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Dallas Morning News
Obama's push toward green has some Texans seeing red
Dallas Morning News - Dallas,TX,USA
No one has stepped up to finance new wind farms, and wind-industry growth has been slower than expected. "There just is not anybody who has assumed that ...
Wind Turbines Vitalize, Divide Texas Town
istockAnalyst.com (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
At the turn of the 21st century, town leaders are pinning their hopes on the wind, with expectations it will bring jobs to this area of a little more than ...
Show Me the (Stimulus) Money
Reuters - USA
One of the biggest changes from the ARRA is its expansion of the ITC program to encompass renewable sectors like geothermal and wind that did not previously ...
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » The Clean Energy Bank: Financing ...
By Guest
The picture is of a worker makes adjustings before a section of a wind turbine is put into place at Energy Northwest's Nine Canyon Wind Project near Finley, WA, the kind of clean energy project the bank could help accelerate. ..... Of course reductions in the U.S. alone aren't going to do the job. We're passing a law for the United States because that's what we have direct control over, but all the world is going to have to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions to have any ...
Climate Progress - http://climateprogress.org/
APWR and Shenyang Power Alliance China Wind Plans | Wind4Me
By skibare
Since 70% of all Chinese stimulus plans MUST be bought from Chinese companies, APWR has just cemented their place in future wind projects by including all manufacturing around China to be included in the Shenyang Power Alliance! APWR has a master plan for SEVEN HUGE WIND ... We are still driving in 1st gear, but if I'm right, we should be getting some contract announcements accelerating us into 2nd and 3rd gear as the Chinese stimulus and bank financing get turned on. ...
Wind4Me - http://wind4me.com/
All Buildings: Green light for eco-buildings
By conanecu
"When a bank is asked to finance a project, it will look for some standards to make sure that its investment, even in the short term, is protected," says Willats. "Considering the energy crisis, more people will be interested in saving ... The previous Government had initiated a program called 'The Green House' [Casa Verde] where Romanians who invested in energy saving systems that used geothermal, solar or wind energy were granted financial support from the Ministry of ...
All Buildings - http://allbuildings.blogspot.com/
Wind Watch: Governor, legislature differ on alternative energy bill
But a key bill designed to energize wind turbines, solar cells and other renewable energy projects is adrift in the legislative winds. The bill resting in the state Senate lays out a plan for requiring National Grid, which distributes ... which distributes most of the electricity in Rhode Island, to tap into wind, solar and other non-petroleum power projects through the use of long-term contracts. Such contracts will also help developers get financing for their projects. ...
National Wind Watch: News - http://www.wind-watch.org/news/
Thanks For Coming Back!_Green Earl
1 comment:
I think as more and more turbines are built, the cheaper the cost in the future, especially if we already use existing infrastructure.
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