Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
This is a great article on how Community Activism (Obama Style)
is being used to build networks of solar energy systems so home-
owners can get volume discounts.
Taken from the article. (Click On Link Above For Online Version)
One Block Off the Grid, or 1bog.org, is a campaign that groups
together people interested in buying solar power so they can get
volume discounts. It is run by Virgance, a San Francisco company
that uses activism campaigns to bring about social change while
also making money.
My concern, Now that the big utilities have set their sights on
the solar market,is that they will or are trying to eat up all the
rebates and tax credits for themselves..once again taking control
of the power to produce "the power".
One way to insure a balanced playing field in the future is to
insure the people produce power themselves at the point of use.
This is far better than us paying trillions on new grids, then
giving the utility companies all the rebates and credits to put
in their large decentralized solar projects and charging us top
dollar for their power, while they control it's use. This model
needs to be modified and Virgance and the One Block Off The Grid
People might have found the key. THINK GLOBALLY BUT ACT LOCALLY
_Green Earl
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