Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Latest Wind News Below...But first a couple of environmental issues.
[EnvironmentalistsforObama] H2Oh No!
Friday, June 5, 2009 5:11 PM
To:"Environmentalists for Obama"
I just watched a video from charity: water, in which Jennifer Connelly
shows us the terrible plight of the hundreds of millions of people who
live without access to clean water and sanitation.
Then I took action with ONE and asked my senators to cosponsor the
Senator Paul Simon Water for the World Act of 2009 (S.624), which will
help bring first-time, sustainable access to clean water and
sanitation to a hundred million of the world's poorest people. Check
out the video and then make that commitment, too, by adding your voice.
Together as ONE, we can make a difference!
Sent from my iPhone
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[GreensforObama] You're Invited! Grow Our Movement. Enter Data. Eat Pizza! This Saturday & Sunday
Saturday, June 6, 2009 3:03 AM
From:"Organizing For America, Marin County"
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CLIMATE CHANGE: Twilight of the Fossil Fuel Era?
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Hydro-Quebec deal snarls plans to upgrade Coos transmission line
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After all, without such a line, projects for power generation from renewable resources like wind and wood, seen as key contributors to economic
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Thanks For The Visit, Bookmark us and come again_Green Earl
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Environmental Conservation
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GREEN = Going Green
Great post's, Every One
Thank you for all you do for the environment.
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