Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
DOE Announces Nearly $14 Million to go to 28 New Wind Energy Projects
RealEstateRama - Washington,USA
The report also details trends in project financing, a key concern for the wind industry in the current economic climate, as well as trends in project ...
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Oregon Wind Company Continues Fight With Fayette Zoning Board
istockAnalyst.com (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
16--An Oregon company that last month received a split decision on its request for special exceptions for 22 wind turbines filed an appeal Wednesday against ...
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UK climate plan builds on wind, nuclear, clean coal
EurActiv - Brussels,Belgium
The share of renewables would have to rise from the current 5.5%, mainly with the help of wind, but the government also sees a role for wave and tidal power ...
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Washington Post
Up Next: Biden vs. Cantor
Washington Post - United States
Why did T.Boone Pickens give up on his wind farm? Because he couldn't get enough private capital investors to back his project, and he is a Billionaire! ...
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Five Nordex N100 Wind Turbines Started Work at Gollmitz Wind Farm ...
By admin
Construction of the foundations and access roads as well cable work thus helped to secure jobs in the region, as will the ensuing operation of the wind farm. In addition, we implemented various environmental compensation measures," Müller added. ... "The project testifies to the confidence which our long-standing partner Enertrag has placed in our wind power systems, particularly those in the 2.5 MW class. The N100 is one of the most powerful series-produced turbines for ...
Renewable Energy Sources - http://www.renewable-energy-sources.com/
Flopping Aces » Blog Archive » EXPOSE' … Obama's “cartoon horror ...
By MataHarley
In particular, banks, utility companies and various types of nonprofit groups will increasingly organize themselves to supply the upfront financing for these projects. [Mata Musing: In a credit crunch market with declining values? see more on this later. .... The same with wind and solar farms? In short, we're talking about spending beaucoup cash on infrastructure that in no way justifies it for job creation… not to mention the larger expense of “clean energy”. ...
Flopping Aces - http://www.floppingaces.net/
US, China announce clean energy research center | Science News
By admin
With initial financing of $15 million and headquarters in both countries, the center will focus on coal and clean buildings and vehicles, said U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu. ... Some companies say Beijing is trying to build up its industry by shielding companies from competition, shutting foreign competitors out of wind power and other projects. China is promoting solar, wind and hydroelectric power to reduce reliance on imported oil and gas, which its communist ...
Science News - http://news.remedy.org.ua/
Joint US-Chinese research in clean energy - COP15 United Nations ...
The world's two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases on Wednesday announced plans for a joint research center with initial financing of $15 million and headquarters in both countries. ... Some companies say Beijing is trying to build up its industry by shielding companies from competition, shutting foreign competitors out of wind power and other projects. "We need to empower US and Chinese entrepreneurs and innovators to create and collaborate free from artificial trade ...
cop15.dk News - http://en.cop15.dk/
Thursday Newspaper Review - Irish Business News and International ...
Irish/Ireland Business News, Internationa, Global, World, European Union, Financial Information - Irish Finance and Business Portal - providing Irish, European and global market information including mortgages, pensions, investment, ... Mr Miliband promised that the government would press ahead with its new planning framework, including national policy statements of the need for energy projects such as new nuclear plants and wind farms, which are due in the autumn. ...
Finfacts Ireland Business & Finance... - http://www.finfacts.com/irishfinancenews/
Google News Alert for: Conservation, creating Negawatts, saving energy
Q&A: Energy efficiency
guardian.co.uk - UK
Though the two are often used interchangeably, efficiency is just one aspect of energy-saving (sometimes called energy conservation). Energy-saving can also ...
Google Web Alert for: Conservation, creating Negawatts, saving energy
Discovery News: Material World: Generate Some Negawatts
Jul 15, 2009 ... But "generating" negawatts, that is being energy efficient, has a tangible by- product: wealth. Save energy; save money. ...
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Yahoo! Alerts
The latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* PETA suggests nondairy Michael Jackson sculpture (AP)
* NH man charged 23 quadrillion dollars for smokes (AP)
* Gang leader charged in scheme to control punk rock (Reuters)
* Man arrested after refusing to lower his music (AP)
* Monster fish killed after terrorising Swiss swimmers (AFP)
* Phone firm's West Bank wall gag fails to amuse (Reuters)
* Travel agents offer sunshine insurance (Reuters)
* Drunk badger disrupts traffic (Reuters)
* UK-Odd Summary (Reuters)
* Loving pooch nurses baby pandas in China: report (AFP)
* Genuine Stasi files turn up at film set (Reuters)
* Iowa man accused of smearing feces on building (AP)
* Pa. woman warned about gator finds pot lab instead (AP)
* Pa. plumber saves 7 ducklings trapped in drain (AP)
* Police: Accused drunk driver leaves beer on trunk (AP)
* NC man calls 911 to report he's robbing bank (AP)
* Hunt called off for drug lord's hippo (Reuters)
PETA suggests nondairy Michael Jackson sculpture (AP)
AP - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have come up with an idea for sculptor Sarah Pratt and the Iowa State Fair — instead of using butter for a Michael Jackson sculpture, how about a nondairy spread?
NH man charged 23 quadrillion dollars for smokes (AP)
AP - A New Hampshire man says he swiped his debit card at a gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes and was charged over 23 quadrillion dollars.
Gang leader charged in scheme to control punk rock (Reuters) Top
Reuters - The founder of a street gang that administered beatings and made threats in its drive to control the punk rock music scene has been charged with extorting a Chicago performer, authorities said on Tuesday.
Man arrested after refusing to lower his music (AP) Top
AP - A 27-year-old man was arrested and booked with disturbing the peace and resisting an officer after he refused to turn down his music. The Beauregard Parish Sheriff's Office responded to the man's home around 1:30 a.m. Tuesday, and asked him to turn down the music on his stereo.
Monster fish killed after terrorising Swiss swimmers (AFP) Top
AFP - Police divers have ended the reign of terror of a huge fish that was attacking swimmers in a Swiss lake.
Phone firm's West Bank wall gag fails to amuse (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A television advert for an Israeli mobile phone firm showing soldiers playing soccer over the West Bank barrier has sparked cries of bad taste and prompted Arab lawmakers Sunday to demand it be taken off air.
Travel agents offer sunshine insurance (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Sun-seekers whose holidays are spoiled by bad weather could be reimbursed after French travel agencies launched insurance cover for unwanted interruptions to the sunshine.
Drunk badger disrupts traffic (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A badger in Germany got so drunk on over-ripe cherries it staggered into the middle of a road and refused to budge, police said on Wednesday.
UK-Odd Summary (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Colombia has called off the hunt to kill a drug lord's escaped hippo and will instead try to relocate the beast after its mate was shot dead by order of the government, sparking outrage from animal rights groups. The giant animals were imported from Africa by late cocaine king Pablo Escobar and put in his zoo. They escaped in 2006 to live in the wild near the Magdalena river in northern Colombia, causing concerns about local public safety.
Loving pooch nurses baby pandas in China: report (AFP) Top
AFP - Two red pandas who were abandoned by their mother soon after they were born in northern China have been nursed to health thanks to the love and milk of a dog, state media reported on Thursday.
Genuine Stasi files turn up at film set (Reuters)
Reuters - Secret files of Communist East Germany's Stasi security police were sent to a film set for use as props, triggering an investigation into how such sensitive documents were obtained.
Iowa man accused of smearing feces on building (AP) Top
AP - A man faces criminal mischief charges after he allegedly defecated on a downtown Elgin sidewalk and smeared feces on the door of a building. Authorities said the building houses the Valley Community Coalition. Officials believe the man targeted the organization, but they aren't sure why.
Pa. woman warned about gator finds pot lab instead (AP) Top
AP - Police said a woman defied a warning not to venture onto the second floor of a Philadelphia-area house because an alligator was kept there, and uncovered an operating marijuana lab. She tipped police, who searched the house in Darby, just west of Philadelphia.
Pa. plumber saves 7 ducklings trapped in drain (AP) Top
AP - Even plumbers sometimes encounter unfathomable clogs. This is what happened to 49-year-old George Jessup on Saturday when he saw a duck near a storm drain in a suburban Pittsburgh neighborhood. The plumber tried to approach the duck but she "charged at me like a lion."
Police: Accused drunk driver leaves beer on trunk (AP) Top
AP - Police said a man accused of driving drunk left evidence on the trunk of his car: a glass of beer. A Vermont State Police trooper said when a car pulled up next to him at an intersection on Wednesday night he noticed a glass sitting on the trunk.
NC man calls 911 to report he's robbing bank (AP) Top
AP - A man insisted on being arrested after he walked into a western North Carolina bank while on the phone with a 911 operator to report that he planned to commit a robbery. The Asheville Citizen-Times reported the man insisted on being arrested after an officer walked in behind him Wednesday at the Wachovia bank branch in Waynesville.
Hunt called off for drug lord's hippo (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Colombia has called off the hunt to kill a drug lord's escaped hippo and will instead try to relocate the beast after its mate was shot dead by order of the government, sparking outrage from animal rights groups.
It started with a California dream: a sprawling Corning ranch run almost entirely by alternative energy. Four years ago, Ray and Brenda Borel bought a wind turbine from a Chico company called Evergreen Development.
Soon their green vision had them seeing red.
“I'm worried to even give it away because it might break apart and kill someone,” Ray Borel said.
The more work then Evergreen Development owner Scott Jackson did, the less the Borels trusted him. When he wanted them to pay for their wind turbine up front, they refused to fork over any more cash.
So they said Jackson walked off the job, leaving them with what they call a $130,000 lawn ornament.
The Borels’ story is not unique.
Judy Kaub took out a second mortgage on her Shingletown house to install wind and solar power systems, she said. She also hired Evergreen to get the job done and said she paid a deposit of more than $34,000.
Part-way through the project, she said Jackson told her the total cost of the job had gone up more than $20,000. When she refused to pay, she said Jackson left the job.
Kaub filed a complaint with the Contractors State License Board but lost the case.
Jackson is managing a new renewable energy company, Powershacks Incorporated. It's located in the same building as his old company, the bankrupt Evergreen Development.
Jackson defended the work he did under the old company, saying it was Shasta County’s regulations that required him to use different wiring on Kaub's project. And that added extra cost. He said he needed Kaub to foot the bill to move forward with the project.
“I guess I probably couldn't afford it at the time,” Jackson said.
As for the Borels, Jackson said they were the ones who couldn't afford to pay for their wind turbine heads. He didn't want to cover their cost.
“When it came time to order the last two turbine heads, they weren't going to pay for them,” Jackson said. “We're not a finance agency, so we abandoned the project and we certainly weren't going to pay for their projects and trying to sue them to get the money.”
Instead, the Borels sued him.
A Tehama county judge ruled in February 2008 that Jackson was working illegally without a contractors license, that the equipment left behind was worthless, and if the Borels” wanted a wind turbine, they would have to start from scratch.
So, the judge awarded the Borels more than $230,000. The Borels say they have yet to see a cent from Jackson, who said he doesn't have to pay the Borels because his old company, Evergreen, went bankrupt.
The Borels said they are challenging Jackson's bankruptcy in court.
“Whether or not I get the money back or not, I refuse to let him to stay in business and to keep doing this to other people,” Brenda said.
We did speak with one family who says it is completely satisfied with Jackson's work, and other people continue to hiring him.
The CSLB says because of the information provided by KRCR, the CSLB has launched its own investigation and will be contacting local building officials.
You can anonymously provide information to the Contractors State License Board at the following link:
Thank For The Visit_Green Earl
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