Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
TANC commissioners this morning unanimously approved unplugging planning for a proposed 600-mile long power line.
The decision cheered local property owners who have been fighting the power line since they learned late this winter the Transmission Agency of Northern California was going to consider running the transmission corridor through or near their land.
TANC general manager Jim Beck had recommended that the consortium of municipal utilities end planning for the line. That planning had started in October 2005.
TANC officials have said Northern California needs more transmission to tap renewable energy that may one day be developed in the Lassen County area, improve power grid reliability and reduce transmission costs. TANC members, including Redding, must get 20 percent of their energy from renewable sources by 2020, under current legislation.
The decisions by Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Modesto Irrigation District and Turlock Irrigation District to pull out of planning has made it financially impossible for that planning to continue, Beck said.
Over one dozen STOPTAC activists listened to the decision from the Enterprise Conference Room at Redding City Hall. Shasta County Supervisor Les Baugh and Redding City Council member Dick Dickerson also attended.
About a dozen other members from the public attended the teleconference in Sacramento and Lodi.
Baugh and all the STOPTANC activists asked the commission to terminate the power line, end the environmental review process, take the project off the federal register and remove the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) from the planning process.
The conference room erupted in cheers when TANC commissioners participating in the transmission line voted by roll call to end the project that has galvanized opposition from property owners in the proposed path.
Redding Electric Utility was by far the smallest of the five participants in the power line, which would have run from Lassen County to Silicon Valley with a spur into the Sierra Nevada foothills north of Yosemite.
TANC officials were unsure whether WAPA, a Denver-based federal agency that wholesales hydroelectric power throughout the west, will continue planning for a power line in Northern California. That uncertainty left some STOPTANC activists uneasy.
Dennis W. De Cuir, attorney for TANC, said property owners in the proposed power line path can rest assured that TANC will no longer continue environmental studies for the project and has no plans to resume. But, he said, he could not speak for WAPA.
WAPA officials were not immediately available for comment this morning.
mtntop writes:
and the beat goes on....YEA!!!!!!!!!!
* July 15, 2009
* 9:08 a.m.
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pipewoman writes:
We aren't done yet, please continue to send letters in to WAPA! Now is when we find out whether this was pushed by our local power agencies or the Feds. Quess now we all need to visit the WAPA offices.
* July 15, 2009
* 9:10 a.m.
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mtntop writes:
I hope writing to Obama and talking to Herger's office helped. We need to keep letter writing, keep on it to get this off the register. You don't know who you speak to might know someone in power and can help...who knows who...we are all so awesome...keep the beat going! I for one cannot picture these things going through. Pictures are a thousand words...keep the beat going...(heart)! Thank you mother earth!
* July 15, 2009
* 9:15 a.m.
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Beat_A_Dead_Horse writes:
Where was Redding when it came to doing the right thing????
* July 15, 2009
* 9:20 a.m.
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davenjan writes:
Does this mean that if we wish to sell our property we no longer have to tell potential buyers about the "formerly" proposed transmission lines, or are we still in the cross-hairs of future transmission lines???????
* July 15, 2009
* 9:35 a.m.
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silvaron4#209346 writes:
I'm happy TANC's idea tanked.
* July 15, 2009
* 9:37 a.m.
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rickrail writes:
TANC may have terminated the project, HOWEVER let's not forget about WAPA. They still have the federal power and money to put the project thru without the TANC members participation. Keep writing those letters to WAPA and tell them what you think.
Send comments to,
Mr. David Young
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Document Manager
Western Area Power Administration
Sierra Nevada Region
114 Parkshore Drive
Folsom, CA 95630
Voice: (916) 353–4777
Fax: (916) 353–4772
E-mail: TTPEIS@wapa.gov
* July 15, 2009
* 9:48 a.m.
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mtntop writes:
in response to rickrail:
TANC may have terminated the project, HOWEVER let's not forget about WAPA. They still have the federal power and money to put the project thru without the TANC members participation. Keep writing those letters to WAPA and tell them what you think.
Send comments to,
Mr. David Young
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Document Manager
Western Area Power Administration
Sierra Nevada Region
114 Parkshore Drive
Folsom, CA 95630
Voice: (916) 353–4777
Fax: (916) 353–4772
E-mail: TTPEIS@wapa.gov
Thanks for posting the addresses, twitter, facebook, myspace, keep posting...anyone you talk to direct them to this site...got to get this off the register! Write all the local polititions, congress people, Obama, gov, senators, and of course wapa, keep the beat going...what a great beat we have going people!!!!
* July 15, 2009
* 9:48 a.m.
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I_will_never_tell writes:
Power to the people!
* July 15, 2009
* 10:06 a.m.
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citizenactivist writes:
"Power To The People" INDEED. The stop TANC organization
http://stoptanc.com are terrific. Great Job..Please help organize our counties Renewable Energy Platform and direct our new policies or the Paul Hausers of the world will do it for us. _Green Earl
Don't Ruin My North State Home!_GOD
Finally Sarah Palin has showed her hand...In the back pocket
of The Power Brokers. Why did she quit..read in her own words..Link Below..
1 comment:
My question is ..How did Paul Hauser, manager of REU and TANC
Board Member Vote..
How those $45 Million dollar plus backroom deals working out for you?
Thanks to Supervisor Les Baugh for his efforts._green Earl
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