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NQ economic groups push for solar plant
Magnetic Island News - Magnetic Island,Australia
Solar thermal plants operate differently to silicon-based photovoltaic cells as ... of the world's biggest solar power station are addressed by the report. ...
Largest Most Efficient Solar Plant to be Built in Australia ...
By admin
The 154 Megawatt facility is expected to be the largest and most efficient solar photovoltaic generation plant in the world. This will mean not only construction jobs buy high paying green careers in engineering, operations, ... The project involves a new generation of solar power technology called 'Heliostat Concentrator Photovoltaic' (HCPV) technology. This technology currently enables 1500 times more electricity generation from photovoltaic cells than the same area of ...
MYGreen Education and Career - http://www.mygreeneducation.com/
My Own Analysis - Pros And Cons Of Residential Solar Energy System
By sabers210
But the issue is, Is everything about solar energy good? having a look at the present cost of fossil fuel-based electricity, it is sort of unreal to convert into solar energy system. However, with the heightening ... Accordingly, the rise in the employment of solar energy and other alternative forms of energy will decrease the clamor for greenhouse gases-producing power plants. The cost of photovoltaic cells is continuously decreasing. The clamor for solar panels has ...
My Own Analysis - http://www.myownanalysis.com/
[YESWECANSOLVEIT] Fw: [RenewableEnergyAdvocatesforObama] Fwd: Climate Vote Coming -- What's at Stake?
Thursday, May 21, 2009 6:15 AM
From:"Earl Allen Boek"
View contact details
Al Boek, Redding, CA.
--- On Wed, 5/20/09, John Bonitz
From: John Bonitz
Subject: [RenewableEnergyAdvocatesforObama] Fwd: Climate Vote Coming -- What's at Stake?
To: "Renewable Energy Advocates for Obama"
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 5:33 PM
I know many of you are concerned about climate change, and want us to
pass a law to fix it. This note is for you. I know others of you are
skeptical. Here's your chance to hit the delete key.
Citizens need to know that the current legislative proposals in
Congress to fix climate change are weak and being severely weakened.
Although some of the very large environmental groups in DC are still
supporting the Waxman-Markey bill (aka, American Clean Energy and
Security act - ACES), many other environmental groups are troubled
with the flaws.
At this point, I understand that the Cap & Trade title being
considered in the House has been weakened by massive allocations of
pollution rights to the polluters. In carving-up the right to
pollute, the hope was that we would use the market to benefit people
and the environment. By selling these CO2 pollution permits, we would
raise revenues to help the less fortunate in society as we all grapple
with rising energy costs. That was the idea. But in reality, it's
not worked out so well.
From what I'm told, only about 15% of the pie will go to low and
moderate income people. 36% goes to electric utilities and carmakers.
At least 60% of the revenues derived from the bill will go to the
very people who have got us into this mess.
I note that great numbers of economists find this unacceptable: 600 of
them agreed that giving credits away to polluters for free will only
saddle consumers with higher prices while polluters walk away with
windfall profits.
There is an argument that we should pass this weak Cap & Trade bill
now, while we have the political will and opportunity. If the bill
hadn't given away the whole pie, but merely had weak caps and
timelines, I would agree. But once you give away the right to
pollute, it becomes an entitlement, and we'll never be able to take it
away. Every industry receiving these windfall funds will fight tooth
and nail to keep them in future.
For these reasons, I am deeply concerned that groups like EDF are
promoting this as good policy. (See below.) And fundraising on it,
to boot.
Here's James Hansen's take on the situation:
Watch carefully, folks. We Americans are contemplating the single
largest giveaway in human history. It is literally the
commoditization of the atmosphere: If we don't get it right, the
implications are global.
John Bonitz
Pittsboro, NC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Yarnold, Environmental Defense Action Fund
Date: Wed, May 20, 2009 at 7:47 AM
Subject: Climate Vote Coming -- What's at Stake?
To: john.bonitz@gmail.com
Dear John,
Only 5 days left to match your emergency donation.
Please donate now and your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar.
Even as we celebrate the President's historic proposals on fuel
economy, the House Energy and Commerce Committee is finalizing work on
landmark climate legislation. A vote could come at any time but the
outcome is far from certain.
If the Committee votes yes, it would set the stage for historic action
in the full House and Senate.
If the Committee votes no, our legislative team says it could be years
before we get this close again. There are just too many other key
priorities on the President's agenda.
We need your help to seize this critical momentum and keep the pressure on.
And if you donate before Memorial Day, your emergency donation to
Operation: Climate Vote will be matched dollar-for-dollar.
The opposition is doing everything they can to defeat this bill. A new
report from the Center for Responsive Politics reveals that in the
first three months of 2009, our opponents spent $80 million on direct
lobbying alone.
That figure doesn't include the tens of millions more spent on
political contributions and paid advertising.
And to add insult to injury among the lavishly paid hired guns working
to defeat climate legislation are top Bush Administration
environmental officials -- many of the same officials who worked to
block action over the last 8 years.
We're at a make-or-break moment.
Your donation right now will go twice as far to help us ramp up our
campaign efforts, buy more ad time, and do more on-the-ground field
Here's what we plan to do with your emergency donation:
Our Air Campaign -- We have placed hard-hitting truth-telling ads in
key states and those all-important swing Congressional districts to
help secure the votes to get a strong bill passed. With your donation,
we can buy more ads to shore up swing votes on Committee.
Our Ground Campaign -- Our grassroots organizing team is going door to
door and community to community to raise public concern and mobilize
voters to demand a strong bill in Washington. Your donation will help
keep these efforts going.
Our Cyber Campaign -- Through our Truth Squad blog and our Operation:
Climate Vote hub page, we are using the power of the Internet to
identify the false claims and scare tactics of the climate deniers,
and to shine a spotlight on their cynical efforts to stop progress.
Your support will give us the resources we need to intensify our
online communications efforts.
For only 5 more days, your emergency contribution will be matched
Your donation will never make a bigger difference than it will today.
One way or another, we are making history in 2009. Whether this
becomes the year we changed America's direction or the one in which we
lost one of our last great opportunities to act is up to us.
Please join me.
David Yarnold
President, Environmental Defense Action Fund
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Steelcase's Vision for an Eco-Friendly Future: 'Radical Evolution'
Reuters - USA
And although we were doing a lot of things inside of our company to minimize the energy consumption of our company, we decided to invest in a wind farm. ...
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Europe's largest on-shore wind farm turned on
People & the Planet - London,UK
"The UK has the best wind resource in Europe, but more must be done to harness this potential, create thousands of new green jobs and help make the UK a ...
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Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing
Trading Markets (press release) - Los Angeles,CA,USA
By 2020, 15 percent of all energy is to come from wind, biomass, solar and hydropower energy, compared to its current 7 percent. China projects that it will ...
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Financing Renewable Energy Projects After the Stimulus
Linex Legal - London,UK
The deadline is 2012 for wind farms. It is 2013 for biomass, landfill gas and marine energy projects. It is 2016 for solar, geothermal and fuel cell ...
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Voluntary CO2 market trade doubled in 2008 -report
guardian.co.uk - UK
Renewable energy projects like wind and solar now account for over half of volumes, up from 27 percent in 2007. Asia tightened its grip on the market last ...
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Wind Watch: Mountain land won't be for sale
Robert E. McCarthy Jr., tree warden and member of the Forestry Commission, said approximately 15 years ago a management plan was done on the land, and he believed the town could do a better job of upholding the management and protection of the land than the ... He said the Berkshire Wind Project plans to install 10 wind turbines atop Brodie Mountain, and has the capacity for 16. The plan is to install the six remaining turbines north along the Brodie Mountain ridge line, ...
National Wind Watch: News - http://www.wind-watch.org/news/
Renewable Energy Companies with Current Openings, May 20,2009 ...
By admin
HRL Limited is an Australian-owned energy, technology and project development company that also provides industry-leading services and technologically innovative solutions to the coal, energy and power sectors. ... http://www.shermco.com/ careers.aspx. 9- Signal Wind Energy LLC 8 openings. Signal Wind is a full service general contractor providing design/build and balance of plant construction services to the wind industry throughout North America. Since 2005, Signal Wind ...
MYGreen Education and Career - http://www.mygreeneducation.com/
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Irish/Ireland Business News, Internationa, Global, World, European Union, Financial Information - Irish Finance and Business Portal - providing Irish, European and global market information including mortgages, pensions, investment, property. ... The first project involves WED investing €6m in the installation of two 2MW wind turbines to deliver power to the Munster Joinery plant in Ballydesmond, which manufactures energy saving windows and doors. ...
Finfacts Ireland Business & Finance... - http://www.finfacts.com/irishfinancenews/
Businesses Need a Clear Path to Clean Energy, CEOs Tell Obama ...
By Stacy Morford
Lack of financing, they noted, has been a large part of the problem. Mark Gallogly, founder of Centerbridge Partners, suggested the government find ways to encourage more private investment, particularly in renewable energy development, .... Brazil's installed wind power capacity is expected to double this year from 341 MW, with a major boost this fall when the government holds its first wind power auction, expected to generate investments worth $2.4 billion. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... - http://solveclimate.com/blog
ICAATS » Blog Archive » Financing Small Wind Systems in Your Home
By John Ashbury
Academic And Job-related Resources Made Available By ICAATS ... There are various ways you can finance your wind turbine system for your home when you are interested in using an alternative form of energy. For many individuals it may seem that this is an expensive project to pay for. However, it is essential to gather the money together since eventually you will absorb the expense. One way that you can get the money together for a wind turbine system installation in your ...
ICAATS - http://icaats.com/
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
By Herman K. Trabish
The conference was spangled with the star power of governors and federal figures cheerleading our renewable energy future. Featured most of all was Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens, who abandoned oil drilling for the greater promise of energy ... Young, Green Entrepreneurs Flock to Carbon Market, from NPR's Morning Edition: "...climate change and a billion-dollar carbon market that trades in carbon credits — as if they were pork bellies — have created a new career niche." ...
NewEnergyNews - http://newenergynews.blogspot.com/
Climate change lobbying dominated by 10 firms - Marianne Lavelle ...
By Marianne Lavelle and Matthew Lewis - Center...
What good are these new cafe standards for families if they will make it a financial harship to buy such a vehicle, they will crumble on impact due to being made of lighter materials, or if they are electric they will drain the power grid and cost more to run due ... AS NOT RENEWABLE CLEAN GREEN ENERGY. HYDROGEN POWER EMITS NO CARBON DIOXIDE. NUCLEAR POWER EMITS NO CARBON DIOXIDE. I THOUGHT THE GOAL WAS TO CREATE ENERGY THAT EMITS NO CARBON DIOXIDE. SILLY ME. IT IS ONLY. ...
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Project Manager - Renewable Energy | Green Jobs Authority
solar jobs, wind jobs, cleantech jobs, free posting, international green jobs, green jobs. ... See all jobs by this advertiser. Project Manager - Renewable Energy. Posted date [2009-May-20]. (ID: 614) ...
solar jobs, wind jobs, cleantech jobs - http://greenjobsauthority.com/
How to go from shovel ready to people ready in a green job market?
By admin
But, behind the scenes, business and government leaders are grappling with the problems of being “people ready” for the millions of green jobs that will be created through the investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency. ... that momentum for green energy has been building for several years. After almost thirty years of debating the issues, government, business, financial and environmental experts agree that the conversion to sustainable energy is a necessity. ...
Jobs and Careers Center - http://www.caerers.com/
Kresge Foundation Announces New Environment Grantmaking Program ...
By admin
Update me about green jobs and careers when site is updated. Popular; Topics; Comments. Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs Creation - Updated May 5, 2009 · Best Green Jobs Meta-list: 56 Top Green Careers ... Renewable energy creates more jobs than other sources of energy- most of these will be created in the struggling manufacturing sector, which will pioneer the new energy future by investment that allows manufacturers to retool and adopt new ...
The Green Economy Post: Green... - http://greeneconomypost.com/
Brasscheck TV: Who owns the water?
Thursday, May 21, 2009 1:43 AM
"Brasscheck TV"
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Who owns the water on your land?
You do, unless you've sold the rights.
The federal government would like to
cut out the middleman - you - and take
control over it...in the interests of
protecting it.
- Brasscheck
P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services, A NEW HotFlash Featured Company! AESO - Tuesday, May 19, 2009 ... Manage the project team in the development of a Detailed Energy Audit and access detailed finding ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... - http://yeswecansolveit.blogspot.com/
That's how we grow. Thanks.
Yahoo! Alerts
The latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* Glass water bowl and sun start fire at Wash. home (AP)
* Exam result "stolen" for official's daughter (Reuters)
* Australian high-roller sues casino (AFP)
* Not without my chauffeur (Reuters)
* Cash flies out of convertible on motorway (Reuters)
* Sexy "Venus" may be oldest figurine yet discovered (Reuters)
* Woman beaten up over asparagus prices (Reuters)
* Ohio man pleads guilty to shooting at tractor (AP)
* Police: Pittsburgh student used snake as jump rope (AP)
* Boy, 4, walks home from Pittsburgh school midday (AP)
* 43 snails on his face? Boy hopes he set a record (AP)
* Dylan "poem" on sale was actually Hank Snow song (Reuters)
* Man trying to burn anthill scorches acre in Mich. (AP)
Glass water bowl and sun start fire at Wash. home (AP) Top
AP - Fire officials in Washington state said a sunny day and a dog's glass water bowl combined to cause a blaze that charred the back of a home. Bellevue Fire Department Lt. Eric Keenan said investigators determined the glass bowl of water focused sunlight enough to act like a magnifying glass and start the fire on the home's wood deck Sunday.
Exam result "stolen" for official's daughter (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A Chinese police official has been arrested for stealing another girl's exam results and passing it off as his daughter's to ensure her a place in college, a newspaper said on Wednesday.
Australian high-roller sues casino (AFP)
AFP - A compulsive Australian gambler banned from Sydney's casino blew more than two million dollars (1.5 million US) on the card tables in a neighbouring state in just 43 minutes, a court heard.
Not without my chauffeur (Reuters)
Reuters - Daniel Bouton, the former head of Societe Generale who was forced out after constant public criticism over the French bank's record trading losses, will be allowed to have a chauffeur for one more year.
Cash flies out of convertible on motorway (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A man lost 23,000 euros ($31,180) to the wind when an envelope with the money he had stuck in the passenger seat pocket of his convertible blew away during a test drive in northern Germany.
Sexy "Venus" may be oldest figurine yet discovered (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A sexually suggestive Venus figurine with oversized breasts and thighs dates back at least 35,000 years and shows ancient humans had sex on their minds, researchers said Wednesday.
Woman beaten up over asparagus prices (Reuters) Top
Reuters - German police are searching for a motorist who beat a 24-year-old woman selling white asparagus because he was upset about her asking price for the coveted springtime vegetable, police said on Monday.
Ohio man pleads guilty to shooting at tractor (AP) Top
AP - A central Ohio man who fired five gunshots at a tractor being used to mow a ditch along his property has pleaded guilty to felonious assault and could be sent to prison. Pickaway County prosecutor Judy Wolford says Randall Turner entered the plea Friday. The 53-year-old Turner faces two to eight years in prison.
Police: Pittsburgh student used snake as jump rope (AP) Top
AP - Pittsburgh police say a high school student is facing charges for using a biology class snake as a jump rope.
Boy, 4, walks home from Pittsburgh school midday (AP) Top
AP - Pittsburgh school officials are trying to figure out how a 4-year-old boy slipped away from his preschool in the middle of the school day and walked to his home about a mile away.
43 snails on his face? Boy hopes he set a record (AP) Top
AP - Never mind the ick factor, a Utah boy is trying to get into the record books by covering his face with live snails. Eleven-year-old Fin Keheler, from Sandy, allowed 43 of the slimy mollusks to be put on his face Saturday. He wants the Guinness World Records to verify his effort.
Dylan "poem" on sale was actually Hank Snow song (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A "poem" purportedly written by a teenage Bob Dylan and up for auction at Christie's is actually a song written by the late Canadian country singer Hank Snow, the auction house said on Wednesday.
Man trying to burn anthill scorches acre in Mich. (AP) Top
AP - A man who tried to burn an anthill in west-central Michigan started a blaze that damaged about an acre of land. The Daily News of Greenville reported the fire was set Tuesday afternoon in Lakeview, about 40 miles north-northeast of Grand Rapids. The flames quickly spread to a nearby wooded area.
Thanks For The Visit_Green Earl
Thanks for the heads up. It would really be beneficial for Ohio businesses owners to venture in green business. This way they are helping local environment to have a Eco-friendly working environment.
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