Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar
Energy Conservation, creating Negawatts, saving energy
Cap-and-Trade Plan: Climate Change Reactions
Seeking Alpha - New York,NY,USA
... monster they are attempting to create. perhaps the senate will kill this bill,
... energy production (MegaWatts) and even energy savings (NegaWatts). ...
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
A Funding Roadblock Ahead for Clean Energy
New York Times - United States
Denise Bode, executive director of the American Wind Energy Association, described the renewable energy target as “a key first step in balancing our ...
Wind project may knock island electric rates down
MaineToday.com - Portland,ME,USA
Politicians and business and community leaders are expected to be at the construction site of the $15 million Fox Islands wind project, which is being built
Six Hot Topics for the Week of June 29, 2009
Seeking Alpha - New York,NY,USA
The United States is making a serious effort to increase the amount of electricity that's generated by wind turbines grouped into wind-power “farms. ...
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
The NSP system of calling tenders one project at a time didn't work elsewhere, and it hasn't worked here. Indeed, its critics accuse NSP of wanting to fail and drive out the wind entrepreneurs so it could take over wind energy itself, .... These projects and systems have saved American Energy Conservation customers hundreds of thousand of dollars in utility cost. Currently consulting and setting up statewide dealer network in CA while financing projects Nationwide. ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... - http://yeswecansolveit.blogspot.com/
CPS to unveil nuke plant cost estimates
Their job will not be to OK the go-ahead per se, City Manager Sheryl Sculley said, but to approve the manner in which CPS chooses to finance the project, along with the attendant rate increases. ... CPS, which leads the nation in wind energy among municipal utilities, said it's shifting its focus on future energy production to renewable sources like wind and solar. The nuclear reactors could be the last large centralized generating plants the utility builds, officials say ...
mySA.com Local news - http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news
Toronto realtor has left a new comment on your post "Green Careers, Energy, Solar, Wind, Latest Google ...":
Julie from Toronto. Earl, if you ever plan on writing an article on solar panels grants, you might want to check my article for Canadian grants.
Take care,
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "PG&E "A Champion Of Solar Within California" _ Hardly...":
What is the status of AB920 in the Senate right now?
Post a comment.
Posted by Anonymous to Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease Financing Blog at June 28, 2009 2:43 PM
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
RP shows way in renewable energy
Inquirer.net - Philippines
Global Green Power is one of the foreign companies investing heavily in the Philippine renewable energy sector. Through its local subsidiaries, ...
Obama Urges Senators to Back Cap and Trade Bill
Washington Post - United States
"And there is no longer a question about whether the jobs and industries of the 21st century will be centered around clean, renewable energy. ...
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Southern California Green Real Estate Blog » FORMER LOS ANGELES ...
By Jodi Summers
Incentives include City Department of Water and Power energy programs and rebates, significant employment and investment tax credits, permit expediting assistance, workforce recruitment and training and other programs. ... The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's $5 billion projected investment in achieving 20 percent of customers' power from renewable sources by 2010 and 35% by 2030. • The Port of Los Angeles' $15 million Technology Advancement Program as part of ...
Southern California Green Real... - http://www.socalgreenrealestateblog.com/
Steve Kirsch: Climate Bill Ignores Our Biggest Clean Energy Source
By Steve Kirsch
Just a month ago I had a Damascene conversion: the Green case against nuclear power is based largely on myth and dogma. My tipping point came when I discovered just how much nuclear power has changed since I first set my mind against it. ..... For example, the renewable energy use requirements in the energy bills in both the House and Senate have been watered down so much in order to attract votes as to be meaningless (requiring virtually no change from the status quo). ...
The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com - http://www.huffingtonpost.com
A message from www.41WorldUSA.com to all members of Change.gov on PickensPlan!
Soar High American Bald Eagles and 41 World USA Global Co. "WI Badgers-MN-IA-IL-MI Green Line", a part of our Global Grand Crossing of Clean Energy Plan: 1,000 kilometers in WI, MN, IA, IL, MI. connections. We have updated our Company goals and profiles on Pickens Plan and on Twitter. We are optimistic in contact recently with potential investors and partners on Eagle USA.
We worked hard and smart communicating with our Governors, Representatives and Senators, the good benefits, potential and value of the Green Economy, Alternative Energy Future, America's Energy Independence and affirmatively passing a Climate Change Bill asap. We were pleased to see it pass House, it should gain Senate strength in numbers and inked by Barack Obama soon.
We had good meetings this week in Milwaukee, Madison and La Crosse, WI with Small Business Administration, Service Corps of Retired Executives, the University of Wisconsin, and attended La Crosse Day at Miller Park with our La Crosse Mayor Mathias Harter, Onalaska Mayor Mike Giese and 40 busloads and 2,000 La Crosse business leaders for Milwaukee Brewers-Minnesota Twins.
We are in Winona, MN today. Michael, 19 a freshman Engineer Major and NCAA baseball player for Univ. of Tampa Spartans, plays with his La Crosse Post 52 American Legion baseball team in Championship game today at Winona State University in Winona's Baseball Midwest Classic. La Crosse, Wisconsin plays Oconomowoc, the 2 undefeated teams left from MN, IA, IL, MI, and WI.
Please enjoy a spectacular weekend and nice 4th of July holiday ahead! www.41WorldUSA.com
Visit Change.gov at:
Dear Mr Spainhour and friends,
I agree that we RE advocates are not all ideologically opposed to
nuclear. I'm opposed because it makes no economic sense, and because
it is a myth that it is the only baseload technology other than coal.
First of all, energy efficiency is the fuel of first choice. The
potential for demand reduction and peak reduction is so massive
(especially in the Southeast), we can postpone construction of new
baseload power plants for some time if we tap the negawatts. Granted,
the incentives are all wrong, but I expect to see changes at
state-level, in response to the requirements in ARRA. Already, just
because of the recession, demand has eroded by 4 or 5% nationwide.
(Yet the nuclear and coal proponents continue to fear-monger with
tales of ever-increasing demand.)
Second, there are other truly baseload technologies besides nuclear and coal:
Recent developments in natural gas discoveries, and plummetting prices
have reminded many that NG is far superior to coal (in terms of all
emissions). And at current prices, it is feasible as baseload service
(24/7/365 as you say). The Southern Utilities have already shifted
from coal to NG in double-digit percentages over the past year.
More importantly, we also have abundant wood waste in this country
that can be converted into energy, in baseload capacity. Biomass
electricity (aka biopower) creates the most jobs per MW of all the
renewable energy sources. It is cost-competitive with new coal-fired
generation. And yes, it is climate friendly: Even the IPCC recognizes
the role of biomass-energy as a climate change mitigation tool.
I respectfully disagree about distributed generation: I believe we
most certainly DO want to encourage every large hospital, school, and
other institution to install small, super efficient gensets, producing
combined heat, power, and cooling from fuels as diverse as natural
gas, propane, landfill gas, and digester gas. I also hope to see wood
biomass fueled CHP, co-gen, and tri-gen, where the forest resources
are plentiful and proximate.
Sure, biomass will be limited in the role it can play, based first
upon where the resource is found, and upon how rapidly our forests can
re-grow (or how rapidly the purpose-grown energy-crop business model
can be deployed). And sure, there will be short-term water quality
concerns, wildlife impacts, ecological implications, and long-term
soil-productivity concerns. But these can all be addressed with good
policy, Best Management Practices, and long-term studies to ensure we
do not diminish the productive capacity of our land.
I am concerned that the definition of 'renewable biomass' as passed in
ACES is too expansive, with our sustainability provisions removed.
But the climate crisis is so severe, we must do everything we can to
displace coal from the grid as quickly and sustainably as possible.
(And I'm still hopeful that we can get the Senate to fix the
John Bonitz
Pittsboro, NC
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:22 PM, Thomas D.
> Being advocates of renewable energy does not make all of us ideologically
> anti-nuclear.
> By all means, level the playing field. Impose high enough standards of
> safety and low enough true cost (with government's thumb off the scale), and
> electricity from nuclear fission is not competitive.
> But don't exclude it an ideological rather than an objective basis. At
> present, it is the only alternative to coal that offers 24/7/365
> availability at scale.
> Points of use requiring 24/7/365 availability (e.g. hospitals) already have
> backup generators, typically powered by internal combustion engines. We
> don't want to spur installation of more fossil-fueled generators at business
> and residential points of use, so availability is essential for reducing
> overall carbon footprint.
> ________________________________
> From: Sheldon Motley [mailto:citizens.for.obama@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 2:10 PM
> To: Renewable Energy Advocates for Obama
> Subject: [RenewableEnergyAdvocatesforObama] Fwd: Help Stop Pro-Nuclear
> Amendment to Climate Change Bill!
> --- On Thu, 6/25/09, Cindy Folkers
> From: Cindy Folkers
> Subject: Help Stop Pro-Nuclear Amendment to Climate Change Bill!
> Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 1:28 PM
> Beyond Nuclear Bulletin
> June 25, 2009
> Top Stories
> Help Stop Pro-Nuclear Amendment to Climate Change Bill
> Background: U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee members Baron Hill
> (D-IN) and Fred Upton (R-MI) have introduced an amendment to the
> Waxman-Markey "American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009," H.R. 2454,
> that seeks to re-establish nuclear power manufacturing infrastructure and
> provide nuclear workforce training in the U.S., all at taxpayer expense and
> risk. The Hill-Upton amendment would provide $121 million to the Energy
> Dept.'s "Nuclear Power 2010" program for new reactor design and licensing
> support, $100 million in nuclear workforce training, and $40 million in
> direct taxpayer support - as well as additional to-be-determined-later
> amounts of "tax stimulus for investment, loans and loan guarantees, and
> grants" -- to jumpstart domestic nuclear power manufacturing in the U.S.,
> and export of nuclear power products and services to othe r countries.
> Our View: The nuclear power industry has already received over $500 billion
> in subsidies from taxpayers and ratepayers over the past 50 years. Such an
> established, heavily subsidized industry deserves no more corporate welfare
> from the U.S. Treasury. H.R. 2454's carbon cap-and-trade system already
> provides market advantages for nuclear power, and carves out up to 30% of
> the "Clean Energy Deployment Administration" funding for splitting atoms.
> The unlimited tax incentives, loans, loan guarantees, and grants proposed
> echo the $20.5 billion already approved for new reactor and uranium
> enrichment loan guarantees in 2007, and repeated industry attempts ever
> since to obtain $50-100 billion more. This latest atomic money grab must be
> stopped.
> What You Can Do: H.R. 2454 is headed to the House floor for a vote this
> Friday, June 26th. Phone your U.S. Representative right away via the Capitol
> Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Urge your Member of Congress to oppose the
> pro-nuclear Hill-Upton amendment. View the Hill-Upton amendment here. View a
> backgrounder on Congressman Upton's pro-nuclear advocacy here.
> NRC to Hold Closed-door Meetings with Industry on Decommissioning Funds
> Shortfall
> Background: On June 18, 2009, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued
> letters requesting a meeting with 18 nuclear power plants in response to an
> Associated Press investigative report on reactor decommissioning trust fund
> shortfalls below NRC minimum requirements. The trust funds are invested on
> the troubled stock market and needed to guarantee the eventual cleanup of
> radioactive contamination following the cessation of operation. NRC is
> scheduling telephone conferences with each reactor owner to go over
> discrepancies between NRC short fall estimates and power comp any 2008
> annual reports on the status of their decommissioning funds and establish a
> plan to recuperate the financial losses for radioactive decontamination and
> cleanup efforts.
> A number of requests to open the NRC and power company phone calls to
> members of the media, state public service commissions, and the public have
> been denied by NRC management. NRC's Office of the Executive Director of
> Operations decided to close the meetings to public observation because of
> "preliminary, pre-decisional, or unverified information."
> Our View: The fact is that the "unverified" disclosures of information
> regard company annual financial reports for millions of ratepayer dollars.
> It is clear that there is now going to be a lot of closed door horse trading
> over how large the numbers might be and more obvious that the extent of
> company financial losses is not now known.
> The French Nuclear Medusa
> Areva's Window-Dressing at African Mine Sites
> Areva has agreed, in cooperation with two French NGOs - SHERPA and Mð[cins
> du Monde - to establish health observation monitoring centers at its uranium
> mine sites in Niger and Gabon . The project - which at least suggests an
> admission by Areva that its uranium mining has in fact caused health
> problems - has been met with some skepticism for a number of compelling
> reasons. For example, the presence of the corporation responsible for
> contamination as a "health monitor," along with the absence of any apparent
> commitment to compensate for the health damage it has caused, could relegate
> the project to mere window-dressing. The independent French lab, CRIIRAD,
> which, along with SHERPA, originally revealed the extent of radiological
> contamination and health impacts caused by Areva's uranium mining activities
> in Niger and Gabon , has drafted a critique of the project, pointing out
> many of its flaws. Read the CRIIRAD view here.
> Beyond Nuclear in the News
> Kevin Kamps debated two "Young Generation in Nuclear" advocates on the
> radioactive risks of old and new reactors in Michigan on Wayne State
> University 's National Public Radio station's "Detroit Today".
> Beyond Nuclear aims to educate and activate the public about the connections
> between nuclear power and nuclear weapons and the need to abandon both to
> safeguard our future. Beyond Nuclear advocates for an energy future that is
> sustainable, benign and democratic. Beyond Nuclear staff can be reached at:
> 301.270.2209. Or view our Web site at: http://www.beyondnuclear.org/
> ________________________________
> Our postal address is
> 6930 Carroll Avenue
> Suite 400
> Takoma Park, Maryland 20912
> United States
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This email was sent to 356 members of Renewable Energy Advocates for Obama
> Listserv email address:
> RenewableEnergyAdvocatesforObama@groups.barackobama.com
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CORRECT:INTERVIEW:E.ON To Boost Solar Invest-Renewables Head
Wall Street Journal - USA
E.ON recently opened a small solar photovoltaic, or PV, farm at Le Lauzet in France and the Malibu production facility for thin-film modules in Magdeburg, ...
Time is right to switch to solar
The Durango Herald - Durango,Colorado,USA
Refinancing also is a perfect mechanism for financing a solar system. By packaging the costs of a solar photovoltaic system with your home refinance, ...
Comments on this Story
Arizona Daily Star - Tucson,AZ,USA
... solar spectrum of PV cells. In short they can theoretically generate more energy per square meter than a PV system. Solar electric has a long way to go. ...
Climate change: renewables, not coal, are the way forward
guardian.co.uk - UK
A mix of renewable sources of energy must come first, from solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, tidal and wave power to wind farms, micro-hydropower, ...
Solar Energy - The Future of Generating Energy For The Home at The ...
By blogger
To provide solar energy for the home, solar cells called photovoltaic made from semi-conducting materials, are grouped into modules. These solar panels are mounted on rooftops, yards or open spaces where it can capture the maximum amount ... solar power, is justified when compared to the price that is now being paid for conventional electrification method where horrendous amounts of CO2 are being dumped into the atmosphere just to generate a pitiful amount of electricity. ...
The Blog Street Journal - http://www.blogstreetjournal.com/
Solar Panels, Photovoltaic Systems, Solar Panels for Your Home ...
AltE, formerly the Alternative Energy Store, is excited to announce the long anticipated power up of their first solar electric system, roof mounted on the ...
Google Web Alert for: Renewable energy equipment leasing, equity partners, startup fundings, venture capital
Vern Riffe Capital - Venture Capital Seattle Film Investment
Venture capital funding start up. Venture capital wirtschaftsnachrichten ... Venture leasing capital equipment startups. Venture capital raised first half 2005 ...
Venture capital renewable energy. Venture capital investment criteria literature review ..... Venture capital partners summit equity private ...
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
US takes critical step in tackling climate change
Xinhua - China
By 2020, electric utilities must produce at least 15 percent of their power from renewable sources such as wind and solar energy, according to the bill. ...
David Cameron's Renewable Energy Challenge
OilVoice (press release) - UK
Conservative party leader David Cameron portrays a green image by biking to work and installing a wind turbine on his roof - however, is the Conservative ...
Google Blogs Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
Wind Watch: Law clears way for offshore wind farms in Rhode Island
Without it, they said, the company would have struggled to tie up the remainder of the financing for the $1.5-billion project. In an interview after the formal ceremony, Paul Rich, Deepwater's chief development officer, ... The union says that Deepwater's wind farms and similar renewable-energy projects would generate many new jobs in Rhode Island. He likened the potential for growth to the auto industry when Henry Ford started production of the Model T. ...
National Wind Watch: News - http://www.wind-watch.org/news/
David Cameron's Renewable Energy Challenge | Wind Energy Planning
An energy revolution could - according to Cameron create hundreds of thousands of new green collar jobs in the UK by 2020. The changes include smart grid meters, feed in tariffs (or fixed electricity prices) for micro-renewables, a national recharging network ... Few references have yet been made to other renewable energy technologies namely biomass and onshore wind energy. Those in the renewable energy industry keenly await the Conservative policy for these technologies. ...
Wind Energy Planning - http://www.windenergyplanning.com/
Weekly Climate: June 22-26, 2009 | SolveClimate.com
By Stacy Feldman
Speaking of financing, Japan's Nissan secured lucrative loans from the feds to make electric cars in job-hungry Tennessee. And Hunter Lovins of Natural Capitalism Solutions made the business case for climate protection to corporations. We analyzed the potential of offshore wind energy to power the whole Eastern seaboard, and then some. We also told the tale of Christopher Swain. He's on a 1000-mile Atlantic swim to call out the impact of CO2 on the world's oceans. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... - http://solveclimate.com/
Climate Bill
By Martin Fierro
Only 1 in 10 of the jobs actually created through green investment is permanent, and since 2000, Spain has spent 753778 U.S dollars to create each "green job," including subsidies of more than $1319783 per wind industry job. .... One of the biggest compromises involved the near total elimination of an administration plan to sell pollution permits and raise more than $600 billion over a decade — money to finance continuation of a middle class tax cut. ...
Secretos de Cuba - http://secretoscuba.cultureforum.net/feed/
Shipping ministry to tackle issues bogging PPP projects
By Ians
June 26th, 2009 NEW DELHI - After road transport ministry, it is now the turn of the shipping ministry to demand a separate financing arm. "The ministry has submitted a proposal to the finance ministry to form a Shipping Finance Corp," ... huge renewable energy potential -Push for measures that will make renewable energy projects financially viable -Support states for projects in areas like solar, small hydel and wind energy Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister: Murli Deora ...
Breaking News - http://blog.taragana.com/n/
Thank You For The Visit_Green Earl
Monday, June 29, 2009
Compiled 3 AM E.T.
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Obama Warns Against Trade Sanctions in Climate Bill
President Obama on Sunday spoke out against a provision in the energy bill that would impose trade penalties on countries that do not accept global-warming pollution limits.
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