....What You Do Need Is To Listen Up, read this post
and the one below it, so you can get the favor of
what I'm putting down here.
Ok I have removed this copy from a website I discovered
while researching search words that brought folks like
you to my site. I have SEO tools, thanks to my friends
that allow me to check their rankings across the internet
against my own. I'll just say this, I am not a certified
SEO computer wizard and I don't hold a glitzy degree from
a 4 year or more university. I wish I did, and they had one
better, but I just don't, but it sure does not mean I am
not educated about what I write to you now.I went to Vietnam
on my senior trip, not MIT. And I tell you without reservation,
as you read the material from this companies home page on
Energy Auditor Schooling and Training, who I've given a link
too, out of the goodness of my heart, located at the top of
this blog in the title. I tell you without reservation, I
have earned more money, marketed and financed more renewable
energy projects, trained more truly GREEN sales folks,
phone people, yes and auditors, canvessors, and installers
by accident then these folks have on purpose.
So go ahead and read their material, take their advice, if
you have that engineering degree and you have the time and
money to get "their" certification, I say more POWER to ya..
but, keep this in mind, the rebates in your state, may
not always be as large as they are now, in fact, they
may not even be available by the time your graduated.
I would not have even looked at re-entry into this
business to this degree, had the federal tax credit
programs not been extended (8 yrs) and increased. Also
had McCain been elected, that would have been a deal
breaker for me as well.
Back to the point I'm trying to make here. I do not care
where you live on this Green and Blue Planet, If you take
our audit course, and or (DEC)certification, why not if
you feel you need it, and follow some advice from a Pro,
or get someone that will mentor you that knows this business,
You can earn more money, faster, make a bigger impact on
your families future, your community and your planet then
the best read, best educated, Platnuim L.E.E.D. Certified,
inspected guy or gal, turned out by any of these schools.
In my first year in the business, my company did more
business, than most doctors, and for sure more, than
95% of any attorneys just starting out. And you can
too. Take our training now...Denby Energy, the link is on
the right-hand side of this blog.
The business climate is hot, the government is behind
you, finally, the solar manufacturers have more pro-
duct (3 times more) than they know how to market.
Get your basic training...and I'll teach you how to
about declaring a Renewable Energy War on your compet-
itors, I don't give a good *%^$^ where they went to
school or what cerification they have hanging on
their wall or in their wallet. Sales, Marketing and
Finance is the Dog, They will be your tails.
Green Earl
PS: Anyone wanting to comment or take exception to
my advice, please do so, below in the comment section.
Green Earl, Founder
American Energy Conservation Group
Producing Negawatts.....Since 1981
By the way, our online training price
starts at $250, not $1500.
Energy Auditor Schooling Training
Good Green Jobs: Clean Energy Careers : Smart Grid Engineer | Energy Commission Specialist | Hydrogen Plant Operator & Operations Manager | Refrigeration Engineer | Landfill Gas Plant Operator | Thermal Engineer | Energy Engineer | Energy Auditor | Green IT Professional Consultant |
Becoming an energy auditor is a great opportunity to get a green job. Energy Auditors help companies reduce their energy consumption. They also are used in building and home buying. Certification is very important as well as some education.
If you have a degree in engineering you should look into becoming a certified energy auditor. If you are coming from the auto industry, the work that you have done may qualify for experience. It may give you the background necessary to shift into a new green career.
The association of energy engineers offers a two certification programs that will be vital for you to start this lucrative career. To be a certified energy auditor (CEA) you will need to qualify under these requirements. Have a four year energy or architecture degree, or a 4 year degree with 4 years of experience in this field, or a 2 year technical degree with 5 years of experience. You may choose to be a Certified energy auditor in training (CEAIT) first, this only requires passing the CEA exam and an engineering degree.
You can also qualify if you are a certified Energy Manager (CEM). To be a CEM you need to qualify with any of these; 4 year engineering degree with 3 years experience or 4 year business or related field with 5 years of experience or 2 years of technical school with 8 year experience or 10 years of verified experience.
Once you have these requirements you must take a seminar and the certification exam. Taken together they will run you around $1500. This money is certainly a good investment. If you do not have an engineering degree do not be put off. This job is attainable for anyone who can qualify with experience.
Energy Auditor Resources
*Energy Efficient Homes For Dummies (For Dummies (Home & Garden))
*Handbook of Energy Audits, Seventh Edition
*Energy Audit of Building Systems: An Engineering Approach (Mechanical Engineering Series)
*Home Tune-UP: Empowering Energy Savings Nationwide
Good Green Jobs: Clean Energy Careers : Smart Grid Engineer | Energy Commission Specialist | Hydrogen Plant Operator & Operations Manager | Refrigeration Engineer | Landfill Gas Plant Operator | Thermal Engineer | Energy Engineer | Energy Auditor | Green IT Professional Consultant |
1 comment:
Solar energy is now can be converted in many forms. The government should pay attention to this topic.
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