American Energy Conservation Group
Redding, CA. 96007
By Green Earl
News Below, Feel Free to scroll down past this post, if your not interested
in earning real green for your green career efforts.
Growing up in the far Northern Californian regions of the state, I developed a real love and respect for this land, that God made. This area, far removed from the bay, or the Sacramento metro region (250 miles to the South), is surrounded by huge, mostly snow covered, mountains and mountain ranges, almost 6 months of every year.
With the 14,000 foot peak dead on to the North, the local indian tribes named "SHASTA" which must mean "big fricken, holy mountain", the Trinity Alps to the West, and Mt Lassen to the east, and the Sacramento Valley South of us, there are few places on the planet that share this beauty. Only Alaska and Hawaii almost equal it, in my humble opionion. Home to what we call the three Shasta's Mt. Shasta, Shasta Lake and Shasta Dam,(one of the first real renewable energy projects)in the state. The Sacramento, The Klamath, The Trinity, and the Pitt River's all run through it.
For years I have watched and cursed the tourist who came to visit my home, and do not share the respect, love and concern for the wildlife, or left their garbage along our rivers, or in our campgrounds and parks, for others to clean up. I would hurt the people that smashed a case of beer bottles on the white sand beach hidden at a secret place along Battle Creek, if I knew them. Or the bastard that killed that huge Bull Elk, just a few miles Southeast of my home, for it's "trophy" rack and left the rest to rot. And no love is lost for the billionaire timber man who clear cut our now (his)forest all the way up to the foot of Lassen Park, pigs all.
So I mention all this first, to point out, there are many things I hold more
important, than making money. Money, for years now, to me, is only a tool,
one that can be used for good or bad things. I want to talk now, to you reader,
about the good things this Green Industry can bring you, your family, your
country, and our planet. (Please return often, while we explore a proven Green
Career Path, one that earned my company over one half a million dollars our
first year, in the energy conservation and solar generation business. And please
leave a comment below, if you want me to continue this thread. Thanks for
the visit. Green Earl
Solar, Wind, Bio, Energy News And Commentary By_Green Earl, 30 year Pioneer In Conservation & Solar Energy
Google Blogs Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
Earl Allen Boek: Redding, CA/ National, United States: Al Boek, aka Green Earl is a 30 year pioneer in Conservation, Solar Generation and Marketing, Selling,Planning,Financing and installing Renewable Energy Projects in California and Hawaii. yeanservation,weatherizationand solar renewable energy. Now providing financial solutions for the green industry commercial and industrial energy Efficiency Equipment Installations, Nationwide. Personally involved in the ..
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... - http://yeswecansolveit.blogspot.com/
The Front Lines of the Economic (and Democracy) Crisis
By Katrina vanden Heuvel
"We believe in a growing green economy that is based on equity and will create meaningful jobs and healthier and safer communities…." Solomon said. "We look forward to sitting at the decision-making table." Tammy Bang Luu of Grassroots Global ... Luu also spoke of "reversing the trend" of exploitation of tribal lands through federal investment in Native owned and operated renewable energy facilities, particularly in wind and solar energy. Jacinta Gonzalez of the National ...
The Nation: Editor's Cut - http://www.thenation.com/blogs/edcut
National Journal Online -- Energy/Enviro Experts -- House Hurdles ...
Last week, the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed historic legislation that would control U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, attempt to put the brakes on global warming and promote green energy technologies. But the committee vote is just the ..... Natural gas is key to reducing emissions, as it is used for renewable energy production, for the manufacture of energy efficient materials and as a lower-carbon electricity source. Unfortunately, the regional nature of ...
Energy/Enviro Experts - http://energy.nationaljournal.com/
American Energy Conservation Group's Alternative, Renewable Solar ...
By Ziluolan
Google News Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance. John Kline Kline seeking more access for green job training funds. Finance and Commerce - Minneapolis,MN,USA … $125 million in grants for programs ...
Purple and Blue - http://www.ziluolan.net/
Google Web Alert for: renewable, green jobs, green careers, energy, renewable finance
Solar Wind Conservation Green Careers Renewable Energy Lease ...
Google News Alert for renewable green jobs green careers energy renewable finance. UNH grads go forth into uncertain job market UNH grads go forth ...
Google News Alert for: wind, wind careers, wind projects, wind financing, wind jobs
US wind power: Industry sets sights on large slice of the pie
Financial Times - London,England,UK
The only issue is financing that growth. Given the economic crisis and plunge in commodity prices, which have made wind less economic versus oil and gas, ...
Latest North Dakota news, sports, business and entertainment:...
KXMD - Williston,ND,USA
Officials say federal standards, combined with grants and tax credits in the government stimulus package could spur plans for new wind farms from Wyoming to ...
Investing in Our Future?
Daily Kos - Berkeley,CA,USA
A wind farm in Hardin would have still created construction and maintenance jobs. And with the extra $2 million they could have built a light manufacturing ...
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green Careers, Renewable Energy Lease ...
By American Energy Conservation Group
The company installed their first wind turbine in 2003 and now considers renewable energy projects to be a full-time division of the organization. They offer complete turnkey construction of wind projects and are authorized dealer/ installers ... These projects and systems have saved American Energy Conservation customers hundreds of thousand of dollars in utility cost. Currently consulting and setting up statewide dealer network in CA while financing projects Nationwide.
Solar, Wind, Conservation, Green... - http://yeswecansolveit.blogspot.com/
Annual Town Meeting articles - NewburyportNews.com, Newburyport, MA
Article 6 is $3355 for trapping adult greenhead flies by the Essex County Mosquito Control Project. Article 7 is for $1 to maintain mosquito control works in town. Finance Committee Chairman Frank Remley said the $1 appropriation ... Article 33 would incorporate into the zoning bylaw the definitions of words and phrases associated with wind energy. An example is "flicker," defined as "(A)lternating light and shadow caused by sunlight passing through the moving rotor of a ...
News -- NewburyportNews.com,... - http://www.newburyportnews.com/punews
Skysails - Marine Environmental Initiatives At Work
By John
Of further importance, the SkySails-System is designed for operation in predominantly prevailing wind forces of 3 to 8 Beaufort at sea. The system can be recovered, but not launched at wind forces below 3 Beaufort. Their double-wall profile gives the SkySails towing kites ... On the job training augments knowledge but the core concepts of the system are taught during a two-day program which teaches the theoretical principles underlying how the SkySails system is employed. ...
gCaptain.com - http://gcaptain.com/maritime/blog/
By Herman K. Trabish
Our new graduates may be glad to know that in this economy that's squalid with bad news, wind power is making jobs like crazy while drawing people and industries together. This was particularly evident at the recent WINDPOWER Conference held this week in Chicago ..... California utility giant Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), the Water Agency and energy developer Green Wave Energy Solutions are involved in 7 of the 9 approved or pending-approval 3-year pilot projects. ...
NewEnergyNews - http://newenergynews.blogspot.com/
Stingy News Article Link: "Great Right North"
"The government, under pressure from a disparate confederation of environmentalists and greens, have agreed to press ahead with a host of renewable energy sources, including wind, tidal and wave power. Yet, despite the vast sums of public money that ..... It is in the hands of climatologists and other related scientists who are highly motivated to look in one direction only because a large number of academic careers has evolved around the idea of man-made global warming. ...
Stingy Investor - http://www.ndir.com/
Google News Alert for: solar power,solar energy, solar careers, solar electric, solar pv, solar photovoltaic
An Alternative Energy Solution
WorldChanging - USA
Although I do not know much information about the culture or solar cooking/energy, I feel like this project can make a huge impact! ...
Don't believe the lies, critically analyze!: World Energy in Crisis
By noreply@blogger.com (Kurt Rudder)
Less than one percent of world electricity (less than one-half of one percent of world energy) currently comes from these technologies. Solar power is renewable and could be expanded dramatically, though PV solar cells are still ...
Don't believe the lies, critically... - http://kurtrudder.blogspot.com/
Economist demonstrates that wind energy is economically counter ...
By admin
The most paradigmatic bubble case can be found in the photovoltaic industry. Even with subsidy schemes leaving the mean sale price of electricity generated from solar photovoltaic power 7 times higher than the mean price of the pool, ...
Wind Turbine Syndrome - http://www.windturbinesyndrome.com/
peHUB » Harbert Australia Announces First Close, First Deal
By admin
Solar Shop's core business is focused on the sale and installation of solar photovoltaic (“PV”) panels for domestic houses and off-grid stand alone power systems, solar hot water systems and associated products (including wind power). ...
PE Hub News: All News - http://www.pehub.com/
Sotomayor Targeted As Environmental Extremist
From:"Jeff McMahon"
Add sender to Contacts
To:"Environmentalists for Obama"
... based on one ruling she made in 2007:
On May 25, 2009, at 11:44 PM, Rob wrote:
> Everywhere is War - We don't need No more Trouble... We need Love
> We've got to Stop the WARS
> Enjoy the Video,
> "PLAYING MUSIC FOR PEACE AROUND THE WORLD" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgWFxFg7-GU
> Rob [bob-pol]
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