Friday, January 23, 2009


Hi: Welcome to YESWECANSOLVEIT Solar, Wind, & Renewable Energy Leasing Site.
Thanks for coming. We have lots of information right here, especially if you
don't mind digging down into the older sites.. Valuable, time tested information,
I should be charging for. Instead, I want to pay you. OK, Listen Up Now..are you
interested in getting into the Green Career Field? One website reports getting 275,000 searches just last month. Lots of folks are out of work already and more coming everyday. GF son-in-law, a young plumber, was laid off just this morning.

But, I have good news for him, and for you. First him, family, sort of, Any plumbing company, especially in California that lays off a "good plumber" today, has a paper-head. Why, first of all, if the plumbing contractor was into renewable solar

(dhw) called Domestic Hot Water, a wicked, but much more cost-effective, solar collector and system, he would not be laying off any respectable plumber, especially one you allowed to take your truck and all your tools home with, every night..Dumb dumb dumb..

Now the Good News for you, if you can follow directions, carry on a conversation, and do a three-way call, speak English, at least to me, I will hire and train you
to be a Green Energy Equipment Leasing Agent. You will start at 40% of what I earn on every deal. And as a pioneer in the solar lease in CA. I've forgotten more than most of the others know about it. Notice, I did not ever call myself, an expert...and I never do. But I'm highly experienced at all types of renewable energy and other forms of finance as well.

Best of all, we can fund, internationally, If you please make it worth our while.
We are looking for larger, commercial and industrial, Multi-family projects, Hotels,
Motels, schools and such. Maybe the factor or dAiry you work at needs to reduce their bill. Our arrangement, with you, can be in strict confidence or I will verify it to anyone you want, after your trained. Sound interesting,,, CAll ME DIRECT..
DO NOT, I REPEAT, Do not bother my associates in other states or across the nations.
This is my personal offer to you personally...You will have a contract. I can teach
you, train you and I will mentor you...If your coachable. So that is the offer...
contact me at; This is a serious offer, I promise you. You can do it very well from wherever you are reading this offer, right now.

thanks for your time

Al Boek, Founder
American Energy Conservation Group
Redding, CA 96003

Producing NegaWatts...Since 1981

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