Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy Top Stories:
Trainees graduate from green jobs program
By GREG MENZA/ gmenza@c-dh.net
The first class of graduates from the Honeywell Energy Auditor Training program gather at the Columbia Housing Authority office prior to a ceremony held Friday to recognize their accomplishment. Staff photo by Greg Menza
An innovative jobs training program initiated as a result of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has allowed eight of its graduates to be certified as home energy auditors.
The Honeywell HEAT, Home Energy Auditor Training, program completed its debut training run this month in Maury County. For the past few weeks, the HEAT trainees have been studying green technologies and other energy saving measures that can help reduce residential utility bills.
The group will conduct home energy audits during October at each of the Columbia Housing Authority’s 293 public housing units. The energy audits will consist of a guided walk-through to assess areas where tenants could be more energy efficient. At the conclusion of the walk-through, the tenant will receive an itemized report detailing problem areas and offering specific low cost energy-saving recommendations.
The Honeywell HEAT Program is a collaborative venture of the Columbia Housing Authority, Honeywell International Inc., and the South Central Tennessee Workforce Alliance. The eight trainees, who range in age from 19 to 24, were selected from a pool of young people who were participants in the Hire Youth! Summer Jobs Program.
“The program with the Columbia Housing Authority is one of the first of its kind in the state, and we are really excited about that,” said Tonja Garrett, Summer Youth Program coordinator. “We’re also pleased that the Honeywell HEAT program will allow these young people to continue working beyond the original Sept. 30 cut-off date for the Summer Youth Program.”
Garrett said plans are under discussion to extend the Honeywell HEAT program to Marshall and Lewis Counties once the Maury County project is completed.
Dibri Beavers is Honeywell’s resident training program manager for the project.
“Part of Honeywell’s mission is to provide employment opportunities for residents who are our public housing customers,” she said. “When CHA Director Trent Ogilvie asked about the possibility of developing a green jobs program we came upon the idea of teaching them what our engineers do at the front end of an energy performance contract evaluation.”
The graduates of the inaugural program agreed the idea was a good one.
“This program was a good opportunity to learn something new and show the people of this community we care about them,” said Keventris Webster, a Spring Hill High School graduate. “It also allowed me to get more familiar with opportunities in energy conservation and community service, which are careers I’m interested in pursuing.”
The young men and women who comprise the inaugural graduating class of the Honeywell HEAT Program are Quentin Armstrong, 23; Shardae Green, 23; Tige Kennedy Jr, 20; Delandris Moore, 19; Michael Mulldune, 22; Janelle Sparks, 24; Keventris Webster, 20; and Brandon Zeigler, 24. A ceremony acknowledging their accomplishment took place Friday, before a gallery of friends and family at the Columbia Housing Authority.
Story created Sep 28, 2009 - 14:36:54 EDT.
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Green Earl wrote on Sep 29, 2009 9:52 AM:
" Kudos to the inaugural graduating energy auditor Honeywell HEAT program. You have just entered a very rewarding field, community and planet wise as well as financially.
I did over $500,000 in business in the energy conservation and solar energy field my first year in the business which was 1981. My town now is just approaching 100,000 in population.
Redding, Ca. If I can be of service contact me on my website.
http://yeswecansolveit.blogspot.com "
Green Earl wrote on Sep 29, 2009 9:54 AM:
" LAST BUT NOT LEAST............
I should also mention, I have helped hundreds of clients, through the years save in many cases, tens of thousands of dollars in energy bills, improved their comfort, security and our planet._Green Earl "