Surf Putah: Random Thoughts on Wildhorse Ranch and Measure P
By 無名 - wu ming
Given that a huge chunk of our carbon emissions come from our housing (in the form of the fossil energy expended for lighting, appliances, heating and cooling), it isn't entirely unreasonable for the Yes on P folks to be promoting this ... *Almost as important as the greenhouse gas stuff for drought-prone California are the water/drainage features built into this project. I find it ironic that a lot of the stuff they're hyping here was cutting edge a generation ago in ...
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Ascent Solar tops 14% CIGS cell efficiency, averages 10.5%-plus on ...
The U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory has validated conversion efficiencies of 14.1% for flexible copper-indium-gallium-(di)selenide (CIGS) solar-cell materials produced on Ascent Solar's 1.5MW commercial pilot line in Littleton, CO . The company's internal testing shows ... “The whole center line has shifted,” Moghadam told PV-Tech, outlining the significant progress made on median module efficiencies on Ascent's production line over the past year or so. ...
PV Tech - News -
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EurActivcom Solar power | EU European Information on Energy Supply
PhotovoltaicPV systems convert the sun's energy directly into electricity using solar panels The panels can power appliances and batteries or feed ...Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
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Germany is seen as a leader in renewable energy, but its ...
Consumers ultimately bear the cost of renewable energy promotion. In 2008, the price mark-up due to the subsidization of green electricity was about ¢2.2, meaning the subsidy accounts for about 7.5% of average household electricity prices. ... lowers the output potential of the economy and is hence counterproductive to net job creation. Significant research shows that initial employment benefits from renewable policies soon turn negative as additional costs are incurred. ...
Wind Concerns Ontario -
Obama's talk on energy Friday at MIT also fuels visits to ...
By Philip Elliott
October 7th, 2009 Executives urge lawmakers to pass climate billWASHINGTON — Executives from about 150 companies, many involved in renewable energy technologies, heard a pep talk at the White House and then combed the halls of Congress on Wednesday to argue for passage of a climate bill ... Speaking in the Rose Garden of the White House, Obama said Washington must not miss the opportunity to work on cleaning the air and at the same time creating new "green" energy jobs. ...
Breaking News -
Green Collar Economy For Beginners | Job Online Blog
By NiXaY
Green Collar Economy Our country is facing serious times. Fires, floods, foreclosures, and now a massive Wall Street financial bailout are the latest signs that we are caught in twin crises: economic downturn and environmental devastation. ... So who will do the hard and noble work of actually building the green economy? The answer: millions of ordinary people, many of whom do not have good jobs right now. According to the National Renewable Energy Lab, the major barriers ...
Job Online Blog -
Practitioners and Advocates Promote the Power of Information in ...
By Prne
“When finance and revenue management processes are made visible, it gives regular citizens the knowledge to ask the right questions, and helps them see that they have a voice and a role in their countries governance, industry and development,” he said. ... On 1 and 2 October 2009, Geneva will be buzzing with energy, when the vanguard of Europe's renewables sector gathers at the 6th European Conference on Green Power Marketing 2009 to tackle the "future of green power". ...
PR Hub -
I saw an interesting story on local TV news yesterday about how city and county permitting and zoning regulations may be slowing progress with green energy installations on private property (e.g. wind turbines, solar panels, etc). Sounds like some new city and county planning strategies need to be developed, along with some education. My personal peeve is tree-cutting policy (or the lack of tree-protection on public & private property) in cities like Los Angeles, but I guess the bureacratic problems we face go far beyond that. I'm just throwing this out for thought and comment right now - something to consider at future summits anyway. - Laura M.
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Chamber of Commerce: An Advocates for Climate Change Legislation?
This Monday, an elaborate hoax temporarily managed to convince multiple news outlets that the Chamber of Commerce had reversed its opposition towards climate change legislation. The very same legislation that is now being discussed in Congress.
The anti-corporate group known as the Yes Men drew the nation's focus to the Chamber of Commerce's position on climate change in order to pressure this very influential organization to adopt a more sustainable viewpoint when it comes to lobbying Congress about legislation.
> The Details of the Hoax

By HELENE COOPER In a wide-ranging speech on Friday, the president took aim at business interests that have lobbied against an energy bill moving through Congress.
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TacomaGals 2010: Copper-Bottomed Bitches Now and Forever: Get a ...
By On The Road
As natural as the sun and just as plentiful, wind power is being hailed as one of the best new energy forms. At the moment, production is rocky due to the economy, but once funding picks up in the near future, wind is predicted to be one of the ... So far this job is selfless and volunteer only, but as the world becomes more dependent on internet service, it stands to reason that a few will find careers for themselves by doing what they've so thus far done for free. ...
TacomaGals 2010: Copper-Bottomed... -
Obama at MIT: “From China to India, from Japan to Germany, nations ...
By Joe
There are those who will suggest that moving toward clean energy will destroy our economy — when it's the system we currently have that endangers our prosperity and prevents us from creating millions of new jobs. .... And, by the way, helping to finance extraordinary research. In fact, in just a few weeks, right here in Boston, workers will break ground on a new Wind Technology Testing Center, a project made possible through a $25 million Recovery Act investment as well ...
Climate Progress -
Obama Gives Clean Energy Speech, Says Naysayers Will Be ...
By Timothy B. Hurst
And, by the way, helping to finance extraordinary research. In fact, in just a few weeks, right here in Boston, workers will break ground on a new Wind Technology Testing Center, a project made possible through a $25 million Recovery Act investment as well ... This grant follows other Recovery Act investments right here in Massachusetts that will help create clean energy jobs in this commonwealth and across the country. And this only builds on the work of your governor, ...
Red, Green, and Blue -
Fed's plan to police bank pay, on its own, unlikely to curb ...
By Stevenson Jacobs
The Obama administration and the Federal Reserve have resisted such calls, opting instead to seek the authority to take over and wind down large banks that get into serious trouble. ..... Inc. - Malvern, PA # jobcircle #jobs; theroadto World Leaders Call for Full Support of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention; jobhits Assistant Project Manager - LVAC job in London at Rullion Engineering Personnel Ltd #jobs ...
Breaking News -
| » Blog Archive » Renewable Power in ...
By devnull
Industrial development and operational experience - During 2008, more than 363 wind turbines were installed with an average nominal power of 1.9 MW. The wind power sector already plays an important role in job creation in Portugal and ... A financing call for R, D&D projects was also opened at the end of 2008 by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), covering a huge variety of areas. Looking forward - Wind energy R, D&D activities are mainly being ... -
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Energy Venture Capital •
News Alert for: Renewable energy equipment leasing, equity partners, startup fundings, venture capital. The World Energy Council is the most representative ...Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
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4.5 Million 'Net' Green Jobs in America Possible by 2030 ...
By Stacy Feldman
This week's ASE/MIS study predicts that under its 4.5 million jobs scenario, efficiency would create "many more" net jobs than renewable energy every year, although the percentage would decline over time from 80 percent in 2020 to 74 percent in 2030. .... Interest from large multinationals interested in greening their electricity use with offshore wind power is holding out a lifeline for an industry hit by a collapse in traditional sources of finance. ...
Solve Climate: Daily Climate... -
Dissident Voice : Just Green Jobs
By Greg Macdougall
“Remodelling a house, doing energy audits, installing renewable energy systems…local community agriculture, community gardens—these are all fundamentally local processes, and it can be replicated on a wide scale in most urban and even ...
Dissident Voice -
Remember housing projects?
By Flanders
(1) in subsection (a), by inserting before the period at the end of the following: “, and meets the requirements established pursuant to subsection (f) for qualifications regarding consideration of any renewable energy sources for, or energy efficiency or energy-conserving ... Although the Act's language doesn't say it as explicitly as I'm going to say it, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be pressured under the Act to give favorable terms to mortgages for Green homes. ...
Argue With Everyone Political Forums -
Obama says opponents trying to sink energy bill with 'cynical ...
By Philip Elliott
Speaking in the Rose Garden of the White House, Obama said Washington must not miss the opportunity to work on cleaning the air and at the same time creating new "green" energy jobs. ... FreeSolarPanel Q&A: Experts debate the market outlook for renewable energy and other 'green ...; chadreese At the energy efficiency and renewable energy session of Bright Green Future conference. #sandiego #eco #ucsd; GreenGoGetter Install a solar water heating system ...
Breaking News - Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
With a feed-in tariff of ¢59 per kWh in 2009, solar electricity generated from photovoltaics (PV) is guaranteed by far the largest financial support among all renewable energy technologies. ... The total net cost of subsidizing electricity production by PV modules is estimated to reach US $73.2 billion for those modules installed between 2000 and 2010. While the promotion rules for wind power are more subtle than those for PV, we estimate that the wind power subsidies may ...
Generating Energy With Solar Energy | enviropediaweb
By Hayley Stephens
To provide solar energy for the home, solar cells called photovoltaic made from semi-conducting materials, are grouped into modules. These solar panels are mounted on rooftops, yards or open spaces where it can capture the maximum amount ... solar power, is justified when compared to the price that is now being paid for typical electrification method where horrendous amounts of CO2 are getting dumped into the atmosphere just to generate a pathetic quantity of electricity. ...
enviropediaweb -
Taking it to the Streets: Solar Shingles and Conventional Asphalt ...
By Christopher J. Naum, SFPE
The solar shingle systems are expected to be available in limited quantities by mid-2010 and projected to be more widely available in 2011, putting the power of solar electricity generation directly and conveniently in the hands of homeowners. Groundbreaking technology from Dow Solar Solutions (DSS) integrates low-cost, thin-film CIGS photovoltaic cells into a proprietary roofing shingle design, which represents a multi-functional solar energy generating roofing product. ...
Taking it to the Streets -
Advocates for Safe Food and Medicine, Inc.
5307 Viewpoint Drive
Austin, TX 78744
October 24, 2009
Petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Whereas: There are many additives to food and medicines that are safe in small quantities and are dangerous in excessive quantities the undersigned petition the FDA to require additional labeling as follows:
Chemical Additive Qty Max Safe Qty Potential side effects
Aluminum 6 mg 11 mg1 Kidney disease2 , dementia3, Alzheimer’s4
Sugars of all kinds 100 mg Unknown Diabetes, Pancreatitis
1. Limit set by the European Food Safety Authority in Parma, Italy
2. Side effect stated in FDA report 43, dated 1975, in which packaging materials that contain aluminum salts are considered safe (GRAS) when used as packaging materials.
3. Scientific study quoted by Alzheimer’s Society in London, England, UK, in their Web page last updated 2008.
4. Ibid. First part of Alzheimer Society’s web page states that there is evidence that aluminum causes Alzheimer’s disease.
Note. This example illustrates the fact that 2 servings of the above food would be unsafe, as 2 times 6 is 12 and exceeds the safe level.
Name email Street Address Austin , TX 78744
Norman A Jacobson, BSEE
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Can We Meet Our Energy Needs with Homegrown Renewables?
| | October 23, 2009
Renewable energy resources within the boundaries of at least 23 states could provide all of their internal electric power needs, according to a report from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR). But the cost of transmission r…
Smart Grid Companies Give WiMAX Smart Meters a Boost
| | October 22, 2009
General Electric and Grid Net will deploy the world's first smart meter that runs over a 4G broadband network (WiMAX) for Australian utility SP AusNet. If WiMAX makes the grade as a new communication pipeline, it could shake up the …
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Progress Ohio | Dennis Spisak's Blog: The Apollo Alliance And a ...
By Dennis Spisak
As ARRA cash makes its way to energy producers who are building new wind farms, these producers will purchase wind turbines from turbine manufacturers, and the manufacturers will in turn purchase bolts from Cardinal. ... Approximately 100 participants attended panels on green building in California, and market trends and financing opportunities. Attendance was also high at break-out sessions on job quality, training and the stimulus, and connecting small businesses to big ...
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Reflections on Garden World Politics Douglass Carmichael » Blog ...
By doug carmichael
These are creating private-sector jobs weatherizing homes; manufacturing cars and trucks; upgrading to smart electric meters; installing solar panels; assembling wind turbines; building new facilities and factories and laboratories all ... In fact, in just a few weeks, right here in Boston, workers will break ground on a new Wind Technology Testing Center, a project made possible through a $25 million Recovery Act investment as well as through the support of Massachusetts ...
Reflections on Garden World Politics... -
Of interest to everyone I believe.
Federal lawsuit filed to stop swine flu vaccinations pending vaccine testing
Six New Yorkers and several NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs) filed October 9 for an Emergency Injunction in the US District Court for the District of Columbia “to prevent the distribution of what they believe are illegal, unnecessary and dangerous [Swine Flu] vaccines.”
The case of Null, Laibow et al. v FDA et al. [Docket No. 1:09-cv-01924] challenges the legality of the September 15th licensing of four vaccines prior to any safety testing for what the government calls a “novel flu virus with pandemic potential.” The complaint alleges that the government failed to follow its own rules and applicable legislation in rushing the vaccine approvals in the absence of any of the requisite minimum scientifically sound and appropriate testing for both safety and effectiveness as required by law since 1964.
Please read this Media Release about this new federal lawsuit:
Link to Complaint:
Link to Brief:
The Plaintiffs include health care professionals such as Dr. Gary Null, PhD, a well-known New York nutritionist; Rima E. Laibow, MD, a New York licensed physician who is Medical Director and a Trustee of the Natural Solutions Foundation; and Dr. Tedd Koren DC, head of the Foundation for Health Choice.
Also Plaintiffs are four New York health care workers who are subject to that State’s new legal mandate (promulgated August 13, 2009) requiring that nearly all of the State’s half million health care workers receive all Federally recommended flu vaccines or lose their jobs. This requirement puts the health care workers in significant jeopardy since these newly approved vaccines have never been tested for either safety or efficacy and may carry major risks. The four include a Registered Nurse who has had prior adverse reactions to flu vaccines; a pregnant Nurse’s Aide; a health care student who has been told that she cannot see the patients whom she must see in order to finish her training; and a woman who works in the billing department of a hospital. All have been denied exemptions and told they will lose their positions under the new mandate if they are not vaccinated with all flu vaccines, including the new “Swine Flu” vaccine.
Here is information on Squalene which is used as an adjuvant in Swine Flu shots and is important in the Complaint, Brief, and Media Release:
It remains to be seen whether the United States District Court will issue an Emergency Injunction to stop the FDA’s Swine Flu vaccination program until the vaccines FDA approved have had the requisite minimum scientifically sound and appropriate testing for both safety and effectiveness as required by law since 1964.
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Radiant Heat Storage Tank, Holding Tank Hot Water Heat, Hydronic ...
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Temperatures ★, ★ Gallon ★, ★ ★, ★ More ★, ★ boiler Storage Tank ★, ★ Tap ★, ★ Unit ★, ★ Rather ★, ★ synergy Solar Hot Water System - Complete System ... United ★, ★ Furnace ★, ★ Calorifier ★, ★ 58 1996 Navigator 5300 Classic In Isleton (sacramento) Ca United States ★, ★ Makes ★, ★ Storage Tank tankless Water Heat ★, ★ Savers ★, ★ Company ★, ★ Dedicated ★, ★ Filled ★, ★ Encyclopedia ★, ★ Products ★, ★ Alte ★, ★ Upper ...
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Green India mission matches technology to Indian needs
By Arun Kumar
Among the technology companies in the Delegation are AES Solar; Astonfield Renewable Resources Ltd., Azure Power, CH2M Hill, Easy Energy Systems, Eaton Corporation, General Electric Company, Hines Corporation; Honeywell, ... Smith on Wednesday announced the establishment of the Australia India Science and Technology Research Award. This new award recognises excellence in science and engineering and will be targeted at early career Australian and Indian researchers. ...
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What Is An Electric Vehicle Conversion Specialist
Aside from these, electric vehicles are also quiet if not totally silent and they are non-polluting because they use renewable energy rather than gas, which produces air pollutants. ... is the #1 green careers website on Google. We have the most comprehensive database of articles on green jobs. Whatever your stage of life, we have you covered. Green careers, green training, and green entrepreneurship articles are only a small part of our exhaustive ... - : Business -
Heritage analyst Ben Lieberman writes that a green stimulus is actually a contradiction in terms: “Support for renewables would likely cost more jobs than are created. For example, subsidies for wind and solar energy would, ..... They either have their careers well-established (with tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as ...
Homeearth Security: Climate Progress
By Start Loving
The mayor's $7.5 million green jobs plan will call on Columbia University to help offer public school pupils "hands-on" learning in energy efficiency, according to Bloomberg, who is running as an independent candidate for a third term. .... "We are not going to be a dealbreaker in Copenhagen," he declared at a conference in Washington, D.C. earlier this month, after describing a suite of domestic policies that India would be willing to adopt in renewable energy and energy ...
Homeearth Security -
The Malaysian Bar - 2010 BUDGET: `United, we can realise the ...
Restructure the Malaysia Energy Centre as the National Green Technology Centre tasked with formulating a green technology development action plan. This centre will function as the focal point to set standards and promote green technology. ..... Minyak Sawit Sandakan and Keningau Integrated Livestock Centre in Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) as well as Projek Jalan Akses Empangan Murum and Projek Jalan Akses Empangan Baram in Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (Score). ...
Malaysian Bar Council -
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The City of Palo Alto Issues Renewable Energy Request For Proposal ...
Tweets that mention The City of Palo Alto Issues Renewable Energy Request For ProposalRFP | The Green Economy Post Green Careers Green Jobs Sustainable Jobs ...Google Blogs Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
No Oil for Pacifists
By Carl
The total net cost of subsidizing electricity production by PV modules [photovoltaic solar cells] is estimated to reach 53.3 Bn € (US $73.2 Bn) for those modules installed between 2000 and 2010. ... cheaper forms of conventional energy generation, indirect impacts on upstream industries, additional job losses from the drain on economic activity precipitated by higher electricity prices, private consumers' overall loss of purchasing power due to higher electricity prices, ...
No Oil for Pacifists -
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India Chip Dreams Replaced by PV Solar Renewable Energy World
Anil Kutty managing director of KSK Surya Photovoltaic Venture noted in a ... Solar PV however seems to be garnering more support in India which is among ...Google Blogs Alert for: energy auditor, Green Jobs, Training, Services,
Who's Who in investment property management – North San Francisco ...
By Jeff Quackenbush, Business Journal Staff Reporter
To keep tenants, property managers need to tighten cost controls, which can be helped by strides forward in energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, she said. Hamilton Landing had an energy audit and is part of Barker Pacific's ... “Changing demographics and environmental constraints add to the need for affordable-housing options near amenities, jobs and services,” she said. “However, financing is even more difficult to obtain, so it is even more important that ...
North Bay Business Journal -
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