Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Maine task force to identify offshore wind energy sites
EnergyCurrent - Houston,TX,USA
Maine's job now, he said, is to clear away the obstacles, so offshore wind developers can move ahead when it makes economic and technical sense. ...
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Commission sets ball rolling on energy interconnection project
Malta Independent Online - Malta
The interconnection will be crucial in developing wind power, where excess generated could be sold back to the European grid, and in terms of lowering ...
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As growth dwindles, can FPL persuade Florida to bet on alternative ...
Palm Beach Post - FL, United States
The Juno Beach-based company is the country's largest producer of wind and solar power, but its wind farms and solar panels are all outside of Florida. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Project manager | Green Earl, "Green Jobs Authority"
Within the sustainable and renewables space we cover project financing, commodity financing, project development, CDM/JI development roles, exploration and engineering, and all other areas related to the wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, ... They are looking for a project manager to focus primarily on the renewable power plants they are currently working on. This role offers excellent career progression as it can lead to management roles. Responsibilities of the role: ...
solar jobs, wind jobs, cleantech jobs - http://greenjobsauthority.com/
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » 10 Reasons to support Waxman ...
By Guest
Investments in clean energy and efficiency would create jobs, particularly in struggling sectors such as manufacturing and construction, by increasing demand for steel for wind turbines and construction of energy-efficient buildings. .... Recognizing this, the Waxman-Markey bill provides a financing mechanism to set the stage for deployment of carbon capture-and-sequestration technology at a scale that would significantly reduce coal plant emissions. ...
Climate Progress - http://climateprogress.org/
The Oil Drum | DrumBeat: May 18, 2009
By Leanan
Brazil Turns to China to Help Finance Oil Projects. SÃO PAULO -- Brazil's oil industry is turning to China for cash in the latest sign of how Beijing's clout is growing amid the global economic downturn. ... So some wind-turbine makers are shifting their focus toward building bigger wind turbines that can harvest the lower-speed winds that are more readily available. This next generation of wind turbines is no small matter: their rotors have a diameter the size of a ...
The Oil Drum - Discussions about... - http://www.theoildrum.com/frontpage
European Tribune - Community, Politics & Progress.
By European Tribune
They can learn on the job, have completely different ideas, and if they fuck up in a few years, we'll just bail them out like we did the current lot. But the current lot must be neutralized, and a stern talking to doesn't do it. .... The world's largest offshore wind farm, the London Array will begin construction this summer after the British government doubled the incentives for offshore wind energy, says the project's main owner, Denmark's DONG Energy. ...
European Tribune - http://www.eurotrib.com/
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
DGAP-News: Phoenix Solar Aktiengesellschaft builds photovoltaic ...
Ad-Hoc-News (Pressemitteilung) - Germany
Bürgerservice Trier and Phoenix Solar have been working together in the area since 2007. This cooperation has meanwhile resulted in photovoltaic power ...
Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Australia Plans World Record Setting 1GW Solar Farm | The Green ...
By Chris de Morsella
Related Topics: Australia, Australian Prime Minister, California, International Renewable Energy Agency, Kevin Rudd, renewable energy, solar energy, solar photovoltaic, solar power, solar-thermal-electric ... Update me about green jobs and careers when site is updated. Popular; Topics; Comments. Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs Creation - Updated May 5, 2009 · Best Green Jobs Meta-list: 56 Top Green Careers Recommended By 12 Authoritative ...
American Energy Conservation Group...http://greenearldotcom.wordpress.com
By Green Earl
Investment Equity Investors/Partners are invited to check out
MDU, apartment complex plan for California, and perhaps other
key states. Federal Credits have been extended and increased
8 years. State cash rebated programs are in force and this
low hanging fruit and shovel ready projects await our exploitation.
View blog post on the project here.........
The Green Economy Post: Green... - http://greeneconomypost.com/
Newspaper Articles: Wind and solar energy
By Faheem
Considering the plight of our antiquated and crumbling electric transmission grid, prone to breakdowns and frequent outages, this indeed is a questionable decision. The concept that the remote turbine will generate and supply the ... However, solar photovoltaic system has come of age and, with the prevailing glut in the international market, its prices are steadily tumbling down to affordable levels. Due to the recent breakthrough in the “Thin film amorphous cells ...
Newspaper Articles - http://www.paperarticles.com/
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