Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
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Wind Projects at a Standstill
Washington Post - United States
Hundreds of large and small wind farms have been built on US land, but that sector also is feeling financing frustrations. This week, oilman T. Boone ...
Conservation and the economy — part 3
Craig Daily Press - Craig,CO,USA
“Green jobs” are growing nearly 2 1/2 times as fast as traditional jobs, finds a new study by Pew Charitable Trusts. We've got wind and we've got sun — are ...
RCTC workforce center project makes funding list
Post-Bulletin - Rochester,MN,USA
It would also include the installation of a 10-kilowatt wind turbine that would generate energy and could also be used for student training, Hansmann said. ...
www.windaction.org | Wind projects at a standstill
By Industrial Wind Action Group
The Obama administration has made offshore wind energy a priority and an important part of its plans to create jobs and combat climate change, but even such favorable political breezes have not been strong enough to propel the nation's ... Pickens could not find financing to pay for the transmission lines that would hook up his wind farm to the Texas grid. Offshore developers face a similar problem. They need to find customers to buy their power and must do so before they ...
www.windaction.org | Latest Posts Feed - http://www.windaction.org/
PrairiePundit: Green jobs not blowing in the wind
By Merv
If Boone Pickens can't get financing for his wind projects, that tells you something about the viability of the wind business--he needs high natural gas prices to make the loans viable in the minds of the lenders. ...
PrairiePundit - http://prairiepundit.blogspot.com/
Wind Watch: Wind projects at a standstill
Despite Washington's Enthusiasm, Recession and New Regulations Slow Firms The Obama administration has made offshore wind energy a priority and an important part of its plans to create jobs and combat climate change, but even such favorable ... Pickens could not find financing to pay for the transmission lines that would hook up his wind farm to the Texas grid. Offshore developers face a similar problem. They need to find customers to buy their power and must do so before ...
National Wind Watch: News - http://www.wind-watch.org/news/
Conservation, Green Careers, Solar, Wind, Auditors, Wireless ...
By admin
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...: Falling interest rates for project finance.. http://bit.ly/QGYIN.Green Jobs: $59 Million to Two US REnewable Energy Companies to ...MYGreen Education and Career.
Green Energy Globe - http://www.greenenergyglobe.com/
The Oil Drum: Europe | Is Sustainable Development sustainable?
By Luis de Sousa
Personally, thanks to the oil drum, I'm becoming a bigger and bigger fan of wind and solar. The peaking of production doesn't change the fact that there is plenty of fossil fuel left in the ground. Our ability to harnass wind, solar, .... Also note that since we are in the middle of the Greatest Depression there simply won't be any money available to finance any of these projects as if you haven't noticed 34 million people are on foodstamps in America as well as an ...
The Oil Drum - Discussions about... - http://www.theoildrum.com/frontpage
Despite Washington's Enthusiasm, Recession and Regulations Slow ...
Jul 11, 2009 ... Wind Projects at a Standstill. Despite Washington's Enthusiasm, Recession ... important part of its plans to create jobs and combat climate change, ... their power and must do so before they can get financing to build. ...
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
East Valley Tribune
EV community has a leg up on solar power
East Valley Tribune - Mesa,AZ,USA
When Don and Lorraine Kilner decided to move to the East Valley from San Diego, it didn't take them long to sign up for a solar photovoltaic system on their ...
Presentation casts sunlight on island solar possibilities
Maui News - Wailuku,HI,USA
However, the solar systems have limitations. For instance, a homeowner would need separate systems to power electricity and to heat water, Albert said. ...
Stadtwerke Munchen and RWE Innogy realise a parabolic trough power ...
1888 Press Release (press release) - Alief,TX,USA
With Andasol 3, we are now focusing on the future technology of solar energy.” Dr. Rainer Kistner, Head of Solar Power of MAN Ferrostaal, is excited about ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
http://yeswecansolveit.blogspot.com/ Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic. Energy group to host free seminar in East Hampton Newsday - Long Island,NY,USA ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... - http://yeswecansolveit.blogspot.com/
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
The sad reality is that California's renewable energy mandates, in conjunction with draconian environmental constraints on traditional sources of power, have undermined utilities' capacity to provide sufficient power to consumers. Very few conventional power .... A recent paper from Spanish economist Gabriel Calzada Álvarez noted that since Spain started investing in a "green jobs" policy nine years ago, the country has lost 110500 jobs in other parts of the economy. ...
GREENIE WATCH - http://antigreen.blogspot.com/
Zack's Entertaining Journal Solar Wind Conservation Green Careers ...
Google Blogs Alert for renewable green jobs green careers energy renewable finance
Virginia Democrat Caught Pretending He Supported The Climate Bill ...
Any thoughts on what this diverse yet ephemeral group might be able to do to counteract the two forces listed below as stalling development of offshore wind energy?
1. Lagging investment
2. Legal roadblocks
I feel as though victory - defined as achieving a successful transition to renewable energies - is right at the tips of our fingers; how do we ensure that it does not slip through our grasp one more time?
Derrick N. Gibson
Begin forwarded message:
> washingtonpost.com
> Wind Projects at a Standstill
> By Jonathan Starkey
> Updated: 07/12/2009
> The Obama administration has made offshore wind energy a priority and an important part of its plans to create jobs and combat climate change, but even such favorable political breezes have not been strong enough to propel the nation's first projects.
> The economy has intervened, and an unfamiliar federal approval process could hold up leading projects.
> Just last month, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar distributed leases to explore five possible wind farm sites off Delaware and New Jersey on the outer continental shelf. The leases were the first ever, and Salazar proclaimed "a new day for energy production in the United States."
> But that day may be years in the dawning.
> Developer Bluewater Wind won two of the leases for sites 14 miles off Delaware and 15 to 18 miles off New Jersey. The company seemed to be barreling toward being first in the emerging industry, with plans to plant a wind farm into the seabed at Rehoboth Beach, Del. A year ago, it had even struck an agreement to sell power from the giant windmills to Delmarva Power.
> But now, its parent company, Australian investment firm Babcock & Brown, has buckled under the weight of the global economic downturn and is selling off its assets to reduce debt. Bluewater is looking for investors to keep its projects moving.
> "They're just reapproaching all of the other players out there, hat in hand," said Brian Yerger, chief executive of Aerca Advisors, a consulting company focusing on renewable energy. "There are a lot of balls in the air."
> Hundreds of large and small wind farms have been built on U.S. land, but that sector also is feeling financing frustrations. This week, oilman T. Boone Pickens backed off of his plans to build the world's largest wind farm in the Texas Panhandle, citing tight credit markets and lower natural gas prices.
> Pickens could not find financing to pay for the transmission lines that would h ook up his wind farm to the Texas grid. Offshore developers face a similar problem. They need to find customers to buy their power and must do so before they can get financing to build. They must also navigate an untested federal permit process that was scheduled to take effect late last month, putting projects many years away from completion. Construction on even the most promising projects in Rhode Island, along with those in Delaware and New Jersey, won't begin for at least four years.
> "I guess I would say there's a lot of uncertainty out there in the industry," said Matthew Kaplan, a senior wind analyst at Emerging Energy Research.
> Ed Feo, a partner specializing in renewable energy projects at law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McLoy, said the fact that offshore developers are entering uncharted waters inevitably increases the level of uncertainty.
> "This is relatively high on the difficulty scale," said Feo, who said he is working with a pair of companies developing offshore wind projects. "Five years from now, it will be a lot easier. But right now, every issue requires a lot of thought and discussion. There's just not a policy manual to pull off the shelf."
> Yet there have been strong signals of support from Washington. In April, the Interior Department broke through a regulatory logjam and issued rules governing how to gain federal approval to build wind farms offshore. The stimulus plan included a cash grant program and federal loan guarantees meant to spur investment in renewable energy projects. The Treasury said Thursday that it expects to hand out $3 billion in direct payments.
> Additionally, federal legislation making its way through Congress would cap greenhouse gas emissions and establish a nationwide renewable electricity standard, requiring utilities to meet a certain percentage of energy needs with renewable sources. Theoretically, that would make traditional sour ces of energy more expensive and open up markets for companies developing renewable energy projects, including offshore wind. Individual states already have similar measures in place mandating the use of renewable energy.
> How that will ultimately speed offshore development is uncertain.
> Fierce opposition has all but consumed a plan to build a wind farm in Nantucket Sound that was proposed in 2001 and has since become the subject of legal challenges and a multimillion-dollar lobbying campaign.
> Cape Wind Associates is still awaiting federal approval to move forward with its $1 billion-plus plan to build 130 turbines -- each as high as 440 feet from sea level -- six miles off Cape Cod, Mass. Renewed legal challenges, however, could further delay the project.
> Kaplan said Cape Wind's troubles send bad signals to an industry attempting to grow out of infancy.
> "That in itself makes investors cringe, when they see the first offshore wind project has taken this long and is still not over the hurdles," Kaplan said.
> Other projects continue to inch forward in New Jersey and Rhode Island, some also dependent on critical negotiations to sell power.
> As for Bluewater, President Peter Mandelstam said the company is moving forward and has identified interest among investors. Its two meteorological towers -- each costing $6 million -- will be built by next summer, he said. Necessary data should be in hand by the end of 2011, at which time the company would be ready to secure more than $2 billion needed to build its projects off Delaware and New Jersey. Under the company's current plans, construction would begin by the spring of 2013, and the windmills would be in the seabed sending power inland through undersea cables by that fall. Mandelstam said the company's financing situation should not delay progress.
> "I've been in business long enough to understand that sometimes companies fail," Mandelstam said. "I'm not disappointed, it's simply business. One meets a new challenge, and one overcomes it. I've raised capital before, and I'm raising capital again."
> (c) 1996-2009 The Washington Post Company
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Google Blogs Alert for: buzzirk
If You Are Going to Go Berserk, do it With Buzzirk Mobile ...
By admin
I came across a great website today that had a review of Buzzirk Mobile and Zer01 cellular services. I am currently not a Buzzirk Mobile customer, but that may change in the near future. According to the review author, Jonathan Budd, ...
aibtexas.org - http://www.aibtexas.org/
Buzzirk Zero1 – Make Connecting With Friends Your Online Business ...
By deb
Because if you understand the capabilities of the Buzzirk Mobiles and the Buzzirk Phone Plans, including unlimited texting, unlimited talking, and unlimited downloads, you will realise that you won't need any of these other services in ...
Buzzirk Zero1 Mobile Distributors - http://www.caliberdesigns.com/designs/buzzirk/
The One Stop Shop: Buzzirk Mobile Contact
By DrVmann
Buzzirk Mobile Contact · http://www.mygvbiz.com/iamalaknetworking/information.html. Posted by DrVmann at 12:33 AM. Labels: Buzzirk Mobile, Iamalak, phone service, phones, wealth ...
The One Stop Shop - http://drvmann.blogspot.com/Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
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By bbc5570
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bbc - http://bbc5570.quebecblogue.com/
Thanks For The Visit_Green Earl
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