This Is What We Get....

And This Is What We Need
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
GreenEarl (GreenEarl)
1 minute ago
in P060809PS-0156 - Barack Obama | Government News from the White House and Congress - Senate/House of Representatives on GovNews
Mr. President: Please look again at expansions of the power grid,
there is little "Smart" about these grand plans. In our area, as
many as 6,000 rural homeowners and small farmers, many who
conserve and use solar themselves as an alternative energy source,
will be displaced by 600 miles x 1,000, clear cut, swatch of High
Power Transmission Lines, in Northern CA...For What. To bring
electric power, from Coal-Fired Turbines, Where? in Colorado,
Montana, Idaho, Utah. (Ten New Ones Are Being Planned). Sir we
can do better than following the same, tired, worn-out, polluting
and poisoning, GM mentality, form of power and distribution.
Please help us to think Globally...but act locally. Thank You
_Green Earl, Founder of
YESWECANSOLVEIT Obama Group, American Energy Conservation
Blogspot.com Producing Negawatts...Since 1981.
Please come out here and spend a day...see what these power
brokers are about to destroy...Nothing but Greed, Mr. President
,Nothing "Smart" about this grid, at all.
Great idea GE!!!! That is...Green Earl; not the other guy...
An open letter to the president on your blog may actually find its way into his office faster than any attempt to contact him thru his appointed handlers!
Keep up the great job on the news and commentaries.
Thanks for your comments VB._GE
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