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Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Riding the wind
Pioneer Press - St. Paul,MN,USA
Developers say a wind project costs $2.5 million per megawatt of energy it is expected to produce, all of it paid up front. Putting together the financing ...
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How green is McGinty?
Lebanon Daily News - Lebanon,PA,USA
Third, to have the supply chain close at hand for solar energy projects, geothermal and wind energy. The closer to the production facility that you can ...
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GridSolar Project fills demands, creates jobs, at lower cost
Kennebec Journal - Augusta,ME,USA
Wind projects are already online in Stetson and Freedom and under construction at Kibby Mountain. New projects have been proposed in Rollins, Roxbury, ...
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Lawmakers try to ease regulation on biofuel's environmental effect
DesMoinesRegister.com - Des Moines,IA,USA
Denise Bode, chief executive of the American Wind Energy Association, said lowering the standard would threaten 100000 potential new jobs. ...
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2 weeks left in session
ReporterNews.com - Abilene,TX,USA
Tops on their lists are bills regarding local issues, solar and wind energy, crime, state schools, school finance, health care and higher education. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
PhillyBurbs.com: How green is McGinty?
Third, how much do we have by way of installed capacity for wind energy and solar energy? That is, have we succeeded in actually building these projects and getting the solar panels out of the factories and deployed on someone's roof, ... A : I would be happy if there were no such thing as green jobs or clean technology. Because those things would just be repetitive. That every job was part of putting bread on the table as well as keeping fields and soil vital enough to be ...
phillyBurbs.com: The Intelligencer... - http://www.phillyburbs.com/boilingspot: Can China Go Green?
By Awicaksono
On top of that, in March the Finance Ministry unveiled specific incentives to spark solar demand among China's builders. Included was a subsidy of $3 per watt of solar capacity installed in 2009—enough to cover as much as 60% of estimated costs to install a rooftop solar array. ... The benefits: China cleans up its own pollution, and the government-backed initiatives in solar and wind help drive down the cost of renewable energy systems in countries around the world. ...
boilingspot - http://boilingspot.blogspot.com/
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
The Hidden Costs of Electricity: Externalities of Power Generation ...
External costs of renewable energy in Australia are likely to be low, as ExternE found for Europe. Typical figures are $A5/MWh for solar photovoltaic electricity and $A1.50/MWh for wind power. Greenhouse gas emissions are mainly attributable to the pre-generation (essentially ... by Dr Tom Biegler FTSE, an electrochemist with a PhD in Agricultural Science, spent most of his career in CSIRO, with some shorter periods at the Universities of Illinois, Kentucky and Bristol. ...
Environmental Valuation & Cost-Benefi... - http://www.envirovaluation.org/index.php
Bingaman's big role in energy debate
Wind farms and solar-power photovoltaic systems are making great progress — and New Mexico is matching that progress stride for stride. Sen. Bingaman can be expected to promote both those renewables, in present and prospective forms. ... I could write about how, when we prepared to defend our state title, we were confident, maybe even cocky. And I could write about our bad luck in having the one bad race of our careers on the day we needed our best. »Story ...
Santa Fe New Mexican - http://www.santafenewmexican.com/rss/Local
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Small business, big issues
Frederick News Post (subscription) - Frederick,MD,USA
It will recognize successful entrepreneurs and feature a series of forums on green energy, business financing and social media designed to help ...
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Helgesen wants to fill space with jobs for Janesville
Janesville Gazette - Janesville,WI,USA
Janesville's future, Helgesen believes, rests largely on companies that will manufacture components for renewable energy markets. He's watched cities like ...
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Arising out of the ashes
Times Online - UK
In America, President Barack Obama is hurling money at new high-speed trains, at healthcare research and at renewable energy, providing plenty of ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Hill Heat : Official Summary of Waxman-Markey American Clean ...
By Brad Johnson
Section 132, Support of State Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programs: Distributes emission allowances among states for energy efficiency programs and renewable energy deployment and manufacturing support. ..... Subtitle B - Green Jobs and Worker Transition. Part 1 - Green Jobs. Section 421, Clean Energy Curriculum Development Grants: Amends the Carl. D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 to authorizes the Secretary of Education to award grants to ...
Hill Heat - http://www.hillheat.com/
European Tribune - Community, Politics & Progress.
By European Tribune
The SNP has launched its European election campaign with a pledge to protect Scottish jobs and boost economic recovery. Party leader and Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond set out his stall at a renewable energy company in Edinburgh's Leith area. ...
Gender imbalance in terms of support going to those who have lost jobs or face redundancy, trying to bail out a weakened manufacturing industry rather than looking for green economy alternatives. So frustrating. ...
European Tribune - http://www.eurotrib.com/
Thanks For Coming_Green Earl
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