Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Green graduate schemes can boost employment figures
Click Green - Liverpool,UK
Renewable energy-efficient technology group ENER-G has launched a graduate ... units by 50 percent and create more jobs for engineers in the green sector. ...
Job-Search Tips for a Jobless Recovery
CIO Today - Woodland Hills,CA,USA
It's no secret that America is going green. Green jobs are popping up ... in new investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy research, ...
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
2010 to Witness Double Solar Power Generation Capacity
By EBR_EBdaily
China may encourage solar capacity to 10 gigawatts by 2020, enough to provide about 10 million U.S. homes, from 1.8 gigawatts now, according to the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association. ... The SAM Smart Energy Fund owns shares in Trina Solar, Yingli Green Energy Holding Co., Canadian Solar, JA Solar Holdings Co. and Taiwan's Gintech Energy Corp. and E-Ton Solar Tech Co. ... Hot Energy Industry Jobs. View All Jobs · Post a Job. Jobs by Simply Hired ...
Energy Business Daily - http://energybusinessdaily.com/
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Corporation China Solar Energy China Sunergy ChinaseasunBeijing New Energy Power Project Co ... Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance. Block's Indicator of Sustainable Growth » Blog ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... - http://yeswecansolveit.blogspot.com/
Ernst & Young, the professional services group, says in a report on Tuesday that the years to 2015 will be "critical" in determining whether Britain meets targets to develop renewable energy and cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. ..... Most people want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better than everyone ...
GREENIE WATCH - http://antigreen.blogspot.com/
Google Web Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Solar Wind Conservation Green Careers Renewable Energy Lease ...
Solar Wind Conservation Green Careers Renewable Energy Lease Financing Blog ....
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
New York Times
EDF and First Solar to Build Largest French Solar Plant
New York Times - United States
According to a recent forecast by Emerging Energy Research, a consulting firm, the installed capacity of solar arrays in France could reach 5400 megawatts ...
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New York Times
Feed-in Tariffs for Solar Continue To Spread
New York Times - United States
While feed-in tariffs are most closely associated with solar photovoltaic panels, utilities managing the programs in Vermont and Sacramento will also pay a ...
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Improvements in Solar Power
Seeking Alpha - New York,NY,USA
Sunlight can be converted into electricity using either photovoltaic cells or by concentrating solar power indirectly. Initial installation costs have come ...
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The New Wave of Solar-Thermal Energy
Miller-McCune.com - Santa Barbara,CA,USA
Solar-thermal projects need to be huge. Unlike photovoltaic panels, a few mirrors installed on neighborhood rooftops can't do much good. ...
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New Solar Panel Goes Straight To AC
EcoGeek - Missoula,MT,USA
Since our buildings tend to use AC electricity, that means that a standard part of every PV solar installation is installing a big inverter to take the DC ...
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Environment News Service
Chicago Advances Nation's Largest Urban Solar Generating Station
Environment News Service - USA
The plant would generate electricity from 32,8000 solar photovoltaic panels, creating 200 jobs directly from the construction of the plant and saving over ...
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Pennsylvania Doing The Unexpected With Central Solar Power
Treehugger - New York,NY,USA
On the West Coast State of Washington, private investors are planning a 75-megawatt photovoltaic ground installation - they're calling it a "solar farm. ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
Durham College Powers Up with Carmanah Solar Technology | Eco ...
The new solar power system is part of a 40000-square-foot expansion and upgrade of the college's Whitby campus that is designed to increase energy efficiency and energy production while supporting a range of energy-focused programs and ... Valued at over (CAD) $500000 installed, the grid-tie photovoltaic system from Carmanah Technologies will be supplied by Osso Electric Supplies (a division of Sonepar Canada Inc.) and installed by Space Age Electric (Oshawa) Ltd. ...
Eco Friendly Mag - http://www.ecofriendlymag.com/
Kirkland man to head world's largest solar plant - Kirkland Reporter
He is now the head of the Teanaway Solar Reserve, which will be the world's largest solar plant. The photovoltaic array will rest on 400 acres in the Teanaway Valley in the Ellensburg area of Kittitas County and is expected to produce enough power for ... One of the catalysts for the project is the fact that energy companies in Washington state are required to supply 15 percent of renewable electricity by 2015. Trott said that their goal is to sell the power in state, ...
Lifestyles - Kirkland Reporter - http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/east_king/kir/lifestyle
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Top 3 hottest Green job states vs. Arizona: recent study revealed
Examiner.com - USA
The clean energy focus of Idaho was primarily on building wind farms in the blustery eastern part of the state, but currently companies there such as Micron ...
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Wall Street News Alert: AWSL is on the Move! July 23, 2009
Trading Markets (press release) - Los Angeles,CA,USA
Yesterday after the markets closed, the company and Centripetal Dynamics Inc. are announced their collaboration to develop hybrid wind/solar energy projects ...
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Calling Marge Gunderson! What would she make of this?
MinnPost.com - Minneapolis,MN,USA
And then when that job faded out, she had to use up sick time and vacation to cover her maternity leave. There's no legal action in the wind, but advocates ...
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'Chill Wind of Economic Reality'
istockAnalyst.com (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland has a significant number of members on Job Seeker's Allowance or paying reduced charges because of ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
200 Green Business Ideas | Green Leanings | Fast Company
By Meredith Gossland
Really this opens up hundreds of entrepreneurial possibilities in and of itself, from energy efficiency to curriculum writing, to green job training vocational schools, being a school district vendor of organic foods for the cafeteria just let your imagination run wild. 13. Green Lawyer. ..... You have some really great ideas! the problem with using Green technologies is that they are more expensive - lets say Green Bed and Breakfast that is solar or wind powered. ...
Innovation - http://www.fastcompany.com/tag/innovation-2
Blog about NASA » Obama Space Program Nasa
Bolden said NASA and other federal officials had too many conflicting views about how to get to Mars, including the existing Constellation project begun under President George W. Bush. That project calls for returning to the moon first, ... China - In recent years China has established a strong foothold in manufacturing solar PV cells and wind turbines. The nation is set to strengthen this position with a multi-billion dollar investment package for renewable energy. ...
Blog about NASA - http://nasaspaceshop.com/
European energy group EDF Energies Nouvelles and US First Solar to ...
By New Energy World Network
Countries that create market frameworks that enable solar and other renewable energies to achieve commercial scale will reap the greatest benefits in private sector investment, technological innovation and job creation.' EDF Energies Nouvelles, a 50 per cent owned subsidiary of the EDF Group, has operations in ten European countries and the US and is focused on renewable energy production, particularly wind and solar photovoltaic. First Solar is a publicly-held US solar ...
New Energy World Network (NewNet) - http://www.newenergyworldnetwork.com/
An Irish Town Planner's Blog: 'Chill wind of economic reality ...
By Brendan Buck
For public sector projects the Tánaiste should be aware that architectural services are procured on a competitive basis in accordance with EU and Department of Finance procedures. She must also be aware that architects don't have .... Madam , – The reference by the Tánaiste Mary Coughlan at the MacGill Summer School that architects and engineers have to feel the “chill wind of economic reality” is simply astonishing . Given that architects and engineers submit the vast ...
An Irish Town Planner's Blog - http://buckplanning.blogspot.com/
The latest from Yahoo! News: Most Emailed - Odd News
* Man claims he found condom in French onion soup (AP)
* Man says he hit left-and right-handed holes-in-one (AP)
* Pasadena police puzzled by glue attacks at stores (AP)
* Pa. fire chief reunited by chance with lost dog (AP)
* Police catch underwear thief (Reuters)
* Man convicted 18 times for driving without license (AP)
* No drinks for the under-16 crowd? (Reuters)
* Police: Iowa man used stolen cash to pay bond (AP)
* Police: Fowl snatched from home in Climax, Mich. (AP)
* Small plane lands, takes off again on Fla. highway (AP)
* Cannes bans nudists after yacht club complains (Reuters)
* Oscar Mayer Wienermobile crashes into Wis. home (AP)
* Naked girls plough fields in India for rain (Reuters)
* Goat's crowning as king of Ireland in doubt (Reuters)
* Goat's crowning as king of Ireland in doubt (Reuters)
* Japan train workers check grins with smile meter (AP)
* Dead shark left in Miami street after failed sale (AP)
* Fate of "marijuana mine" in limbo (Reuters)
* Saucy sausage ads condemned (Reuters)
* Naked girls plow fields for rain (Reuters)
* Stray snake halts proceedings in state assembly (Reuters)
* Wanted: Women to eat chocolate for a year (AFP)
* Drunken driver parks on Mich. police post's lawn (AP)
* Cobra puts Indian state's parliament on hold (AFP)
* NC sheriff's deputy uses Corvette to stop speeders (AP)
* Shelter mistakenly euthanizes Fla. woman's cat (AP)
* Principal fired for jumping on students in cafe (AP)
Man claims he found condom in French onion soup (AP) Top
AP - A man has sued a local Claim Jumper restaurant claiming he ordered French onion soup and bit into a condom instead of melted cheese. Zdenek Philip Hodousek filed the lawsuit Tuesday in Orange County Superior Court seeking unspecified damages over fears he may have contracted a disease.
Man says he hit left-and right-handed holes-in-one (AP) Top
AP - An Ohio man who says he's not much of a golfer pulled off a feat that not even some of the best players can match. Ed Platzer of Bowling Green knocked in a left-handed hole-in-one last month, 15 years after he hit a right-handed hole-in-one.
Pasadena police puzzled by glue attacks at stores (AP) Top
AP - Pasadena police have a sticky investigation. Somebody put glue on the hair of three shoppers in two stores. A 12-year-old girl told KHOU-TV that she was shopping at a drug store last week when she felt a wad of something "sizzling" in her ponytail. The substance turned out to be glue.
Pa. fire chief reunited by chance with lost dog (AP) Top
AP - A volunteer fire chief from Pennsylvania has been reunited with a dog he gave up five years ago, after he discovered the animal was at a shelter where firefighters had taken two other dogs rescued from a cliff.
Police catch underwear thief (Reuters) Top
Reuters - German police uncovered over 1,000 pairs of underpants and more than 100 pairs of swimming trunks after catching a thief nabbing another three pairs for his collection.
Man convicted 18 times for driving without license (AP) Top
AP - A judge has sentenced a 63-year-old man to three years in prison after his 18th conviction for driving on a revoked license. Under a plea agreement entered Monday, Lonnie Harris received credit for 62 days he spent in jail after his most recent arrest, which was in Crystal Lake in June of 2007.
No drinks for the under-16 crowd? (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Milan will become the first Italian city to bar drinking for youths aged under 16 when a ban takes effect on Monday, and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said he favored extending the ruling nationwide.
Police: Iowa man used stolen cash to pay bond (AP)
AP - Police said a 19-year-old man used cash stolen in a bank robbery to pay a bond for an outstanding warrant. Police charged the man with first-degree bank robbery after the Monday morning robbery of American Bank and Trust.
Police: Fowl snatched from home in Climax, Mich. (AP) Top
AP - Police are on the hunt for a prowler who made off with a western Michigan farm family's fowl. The Kalamazoo County Sheriff's office said the 3-month-old female turkey was stolen sometime Sunday or Monday from a rural home in Climax, about 50 miles south-southeast of Grand Rapids.
Small plane lands, takes off again on Fla. highway (AP) Top
AP - A small plane made an emergency landing on a Florida interstate and later took off again from the same stretch of road.
Cannes bans nudists after yacht club complains (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Authorities in Cannes have banned naturists from a public beach after the southern French town's yacht club complained the naked bathers had begun to get out of hand.
Oscar Mayer Wienermobile crashes into Wis. home (AP) Top
AP - One southern Wisconsin homeowner is probably not in love with the Oscar Mayer wiener. The famed hot dog's Wienermobile crashed Friday into the deck and garage of a home in Mount Pleasant, about 35 miles south of Milwaukee.
Naked girls plough fields in India for rain (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Farmers in an eastern Indian state have asked their unmarried daughters to plough parched fields naked in a bid to embarrass the weather gods to bring some badly needed monsoon rain, officials said on Thursday.
Goat's crowning as king of Ireland in doubt (Reuters) Top
Reuters - The annual crowning of a goat as king of Ireland at one of the country's oldest fairs is in doubt after organizers said the heir to the throne may be stopped from traveling to the festival.
Goat's crowning as king of Ireland in doubt (Reuters) Top
Reuters - The annual crowning of a goat as king of Ireland at one of the country's oldest fairs is in doubt after organisers said the heir to the throne may be stopped from travelling to the festival.
Japan train workers check grins with smile meter (AP) Top
AP - Her uniform looks good, with striped scarf and blue cap in perfect order, but railway employee Mitsue Endo has one thing to do before she faces the masses — pass the smile test.
Dead shark left in Miami street after failed sale (AP) Top
AP - The body of a shark was left lying in the middle of a downtown Miami street after two men tried to sell it to several fish markets. The men apparently carried the five or six-foot-long fish around on the city's Metromover downtown train, prompting calls to police.
Fate of "marijuana mine" in limbo (Reuters) Top
Reuters - An abandoned mine in northern Canada may lose its role as the country's only government-sanctioned marijuana farm.
Saucy sausage ads condemned (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A saucy radio advert for sausages which encouraged listeners to reveal "where you like to stick yours" was criticized by Britain's advertising watchdog on Wednesday.
Naked girls plow fields for rain (Reuters) Top
Reuters - Farmers in an eastern Indian state have asked their unmarried daughters to plow parched fields naked in a bid to embarrass the weather gods to bring some badly needed monsoon rain, officials said on Thursday.
Stray snake halts proceedings in state assembly (Reuters) Top
Reuters - A stray snake brought parliament to a standstill for several hours on Thursday in India's Orissa state, officials said.
Wanted: Women to eat chocolate for a year (AFP) Top
AFP - Scientists are looking for women willing to eat chocolate every day for a year -- all in the name of medical science.
Drunken driver parks on Mich. police post's lawn (AP) Top
AP - Authorities said a lost and confused drunken driver picked the wrong place to stop and rest — the front lawn of the Michigan State Police post in Paw Paw. Police said the man drove onto the lawn of the post early Thursday after overshooting the station's parking lot. He was visibly intoxicated and had vomited on himself.
Cobra puts Indian state's parliament on hold (AFP) Top
AFP - A state parliament in eastern India was suspended Thursday after a suspected cobra slithered into the legislative building and hid under the lawmakers' seats.
NC sheriff's deputy uses Corvette to stop speeders (AP) Top
AP - At least one sheriff's deputy in North Carolina won't have any trouble catching speeders. Multiple media outlets reported Wednesday that the Wake County Sheriff's Department has a Chevrolet Corvette Z06. Chevrolet said the car has a top track speed of 198 mph, with a base sticker price of $74,875. Its V8 racing engine generates 505 horsepower.
Shelter mistakenly euthanizes Fla. woman's cat (AP) Top
AP - Officials on the west coast of Florida are crafting new safeguards after mistakenly euthanizing a woman's cat. Maria Velez's cat "Buddy" had been quarentined for four days at a Hernando County Animmal Services shelter after biting a pet sitter. But when she and her 11-year-old son went to pick up the orange, tiger-stripe cat they found it had been mistakenly euthanized.
Principal fired for jumping on students in cafe (AP) Top
AP - A high school principal who admitted jumping atop a pile of students during a cafeteria food fight has been fired. The Upshur County Board of Education voted Tuesday to oust Brenda Wells from Buckhannon-Upshur High School. She'd been suspended since late May.
Thank You For The Visit_Green Earl
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