Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
A local Environmental School is hard pressed for funds.
They need $100,000 to keep the school going. I need $2 million
in Environmental Sales.
We form an agreement. I write a $100,000 check. They agree to
give our company access to class room parents in the form of
a flier sent home with each class student benefiting from the
Environmental School experience, explaining that each purchase
places 5% of each sale in the school account. When the account
reaches $100K then my check can be returned.
The Flyer Introduces our Total ZERO ENERGY HOME MAKEOVER
Consisting of offers to provide installation services of the
following Renewable and Environmental Devices, Supplies,
Products and Services.
Conservation Devices and Services
Caulking and Weatherstripping Windows and Doors
Added Insulation Where Needed (Pipes,Ceilings,Walls)
LED Lighting Conversions
Ceiling Fans Installed
Natural Lighting (Installed Solar Tubes)
Whole House Fans
Attic Turbine Fans and Solar Attic Fans
Air and Water Filtration Systems
Vinyl Window and Door Replacement
Stucco Repair and Seal, Vinyl Insulated Siding
Solar Water Heating and Space Heater(s)
Solar Spa and Pool Heating
Solar PV Electic Generation and Air Conditioning.
All products installed by License, Bonded, Insured
Experience and Pre-screened Contractors.
Financing Provided.
Free, No Obligation Estimates.
School funding program is a American Energy Conservation
Group Copyrighted (Sept. 28th., 2009, 6:18 am) Fundraiser
Marketing Concept. By_Green Earl, Founder and GM
American Energy Conservation Group
Redding/Rancho Cordova, CA.
530-549-4315 Office
americanenergy@frontiernet.net e-mail