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Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Dear Green Earl:
Energy Independence Day was a tremendous success! It was the high water mark of the Pickens Plan so far.
Because of your hard work, we have kept the issue of our dependence on foreign oil on the front burner of the U.S. Congress and the media.
We already have more than 70 bi-partisan co-sponsors of the NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1835) in the House. On Energy Independence Day -- July 8 -- we participated in a bi-partisan press conference to introduce the NAT GAS Act (S. 1408) in the Senate.
The three original sponsors and co-sponsors of the Senate bill are Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). Click here to email your U.S. Representative and Senators about the NAT GAS Act today!
Marking the first anniversary of the Pickens Plan we did numerous interviews on radio, local TV, national TV, national wire services and a national business magazine.
You and your Congressional District Groups have kept the issue of America’s dependence on foreign oil in your local media with rallies, op-eds, and letters to the editor. They’re read by local media as well as the Members and staff of your Congressional delegation. Click here to get involved in your District Group if you aren’t already.
Many of our friends and allies also sent congratulations for the first anniversary and what we are doing for America -- their kind messages are below.
Keep up the fight. We’re going to win!
-- Boone
“I want to congratulate my very good friend T. Boone Pickens on the first Anniversary of the Pickens Plan. I’m so proud of the tremendous work that Boone is doing to transform our energy future…Congratulations, and once again, a Happy Energy Independence Day.”
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
“Last December, the American Lung Association joined with Mayor Mike Bloomberg and T. Boone Pickens at an event in New York City to mark the occasion of the American Lung Association’s support of the Pickens Plan. Since that time many other groups have followed our lead in supporting an energy plan that will have a significant positive impact on air quality throughout the nation. The American Lung Association would like to congratulate Boone Pickens on the first anniversary of the Pickens Plan. We urge everyone to join in this effort.”
- American Lung Association President and CEO Charles D. Connor
“T. Boone Pickens is celebrating the first anniversary of the Pickens Plan. Since we joined in hosting a Town Hall meeting on Capitol Hill for House and Senate staffers, we have been working together to help America understand that investing in clean energy is not just an investment in a cleaner, greener America. The Pickens Plan will have an immediate impact on creating jobs and keeping American dollars on American soil.
Now that the Pickens Plan has reached its first anniversary, it is important that we continue to press for an energy policy which promotes alternative American fuels and which will create American jobs.”
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
“Owens Corning, a world leader in building materials systems and glass fiber reinforcements, joined with T. Boone Pickens in December 2008 to be a full partner in the effort to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.
Chairman Mike Thaman and Boone Pickens have made the importance of energy efficiency one of the major pillars of the Pickens Plan. ‘Buildings consume 40 percent of our nation's energy. That's more than industry or transportation,’ said Thaman.
We are proud of our partnership with the Pickens Plan and congratulate Boone and all of the 1.6 million members of the Pickens Plan Army on the first anniversary of the Pickens Plan.”
– Owens Corning
“The American Wind Energy Association has been a proud partner with T. Boone Pickens in the Pickens Plan. We participated in the National Energy Summit earlier this year to help promote the concept of wind power as a viable, economical, domestic source of electric power.
With Boone’s help, Americans understand we can produce more than 20 percent of our electricity needs through wind energy and we can distribute that energy safely and efficiently with the construction of a 21st century transmission grid.
We salute Boone Pickens and the entire Pickens Team on the first anniversary of the Pickens Plan.”
- American Wind Energy Association
“The NGVAmerica is proud to be a partner in the Pickens Plan to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.
With the help of T. Boone Pickens and his 1.6 million member ‘Army,’ Americans are much more aware of the serious problems caused by our continuing reliance on petroleum to power our cars, trucks and buses. The also are more aware that natural gas is the most abundant, clean and cost efficient domestic fuel readily available to displace foreign oil for transportation. In fact, it is the only domestic fuel that can replace imported diesel to run heavy trucks – the 18-wheelers we depend on to move goods around the country.
NGVAmerica is pleased to have been a major part of the Pickens Plan on its first anniversary, and we look forward to continuing our successful partnership.”
–Natural Gas Vehicles of America
“From the moment the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) joined forces with T. Boone Pickens and the Pickens Plan, we have been working to help consumers and businesses understand that the benefits of propane go far beyond a backyard barbeque.
Propane is part of the Pickens Plan because it is an important domestic energy resource. In fact, propane is the only reliable source of gas for people, businesses, ranches, and farms in rural America beyond the natural gas utilities. Best of all, it's clean, abundant, and domestic.
PERC is a proud partner of Boone Pickens and congratulates everyone involved on the first anniversary of the Pickens Plan.”
- Propane Education and Research Council
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Pickens Plan
P.O. Box 12123
Dallas, TX, 75225, UNITED STATES
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