding to special interests. You get to see the liars in both parties.
Patriot J wrote:
> Well, isn't nearly 10 percent pretty good for a politician?
> When campaigning, Obama said he'd not rush to sign any bills. He'd put them online for five days, review, and make them open to the public. So far, he's 1 for 11 on that promise.
> Patriot J
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This email was sent to 349 members of Renewable Energy Advocates for Obama
> Listserv email address:
> Your reply will be sent to:
> Unsubscribe or change your email settings:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
green jobs in the gulf
By Green Earl,
Green Careers,
renwable energy blog,
Who killed the electric car
Monday, April 27, 2009
Picken's Plan, Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind, Bio, Green Careers and Leasing Site, Lastest Google News
I would like to thank you for your visit. Please bookmark this site
and come back to it often. Follow me on twitter @greenearldotcom
For access to Picken's Plan Groups...Click on Title and Link Above
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
The Merits of a Green Degree |
By admin
Changing to a Green Career. Green jobs really aren't that different from any other job position. No matter what sector you work in, chances are that what you're doing now has a related position in the renewable energy sector. ... You'll learn what goes into maintaining a green building, the renewable energy industry trends, the financial, business and policy issues for greener energy and more. With the information a Green Degree gives you, you'll be prepared to step into ... -
Natural gas clean and green
Careers ... Mr. Eresman was one of several industry leaders who met last week with the U. S. energy secretary, Steven Chu, a champion of renewable energy. They explained that shale gas, while still a fossil fuel, is an extraordinary new source of ..... Alia McMullen, Financial Post; Air Canada cuts 2000 jobs; Agrium's Egypt plans rile locals; Goldman profit falls as markets slump; Big wheat order coming from Iraq; Market update; BCE live coverage on ...
FPL Energy top stories -
Green infrastructure: Sewage, sewage, go away | CleanTechies Blog ...
By jeff
... renewable energy, resource efficiency, green building and sustainable transportation. Industry experts write about current trends, discuss clean technologies as well as policies and provide career advice. About CleanTechies... » ...
CleanTechies Blog - -
Financial Specialist
Renewable Energy Jobs delivers up to the minute news, reviews, guides and information on green jobs, green collar careers and employment with the renewable energy industry from around the world; as well as topic news on cleantech, ...
Renewable Energy Jobs -
Some of Where the Recovery and Reinvestment Act Money is going ...
By cricketdiane
Department of Labor, Support research, labor exchange and job training projects that prepare workers for careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy. $500 million, Federal and state. Assisted Housing Stability and Energy and Green ...
Cricketdiane's Weblog -
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Solar PV vs Thermal vs Nukes vs Wind vs Coal vs Ongoing Renewable Energy Conversations. Just wanted to give my readers from around the world a glance at the discussions taking place around our country regarding the ... photo-electric materials being 10-20 years away from mass-manufacturing, > solar power isn't exactly the golden bullet everyone believes it to be... > Just right yet. > So, can we have a serious discussion on Energy now? > Thanks > Valentine Obasuyi ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Solar Installation Training Choices
Solar energy is developed by the sun hitting the solar energy panels. The solar energy system consists of many components but the main part is the solar panels or photovoltaic cells. These are designed in a way that makes them attract ...
Latest Articles -
Solar Knowledge: Renewable energy will benefit Florida
By Maureen McHale
Photovoltaics, or PV for short, is a Solar Power technology that uses Solar Photvoltaics system or Solar cell to provide electricity for human activities. Photovoltaics is also the field of study relating to this technology. ...
Solar Knowledge -
Germany's Green Energy Goals Are Potentially Unrealistic ...
By KirkRogers
These mines provide an enormous portion of Germany's electricity and are also one of the reasons why Germany's lights won't go off even if all the nuclear plants are turned off. ... It only produces power when the sun shines, and it is very tricky to store the energy created, especially with photovoltaic sources making it enormously expensive. Some forms of solar power have been able to store off-peak power production; the parabolic-trough plants in Andalusia or the ... - Economic,... -
he latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* Church giving 'great sex' sermons might get booted (AP)
* Live shark left outside office (Reuters)
* Boyle becomes web singing sensation (Reuters)
* Record attempt reaps 217K texts, $26K phone bill (AP)
* Country aghast over drunk TV star's naked blunder (Reuters)
* Porterhouse wins beautiful bulldog contest (AP)
* Miss Universe Australia in "skinny" controversy (Reuters)
* Sword-waving ninja accused of attempted robbery (AP)
* Officer finds NH woman passed out at traffic light (AP)
* Fear a high school reunion? Hire a stripper (Reuters)
* Swine flu not kosher in Israel (Reuters)
* Serb cut off finger to protest overdue wages (Reuters)
* Swiss canton bans nude hiking (Reuters)
* Man cut off finger to protest overdue wages (Reuters)
* Foul-smelling man accused of money laundering (AP)
* Alderman objects to crime-themed hot dog stand (AP)
* Nebraka police arrest naked and reckless driver (AP)
Church giving 'great sex' sermons might get booted (AP) Top
AP - A church giving sermons about sex may have to find a new home. Brevard Public School District's risk-management department has threatened to boot New Hope Church out of Sherwood Elementary because of a worship series titled "Great Sex for You."
Live shark left outside office (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A live shark dumped on the doorstep of an Australian country newspaper office had local police puzzled Thursday, with authorities vowing to charge the person who left it with animal cruelty.
Boyle becomes web singing sensation (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A middle aged Scottish spinster with untamed hair and a plain-spoken manner has captivated millions of music lovers and confounded celebrity watchers with her rise to fame after appearing on a TV talent show.
Record attempt reaps 217K texts, $26K phone bill (AP) Top
AP - Their thumbs sure must be sore.
Country aghast over drunk TV star's naked blunder (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Media helicopters hovered overhead and photographers camped out in front of Japan's top talent agency Thursday after one of television's cleanest-cut stars was arrested for public indecency.
Porterhouse wins beautiful bulldog contest (AP) Top
AP - For three years, Porterhouse was so close to the title he could drool on it. Now, the Beautiful Bulldog crown is his to slobber on for the rest of the year. After two runner-up finishes and one "Mr. Congeniality" title, Porterhouse finally nabbed "top dog" honors Monday when he was crowned the winner of Drake University's annual Beautiful Bulldog Contest in downtown Des Moines.
Miss Universe Australia in "skinny" controversy (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Australia's Miss Universe contest was thrown into controversy on Thursday with doctors and dieticians complaining a leading finalist was "skin and bones" and dangerously malnourished.
Sword-waving ninja accused of attempted robbery (AP) Top
AP - Police say a man dressed liked a ninja used a sword in an attempt to rob a Weymouth dry cleaner. According to police, a convenience store clerk called police Monday after she noticed a man walking into the store wearing a ski mask and carrying a sword in a sheath on his belt. When the man noticed her, he pulled his mask off and asked if she was calling about him, police said.
Officer finds NH woman passed out at traffic light (AP) Top
AP - The car, stopped at a traffic light in Manchester, N.H., didn't move when the light turned green. So a police officer checked it out and found the driver asleep at the wheel, with one foot still on the brake. The 22-year-old driver eventually woke up and was arrested Monday on a charge of aggravated driving while intoxicated, the New Hampshire Union Leader reported.
Fear a high school reunion? Hire a stripper (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Comedy writer Andrea Wachner hated the idea of going to her 10-year high school reunion so much that she hired a stripper to go instead, and what followed, she says, was a comical study in human nature.
Swine flu not kosher in Israel (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Swine flu? Not in the Jewish state.
Serb cut off finger to protest overdue wages (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A Serbian union official who chopped off his finger and ate it in a protest over wages that in some cases have not been paid in years, said Monday he did it to show how desperate he and other workers were.
Swiss canton bans nude hiking (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Hikers will no longer be able to stroll naked through the idylic Alpine countryside of Appenzell Innerrhoden after the conservative Swiss canton banned nude walking there.
Foul-smelling man accused of money laundering (AP) Top
AP - Authorities said a man accused of money laundering was tripped up because he could have used a little cleansing himself. Court records show that during his trips to a Eugene bank a man drew attention to himself because of a foul odor, possibly linked to fertilizer. A teller vomited. Customers complained. Authorities investigated.
Alderman objects to crime-themed hot dog stand (AP) Top
AP - A Chicago alderman said he doesn't mind that a businessman plans to open a hot dog stand in his ward and hire former convicts to work there, but he does object to the stand's crime-linked theme. Alderman Bob Fioretti said Friday his Second Ward on the city's West Side has major crime problems, so he thinks the stand's name, Felony Franks, is simply not in good taste.
Nebraka police arrest naked and reckless driver (AP)
AP - A man was arrested after authorities were tipped off about a reckless — and naked — driver on Interstate 80 in central Nebraska. The Nebraska State Patrol said a 26-year-old man was arrested Saturday evening on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and driving under suspension.
and come back to it often. Follow me on twitter @greenearldotcom
For access to Picken's Plan Groups...Click on Title and Link Above
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
The Merits of a Green Degree |
By admin
Changing to a Green Career. Green jobs really aren't that different from any other job position. No matter what sector you work in, chances are that what you're doing now has a related position in the renewable energy sector. ... You'll learn what goes into maintaining a green building, the renewable energy industry trends, the financial, business and policy issues for greener energy and more. With the information a Green Degree gives you, you'll be prepared to step into ... -
Natural gas clean and green
Careers ... Mr. Eresman was one of several industry leaders who met last week with the U. S. energy secretary, Steven Chu, a champion of renewable energy. They explained that shale gas, while still a fossil fuel, is an extraordinary new source of ..... Alia McMullen, Financial Post; Air Canada cuts 2000 jobs; Agrium's Egypt plans rile locals; Goldman profit falls as markets slump; Big wheat order coming from Iraq; Market update; BCE live coverage on ...
FPL Energy top stories -
Green infrastructure: Sewage, sewage, go away | CleanTechies Blog ...
By jeff
... renewable energy, resource efficiency, green building and sustainable transportation. Industry experts write about current trends, discuss clean technologies as well as policies and provide career advice. About CleanTechies... » ...
CleanTechies Blog - -
Financial Specialist
Renewable Energy Jobs delivers up to the minute news, reviews, guides and information on green jobs, green collar careers and employment with the renewable energy industry from around the world; as well as topic news on cleantech, ...
Renewable Energy Jobs -
Some of Where the Recovery and Reinvestment Act Money is going ...
By cricketdiane
Department of Labor, Support research, labor exchange and job training projects that prepare workers for careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy. $500 million, Federal and state. Assisted Housing Stability and Energy and Green ...
Cricketdiane's Weblog -
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Solar PV vs Thermal vs Nukes vs Wind vs Coal vs Ongoing Renewable Energy Conversations. Just wanted to give my readers from around the world a glance at the discussions taking place around our country regarding the ... photo-electric materials being 10-20 years away from mass-manufacturing, > solar power isn't exactly the golden bullet everyone believes it to be... > Just right yet. > So, can we have a serious discussion on Energy now? > Thanks > Valentine Obasuyi ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... -
Solar Installation Training Choices
Solar energy is developed by the sun hitting the solar energy panels. The solar energy system consists of many components but the main part is the solar panels or photovoltaic cells. These are designed in a way that makes them attract ...
Latest Articles -
Solar Knowledge: Renewable energy will benefit Florida
By Maureen McHale
Photovoltaics, or PV for short, is a Solar Power technology that uses Solar Photvoltaics system or Solar cell to provide electricity for human activities. Photovoltaics is also the field of study relating to this technology. ...
Solar Knowledge -
Germany's Green Energy Goals Are Potentially Unrealistic ...
By KirkRogers
These mines provide an enormous portion of Germany's electricity and are also one of the reasons why Germany's lights won't go off even if all the nuclear plants are turned off. ... It only produces power when the sun shines, and it is very tricky to store the energy created, especially with photovoltaic sources making it enormously expensive. Some forms of solar power have been able to store off-peak power production; the parabolic-trough plants in Andalusia or the ... - Economic,... -
he latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* Church giving 'great sex' sermons might get booted (AP)
* Live shark left outside office (Reuters)
* Boyle becomes web singing sensation (Reuters)
* Record attempt reaps 217K texts, $26K phone bill (AP)
* Country aghast over drunk TV star's naked blunder (Reuters)
* Porterhouse wins beautiful bulldog contest (AP)
* Miss Universe Australia in "skinny" controversy (Reuters)
* Sword-waving ninja accused of attempted robbery (AP)
* Officer finds NH woman passed out at traffic light (AP)
* Fear a high school reunion? Hire a stripper (Reuters)
* Swine flu not kosher in Israel (Reuters)
* Serb cut off finger to protest overdue wages (Reuters)
* Swiss canton bans nude hiking (Reuters)
* Man cut off finger to protest overdue wages (Reuters)
* Foul-smelling man accused of money laundering (AP)
* Alderman objects to crime-themed hot dog stand (AP)
* Nebraka police arrest naked and reckless driver (AP)
Church giving 'great sex' sermons might get booted (AP) Top
AP - A church giving sermons about sex may have to find a new home. Brevard Public School District's risk-management department has threatened to boot New Hope Church out of Sherwood Elementary because of a worship series titled "Great Sex for You."
Live shark left outside office (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A live shark dumped on the doorstep of an Australian country newspaper office had local police puzzled Thursday, with authorities vowing to charge the person who left it with animal cruelty.
Boyle becomes web singing sensation (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A middle aged Scottish spinster with untamed hair and a plain-spoken manner has captivated millions of music lovers and confounded celebrity watchers with her rise to fame after appearing on a TV talent show.
Record attempt reaps 217K texts, $26K phone bill (AP) Top
AP - Their thumbs sure must be sore.
Country aghast over drunk TV star's naked blunder (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Media helicopters hovered overhead and photographers camped out in front of Japan's top talent agency Thursday after one of television's cleanest-cut stars was arrested for public indecency.
Porterhouse wins beautiful bulldog contest (AP) Top
AP - For three years, Porterhouse was so close to the title he could drool on it. Now, the Beautiful Bulldog crown is his to slobber on for the rest of the year. After two runner-up finishes and one "Mr. Congeniality" title, Porterhouse finally nabbed "top dog" honors Monday when he was crowned the winner of Drake University's annual Beautiful Bulldog Contest in downtown Des Moines.
Miss Universe Australia in "skinny" controversy (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Australia's Miss Universe contest was thrown into controversy on Thursday with doctors and dieticians complaining a leading finalist was "skin and bones" and dangerously malnourished.
Sword-waving ninja accused of attempted robbery (AP) Top
AP - Police say a man dressed liked a ninja used a sword in an attempt to rob a Weymouth dry cleaner. According to police, a convenience store clerk called police Monday after she noticed a man walking into the store wearing a ski mask and carrying a sword in a sheath on his belt. When the man noticed her, he pulled his mask off and asked if she was calling about him, police said.
Officer finds NH woman passed out at traffic light (AP) Top
AP - The car, stopped at a traffic light in Manchester, N.H., didn't move when the light turned green. So a police officer checked it out and found the driver asleep at the wheel, with one foot still on the brake. The 22-year-old driver eventually woke up and was arrested Monday on a charge of aggravated driving while intoxicated, the New Hampshire Union Leader reported.
Fear a high school reunion? Hire a stripper (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Comedy writer Andrea Wachner hated the idea of going to her 10-year high school reunion so much that she hired a stripper to go instead, and what followed, she says, was a comical study in human nature.
Swine flu not kosher in Israel (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Swine flu? Not in the Jewish state.
Serb cut off finger to protest overdue wages (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A Serbian union official who chopped off his finger and ate it in a protest over wages that in some cases have not been paid in years, said Monday he did it to show how desperate he and other workers were.
Swiss canton bans nude hiking (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Hikers will no longer be able to stroll naked through the idylic Alpine countryside of Appenzell Innerrhoden after the conservative Swiss canton banned nude walking there.
Foul-smelling man accused of money laundering (AP) Top
AP - Authorities said a man accused of money laundering was tripped up because he could have used a little cleansing himself. Court records show that during his trips to a Eugene bank a man drew attention to himself because of a foul odor, possibly linked to fertilizer. A teller vomited. Customers complained. Authorities investigated.
Alderman objects to crime-themed hot dog stand (AP) Top
AP - A Chicago alderman said he doesn't mind that a businessman plans to open a hot dog stand in his ward and hire former convicts to work there, but he does object to the stand's crime-linked theme. Alderman Bob Fioretti said Friday his Second Ward on the city's West Side has major crime problems, so he thinks the stand's name, Felony Franks, is simply not in good taste.
Nebraka police arrest naked and reckless driver (AP)
AP - A man was arrested after authorities were tipped off about a reckless — and naked — driver on Interstate 80 in central Nebraska. The Nebraska State Patrol said a 26-year-old man was arrested Saturday evening on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and driving under suspension.
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