New SPEEDBALL tm Wind Generator
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
MDU Resources to participate in power line
Chicago Tribune - United States
He said the project is not designed to tie in with existing wind farms in North Dakota, or to supply power to North Dakota. "This is really geared to new ...
New broker
San Diego Daily Transcript (subscription) - San Diego,CA,USA
(NYSE: ITC) in developing the Green Power Express, a transmission project that will link wind farms in the US Plains to Midwest, and mid-Atlantic regions. ...
A Little Less Talk, a Little More Action
Reuters - USA Bloomberg leads with news that prosecutors say Goldman Sachs (GS) may wind up losing millions of dollars if computer software allegedly stolen by Sergey ...
Nordic Windpower Offered $16 Million DOE Loan Guarantee to Expand ...
Your Renewable News (press release) - Aberdeen,UK
Nordic will begin delivering 19 megawatts in recent orders to community wind projects throughout the US and in Uruguay in July 2009. ...
By Nick Hodge
Falling interest rates for project finance and government support via the stimulus and production tax credit make up the other two frames of this window for wind investment. What's more, Berry (and his company) believe ... been the enthusiasm I see for wind energy here. Wind Energy Development Steven Chu has announced plans to pony up $93 million to further wind energy development. Midwestern Wind Energy A developing wind energy industry in the Midwest is creating jobs! ...
Green Chip Stocks - http://www.greenchipstocks.com/
What Jobs Will Emerge from the Stimulus? « Where Great Workplaces ...
By greatworkplace
In February, CNN predicted that the Obama Stimulus plan would include $30 billion for energy-related projects that would create green jobs. (CNN.com) The Digital Journal reported that as of May, nearly 150000 green jobs had been created, including “jobs ... AlGore.com) What specific jobs could be created? According to the Simply Hired Blog, “Five areas with significant expected job growth are Building Retrofitting, Mass Transit, Energy-Efficient Automobiles, Wind Power, ...
Where Great Workplaces Start - http://greatworkplace.wordpress.com/
Germany's BMW, Daimler see month-on-month sales improve ...
By George Frey
May 13th, 2009 2300 jobs to go at Daimler's Mitsubishi FusoBERLIN — Daimler AG
announced a restructuring plan Wednesday for its Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp. that is expected to result in some 2300 job cuts by the end of next year. .... sklauminzer energysection: ADB to help finance wind farm in China: The Asian Development Bank will partly finance a 73 million-U.S. dollar .. http://tinyurl.com/l7qqpo. mcgeneral Sweden's Finance Minister Borg briefs media during an ...
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts)... - http://blog.taragana.com/
The Oil Drum | DrumBeat: July 7, 2009
By Leanan
ADB backs China wind farm project. MANILA (AFP) – The Asian Development Bank is helping to finance a pioneering private-sector wind farm in China's Inner Mongolia that will help the fast-growing nation fight climate change, officials said. ..... Price inflation without commensurate inflation of income will not help in reducing debt. If anything, it makes it worse. The large number of lost jobs will also be detrimental to getting the debt paid down. ...
The Oil Drum - Discussions about... - http://www.theoildrum.com/frontpage
DOE Awards $153 Million to State Energy Programs « Mendo Coast Current
By LKBlog
U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced more than $153 million in Recovery Act funding to support energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, New York and the U.S. .... this program will provide incentives to public and private entities to build or expand renewable energy production or manufacturing facilities that produce energy or transportation fuels from biomass, solar or wind resources. ...
Mendo Coast Current - http://mendocoastcurrent.wordpress.com/
Google Web Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Pickens paring down wind farm project | News for Dallas, Texas ...
Jul 6, 2009 ... He aims to build three or four wind farms with around 150 turbines each. ... Select a Job Category, Accounting/Finance, Advertising/Public ...
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